2016-34 CENTRAL FLORIDA HIGH INTENSITY DRUG TRAFFICKING AREA(HIDTA) SCSO SUB-RECIPIENT AGREEMENT HIDTA GRANT AGREEMENT#G16CF0008A Sub Recipient Agency Name Clermont Police Department Address F(v S Wes r O✓i')/o S C 5;1 f t C If'r Y'1 o f -V1, 3 1/ Agency Head Name and Title 0 11(Q (i(f C Q I7cs e(OcrC/cA/cty Signature _ ior Chief Financial Officer Name and Title 3°seP1-. E. vGn 2; I . .t-•minae.De-eci--�' Signature Telephone C3 5g,;(-11 (o 8 Fax (3 ) 3gq-yo.S0- E-mail I Vc ze le @ (1 �-r-.04- ®c- �J 1-PURPOSE: This Agreement is an acknowledgment by the sub-recipient that the sub-recipient agrees to the obligations of the Central Florida High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) programs The sub- recipient is authonzed to receive HIDTA funds disbursed through the Seminole County Shenff's Office (SCSO) Original HIDTA Grant Agreement#G16CF0008A, Grant Period. 1/01/16 to 12/31/17, in the amount of$724,983, is attached and incorporated as exhibit"A" 2- COMPLIANCE: Sub-recipient will comply with the requirements of the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements in 2 C F R Part 200 (the "Part 200 Uniform Requirements"), as adopted and implemented by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) in 2 C F R Part 3603, and the terms of this Agreement For the 2016 award, the Part 200 Uniform Requirements supersede, among other things, the provisions of 28 C F R Parts 66 and 70, as well as those of 2 C F R Parts 215, 220, 225, and 230 Sub-recipient will comply with the following additional regulations and requirements • 28 CFR Part 69 regarding"New Restrictions on Lobbying" • Provide documentation which will allow the SCSO to comply with 2 CFR Part 25 regarding "Universal Identifier and System Award Management" • Conflict of Interest and Mandatory Disclosure Requirements as set forth in Exhibit"A" • Comply with 2 CFR Part 180 • Comply with HIDTA Program Policy and Budget Guidance as explained in Exhibit"A" • Comply with the requirements outlines in Program Specific Terms and Conditions set forth in Exhibit"A" 194, 3-REPORTING,RECORDS RETENTION,AUDITS,AND INQUIRIES: Sub-recipient is eligible to receive overtime reimbursement, fuel reimbursement, vehicle allowance, travel, services, and other/supplies funding support Funds are disbursed through the Seminole County Sheriff's Office Fiscal Services / Grants Administration Division (hereinafter referred to as SCSO Grants Administration) Sub-recipient will provide proper documentation for the requested reimbursement before disbursement of funds by SCSO • Overtime Reimbursement - Maxunum annual overtime hours and reimbursement pay will be determined by the Group Supervisors of the HIDTA Task Force Overtime reimbursements paid to participating agencies will not exceed the annual amount authorized by the HIDTA Executive Committee for the current grant year Each agency will compensate their agents for overtime pay in accordance with their agency's standard policy and submit the reimbursement request, along with supporting documentation confirming the overtime payment, to the HIDTA Group Supervisor for approval The HIDTA Group Supervisor will submit an approved reimbursement request to the SCSO Grants Administration Division for final approval and payment to the sub-recipient • Fuel supply reimbursement - Fuel reimbursement requests should be submitted to the HIDTA Group Supervisor, along with supporting documentation showing the date of purchase, cost amounts,name of agent, and check payment receipt or original gas receipts The HIDTA Group Supervisor will submit approved reimbursement request to the SCSO Grants Administration Division for final approval and payment to the sub-recipient • Vehicle allowances — Invoices for Vehicle allowances may be submitted directly to SCSO Grants Administration, or submitted as a reimbursement request, and shall not exceed $620 per month For Vehicles not directly invoiced, the participating agency is required to provide SCSO\Grants Administration with an invoice and check remittance copies as proof of payment for reimbursement • Travel, Services, Other—Invoices for these categories of expenditures are submitted directly to SCSO Grants Administration, and shall not exceed the budget amounts approved in the Federal grant agreement Sub-recipient further agrees to provide SCSO Grants Admrmstratron, m a timely manner, copies of any independent auditor reports that present instances of noncompliance with federal laws and regulations that bear directly on the,performance or administration of HIDTA funds. In cases of any such noncompliance, subrecipient will provide copies of responses to the auditor's report and corrective action plan All reports prepared in accordance with the requirements of 2 C F R 200 will be available for inspection by representatives of the Seminole County Sheriff's Office or the government during normal business hours Sub-recipient will maintain accounting records and backup documentation for a minimum of three year after submission to SCSO Sub-recipient is subject to audit by SCSO, the Executive Board of the Central Florida HIDTA and the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and will cooperate in resolving questions any entity may have concerning management of grant funds SCSO reserves the right to withhold all or part of any payment, if, m its reasonableud gmentfailure to do so could subject SCSO to an obligation to reimburse the federal government on grounds,of failure to comply with sub-recipient monitoring requirements 4-SUB-RECIPIENT IS NOT AGENT OF ONDCP: Sub-recipient is not an agent of ONDCP and shall not hold themselves out as being part of, or representing the executive Office of the President or ONDCP UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED TO SUBRECIPI_. T Adige By Signature of Agency ead Ckqr ,S e(C/ci4,/,_ 0/04 � r (mac Ji (itPrinted Name and Title Date