O-294-C - . CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 294-C AN ORDINANCE OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CHAPTER 86, ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE III, DIVISION 3 CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS, SEC. 86-148 TIME LIMIT FOR COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION; ARTICLE IV, VARIANCES, SEe. 86-175 TIME LIMIT FOR STARTING CONSTRUCTION; CHAPTER 94, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, ARTICLE V, CLEARING, GRADING AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT, DIVISION I, GENERALLY, SEe. 94-194 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT; DIVISION 3, STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT, SEe. 94- 221 PURPOSE AND INTENT OF DIVISION; GENERAL CRITERIA FOR IMPROVEMENTS; CHAPTER 98, PARKING AND VEHICULAR USE AREAS, SEe. 98-14 TABLE OF MINIMUM PARKING SPACE REQUIREMENTS; CHAPTER 102, SIGNS, SEC. 102-7 EXEMPT SIGNS; SEe. 102-12 HEIGHT AND SETBACK; CHAPTER 106, SITE DEVELOPMENT, SEe. 106-6 SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS; CHAPTER 110, SUBDIVISIONS, ARTICLE I, IN GENERAL, SEC. 110-8 INSPECTIONS; ARTICLE II, ADMINISTRATION, DIVISION I GENERALLY, SEC. 110-32 CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT; ARTICLE IV, DESIGN STANDARDS, DIVISION 2 ROADWAYS, STREETS AND ALLEYS, SEC. 110-192 LAYOUT; SEe. 110-194 ROAD CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN STANDARDS; DIVISION 4 STORMW ATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM, SEe. 110-232 STORM SEWERS; ARTICLE V REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS, SEe. 110-265 SIDEWALKS; SEe. 110-269 STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM; SEe. 110-270 SEWER AND WATER SYSTEMS; CHAPTER 114, UTILITIES, SEe. 114-2 CONNECTION TO CENTRAL UTILITY SYSTEMS; SEe. 114-3 CONFORMANCE WITH ADOPTED STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DETAILS; SEe. 114-4 WATER SERVICE; SEC. 114-5 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE; SEe. 114-6 RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE; CHAPTER 118, VEGETATION, ARTICLE I, IN GENERAL, SEC. 118-2 DEFINITIONS; ARTICLE II, LANDSCAPING, SECTION 118-36.PLAl\¡T MATERIAL; SECTION 118-38 VEHICULAR USE AREA INTERI()RI,ANDSCAI'ING;SEÇTION 118-41 PREFERRED TREE LIST; ARTICLE III, TREES, DIVISION 3, TREE REMOVAL PERMIT, SECTION 118-113 ISSUANCE; CRITERIA FOR TREE REMOVAL; TREE REPLACEMENT STANDARDS; CHAPTER 122, ZONING, ARTICLE II, ADMINISTRATION, SEe. 122-32 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMI'!1; SEC. 122-37 EXCEPTIONS AND MODIFICATIONS; ARTICLE III, DISTRICTS, DIVISION 9C-2 GENERALCOMMERClAL DISTRICT; SEe. 122-224 CONDITIONAL USE$;mVISION11 M-I INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, SEe. 122-265 LOT AND HEIGHTIlliQQIREMENTS;;<\RTIÇLEV, SUPPLEMENTARY DISTRICT REGULATIONS; SEC. 122·343 FENCES ANI) WALLS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. . . CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 294-C Page 2 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Clermont desires to adopt new provisions and amend various other provisions of the City of Clermonts Land Development Regulations; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Clermont finds and determines that this Ordinance is consistent with and implements the City of Clermonts Comprehensive Plan and that adoption thereof is in the best interest of the City of Clermont. NOW, THEREFORE, be it enacted by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Florida as follows: SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of Clermont has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapter 163 and 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. The City of Clermonts Land Development Regulations are hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 86 - Administration Sec. 86-148. Time limit for commencing construction. When any conditional use permit is granted, physical construction, including items required to meet adopted levels of concurrency, must begin within the timeframe established in the conditional use permit, which may not exceed two (2) years. Such timeframe shall begin the date the conditional use permit is signed and executed by the permittee. For purposes of this subsection, the term "physical construction" shall mean the commencement and continuous prosecution of construction of required improvements ultimately finalized at completion. Sec. 86-175. Time limit for commencing construction. When any variance is granted, construction of the structure or other variance item must begin within one year from the date of grant. It shall be the obligation of the owner to file written notice with the administrative official and director of planning that he has begun the proposed construction. If no such notice is filed, the variance shall automatically lapse. . . CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 294-C Page 3 Chapter 94 - Environmental Protection 94-194. Application for permit. (d) The applicant shall submit a reclamation plan for the site. Prior to commencement of work, the applicant must provide a reclamation bond in the amount of 110% of a certified reclamation estimate prepared by the design engineer and approved by the city engineer. Sec. 94-221. Purpose and intent of division; general criteria for improvements. (c) The following general criteria shall apply to all public and private improvements: Ten-year, two-hour storm event (post- minus pre-development)treatment volume and 50-year, 24 hour storm event (post- minus pre-development) attenuation, while maintaining a maximum predevelopment discharge. The Florida Administrative Code 40C-42 shall apply for OFW waters, and Florida Administrative Code 40C-4 and 40C-40 shall apply for closed basins, where applicable as determined by the city engineer. Chapter 98 - Parking and Vehicular Use Areas Minimum off-street parking space requirements are as follows: Land Use Minimum Number of Spaces per Indicated Unit Per Unit of Measure Single- family 2 Per dwelling unit Multifamily 1.5 Per one-bedroom unit Multifamily 2 Per two-bedroom unit . Multifamily Mobile home parks Churches and funeral homes Offices and veterinary clinics CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 294-C Page 4 2.5 2 I Hospitals, clinics, ACLFs and nursing homes Plus Plus Roominghouses and boardinghouses Nursery schools, child care centers, kindergartens, or public, vocational and professional schools I Plus Plus Retail business, wholesale business and personal services Theaters, auditoriums and cinemas Hotels and motels I Plus Restaurants - Take-out only Restaurants and lounges I Plus I I I I I I I I . Per three-bedroom unit Per dwelling unit Per 4 permanent seats in the sanctuary or assembly room Per 200 square feet of floorspace For each 4 beds For each doctor For each 4 employees For each bedroom Per 300 square feet of classroom space For each staff member For each 4 employees Per 200 square feet of floorspace For each 4 seats in the assembly rooms For each accommodation For each 3 employees Per 100 square ft of Gross Floor Area Per 50 square feet of floor area devoted to patron use For each 4 employees . . CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 294-C Page 5 Automotive services and gas stations 4 Or I For each grease rack or similar facility For each employee Per 200 square feet of floor area devoted to patron use. Per green and Per practice tee Per 50 square feet of floor space. Per 500 square feet of floor area For each 2 employees based on the greatest number of employees at work on the largest shift, whichever is greater Per 1000 square feet of floor area, with a minimum of 2 spaces required. Per 1000 square feet of floor space, with a minimum of2 spaces required. I Plus I Recreation facilities I Golf Course 6 I Lodges and clubs I Light manufacturing I Unmanned utility facilities Warehouse Note: Planned unit developments shall provide off-street parking based upon the aggregate sum of all proposed uses. 102 - Signs Section 102-7. Exempt signs. (1) One sign per street frontage, not exceeding six square feet in total area for residential zones and not exceeding thirty(32) square feet in total area for commercial and industrial zones, offering the specific property for sale, rent or lease by the owner or his agent, provided the sign is located on the property offered. . . CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 294-C Page 6 Section 102-12. Height and setbacks. b. Ground signs whose total height is greater than three feet above grade shall be located a minimum of 15 feet from the front property line. 106 - Site Development Sec. 106-6. Site plan submittal requirements (4) Proposed development. The site plan shall show proposed development as follows: g. Street graphics and outdoor lighting, including the locations and sizes of all signs and the nature of all proposed lighting. A photometric plan shall demonstrate that the proposed lighting produces a maximum I foot candle at ground level at the property boundary. 110 - Subdivisions Sec. II 0-8. Inspections. (a) The city engineer or the designated representative thereof shall inspect all work while under construction. Upon completion of all work under bond, the developer's engineer shall submit to the city manager a certificate stating that the work has been entirely completed, that it was constructed under the development engineer's periodic observation, and that it substantially conforms in all respects to the plans for required improvements and to the specifications set by this chapter. Upon receipt of this certificate of completion, the city engineer or designated representative shall make a final inspection of each of the contract operations on the site. If the work substantially conforms to all plans and specifications, the city engineer shall inform the city council by letter. The letter shall constitute authority for release of the contractor's performance and payment bond. If the project does not conform to the requirements of this chapter and the plans and specifications, the city engineer shall notify the developer in writing so that corrective measures may be instituted. Sec. 110-32. Concurrency management. c) The development permit shall expire within 12 months unless the plat has been recorded. The development permit shall expire within 12 months after the plat has been recorded unless substantial construction work has commenced. If no plat is to be recorded for a project, the permit shall expire within 12 months unless substantial construction work has commenced. Substantial construction shall be defined as commencement and continuous execution of work required to complete the project, not to exceed a three year time period. . . CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 294-C Page 7 Sec. 110-192. Layout. (I) There shall be no private streets or easements for street use platted in any suþdivision unless a variance is granted by the City Council. Private streets shall conform to the standard roadway design specified in this chapter. Approved private streets shall be privately maintained. All gated communities in the City of Clermont shall install on each access gate into the community an E.V.A.C. (Emergency Vehicle Access Control) system. The E.V.A.C. system shall be installed and maintained at the communities expense for the purpose of public safety admittance into their development. The E.V.A.C. system shall be in addition, and separate, from the gate opening system that is provided for the residents. The installation of the E.V.A.C. system shall be done with a vendor of the communities choice. (a) Each gated community shall also install at each access gate a keypad code entrance device. The keypad entrance code must be supplied to the Fire Department in writing upon installation, and written notice must be made when any changes are made to the code. (b) It shall be a requirement in the design of any gate that, in the event of a power failure to the gate, that all gates automatically go to the fully opened position. (c) Entrance and exit gates must allow a minimum oftwe\ve (12) feet of roadway clearance when in the open position. (d) New communities must come into compliance with this requirement before any Certificates of Occupancy for that community will be issued by the City. (e) Existing gated communities must come into compliance within 90 days of adoption of the code. (f) Existing and new communities shall provide five (5) controllers for the E.V.A.C. system to the City of Clermont. Sec. 110-194. Road construction and design standards. (I) Subbase, base and pavement. Roadway pavement at a minimum shall consist of +-+14 6. inches of asphalt over a six-inch limerock base, over a l2-inch compacted subbase. . . CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 294-C Page 8 Alternative concrete pavements may be approved pursuant to review and consent of the city engineer and subdivision advisory committee. Sec. 110-232. Storm sewers. All inlets, manholes, catch basins and pipe shall be designed for a ten-year reoccurring frequency and a 24-hour duration. The storm sewer inlets and pipes shall be designed to provide a minimum of 5- foot clear travel area for each lane centered in the center of the roadway. All inlets, manholes and catch basins and shall be either poured in place or constructed of precast reinforced concrete. All storm sewer pipe shall be reinforced concrete, and a minimum of 18 inches in diameter, or equivalent. A structure allowing access for maintenance shall be required at all changes of grade or alignment. In addition, structures shall be required at the following maximum intervals along any storm sewer: Sec. 110-265. Sidewalks. (a) Each sidewalk shall be located within, and in parallel alignment with, the street right-of- way, except in such instances where it is deemed advisable by the subdivision advisory committee that the sidewalk be relocated or realigned due to unusual circumstances existing on the site or in an effort to save trees from impacts of development. Sidewalks shall be constructed five feet wide and four inches thick, except through driveways, where six inches of material is required. Standard construction shall provide a one-quarter inch (1/4") rise per one-foot (1') run from the front of the sidewalk to the rear of the sidewalk. Sec. 110-269. Storm drainage system. (c) The comprehensive drainage system shall be designed using accepted engineering principles for rainstorms based on standards for the Central Florida area using U.S. Weather Bureau data; and criteria, consistent with appropriate directives of the comprehensive plan, that address specific and unique physiological features contained within the city. The parameters for additional storm drainage retention consideration are as follows: Ten-year, two-hour storm event (post- minus pre-development)treatment volume and 50-year, 24-hour storm event (post- minus pre-development) attenuation, while maintaining a maximum predevelopment discharge. The Florida Administrative Code 40C-42 shall apply for OFW waters, and Florida Administrative Code 40C-4 and 40C-40 shall apply for closed basins, where applicable as determined by the city engineer. . . CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 294-C Page 9 (f) The following standards shall apply to all drainage projects: (1) The developer's engineer shall furnish a detailed drainage map to the city engineer showing the entire area to be developed and, if feasible, all the remaining area in the same watershed. Final disposal of stormwater shall be shown. (2) Where the following methods of drainage, using pipe, are required, the following standards apply: a. Cross-drainpipe: I. Reinforced concrete (under pavement). 2. Minimum size 18 inches or equal. 3. Cover one foot below base. 4. Headwall, inlet or manhole required at each end. b. Storm sewer: I. Reinforced concrete (under pavement). 2. DOT approved HDPE. 3. Minimum size 18 inches or equal. 4. Inlet or manhole required at each change of alignment or grade. c. Side drainpipe: I. Concrete (under pavement). 2. Plain corrugated metal. 3. Plain aluminum. 4. DOT approved HDPE. 5. Minimum size 15 inches or equal. (6) Inlets shall be precast reinforced concrete (7) Manholes shall be precast reinforced concrete (h) Filters, screens and other environmental protection measures shall be provided as required by the city engineer. Sec. 110-270. Sewer and water systems. (c) A looped central water system of six-inch water mains or larger, connected to the city's system, shall be provided in all residential or commercial subdivisions unless approved otherwise by the city engineer. The system shall be designed and constructed to satisfy the domestic requirements . . CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 294-C Page 10 established by the state department of environmental protection and the fire protection requirements established by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. As a minimum standard, the distribution system shall be capable of delivering, in addition to domestic requirements at peak demand, residual pressures of not less than 20 pounds per square inch, and fire flows as required in the Minimum Main Size, Flow Rate and Hydrant Spacing Table. Fire hydrants of a type approved by the city engineer in single-family residential subdivisions shall be, as measured along the street, spaced no greater than 500 feet from any part of a building, and shall be connected to mains. The location and installation of fire hydrants shall be determined by a city fire official. All water mains shall be of approved material. All service lines shall be single service and shall be a minimum of I inch, and all double service lines shall be a minimum of one 2 inches. Each service shall include a wye to provide a future connection for an irrigation meter, except where a development is served with reclaimed water. All water service connection and irrigation service connections shall conform to standard city specifications. (e) A water reuse system shall be provided in all subdivisions and upon all properties being developed in conformance with directives of the adopted comprehensive plan. The system shall be installed during initial placement of other required infrastructure items and prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy or use for the specific site or development. The system shall be designed and constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the city engineer. All reuse water system piping, fittings, valves, valve boxes, service tubing, spray heads and related appurtenances shall be color coded purple from the manufacturer. 114 - Utilities Sec. 114-2. Connection to central utility systems. Unless specifically allowed otherwise in this chapter, all water, sanitary sewer and reclaimed water improvements shall be designed to connect to the city's central utility system. Connection to one utility will require connection to all available city utilities. Sec. 114-3. Conformance with adopted standard construction details. All underground utilities shall be installed by an underground contractor licensed in the state of Florida. Section 114-4 Water Service (a) Minimum service requirements. All development shall provide new facilities, or expand existing facilities, to provide minimum service as follows: . . CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 294-C Page 11 (1) Subdivisions shall construct water mains necessary to provide adequate water service for domestic use and fire protection to each lot created. Minimum water main size installed shall be per the table in subsection (e) of this section. Water service taps shall be installed for each lot, with a minimum one-inch tap for single residential and a minimum two-inch tap for double residential service. All services shall have a wye to accommodate irrigation meter connections, except where a development is served with reclaimed water. Commercial services shall be sized based on the anticipated highest water demand of allowed land uses. (3) A pressure reducing valve shall be installed in all water mains serving developments on the east side water system. Each individual service experiencing water pressure greater than 80 psi (measured or calculated without consideration of the supply line pressure reducing valve) shall be equipped with an individual pressure reducing valve. The cost of pressure reducing valves shall be borne by the developer and the homeowners. (4) Plumbing service schematics shall be submitted for each individual residence or facility requiring a water service connection prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. (b) Water distribution system design. The layout of water distribution systems shall comply with the following design criteria and the adopted standard utility details of the city: (4) Restrained joints. Joint restraints shall be used per accepted industry standards. Thrust blocks shall not be permitted. (5) Pressure pipe. All pressure pipe installed under pavement shall be ductile iron pipe extending two feet beyond the curb. (6) Ductile iron water mains. Water mains greater than 12-inches in diameter shall be ductile iron pipe. (7) Backjlow Preventors. Backflow shall be required on dedicated firelines, irrigation lines, services to facilities involved in the medical or dental fields, services to mortuaries, animal clinics, car washes, laundromats, or any facility which uses or stores hazardous materials onsite, or where determined by the Public Services Director. Backflow preventors shall be certified. . . CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 294-C Page 12 (c) Fire hydrants. Fire hydrants shall not be installed on any water main of less than six inches inside diameter. The last 20 feet of a pipe lateral closest to and serving a single fire hydrant may be reduced to six inches to enable the control valve to be sized to six inches. (I) Placement and spacing. Except as provided in this section, fire hydrants shall be installed at all street intersections and at intervals between street intersections not to exceed the distances listed in the table in subsection (e) of this section. Prior review and approval of plans by a city fire official shall be required. Approved plans shall indicate hydrant location, main size, and other pertinent criteria required by the City. (6) Access and visibility. Hydrants shall not be located closer than three feet to or more than twenty (20) feet from the edge of a street, drive or other access way. No fence, tree, post, shrub or other object which could block the hydrant from normal view or obstruct the hydrant's use shall be located within six (6) feet of the hydrant. Unless otherwise requested by the fire official, the 4 lI2-inch large volume connection shall face the nearest roadway, or if located within a complex or parking area, shall face the nearest traffic way. No hydrant shall be installed where pedestrian or vehicular traffic would interfere with the use of the hydrant. (8) Fire hydrants and mains. All fire hydrants and mains, including those privately owned, that are connected to the City's potable water system shall conform to City Standards. Barrels of privately owned fire hydrants shall be OSHA red. (e) Minimum main size,jlow rate and hydrant spacing. Minimum main size, flow rate and hydrant spacing by land use are as follows: MINIMUM MAIN SIZE, FLOW RATE AND HYDRANT SPACING BY LAND USE Water Main Minimum Fire Hydrant Maximum Land Use Size (inches) GPM Spacing (feet) Hose Lay (feet) Group I Detached single- family and duplexes 6 500 600 300 . . CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 294-C Page 13 Group II. 8 1,000 500 300 Townhouses, multifamily or buildings less 600 if sprinkled than 3 stories and no more than 12 units per building Group III. 8 1,200 500 300 Multifamily or buildings, 3 or more stories or 600 if sprinkled over 12 units per building, and commercial buildings less than 10,000 square feet and 3 stories or less Group IV. 10 1,500 400 300 Commercial buildings over or 10,000 square 500 if sprinkled feet and warehouse and industrial buildings Fire mains to be connected to an existing water line smaller in diameter than that required above may be reduced in size if the design engineer can successfully demonstrate that the required flows can be met with a smaller main. Sec. 114-5. Sanitary sewer service. (a) Minimum service requirements. (3) The use of on-site disposal systems (septic tanks) shall only be permitted for temporary (specified date certain), isolated use in areas with soils that are defined as suitable for septic tank use in accordance with Florida Administrative Code chapter 64E-4, and where central sewer service is not available for extension. . . CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 294-C Page 14 (4) A minimum 750-gallon grease traps shall be required in sewer services for licensed food service, or as determined by the Public Services Director. (b) Sewer collection system design. The layout of sewage collection systems shall comply with the following design criteria and the adopted standard utility details of the city: (I) Size and location of mains. Mains shall be sized based on the maximum upstream flow anticipated from the uses designated by the city's adopted future land use map, with a minimum size of eight inches. Minimum slope shall be as noted in subsection (a) of this section, and maximum slope shall be five percent. Every subdivided lot shall be served by a gravity sewer main located no further than 100 feet from the nearest property line. Mains shall be installed under paved areas, within public rights-of-way. Mid-block and rear yard locations are prohibited. Mains constructed between lots shall be epoxy line ductile iron pipe, upsized by one standard pipe diameter. (6) Force mains. All lift stations shall transport sewage to the treatment plant through force mains of a minimum diameter of four inches. Force mains shall discharge into manholes and not into gravity mains, except those interceptor mains specifically designed for that function. Force main sizing and routing shall be approved by the city, based on the requirements of this land development code and the sanitary sewer subelement of the city's comprehensive plan. All pressure pipe under pavement shall be constructed of epoxy lined ductile iron pipe, extending two feet beyond the curb. Joint restraints shall be used per accepted industry standards. Thrust blocks shall not be permitted. Force mains greater than 12-inches in diameter shall be epoxy lined ductile iron pipe. Sec. 114-6. Reclaimed water service. (b) System design. The layout öfreclaimed water distribution systems shall comply with the following design criteria and the adopted standard utility details of the city: (4) Color coding of reclaimed water appurtenances. All reclaimed water distribution materials shall be color coded purple from the manufacturer. 118 - Vegetation Sec. 118-2. Definitions. . . CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 294-C Page 15 Preferred and replacement trees means all the species of trees set forth in Section 118-41 Preferred tree list. Plant materials used shall equal or exceed the standards for Florida No. I as established and revised by the Florida Department of Agriculture. Chapter 118, Sec. 118-36 - Plant material (b) Trees. (2) Tree species shall be a minimum of 3 inches in caliper at 4 1/2 feet above the existing grade and be a minimum often (10) feet in overall height immediately after planting and shall meet the standards as specified in Section 118-2. Trees of species whose roots are known to cause damage to public roadways or other public works shall not be planted closer than 12 feet to such public works. (g) Lawn grass. Grass areas may be sodded, plugged, sprigged or, in certain instances where large acreage development occurs, hydroseeded. Solid sod or other approved ground cover shall be required on all platted lots one-quarter acre or less, in all rights-of-way, stormwater retention areas and swales, and on areas where relief indicates the property may be subject to erosion. On lots one- quarter acre or greater, at least one-quarter acre of the parcel shall be sodded or covered with an approved ground cover. Areas proposed for hydroseeding shall be approved by the administrative official or the established designee thereof. Sec. 118-38. Vehicular use area interior landscaping. (b) General standards. (I) Off-street parking areas shall have at least twenty (20) square feet of interior landscaping for each parking space. In areas zoned for industrial uses, this requirement shall be reduced by 50 percent. Developers shall be required to provide a diagram indicating the base area, the internal landscaping, and the necessary calculations to verify that this requirement has been satisfied. (2) A maximum often (10) continuous parking spaces are permitted without a landscape break. Each separate landscaped area shall contain a minimum of 100 square feet and shall include at least one tree having a clear trunk of at least five feet with the remaining area landscaped with shrubs, ground cover or other authorized landscaping material not to exceed three feet in height. The total number of trees shall not be less than one for each 100 square feet of required interior landscaped area or fraction thereof. Such landscaped areas shall be located in such a manner as to divide and break up the expense of paving. . . CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 294-C Page 16 (c) Design of landscaped areas. (I) Terminal islands. Each row of parking spaces shall be terminated by landscaped islands to separate parking from adjacent drive aisles. The landscaped islands shall measure not less than five feet in width and not less than 18 feet in length. (2) Interior islands. Interior islands shall be provided to satisfy internal landscaping requirements. Interior islands shall be a minimum often (10) feet in length and ten (10) feet in width, to include curb. As an alternative, a continual landscaped island eight (8) feet wide center medians located between all lineal rows of parking which face head-to-head may be provided, with one (I) shade tree provided per fifty (50) lineal feet of median. (3) Divider medians. Landscaped divider medians may be used to meet interior landscape requirements. If divider medians are used, they shall form a continuous landscaped strip between abutting rows of parking. The minimum width of a divider median shall be five feet, not including the vehicle overhang of two feet. (4) Islands at "Tn intersections. Landscaped interior islands shall be required at all "T" intersections which are considered major traffic points. Such islands shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width. Chapter 118, Section 118-41 Preferred tree list. Palm Trees Sec. 118-113. Issuance; criteria for tree removal; tree replacement standards. (d) Replacement requirements. (2) For each inch of tree measured at 4 1/2 feet above the existing grade removed, an inch of tree at 4 1/2 feet above the existing grade shall be replaced. Replacement trees shall be at least six (6) inches in caliper for any trees removed that are eighteen (18) inches in caliper or greater. Replacement trees for trees removed smaller than eighteen (18) inches in caliper shall at a minimum meet the requirements of Section 118-36(B)(2). 122 - Zoning Sec. 122-32. Application for building permit. . . CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 294-C Page 17 All applications for building permits for properties that include areas of special flood hazard shall include a survey which indicates the established high-water mark and 100-year floodplain. No construction encroachment may occur in any designated 100-year floodplain except in accordance with policies of the adopted comprehensive plan. A survey which indicates encroachment into the 100-year flood plain, that is in accordance with the comprehensive plan, must also indicate the area within the 100-year flood plain that is proposed to be encroached upon and must show the percentage of the 100-year flood plain that will be effected, this shall include not only the building pad but also any area to be filled. Sec. 122-37. Exceptions and modifications. (c) Continuance of nonconforming uses (4) Nonconforming structures or buildings may not be enlarged or structurally altered in a way that increases the nonconformity, nor shall such structures be replaced, without a variance as defined in this land development code. DIVISION 9. C-2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT Sec. 122-224. Conditional uses. (a) Conditional uses in the C-2 district are as follows: (I) Structures over 20,000 square feet. DIVISION 11. M-llNDUSTRIAL DISTRICT Sec. 122-265. Lot and height requirements. (I) Impervious surface coverage. Maximum impervious surface coverage is 80 percent. Sec. 122-343. Fences and walls. (c) Height. (I) For residential uses, no fence, wall, or retaining wall shall exceed four feet in height from the front building line to the front lot line, or exceed six feet in height ftom the front building line to the rear property line. . . CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 294-C Page 18 (2) Fences and walls in business, commercial and industrial districts shall be no higher than six (6) feet Industrial districts may also be allowed up to 24 inches of barbed wire for security. (3) Subdivision entry features and any appurtenances shall not exceed (10) feet in height without approval of the City Council. (e) Design and maintenance. (6) Retaining walls shall be stuccoed or have a cap block. SECTION III All other conditions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION IV. All Ordinances or parts of this Ordinance in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION V. Should any section or part of this section be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such adjudication's shall not apply to or affect any other provision of this Ordinance, except to the extent that the entire section or part of the section may be inseparable in meaning and effect from the section to which such holding shall apply. SECTION VI This Ordinance shall be published as provided by law and it shall become law and shall take effect immediately upon its Second Reading and Final Passage. First Reading on the 14th day of September 1999. Second Reading on the 28th day of September 1999. . . CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 294-C Page 19 PASSED AND ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS 28th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1999. CITY OF CLERMONT HAROLD S. TURVILLE, JR. M yor A TrEST: ~E<~lerk