O-291-C . . CI1Y OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 291-C AN ORDINANCE OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CHAPTER 86, DIVISION 3, CONDmONAL USE PERMITS, SECTION 86-142, APPUCATION; CHAPTER 86, ARTICLE IV, VARIANCES, SECTION 86-172 APPUCATION; CHAPTER 86, DIVISION 2, PROCEDURE, SECTION 86-222 APPUCATION; CHAPTER 106 SITE DEVELOPMENT, SECTION 106-5 SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURE; SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, SUB-SECTION (5) REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION BY SITE REVIEW COMMITTEE; CHAPTER 122, ZONING, SECTION 122-316 PROCEDURE FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL, SUB-SECTION (B) APPUCATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, AND PROVIDING FOR PUBUCATION. Thc Cily Council of Ù1e Cily of Clermonl hcrcby ordains that: SECTION 1. Chaplcr 86, Division 3, Conditional Use PermiL~, Section 86-142, Application shall bc aIllendcd to rcad as follows: Sec. 86-142. Application. Any person requcsting a conditional usc pennil shalltilc an application 'lIld pay a lee as established by rcsolution of the Cily Council and on tilc in Ù1C cily clerk's ofiìce. The application sh,ùl bc filed in thc olJice of Ùle Director of Planning on or before thc datc established lar such submission as adoPled by rcsolution of Ù1C City Council. In addition, the applicanl sh,ùl providc Ù1C lallowing infonnation: SECTION II. Chaplcr 86, Articlc IV, Vari'lIlces, Scetion 86-172 Application shall bc amcnded 10 includc [hc following: Sec. 86-172. Application. Application for variance shall be made OIl Ù1C appropriatc fanlls providcd by Ù1C dcpartl11cnt of plalUllng and zoning, a.nd shall bc accompanied by ÙIC appropriatc fec as cstablishcd by rcsolution of the City Cow1eil 'lIld on ¡ilc in the cily clerk's oflicc. Application tar a variance shall be . . CIïT OF CLÐIMONT ORDINANCE No. 291-C Page-2- filed in Ù¡C office of thc Director of Planning on or before Ùle datc cstablishcd for such subnussion as adopted by rcsolution of Ù¡e City Council. Thc following infonnation shall bc providcd: SECTION III. Chapter 86, Division 2, Procedurc, Scction 86-222 Application, Sub-Section (b) shall bc amendcd to read as follows: Sec. 86-222. Application. (b) Applications for land dcvclopmcnt codc alncndmcnL, or rezoning shall bc filed in Ù¡C officc of ÙIC Director of Planning on or hcfore thc datc cstablishcd for such submission as adoptcd by resolution of ÙIC City Council. SECTION IV. Chaptcr 106 Sitc Dcvelopmcnt, Section 106-5 Site Plal¡ Rcvicw Procedurc; Sitc Developmcnt Pennit, Sub-Section (5) Rcviewal¡d Reconuncndation by Site Rcvicw Committee, sh,ùl be amcndcd to rcad as follows: Sec. 106-5. Site plan review procedure; site development permit. (5) Review and recollllllclldatJoll bY.!J'Jic rcvÙ;w cOIl11Ju"llcc. U pOll acceptance of thc proposed site plall, ÙIC dircctor of plaruung shall distribute copics of Ù¡C proposcd sitc plan to thc sitc review conmullcc. The sitc review commillcc mccting shall bc schedulcd as adoptcd by resolution of Ù¡C City Council. WiÙun fivc busincss days following ÙIC sitc rcvicw conmullec's mecting to considcr Ù¡e proposcd site plal¡, Ù¡e city shall ciÙ¡cr: SECTION V. Chaptcr 122, Zoning, Section 122-316 Procedurc for Rcvicw al¡d Approval, Sub-Scction (b) Application for Conditional Use Pcmut, shall be anlcmlcd to read as follows: (b) Application /òr cOIldIiiomú usc pcnnÍt. An appliGmt applying for a PUD sh,ùl submit all application lor a conditional usc permit in accordal¡cc \viù¡ ù¡e provisions of Chapter 86, Articlc III, Division 3. Thc application shall be filed in the office of Ù¡C Dircctor of Plalming on or bcforc Ù¡C datc cstablishcd lor such submission as adoptcd by rcsolution of ÙIC City Council. The application shall be accompalucd by Ùle following documcnts al¡d infomJation: . . CI7Y OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 291-C Page-3- SECTION VI. All other conditions shall rcm;ún in full forcc and cfrcct. SECTION VII. All Ordinances or parlE of this Ordinance in conIlict herewith arc hcreby rcpealcd. SECTION VIII. Should any scction or part of ù.is section bc dcclarcd invalid by any court of compctent jurisdiction, such adjudications shall not apply to or alfcct any oÙlcr provision of Ùús Ordinance, cxccpt to ÙIC extent ÙIat ÙIC entirc scction or part of thc scction may bc inscparablc in mcaning and effect ¡rom ÙIC scctionto which such holding sh;ùl apply. SECTION IX, This Ordinance shall bc publishcd as provided by law and it shall becomc law and shall take effect immcdiately upon its Second Reading and Final Passagc. First Reading on the 9'" day of February 1999. Second Reading on the 23'" day of February 1999, PASSED AND ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS 23'" DAY OF February 1999. pïJST: r- ~~p'iif:-::;2;;Zty Clerk