O-222-C . .1 ., . ClTY OF CLERMONT CODE ORDINANCES No. 222-C AN ORDINANCE UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT,.:.LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 19, STREETS AND SIDEWALKS, ARTICLES II, III, IV, V, AND VI, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT HEREBY ORDAINS THAT: Chapter 19, Streets and Sidewalks, Article II, Street Construction Standards; Article III, Street Curb Construction Standards; Article IV, Sidewalk Con- struction and Repair; Article V, House Numbering; and Article VI, In General are hereby amended as follows: SECTION 1. ARTICLE II. STREET CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS Sec. 19-12. Purpose; definitions. The purpose of this article is to establish minimum standards or specifi- cations for the construction of all streets within the city, or in adjacent subdivisions which may be annexed to said city. The word "street" shall mean any public street, avenue, road, alley, high- way, lane, path or other public place located in the City of Clermont and established for use of any type of vehicle. The word lIewnerll shall mean any person, firm, or corporation and their respective agents or contractors, as well as the one responsible for the construction of the street. Sec. 19-13. Liability of owner for property damage; and drainage. The owner of all lands through which any streets, alleys or public ways are to be or are being constructed shall be responsible for the protection of all existing structures and utilities encountered in the project. Any damage caused by the owner or his operation shall be repaired by the owner without cost to the city. Detention of the increase in stormwater as a result of the development is the responsibility of the property owner. All runoff created by improvements shall be detained on private property according to the Stan- dards of the Lake County Pollution Control Board. Any damage or nuisance created by stormwater is the responsibility of the property owner. Storrnwater damages to public property must be corrected within 60 days of notification of same by the City of Clermont, except for damages which pose a threat to public safety which must be immediately corrected. Sec. 19-14. Applicable specifications. All work to be performed under this article shall conform to the requirements of all standard specifications of the city, including the city subdivision or- dinance and to all applicable specifications of the Florida Department of Trans- portation. The latest published edition of the Standard Specifications and amendments of the Florida Department of Transportation is made a part hereof and shall be considered as included herein. Before any street construction work can commence, plans and specifications must be approved by the City Engineer. Sec. 19-15. Clearing and grubbing. The entire area of the street rights-of-way shall be cleared, except that certain trees, to be designated by the city, shall be left in place. It shall . .. .. . ClTY OF CLERMONT CODE ORDINANCES No. 222..,C be the owner's responsibility to remove and satisfactorily dispose of all large roots, stumps and/or other objectionable or deleterious material encountered during the course of the grading and paving operations. Sec. 19-16. Grading. The owner shall perform all grading required to construct the street pavement to the grades and typical sections shown on the plans. In all cases grading shall be performed for the full width of the rights-of-way. Where low building_.areas occur, they may be filled to provide drainage to the street if the owner of such area so desires. In all areas, the ground surface shall slope uniformly from the property line to the top of the curb and shall drain to the curb. All surplus excavation shall be disposed of by the owner. Sec. 19-17. Sub-grade stabilization; lime rock base. The street cross section shall be designed to withstand anticipated loads. The sub-grade for the proposed pavement shall be stabilized to a depth of six inches below the bottom of the base course by the addition anà mixing of ac- ceptable clay with the existing material. The owner shall add to and mix with the existing material sufficient clay to provide a bearing value of the stabil- ized material of not less than LBR 40 at 98% density (modified proctor). Borings and bearing value tests will be made by the owner, and the stabilization must be approved before construction of the base course. Stabilization shall be carried to six (6) inches beyond the back of the curbs, and curbs shall be poured on the stabilized sub-grade. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the use of lime rock in place of clay or other approved stabilization materials. The owner shall construct on the approved stabilized sub-grade a six inch compacted lime rock base course compacted to 98% density (modified proctor). Sec. 19-18. Prime coat; surface treatment. Upon completion and approval of the lime rock base course, the owner shall apply a prime coat of the approved type and thickness and then apply a Type II asphaltic-concrete wearing surface at 95% density. Sec. 19-19. Cross-section drawing of minimum specifications. All provisions of sections 19-16 to 19-18, both inclusive, are hereby illustrated by a typical cross-section designated as Attachment A~ hereby made a part of this section. Sec. 19-20. Drainage structures. The owner shall furnish and install at his expense drainage structures as required by the city. Pipe shall be reinforced concrete or asphalt coated (minimum size 1511 or equivale.nt) I corrugated metal, and of the sizes required by the city. Concrete pipe shall be bell and spigot with rubber gaskets. __ Curb inlets, manholes and headwalls shall be constructed where shown on the owner's plans or as required by the city. All concrete used shall be Class A concrete and Class A ready-mixed concrete may be used. All water so drained shall be carried to a point designated by the city. Sec. 19-21. Clean-up; inspection. Upon completion of the work, the owner shall clean up the site of his opera- tions as required to remove all roots, trash, forms, excess material and other debris. When the work, or any individual section thereof, is completed the owner may . .. .. . ClTY OF CLERMONT CODE ORDINANCES No. 222-C request the city for inspection thereof, which will be made as soon as practicable. All sections of the work must receive a final inspection by the city before the acceptance thereof by the city. Sec. 19-22. General guarantee. Neither the final acceptance or approval of the street as provided in Section 19-21, shall constitute an acceptance of work done in accordance with the owners plans and specifications or relieve the owner of any lia- bility for faulty workmanship or materials which shall appear within one year from the date of final acceptance or approval of the work. In the event defects in the streets are found within said period and same are due to faulty materials or workmanship the city shall notify the owner in writing of the observed defects who shall remedy same within a reasonable time at the owner's expense. If not so done the city shall remedy same and the owner shall be fully liable for same and the said city shall have a lien upon the lands of the owner enforceable as prescribed by law. Sec. 19-23. Driveway Construction Standards. Driveways constructed below street grade must rise to an elevation at least to the top of the curb height on city right-of-way before reaching the owner's property line. Driveways constructed above the street grade should not exceed a grade of three fourths (3/4) inch per foot from the top of the curb to provide for vehicular clearance; unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The maximum width of a residential driveway access to an off-street parking or other vehicular use area shall be twenty (20) feet for two- way vehicular movement and ten (10) feet for one-way vehicular movement. For commercial and industrial uses, the maximum width for accessways shall be two (2) times that for residential uses. No more than one two-way ac- cessway. shall be permitted for any street frontage up to one hundred (100) lineal feet, such standards to be applicable to any property under one own- ership. Where such ownership involves over one hundred (100) feet of street frontage, one additional two-way or two (2) additional one-way drives may be' permitted for each additional one hundred (100) feet of frontage or major fraction thereof. The city has the right to require owners who rebuild or rehabilitate substandard driveways to recontruct"them to meet the require- ments of this ordinance. Sec. 19-24. Street curb construction standards. Curbs and gutters shall be constructed according to Section 20-12 (I) (3) and Attachment A* of the City Subdivision Ordinance. Sec. 19-25. Sidewalk construction and repair. Sidewalks shall be constructed according to the standards in the City Subdivision Ordinance, Section 20-12 (C). All repairs to sidewalks shall be fully paid for by the city. The final determination of the need for repairs to any sidewalk shall always and finally rest in the discretion of the city council. Provided, however, that such needed repairs are not the result of some act of the adjoining property owner or his agent damaging said sidewalk. In such case, the repair costs shall be paid in full by the adjoining property owner, the same as if it was new construction. *Editor's note - Attachment A to which reference is made in 19-19 & 19-24 is not included herein, but is on file and available for inspection in the office of the building official. . .. .. . ClTY OF CLERMONT CODE ORDINANCES No. 222-C Sec. 19-26. Interpretation of street construction standards. The City Engineer shall decide all questions, conflicts, difficulties, and disputes, of whatever nature; which may arise relative to the inter- pretation of this section. The City Engineer may recommend exceptions to this section where these standards are not feasible, and the proposed exception is not detrimental 'to the public interest. Such exceptions must be approved by the city council. Nothing in this article shall prohibit the City of Clermont from repairing or otherwise rebuilding existing and open city streets. Sec. 19-27. Violation. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this article shall not receive the final approval or acceptance thereof and the City of Clermont will not assume the maintenance of same. Secs. 19-26 --- 19-32. Reserved. SECTION 2. ARTICLE III. HOUSE NUMBERING Sec. 19-33. City Building Official to assign numbers. The Building Official is hereby authorized and directed to assign to each house a designated number and it shall be unlawful for any property owner or occupant to place or cause to be placed on any house any number other than that designated by the City Building Official. Sec. 19-34. Size and location. All houses within the corporate limits of the city are hereby required to be numbered, and to have legible numbers not less than three inches high, so placed in a conspicuous place as to be readily seen. Sec. 19-35. Division of city; succession of numbers. The Building Official shall begin with the streets running east and west at East Avenue, and shall assign the even numbers to the north side of such streets, and the odd numbers to the south side, and each block shall have assigned thereto one number for every ten lineal feet on each side of the street; so that the houses on the south side of the street in the first block west of East Avenue numbered shall have numbers from 101 to 199, using odd numbers only; and the north side, numbers 100 to 198, using even numbers only; and in the next block west the numbers shall run from 200 to 299, and so on indefinitely, jumping to the next hundred in each block. Streets running east from East Avenue shall be numbe:red in the same manner, adding the word IIEast" after each number. Upon completion of the numbering on the streets east and west, the Building Official shall begin at the northern boundary of the city, and in like manner number houses on the streets running north and south, using the same method, assigning odd numbers to the houses on the east side of the street and even numbers on the west side; and shall thereafter number any other streets than those running as herein mentioned. Sec. 19-36. Assignment; notice; duty of property owner. The Building Official shall notify the property owner or occupant of any house to which a number is assigned, of the number assigned to that particular house, and it shall be the duty of such owner or occupant to provide numerals not less than three inches high, and place such numbers in a conspicuous place . .. .. . ClTY OF CLERMONT CODE ORDINANCES NO. 222-C nea.te5t..:the~stre"etLti.ponr:wliidh,-·tf1e nUmber ls'~a:ss·igned. - . . Sec. 19-37. Violations; penalty. Any person who shall place or cause to be placed or erected on any house in the city any number or numbers, other than those assigned thereto by the city, or any person who shall fail to provide and place the numbers as de- signated by the Building Official within thirty days after receipt of such notice, shall, upon conviction be punished as provided in 1-8 of this code. SECTION 3. ARTICLE IV. SIDEWALKS, TREES, AND SHRUBBERY Sec. 19-45. Merchandise; placing on streets or sidewalks prohibited. No person, or persons shall cause to be placed, or place or allow to remain in front of his or their premises any merchandise, goods or show cases, barrels, wagons, carts, signs, advertisements, or articles of any description, on any sidewalk or street within the limits of the city, except as allowed under the City Zoning Ordinance. I Sec. 19-46. Duty of occupants to keep streets and sidewalks free from rubbish, etc. All streets, pavements and sidewalks shall be kept clean, free from rubbish and weeds, by the several land owners and the occupants of premises abutting thereon. Should any such streets, pavements or sidewalk become in any manner dangerous or detrimental to the health, or reasonable convenience of citizens, or become obstructed by trash or weeds, it shall be the duty of the city to give notice thereof to said owner, or occupant, or the recognized agent of either, requiring such owner or occupant, as the case may be, to remove any and all obstructions thereon, within ten days of receipt of notice; and should any such owner or occupant refuse to make such repairs, or remove such obstruc- tions within said time, he shall upon conviction, be punished as provided by section 1-8 of this code, and such repairs shall be made, or such obstructions removed at the expense of the abutting owner. Sec. 19-47. Trees and shrubbery --- Unlawful to cut. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to cut down or trim limbs or foliage from any tree or shrubbery located upon the streets, avenues, and highways, or upon any other property of the city without the approval of the City Manager. Sec. 19-48. Planting trees and shrubbery on any city right-of-way. No trees, shrubbery, or rock gardens and other landscaping may be placed on the city right-of-way or property without the approval of the city. Sec. 19-49. Violations. It shall be a violation of this article to cut or trim any such trees or shrubbery as are hereby protected, without a permit and it shall otherwise be such a violation to cut or trim any such trees or shrubbery in those cases where a permit has been granted, except such as are expressly provided for in the permit. The provisions of this article shallnot, however, be construed to apply to employ- ees of the city in the discharge of their duties. .. ClTY OF CLERMONT .. CODE ORDINANCES No. 222-C SECTION 4. All Ordinances or parts of this Ordinance in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. Should any section or part of this section be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such adjudications shall not apply or affect any other provision of this Ordinance, except to the extent that the entire section or part of the section may be inseparable in meaning and effect from the section to which such holding shall apply. SECTION 6. This Ordinance shall be published as provided by law and it shall become law and shall take effect immediately upon its Second Reading and Final Passage. First Reading this 23 day of February , 1982. Second Reading this 23 day of March , 1982. PASSED AND ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS 23 DAY OF March , 1982. CITY OF CLERMONT / ~~ ~mes M. Hoskinson, Mayor ATTEST: Sa~~~~&~, ß~k APPROVED by me this 23 day of March , 1982. ~ins~n. , Mayor CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY that a certified copy of the foregoing Ordinance 222-C was published one time between the First and Second Rea9ing of said Ordinance in a newspaper of general circulation located within the City of Clermont, as required under the Charter of the City of Clermont, Florida, said Ordinance having been published on the 4 day of March ,. 1982. sa~~/~oz8, ~(t~rk .;