R-2016-18 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO: 2016-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 WHEREAS, it is hereby found and:determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following budget amendments are necessary for the Fiscal Year October 1, 2015 to September 30,2016: GENERAL FUND 1. Increase Federal Grants (10331-33120-22009) $ 144,233 To amend the budget to reflect the extension of the Fire Department SAFER Grant. 2: Decrease Reimbursements—Theater Manager(10366-36650-72118) $ 60,000 To amend the Parks & Recreation Department budget for the termination of the EM Theatricals contract to manage the Clermont Performing Arts Center: 3. Increase Profession Services General (10521-53100) $ 6,500 To amend the Police Department budget for a Sergeant's promotional examination. 4. Increase Travel and Per Diem (10521-5400.1-21900) $ 3,390 Increase Uniforms (10521-55203-21900) . $ 2,591 Increase Minor Equipment(10521-55204-21900) $ 34,340 Increase Community Relations (10521-55212-21900) $ 5,000 Increase Software(10521-55219-21900) $ 2,100 Increase SWAT Operating Supplies (10521-55220-21900) $ 1,500 Increase Training and Education (10521-55401-21900) $ 10,950 Increase Ammunitions and Supplies (10521-55401-21900) $ • 5,780 Increase Capital Outlay—Vehicles (10521-66400-21900) $ 1,000 Increase Capital Equipment(10521-66401-21900) $ 25,911 Increase Federal Forfeitures/Seizure-Justice Funds(10351-35102-21900) $ 34,897 Increase Confiscations (10351-35110-21902) $ 1,450 To amend the Police Department budget for expenditures related to Federal Forfeitures and State Confiscation Funds. 5. Increase Regular Salaries (10559-12100) $ 12,462 Increase FICA (10559-12220) $ 927 To amend the Economic Development Department budget for additional staffing. 1 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2016-18 6. Increase Transfer to Fire Inspection Fund (10581-99118) $ 131,372 To amend the budget to reflect the General Fund subsidy to the Fire Inspection Fund. 7. Increase Fund Balance(10399-39900) $ 966,820 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2015. 8. Increase Fund Balance(10599-59900) $ 843,577 Total General Fund Adjustments. BUILDING SERVICE FUND 1. Decrease Fire Inspections (11342-34220) $ 11,218 Decrease Fire Review Fees (11342-34250) $ 51,439 Decrease Regular Salaries (11529-12100) $ 116,423 Decrease FICA (11529-12220) $ 8,316 Decrease Overtime Salaries (11529-12120) $ 1,000 Decrease Defined Contribution Pension (11529-12240) $ 6,000 Decrease Defined Benefits (11529-12245) $ 9,779 Decrease Group Insurance(11529-12300) $ 26,263 Decrease Life Insurance (11529-12305) $ 367 Decrease Employee Assistance Plan(11529-12315) $ 38 Decrease Workers Compensation(11529-12400) $ 2,641 Decrease Travel (11529-54001) $ 1,250 Decrease Internet (11529-54102) $ 1,500 Decrease Commercial Insurance(11529-54500) $ 1,382 Decrease Repair& Maintenance—Vehicles (11529-54601) $ 500 Decrease Printing(11529-54700) $ 400 Decrease Office Supplies (11529-55100) $ 200 Decrease Gas & Oil (11529-55201) $ 9,720 Decrease Tires & Batteries (11529-55202) $ 1,000 Decrease Uniforms (11529-55203) $ 1,300 Decrease Minor Equipment(11529-55204) $ 1,200 Decrease Subscription & Dues (11529-55400) $ 3,700 Decrease Training& Education (11529-55401) $ 1,050 To amend the budget to move revenues and expenditures from the Building Services Fund to the Fire Inspection Fund. 2. Increase Capital Outlay—Vehicles (11524-66400) $ 35,000 To amend the Development Services Department budget for the purchase of a vehicle for the Building Official. 3. Decrease Fund Balance (11399-39900) $ 68,060 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2015. 2 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2016-18 4. Increase Fund Balance(11599-59900) Total Building Services Fund Adjustments. $ 28,312 INFRASTRUCTURE SALES TAX FUND 1. Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (12581-99114-21101) $ 255,712 To amend the budget for revised funding of the Police Station Construction Project. 2. Increase Fund Balance (12399-39900) $ 1,069,640 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2015. 3. Increase Fund Balance(12599-59900) Total Infrastructure Fund Adjustments. $ 813,928 RECREATION IMPACT FEES FUND 1. Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (14581-99114-95109) $ 50,000 To amend the budget for funding of the Waterfront Trail Relocation Project. 2. Increase Fund Balance(14399-39900) $ 215,687 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2015. 3. Increase Fund Balance(14599-59900) Total Recreation Impact Fund Adjustments. $ 165,687 POLICE IMPACT FEES FUND 1. Increase Police Impact Fees—Residential (15324-32411) $ 23,000 To amend the budget for increased Police Impact Fee Revenues. 2. Decrease Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (15581-99114-21101) $ 266,387 To amend the budget for revised funding of the Police Station Construction Project. 3. Increase Fund Balance(15399-39900) $ 2,595,228 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2015. 4. Increase Fund Balance(15599-59900) Total Police Impact Fund Adjustments. $ 2,884,615 3 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2016-18 FIRE IMPACT FEES FUND 1. Increase Capital Equipment(16522-66401) $ 9,167 Toamend the Fire Department budget for the carryforward of FY 2015 unexpended funds budgeted for a portable fire rescue boat. 2. Increase Fund Balance (16399-39900) $ 491,982 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2015. 3. Increase Fund Balance(16599-59900) Total Fire Impact Fund Adjustments. $ 482,815 FIRE INSPECTION FUND 1. Increase Fire Inspections (19342-34220) $ 11,218 Increase Fire Review Fees (19342-34250) $ 51,439 Increase Regular Salaries (19529-12100) $ 116,423 Increase FICA (19529-12220) $ 8,316 Increase Overtime Salaries (19529-12120) $ 1,000 Increase Defined Contribution Pension(19529-12240) $ 6,000 Increase Defined Benefits (19529-12245) $ 9,779 Increase Group Insurance(19529-12300) $ 26,263 Increase Life Insurance (19529-12305) $ 367 Increase Employee Assistance Plan (19529-12315) $ 38 Increase Workers Compensation (19529-12400) $ 2,641 Increase Travel (19529-54001) $ 1,250 Increase Internet(19529-54102) $ 1,500 Increase Commercial Insurance(19529-54500) $ 1,382 Increase Repair&Maintenance—Vehicles (19529-54601) $ 500 Increase Printing(19529-54700) $ 400 Increase Office Supplies (19529-55100) $ 200 Increase Gas & Oil (19529-55201) $ 9,720 Increase Tires & Batteries (19529-55202) $ 1,000 Increase Uniforms (19529-55203) $ 1,300 Increase Minor Equipment (19529-55204) $ 1,200 Increase Subscription & Dues (19529-55400) $ 3,700 Increase Training& Education(19529-55401) $ 1,050 To amend the budget to move revenues and expenditures from the Building Services Fund to the Fire Inspection Fund. 2. Increase Transfer from General Fund (19381-38100) $ 131,372 To amend the budget to reflect the General Fund subsidy to the Fire Inspection Fund. 4 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2016-18 DEBT SERVICE FUND 1. Decrease Fund Balance (22399-39900) $ 2,429 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2015. 2. Decrease Fund Balance(22599-59900) Total Debt,Service Fund Adjustments. $ 2,429 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 1. Increase Professional Services—Montrose Street (32559-53100-95110) $ 112,550 Increase Capital Outlay—Montrose Street (32559-66300-95110) $ 95,000 Increase Professional Services—Promenade (32559-53100-95107) $ 394,100 Decrease Capital Outlay—Promenade(32559-66301-95107) $ 871,200 Increase Professional Services—Waterfront Trail (32559-53100-95109) $ 50,000 Increase Professional Services—Boat Ramp (32559-53100-95111) $ 80,000 Increase Professional Services— 8th Street Entryway(32559-53100-95103) $ 44,100 IncreaseCapital Outlay— 8th Street Entryway(32559-66300-95103) $ 317,900 Increase Professional Services—Downtown Restrooms (32559-53100-95104) $ 15,410 Increase Professional Services—City Limits Signs (32559-53100-95108) $ 43,000 Increase Capital Outlay—Wayfinding Signs (32559-66300-95106) $ 50,000 Increase Transfer from Recreation Impact Fee Fund (32381-38105-95109) $ 50,000 Increase Transfer from CRA Fund (32381-38121-95110) $ 37,000 Increase Transfer from CRA Fund (32381-38121-95103) $ 362,000 Increase Transfer from CRA Fund (32381-38121-95106) $ 5,000 To amend the Economic Development Department budget for anticipated Master Plan Project costs and funding sources. 2. Increase Transfer from Infrastructure Fund (32381-38104-21101) $ 255,712 Decrease Transfer from Police Impact Fee Fund (32381-38118-21101) $ 266,387 Increase Contributions (32366-36649-21101) $ 10,675 To amend the Police Department budget for revised funding of the Police Station Construction Project. 3. Increase Fund Balance(32599-59900) Total Capital Projects Fund Adjustments. $ 123,140 5 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2016-18 WATER FUND 1. Decrease SJRWMD Grant(41337-33738-33112) $ 930,970 To amend the budget for a decrease in the grant from the St. Johns River Management District due to a lower project cost. 2. Increase Capital Outlay(41533-66307-33112) $ 2,098,060 To amend the Environmental Services Department budget for the construction of potable water supply wells as approved by the City Council on May 10, 2016. 3. Increase Fund Balance(41399-39900) $ 674,841 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2015. 4. Decrease Fund Balance (41599-59900) Total Water Fund Adjustments. $ 2,354,189 SEWER FUND 1. Increase Capital Equipment(42535-66401) $ 114,000 To amend the budget for the purchase of two gearboxes for the East Water Treatment Plant as approved by the City Council on April 26, 2016. 2. Increase Fund Balance(42399-39900) $ 559,943 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2015. 3. Increase Fund Balance (42599-59900) Total Sewer Fund Adjustments. $ 445,943 WATER IMPACT FEE FUND 1. Increase Fund Balance (43399-39900) $ 44,965 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2015. 2. Increase Fund Balance(43599-59900) Total Water Impact Fund Adjustments. $ 44,965 6 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2016-18 SEWER IMPACT FEE FUND 1. Increase Fund Balance (44399-39900) $ 1,159,547 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2015. 2. Increase Fund Balance(44599-59900) Total Sewer Impact Fund Adjustments. $ 1,159,547 STORMWATER FUND 1. Increase Professional Services (45538-53100-38110) $ 486,155 To amend the Environmental Services Department budget for Victory Point phase two engineering services as approved by the City Council on June 14, 2016. 2. Increase Federal Grants - CDBG (45331-33139-38108) $ 586,120 Increase Water Authority Grants (45337-33735-38109) $ 151,594 To amend the budget for approved grants pertaining to the CDBG and Lake Winona Stormwater projects. 3. Increase Fund Balance(45399-39900) $ 78,667 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2015. 4. Increase Fund Balance(45599-59900) Total Stormwater Fund Adjustments. $ 330,226 SANITATION FUND 1. Increase Fund Balance(49399-39900) $ 281,897 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2015. 2. Increase Fund Balance (49599-59900) Total Sanitation Fund Adjustments. $ 281,897 CRA FUND 1. Decrease Capital Outlay-Buildings (60552-66201-95104) $ 100,000 Decrease Capital Outlay— 8th Street Entryway(60552-66300-95103) $ 250,000 To amend the Economic Development Department budget to remove the Downtown Restrooms project capital expenditures from the current fiscal yearand move the 8th Street Entryway project from the CRA Fund to the Capital Projects Fund. 7 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2016-18 2. Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (60581-99114-95110) $ 37,000 Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (60581-99114-95103) $ 362,000 Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (60581-99114-95106) $ 5,000 To amend the budget for funding of the Montrose Street, Stn Street Entryway and Compass Wayfinding Signs Projects. 3. Decrease Fund Balance (60399-39900) $ 87,164 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2015. 4. Decrease Fund Balance (60599-59900) Total CRA Fund Adjustments. $ 141,164 CEMETERY FUND 1. Decrease Fund Balance (61399-39900) $ 1,300 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2015. 2. Decrease Fund Balance (61599-59900) Total Cemetery Fund Adjustments. $ 1,300 Net Increase to Fund Balance—All Funds $ 5,105,570 8 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2016-18 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget amendments of the City of Clermont for the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 are hereby adopted. DONE AND RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, this 28th day of June, 2016. °r,, CITY OF CLERMONT •- / e., _ / _ Gai L. Ash, Mayer ATTEST: Tracy Ackroyd Howe, City Clerk Apprc . -- orm . d legality. Daniel F. antzaris, City Attorney 9