O-207-C , " ~ ,~{) ,""'-:-. ,-..,... "" ; "-~ ~. .~~ ~ ( . - , ¡' . . ORDINANCE NO. 2Ð7-C AN ORDINANCE UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR REGULATIONS OF SIGNS; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT HEREBY ORDAINS THAT: SECTION 1: The schedule attached hereto is hereby incorporated and made a part hereof. SECTION 2: All Ordinances or parts of this Ordinance in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: Should any section or part of this section be declared invalid by any Court of competent jurisdiction, such adjudications shall not apply or affect any other provision of this Ordinance, except to the extent that the entire section or part of the section may be inseparable in meaning and effect from the section to which such holding shall apply. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be published as provided by law and it shall become law and shall take effect immediately upon its Second Reading and Final Passage. First Reading this 8 , 1980. day of April Second Reading this 24 day of June 1980. PASSED AND ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THIS 24 June , 1980. DAY OF -, ; .-,:' ~~~ - ¡ i'-.",.;~""...~ :..\, ~ ~/ '\~ ¡~;Jr'_\ -~'ß'~! ~'.'~~ .o" ",':~:,!g ~ ~:f~~:~7 " ,;' ATTEST: BY: èUUDEÇ~hft- CITY OF CLERMONT - . ~ L~ d) L/?j S~ O. ROZAR, ;i~erk , II!!!I""" / . '. -",,'. ~; '" . . . APPROVED by me this 2 4 day of June , 1980. CLAUDE E. SMOAK, JR., Mayor CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY that a certified copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 206-C was published on the 15 May day of , 1980, in a newspaper of general circulation located within the City of Clermont, as required by Florida Statutes 166.140 (3) (a), said date of publication being 14 days prior to the Second Reading and Final Adoption of the Ordinance. Also April 24, 1980, 1980. ~~£ÁR~7drk AI '} .. TTC "'I='V~ AT I pn r .ft' -A (E . T -lnRln^ ~ 711 . ; .' ,". , . . APPROVED by me this 24 day of , 1980. June CLAUDE E. SMOAK, JR., Mayor CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY that a certified copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 207-C was published on the 10 day of , 1980, in a newspaper of general June circulation located within the City of Clermont, as required by Florida Statutes 166.140 (3)(a), said date of publication being 14 days prior to the Second Reading and Final Adoption of the Ordinance. Also June 17, 1980. sJ¿~z£ c7f: ~ J-IOVIS^- R I' '} ATT( . -yrATIl\I' pn r N" -, .., ('IE ...,. FlnRII""^~-71' , . SIGN ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. 207-C ADOPTED June 24, 1980 . e TABLE OF CONTENTS . Article I: Definitions Section 26-50 Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Article II: General Provisions Section 26-51 Permits-Applications; issuance Section 26-52 Same - Fees. . . . . . . . . . Section 26-53 Determining area and number of signs Section 26-54 Penalties for violation. . . Section 26-55 Standards for erection or placing of signs; standard maintenance; notice to owner. Section 26-56 Signs in disuse. . . . . . . . Section 26-57 Combination of signs . . . . . . . . . Section 26-58 Signs on the rear of buildings . . . . Section 26-59 Signs internal to a group of buildings or complex. . . .. . . .. .. Section 26-60 Height, setback, and location requirements 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 Article III: Regulations in Zoning Districts Section 26-61 Regulations in Residential Districts. . . . 5 Section 26-62 Regulations in C1 and C2 business districts, and M-Industrial Districts. 5 Section 26-63 Off-Site signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Article IV: Prohibited Signs Section 26-64 Section 26-65 Section 26-66 Section 26-67 Section 26-68 Sec tion 26-69 Section 26- 70 Signs on seawalls and retaining walls prohibited 7 Signs on public utility poles and trees prohibited. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Signs on windows, doors and fire escapes 7 Signs over public property . . . . . . . 7 Immoral display. . . . . . . . ". . . . 7 Banner signs; prohibited; exceptions . . 7 Lighting standards; signs or sign features prohibited. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Article V: Signs permitted in all districts Section 26-71 Vehicle/portable !!igns . . . . . .. .... 9 Section 26-72 Political signs; proh~bited on city property: removal; penalty for violation. . 9 Section 26-73 Temporary construction signs 9 Section 26-74 Temporary future improvement signs 9 Section 26-75 Signs' in newly annexed areas .10 Section 26-76 Off-site signs . . . 10 Section 26-77 Signs on vehicle!!. . . . . . . 10 Article VI: SiKUs exempted from permit requirements Section 26-78 Same. . . . . .11 Article VII: Non-ConforminR SiRns. .12 . "JL '1- ç N . I? , eTICLE I DEFINITIONS . 1 Section 26-50: Definitions. Banner. A sign having the characters, letters, illustrations, or ornamentations applied to cloth, paper, or fabric of any kind with only such material for a backing. Banner shall include any animated, rotating. and/or fluttering devices designed to attract attention. City ,Manager. City Manager of Clermont or his designee. Dead elld street. A dead end street is that portion of a street between the termination of the paving or street and the nearest intersection or junction. Frontage. Frontage shall be measured along that portion of a lot or parcel abutting a ,kdicated street. For busIness in shoppIng centers It shaH be measured along the front face of that portion of the buildIng occupIed by the business. Ground sign. Any sign which is supported by masonry. wood, metal or sImilar structure, uprights, 'or braces and is permanently installed in or on the ground on a permanent base and Intended to be permanently affixed thereto. IZZwninated sign. Any sign illuminated internally or from the rear of the sign by silhouette lighting or by luminous tubing or illuminated from an external light source such as a spot light or other such light projector. Marq1./(Je sign. A sign attached to or part of a marquee, fixed awning or CiIlIOPY. Harqllee signs shall not extend above the highest point of a marquee. Off-Bite sign. A sign not related in its subject matter to the premises on which it is located. On-site sign. A sign related in its subject matter to the premises on which it Is located. Political sign. A sign or poster advertising eIther a candidate for public office or a political cause, subject to election. Projeating sign. A sign other than a wall sign, which projects from and is supported by the wall of a building or structure. Roof sign. A sign attached to and extending yp to the highest point of the roof or parapet of any building. No roof sign shall extend above the highest point of the roof or parapet. Shingle sign. A projecting sign or wall sign not over four (4) square feet in area, constructed of metal or other durable material, attached securely to a building. 8hoppinO aenter. A group of ret,ail stores, se.rvice establishments or any other businesses, not necessarily owned by one party nor by a single land ownershop which are adjacent to and utilizing a common pa~~ing ~rea or areas. Sign. Any advertising display in the form of any letters, figure, character, mark, plane, point, marquee. design, poster, picture, stroke, stripe, line, trademark, reading matter. or device, or any combination of the foregoing, placed, attached, painted, erected, fastened or manufactured in any manner whatsoever, so'that the same be designed or used for the Information of persons or the attraction of persons to any place, subject, person, firm, corporation. public performance, product, accomodation, activity, service, article, machine, or merchandise. ,~ .... . .. whatsoever, and which is displayed in any manner out-of-door~ a sign. ~ Spectaculap sign. A sign wired for incandescent lighting, or luminous tube lighting, or both animated with copy action controlled by flasher circuit breakers, moving lighting, matographs, or similar devices. VehicZe/poptabZe signs. A sign affixed to a vehicle or trailer or designed to be temporarily emplaced without a permanent base or fastening. Temporary tie-do.ms or weighting may be required by the city manager to meet safety requirements. WaZZ signs. A sign affixed to or painted on the wall of any building, that projects less than eighteen inches (18") and which the exposed face of the sign is in a plane parallel to the plans of said wall. Wall signs may not extend above the roof line or facade. All wall signs shall relate to the business conducted on the premises or in the building on which such sign is located. Zoned district op 30ning pequiPements. Whenever employed in this article these words or words of similar import shall be construed to pertain to the Zoning Ordinance for buIldings, similar structures, and land use in the City. ARTICLE II GENERAL PROVISION~ Section 26-51 Permits - Applications; issuance. Application for a sign permit shall be made by the owner of the premises of his agent to the City Hanager on a form or forms provided by the City Manager, prior to the erection or placing of any sign proposed: and upon it being made to appear that the sign will be erec,ed or placed in accordance with this article, the City Manager shall issue a permit for said sign to the applicant after the required fee or fees have been paid to the City and after all preliminary requirements have been met. Political signs and signs of nonprofit organizations which are not exempt due to size will require a permit after obtaining permission from the City Manager as to location. Section 26-52 .Same - Fees. Fees shall be as set by the City Council of the City of Clermont. Section 26..,~1 .Determining area and number of signs. I For th~ purpose of determining area, the total area is that within the smallest parallelogram, triangle, circle, or semi-circle which will completely enclose the outside . , perimeter of the overall sign, including the border, if any, but excluding supports. For ground signs only, borders or logos without lettering may be distributed within one of the geometric figures that equals no more than One and one-half (l~) times the permitted area. For the purpose of determining the number of signs, a sign shall be considered to be a single display surface or display device containing elements organized, related or composed to form a unit. Where matter is displayed on more than one plane, or there is reasonable doubt about the relationship of elements, each element shall be considered a single sign.' Signs consisting of a group of detached letters or two or more detached letters or two or more panels on the same plane and on the same supports presented as a single advertisement shall be considered as one sign and the area shall be as above defined. A double-faced sign in which the faces are parallel shall be considered a single sign and the area computed using one fact. Exempt signs shall not be counted in the allowed number of signs. , . . , Section 26-54 Penalties for violation. It shall be unlawful to violate any of tlw provisions of the article and any violation thereof shall be punished in manner provided by law. Each day of violation shall constitute and may be prosecuted as a separate offense. Section 26-55 . Standards for erection or placing of signs: standard maintenance: notice to owner. All signs together with their supports, braces, guys and anchors. shall be erected, placed and maintained in a state of good and safe repair, shall comply with any electrical and building code requirements of the City and if of painted material, in whole or in part, shall be kept well painted, and shall be repainted whenever the paint is pealed. blistered or faded. The area immediately surrounding ground signs shall be kept free of all untended vegetation and debris so as to comply with the intent of this article. The City Manager shall inform the owner whenever the requirements of this article are not complied with. Signs not in compliance shall be removed by the owner, agent or person having beneficial use of the location within thirty (30) days after written notification from the City Manager. Section 26-56 Signs in disuse. Signs which advertise or identify a business, firm or similar activity must be removed within sixty (60) days of the date said business, firm or similar activity goes out of bmdness or vacates the premises and moves to a new location. The removal of the sign shall be the responsibility of the owner of the property upon which the sign is located. Section 26-57 Combination of signs. Except where specifically permitted the types and areas of signs may not be combined to allow a larger size than that listed for a single sign in the zone. Ground or projecting signs may be placed at an angle on a corner at no increase in size over that of a single sign. Projecting signs with nonparallel faces may be placed in zones permitting projecting signs or marquee signs. The sum of the area of the faces visible from anyone point shall not exceed that allowed for one side of a marquee perpendicular to the street plus that allowed for a marquee sign parallel to the street. In,ere the frontage of two (2) or more lots is combined to permit a'sign or signs and one or more lots is subsequently sold or subdivided, no new sign may be erected on the lot(s) sold or subdivided until the size of the original sign or signs is brought into conformity with the remaining frontage. Section 26-58 Signs on the rear of buildings. A wall sign not over thirty-two, (32) feet in area may be erected on the rear of business buildings abutting a street or alley. Signs may not be illuminated if they face a residential area. Bus'inesses between parallel streets, and having at least forty (40) per cent of the total parking area and regular entrances in the rear, may have signs equal to those permitted in front. Section 26-59 Signs internal to a group of buildings or complex. No restriction is placed on signs that are wholly within a group of buildings or complex and that are not visible from the public thoroughfare or streets. 3 .., Section 26-60 lIeigh.tback, and location reqUire.. v (a) The height of signs shall not exceed thirty (30) feet. (b) Measurements for height and setback for all signs shall be made from that portion of the sign nearest that point of ground reference to which the measurements are to be made. The height shall be measured from grade level at the edge of the street pavement and shall include all decorative portions of the signs. All setback measurements should be made from the property line as a point of reference unless otherwise specified, (c) The following measurements apply to the type of sign as listed: Ground signs: Ground signs lower than nine (9) feet above grade shall not be forward more than one-half (~) of the required front yard setback line, and shall be no more than thirty-two (32) square feet in area: ground signs above nine (9) feet from grade level to bottom of sign shall not be erected nearer than four and one-half (4~) feet to the property line. No sign shall be located nearer ,than fifty (50) feet from intersecting street right-of- way lines on Highways 50 and 27, and thirty (30) feet on other streets. The vertical cross sectional ar~a below nine (9) feet of these supporting members shall not e~ceed thirty-two (32) square feet. ¡"aU signs: Wall signs may not project more than eighteen (18) im:hes from the wall and may not extend above the roof or facade line. Projectina signs: Projecting signs must be a minimum of eight (8) feet above grade level. Vehicle/portable signs: Vehicle/portable signs may be located up to the property line with permission of the City Manager. GI'OW'!d directional signs: Ground directional signs may be located up to the property line. No sign of any type shall be placed or erected on any space used to meet the City minimum parking requirements. c, 4 ".. ..~. ," --< , .. " .' ARTI.II . REGULATIONS IN ZONING DISTRICTS -, 26-61 ' Regulations in Residential Districts. Section (1) The followin~ on premises signs are permitted in RIA, R1, R2, and R3 zones: (a) Signs not exceeding four (4) square feet in area offering the specific property for sale, rent, or lease. (b) Name plates shall be permitted which indicate nothing other than the name and address of the occupants of the premises. Such nameplates shall not exceed two (2) square feet in area. (c) Subdivision signs. One sign for each street entrance, not exceeding thirty- t\~O (32) square feet indicating only the name of the subdivision. (d) Off-site signs other than those permitted in all districts are prohibited. (2) Multiple-family dwelling units, trailer courts, professional offices, schools, churches, hospitals, and uses requiring a conditional use permit may construct one wall or one ground sign less that nine (9) feet in height for each street frontage. Such signs shall indicate nothing other than the name and address of the premises and name of the management. The maximum size for each sign shall be thirty-two (32) square feet. Section 26-62 Regulations in C1 and C2 business districts, and M-Industrial Districts. Commercial and industrial districts, other than shoppi.ng centers and multi-use buildings, shall be allowed three of the following signs. The total area for each sign shall not exceed one (1) square foot of surface area for each one (1) lineal foot of lot fronting on a public street. In the case of corner lots, the size of any sign allowed on each street shall not exceed the area allowed for the frontage on that street. In no case shall the total surface of any sign be limited to less than thirty-two (32) square feet. (1) One (1) ground or projecting sign for each separate building or on each street frontage. Such sign shall not exceed three hundred (300) square feet in area, thirty (30) feet in height, and thirty (30) feet in width. (2) One (1) wall sign on each end of the building, perpendicular to the road or street, not exceeding one hundred twenty-eight (128) square feet. (3) One (1) wall sign, parallel to the road or street, not exceeding one hundred sixty (160) square feet. (4) One (1) marquee sign parallel to the road or street, not exceeding ninety-six (96) square feet. (5) One (1) marquee sign perpendicular to the road or street, not exceeding ninety-si.x square feet in height. Shopping centers or multi-use buildings shall be allowed three of the following signs: The total area for each sign shall not exceed one (1) square foot of surface area for each one (1) lineal foot of lot fronting a public street. In the case of corner lots, the size of any sign allowed on each street shall not exceed the area allowed fron tile frontage on that street. In no case shall the total surface area of any sign be limited to less than thirty-two (32) square feet. 5 '\ . . . " (1) One (1) ground or projecting sign for cach separate building or on each street frontage. Such sign shall not exceed three hundred (300) square feet in area, thirty (30) feet in height, and thirty (30) feet in width. (2) One (1) wall sign on each end of the building,- not exceeding one hundred twenty- eight' (128) square feet. (3) One (1) wall marquee sign per business, not exceeding an area equal to fifteen (15) percent of the front wall face height multiplied by the business frontage, in- cluding windows and door area. (4) One projecting sign per business, below a marquee or canopy, a minimum of eight (8) feet in height and not projecting beyond the sidewalk. Section 26-63 Off-site Signs. (a) Off-site signs shall be allowed only on vacant property in zoning districts C2- General Commercial and M-Industrial. (b) Off-site signs are recognized as a legitimate business enterprise but are not considered to be an accessory land use. (c) Off-site signs sixty-four (64) square feet in area or less shall be a minimum of two hundred (200) feet from any other off-site sign on the same side of the street. Off-site signs greater than sixty-four (64) square feet in area shall be a minimum of one thousand (1.000) feet from any other off-site si~n on the same side of the street. No sign shall be closer than fifty (50) feet from any street right-of-way lines on Highways 50 or 27, or thirty (30) feet on any other street. (d) The maximum size of off-site signs is three hundred twenty (320) square feet in area.. thirty (30) feet in height, and thirty-two (32)·feet in width. (e) The total area of off-site signs shall not exceed one (1) square foot of surface area for each one (1) lineal foot of lot fronting on a public street. (f) Off-site signs (other than those allowed in all districts) are prohibited in shopping centers and multi-building sites. 6 " . ARTICLE . , IV PROlIll!lTlW SIGNS Section 26-64 Signs on seawalls and retaining walls prohibited. No sign shall be attached to or painted on seawalls or retaining walls bordering any water course nor on any body of water, canal, or waterway except on a commercial vessel underway or moored or tied up to commercially zoned properties. Section 26-65 -- Signs on public utility poles and trees prohibited. Si¡.;ns, IncludIng political signs, are prohihlled on public utUity poles and trees. Scction 26-66 ---- Signs on windows, doors and fire escapes. Anything to the contrary in this ordinance notwithstanding, no sign, including structures connected thereto, shall be erected, placed or maintaincd so as to obstruct any fire escape, wIndow, door or opening used as a means of ingress or egress or ventilation or so as to prevent free passage from one part of a roof to any other part thereof. Section 26-67 Signs over public property. No sign shall be erected or maintained on, over or above public property or public right-of-way except when such sign does not extend more than four (4) feet over the public property or public right-of-way, is not less than eight (8) feet above the ground level and does not have an area exceeding eight (8) square feet. Signs on the faces of any marquee or awning shall not extend more than two (2) inches beyond the edge of such marquee or awning. This section does not apply to signs posted by duly constituted public authorities ill the performance of their public duties. Scction 26-68 ---- Immoral display. No sign shall be erected that displays any statement, word, character. or illustration of an obscene, indecent, or immoral nature. Section 26-69 Banner signs: prohibited; exceptions. Banner signs are prohibited except for: (a)' Those of a temporary nature which are incidental to a convention or a non- commercial venture and are approved by the City Manager. (b) Two (2) flag banners per model home or apartment building limited to sixteen (16) square feet and to be displayed only during the time that the home or apartment is open for inspection. (c) Permanent, non illuminated signs on fabric canopies in place of marquee signs. Banner signs may not be placed across any street or thoroughfare. Section 26-70 Lighting standards; signs or sign features prohibited. (a) No sign will be permitted within fifty (50) feet of a street or highway paving which includcs lighting which appears by approximatc size and color to bc a traffic signal or emergency vehicle light. No rotating or flashing signal lamp similar to those used on emergency vehicles is permitted regardless of location or color. No sign shall be erccted or maintained at any location where, by reason of position. illumination, shape or color, it may interfere with, obstruct the view of, or be confused with any authorized traffic signal. sign or device. No sign of any " . . 1 description shall be erected or placed in any location where its presence will interfere with clear sight distances of either motor vehicles or pedestrian traffic. The above standards shall be applied as determined by the City Manager or Engineer. (b) The illumination of any siRn located so as to be visible from any street or thoroughfare shall not exceed three (3) footcandles at any point along the paving or curb. The brilliance of lighting at any location shall conform to the standards of the commercial zone at the borders of residential property. (c) The following signs or sign features are prohibited: (1) Bull's-eye. sequential or flashing lights designed to focus attention to a single point. (2) Flashing or intermittent lighting. (3) Signs constructed in such a manner as to feature rotating or moving extremities. (4) Paper signs other than exempt political signs and bumper stickers, " ARTICLE v4lllÞSIGNS PERMITTED IN ALL DIST~ , Section 26-71 Vehicle/portable signs. One vehicle/portable sign may be permitted on approval of the City Manager as to setback, location and tiedown requirements. Application must be made to the City Manager with a fifty dollar ($50.00) deposit which will be returned upon compliance with all con- ditions. The permit may be granted for a period of thirty (30) days with extensions upon approval by the City Manager. No other signs of this classification shall be placed on the same lot or parcel during the succeeding thirty (30) days. Only one vehicle/portable sign may be placed per shopping center or on a lot or parcel. The maximum size of vehicle/ portable signs shall be seventy-two (72) square feet. Section 26-72 -.--- Political signs; prohibited on City property: removal; penalty for violation. No political sign shall be erected or placed on City owned property and any political sign, whether or not it is exempt from the permit requirements of this article, that is erected or placed on any other location in the City shall be removed within three (3) days after any election or campaign to which such sign pertains, provided however, that a sign n~y remain through any secondary primary or run-off election as to any candidate whó is subject thereto. TIle candidate whose sign is erected or placed or the campaign manager or other person responsible for such erection or placing of any political sign shall deposit the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) with the City Clerk, which such sum shall be used to fund the cost of removal of his signs by City employees in the event they are not removed within the time limit set out above. A single fifty dollars ($50.00) deposit shall be required for each candidate or political cause being advertised. The candidate, campaign manager or other person responsible for the erection or placing of any political sign shall be legally responsible for the removal of any political sign erected or placed as herein set forth. Upon failure to remove the sign within the period aforesaid the provision of section 26-54 shall be applicable to said candidate, campaign manager or other person responsible as --- ---- aforesaid. Each sign must contain the name of the printer, manufacturer or painter printed in the lower right hand corner. Political signs may be no larger than four (4) square feet in area in residential zones, and sixteen (16) square feet in area in commercial or industrial zones. Section 26-73 Temporary construction signs. On lots or parcels of land in all zoned districts, after a building permit has been secured for construction upon such a lot or parcel and construction has begun, two (2) temporary signs may be erected on the building site. The maximum sign size shall be thirty-two (32) square feet per sign. Such temporary sign shall he removed within five (5) days after final inspection of the building or project under construction has been made by the City Manager. These signs may not be illuminated in residential zones. ¡¡"ction 26-74 Temporary future improvement signs. Two (2) signs announcing building or future improv'ements may be placed nn any lut or p"rcel of land in a zoned distrIct at the time of preliminary plat or site plan approval. These signs may each be a maximum of thirty-two (32) square feet in area, These signs shall b" r"moved when s"venty-five (75) percent of the lots are sold, when seventy-five (75) percent of the building is completed (apartment complexes and commercial building) or within two (2) y""rs after plat or site plan approval by the City Council. whichever comes first. These signs may not be illuminated in residential Zones. " Sl'ction 26-75 . Signs in newly annexed "n,,,s. . t Signs in newly annexed areas are permitted to remain until the land is zoned for use, at which time they must conform with the requirements for the appropriate district. Section 26-76 Off-site signs. Off-site signs such as "open house", "garage sale" and other directional temporary signs !Day be erected without permit when sign does not exceed four (4) square feet in area in residential districts and sixteen (16) square feet in area in commercial or industrial zoning districts. ^ny off-site sign allowed under this section may be placed on public property for not exceeding three (3) consecutive days by permission of the City Manager. Such signs must be taken down by the owner not more than three (3) days after the sale. Section --1.6-17 Signs on vehicles. Signs on vehicles that do not increase the size of vehicle in any direction shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter so long as they are underway or parked in City approve, co~nercial parking areas. Signs which increase the dimensions of vehicles in excess of two (2) inches in any direction are prohibited except as approved by the City M.1nager. Illuminated signs are prohibited except for the sign, "taxi", "ambulance" or the destination of public vehicles. No vehicles shall be painted or marked with directional information so as to be used as an off-site sign. -' , ARTIC.VI . SIGNS EXEMPTED FRml PERNlT REQUIREMENTS f ¡ . .~ Section 26-78 The following signs are exempt from the permit requirements of this article: (a) Signs, not exceeding six (6) square feet in total area, offering the specific property for sale, rent or lease by the owner or his a (ent. provided the signs are located on the property offered. (b) A shingle sign over a show window or door of a store or business establishment announcing only the name of the proprietor and the nature of the business. (c) A sign not exceeding two (2) square feet in area and bearing only property numbers, post office box numbers, names of occupants of premises. or other identification of premises not having commercial connotations. (d) Private directional signs directing and guiding traffic and parking on private property, or signs marking a service entrance of a commercial establishment. pro- viding the letters composing such a sign do not exceed six (6) inches in height. Signs may display the name or symbol of the establishment, and shall not exceed four (4) square feet in area. Ground directional signs may not exceed four (4) feet in height and may be illuminated. (e) Flags and insignia of any government. except when displayed in connection with commercial promotion or advertising, and banners as specified in section 26-69 (f) Legal notices and identification, information or directional signs erected or required by governmental bodies, including signs erected or placed by the City, County of Lake, or State of Florida. (g) Integral decorative or architectural features of a building. except such involving letters, trademarks, moving parts or moving lights. (h) Political signs or posters listed in Section 26-72 . (i) Paper signs on show windows only of retail establishments. (j) A sign painted on the door or show window limited to the following information when all letters and characters are no more than six (6) inches in height: Name of proprietor, name or nature of business. hours of operation and emergency telephone numbers. , If any letter or character is greater than six (6) inches in height. such sign is to be considered a wall sign and is not exempt from permit requirement. (k) Directory signs for, businesses limited to three (3) square feet per occupant, affixed to a wall or ground sign. (1) Signs of religious, civic, fraternal and nonprofit organizations mounted at meet- meeting places, limited to four (4) square feet in area for each si (n. (m) ~Iemorial signs or tablets, names of buildings and date of erection when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of bronze or other noncombustible materials as may be approved by the City Manager. " (n) . . Bulletin boards and identification signs for public, nonprofit or religious facilities, locateâ on the premises and not exceeding twenty-four (24) square feet in area. , ARTICLE VII NONCONFORMING SIGNS Section 26-79 Nonconforming signs: removal: exceptions. All signs erected, placed or designed in a manner contrary to the provisions of this article, including signs permitted under a special exception or variance, prior to the enactment of this article, shall be deemed nonconforming signs. Signs or sign features prohibited in Section 26-70 shall be removed or modified within thirty (30) days. Said periods are hereby declared to be a reasonable amortization period for the enforcement of this requirement: provided, however, that this provision shall not prevent immediate enforcement procedures, punishment for violation or other appropriate action with respect to any sign that adversely affects the public safety. Any nonconforming sign that requires repair, replacement or re-erection for any reason, and such cost exceeds fifty (50) percent of the current value, shall be re-erected or replaced in a conforming manner. Signs may not be modified to advertise a different business or service than that which they advertised at the time they became nonconforming. Sec lion ! 26-80 Intcrprctation. This article shall be interpreted by the City Manager. Disputes, appeals, and variances ,¡hall bc rcferred to the City Council in accordance with the variance provisions of the City Zoning Ordinance. . . SIGN PEPMIT FEES The following fees shall be collected by the City Manager when applicable: (a) All sign permits, except vehicle/portable sign' permits: Twenty (20) cents per square foot of face. Minimum fee: $5.00. (b) Vehicle/portable signs: Twenty (20) foot of face. Minimum fee: $5.00. same sign: Five Dollars ($5.00) per cents per square Relocation fee, sign. (c) Nonconforming signs may ve modified or replace to render them conforming without fee but with a permit. (d) Signs may þe repáinted to original condition without a fee or permit. '