R-2017-13 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following budget amendments are necessary for the Fiscal Year October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017: GENERAL FUND 1. Increase Bank Service Charges (10521-54909) $ 1,757 Increase Bank Service Charges (10574-54909-19100) $ 1,757 Increase Bank Service Charges (10575-54909) $ 3,012 To amend the budget for the currency processing fees for the Police and Parks & Recreation Departments. 2. Increase Electric & Gas Service(10521-54300) $ 39,511 To amend the Police Department budget for increased electricity costs at the new Police Headquarters. 3. Increase Regular Salaries (10522-12100) $ 166,500 Increase Overtime Salaries (10522-12120) $ 9,000 Increase FICA (10522-12220) $ 13,426 Increase Defined Benefit Pension (10522-12245) $ 45,051 Increase Group Insurance(10522-12300) $ 19,344 Increase Life Insurance (10522-12305) $ 524 Increase Employee Assistance Plan(10522-12315) $ 98 Increase Workers Compensation (10522-12400) $ 4,914 Increase Medical Services (10522-53130) $ 5,400 Increase Uniforms (10522-55203) $ 3,600 Increase Training& Education (10522-55401) $ 9,359 Increase Capital Equipment(10522-66401) $ 30,000 To amend the Fire Department budget for the addition of six(6) firefighter positions effective April 1, 2017 as approved by the City Council on February 14, 2017. 4. Decrease Rent—Chamber of Commerce (10362-36205) $ 12,000 Decrease Contribution—Rent(10558-88203) $ 12,000 To amend the Economic Development Department budget for the elimination of the rent in kind contribution to the South Lake Chamber of Commerce, as a result of the termination of the May 10, 2011 lease agreement as approved by the City Council on February 14, 2017. 1 03/30/17 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-13 5. Decrease Contribution—General (10558-88201) $ 20,500 To amend the Economic Development Department budget for the discontinuation of providing half of the rent collected at the City Center as a contribution to the South Lake Chamber of Commerce, as a result of the termination of the May 10, 2011 lease agreement as approved by the City Council on February 14, 2017. 6. Increase Rent—Chamber of Commerce(10362-36205) $ 6,120 To amend the budget for lease revenue anticipated from the April 1, 2017 lease agreement with the South Lake Chamber of Commerce as approved by the City Council on February 14, 2017. 7. Increase Capital—Other Improvements (10574-66300) $ 55,000 To amend the Parks & Recreation Department budget for the reimbursement to the South Lake Chamber of Commerce for improvements made to the City Center as approved by the City Council on February 14, 2017. 8. Increase Regular Salaries (10574-12100-19100) $ 10,459 Increase Part-time Salaries (10574-12110-19100) $ 15,335 Increase Overtime Salaries (10574-12120-19100) $ 500 Increase FICA (10574-12220-19100) $ 2,011 Increase Group Insurance(10574-12300-19100) $ 3,224 Increase Life Insurance (10574-12305-19100) $ 33 Increase EAP (10574-12315-19100) $ 16 Increase Workers Compensation (10574-12400-19100) $ 736 Increase Professional Services (10574-53100-19100) $ 7,350 Increase Rentals Equipment(10574-54400-19100) $ 1,800 Increase Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance (10574-54601-19100) $ 500 Increase Office Supplies (10574-55100-19100) $ 4,000 Increase Gas & Oil (10574-55201-19100) $ 1,500 Increase Uniforms (10574-55203-19100) $ 500 Increase Minor Equipment (10574-55204-19100) $ 21,542 Increase Capital Equipment (10574-66401-19100) $ 13,660 Increase Capital Software(10574-66404-19100) $ 36,000 To amend the Parks & Recreation Department budget for the City to manage the City Center as approved by the City Council on February 14, 2017. 9. Increase Capital Outlay—Recreation (10572-66301) $ 60,000 Increase Local Grant Revenue(10337-33733) $ 60,000 To amend the Parks and Recreation Department budget for the installation of a canoe and kayak course at Waterfront Park and corresponding grant reimbursement from Lake County as approved by the City Council on February 14, 2017. 2 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-13 10.Decrease Group Insurance(10511-12300) $ 1,103 Decrease Group Insurance(10512-12300) $ 9,774 Decrease Group Insurance(10513-12300) $ 13,695 Decrease Group Insurance(10513-12300-90030) $ 4,473 Decrease Group Insurance(10515-12300) $ 11,011 Decrease Group Insurance(10516-12300) $ 8,589 Decrease Group Insurance(10521-12300) $ 98,988 Decrease Group Insurance(10521-12300-90030) $ 1,089 Decrease Group Insurance(10522-12300) $ 172,178 Increase Group Insurance(10522-12300-22009) $ 98,075 Decrease Group Insurance(10541-12300) $ 8,654 Decrease Group Insurance(10542-12300) $ 17,120 Decrease Group Insurance(10544-12300) $ 12,167 Decrease Group Insurance(10545-12300) $ 1,510 Decrease Group Insurance(10549-12300) $ 7,892 Decrease Group Insurance(10559-12300) $ 12,413 Decrease Group Insurance(10560-12300) $ 8,768 Decrease Group Insurance(10565-12300) $ 1,710 Decrease Group Insurance(10572-12300) $ 5,654 Decrease Group Insurance(10574-12300) $ 5,061 Decrease Group Insurance(10575-12300) $ 19,408 Increase Transfer to Group Self Insurance Fund (10581-99120) $ 413,520 To amend the budget for a lump sum transfer to the Group Medical Self- Insurance Fund as required in the December 31, 2015 insurance actuarial valuation. 11. Increase Pension (10511-12240) $ 788 Increase Pension (10521-12240) $ 724 Increase Pension(10521-12245) $ 189,155 Increase Pension (10522-12245) $ 332,898 Increase Pension (10541-12240) $ 800 Increase Pension (10549-12240) $ 1,383 To amend the budget to reflect the increased pension contribution required in October 1, 2016 pension actuarial valuations. 12. Increase Fund Balance (10399-39900) $ 523,463 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2016. 13. Decrease Fund Balance(10599-59900) $ 593,422 Total General Fund Adjustments. 3 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-13 BUILDING SERVICE FUND 1. Decrease Group Insurance(11524-12300) $ 25,620 Increase Transfer to Group Self Insurance Fund (11581-99120) $ 32,782 To amend the budget for a lump sum transfer to the Group Medical Self- Insurance Fund as required in the December 31, 2015 insurance actuarial valuation. 2. Increase Fund Balance(11399-39900) $ 266,594 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2016. 3. Increase Fund Balance(11599-59900) $ 259,432 Total Building Services Fund Adjustments. INFRASTRUCTURE SALES TAX FUND 1. Decrease Capital Outlay—Other Improvements (12572-66300) $ 251,100 Increase Capital Outlay—Recreation (12542-66301) $ 251,100 To amend the budget to transfer funding for Hancock Park Improvements from the Parks and Recreation Department to the Public Works Department. 2. Increase Repair&Maintenance— Streets (12541-54603) $ 111,766 Increase Repair& Maintenance—Sidewalks (12541-54604) $ 43,690 Increase Capital Outlay— Sidewalks (12541-66303) $ 58,253 Increase Prof Services—Palatlakaha Playground (12542-53100-72119) $ 6,840 Increase Capital Outlay—Other Improvements (12542-66300) $ 180,025 To amend the Public Works Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2016 funds. 3. Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund PD HQ (12581-99114-21101) $ 374,586 Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund FS #4 (12581-99114-22801) $ 150,856 To amend the Police and Fire Department budgets for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2016 funds budgeted for the Police Headquarters and Fire Station#4 construction projects. 4. Increase Fund Balance(12399-39900) $ 1,216,287 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2016. 5. Increase Fund Balance(12599-59900) $ 290,271 Total Infrastructure Fund Adjustments. 4 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-13 RECREATION IMPACT FEES FUND 1. Increase Fund Balance (14399-39900) $ 334,614 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2016. 2. Increase Fund Balance(14599-59900) $ 334,614 Total Recreation Impact Fund Adjustments. POLICE IMPACT FEES FUND 1. Increase Transfer to Capital Project Fund (15581-99114-21101) $ 200,476 To amend the Police Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2016 funds budgeted for the Police Headquarters construction project. 2. Increase Fund Balance(15399-39900) $ 313,240 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2016. 3. Increase Fund Balance(15599-59900) $ 112,764 Total Police Impact Fund Adjustments. FIRE IMPACT FEES FUND 1. Increase Fund Balance(16399-39900) $ 92,443 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2016. 2. Increase Fund Balance(16599-59900) $ 92,443 Total Fire Impact Fund Adjustments. FIRE INSPECTION FUND 1. Decrease Group Insurance(19529-12300) $ 18,866 Increase Transfer to Group Self Insurance Fund (19581-99120) $ 24,140 To amend the budget for a lump sum transfer to the Group Medical Self- Insurance Fund as required in the December 31, 2015 insurance actuarial valuation. 2. Increase Fund Balance (19399-39900) $ 12,836 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2016. 3. Increase Fund Balance(19599-59900) $ 7,562 Total Fire Inspection Fund Adjustments. 5 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-13 DEBT SERVICE FUND 1. Decrease Fund Balance(22399-39900) $ 14,067 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2016. 2. Decrease Fund Balance(22599-59900) $ 14,067 Total Debt Service Fund Adjustments. CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 1. Increase Professional Services (32559-53100-95108) $ 41,320 Increase Transfer from CRA Fund (32381-38121-95108) $ 41,320 To amend the Economic Development Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2016 funds for the City Limit Signs project. 2. Increase Professional Services - Police Headquarters (32521-53100-21101) $ 200,476 Increase Capital Outlay- Police Headquarters (32521-66401-21101) $ 374,586 Increase Transfer from Infrastructure Fund (32381-38104-21101) $ 374,586 Increase Transfer from Police Impact(32381-38118-21101) $ 200,476 To amend the Police Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2016 funds budgeted for the Police Headquarters construction project. 3. Increase Professional Services Fire Station#4 (32522-53100-22801) $ 13,354 Increase Capital Outlay—Fire Station#4 (32522-66201-22801) $ 137,502 Increase Transfer from Infrastructure Fund (32381-38104-22801) $ 150,856 To amend the Capital Project Fund budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2016 funds budgeted for the Fire Station #4 construction project. 4. Increase Fund Balance(32399-39900) $ 271,780 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2016. 5. Increase Fund Balance(32599-59900) $ 271,780 Total Capital Projects Fund Adjustments. 6 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-13 WATER FUND 1. Decrease Group Insurance(41533-12300) $ 16,260 Increase Transfer to Group Self Insurance Fund (41581-99120) $ 20,805 To amend the Environmental Services Department budget for a lump sum transfer to the Group Medical Self-Insurance Fund as required in the December 31, 2015 insurance actuarial valuation. 2. Increase Fund Balance(41399-39900) $ 618,877 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2016. 3. Increase Fund Balance(41599-59900) $ 614,332 Total Water Fund Adjustments. SEWER FUND 1. Decrease Group Insurance(42535-12300) $ 25,496 Increase Transfer to Group Self Insurance Fund (42581-99120) $ 32,623 To amend the Environmental Services Department budget for a lump sum transfer to the Group Medical Self-Insurance Fund as required in the December 31, 2015 insurance actuarial valuation. 2. Increase Fund Balance(42399-39900) $ 130,683 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2016. 3. Increase Fund Balance(42599-59900) $ 123,556 Total Sewer Fund Adjustments. WATER IMPACT FEE FUND 1. Increase Fund Balance(43399-39900) $ 874,106 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2016. 2. Increase Fund Balance(43599-59900) Total Water Impact Fund Adjustments. $ 874,106 SEWER IMPACT FEE FUND 1. Increase Fund Balance(44399-39900) $ 145,399 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2016. 2. Increase Fund Balance(44599-59900) Total Sewer Impact Fund Adjustments. $ 145,399 7 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-13 STORM WATER,FUND 1. Decrease Group Insurance(45538-12300) $ 23,027 Increase Transfer to Group Self Insurance Fund (45581-99120) $ 29,464 To amend the Environmental Services budget for a lump sum transfer to the Group Medical Self-Insurance Fund as required in the December 31, 2015 insurance actuarial valuation. 2. Increase Capital Outlay—Victory Pointe (45538-66306-38110) $ 1,450,367 Increase Debt Proceeds—Victory Pointe(45384-38402-38110) $ 1,450,367 To amend the'Environmental Services Department budget for the Victory Pointe construction contract as approved by the City Council on March 14, 2017. 3. Increase Capital Outlay—Victory Pointe(45538-66306-38110) $ 145,600 Increase Debt Proceeds-Victory Pointe(45384-38402-38110) $ 145,600 To amend the Environmental. Services Department budget for the purchase of mitigation credits for the Victory Pointe project as approved by the City Council on March 14, 2017. 4. Increase Professional Services—General (45538-66900) $ 35,606 Increase Capital Outlay-Software (45538-66404) $ 49,191 Increase Federal Grant-CDBG (45331-33139-38108) $ 100,445 To amend the: Environmental Services Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2016 Stormwater project funds. 5. Increase Fund Balance`(45399-39900) $ 13,090 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2016. 6. Increase Fund Balance(45599-59900) $ 22,301 Total Stormwater Fund Adjustments. SANITATION FUND 1. Decrease Group Insurance(49534-12300) $ 35,376 Increase.Transfer to Group Self Insurance Fund (49581-99120) $ 45,265 To amend the Environmental Services budget for a lump sum transfer to the Group Medical Self-Insurance.Fund as required in the December 31, 2015 insurance actuarial valuation. 2. Decrease Fund Balance(49399-39900) $ 9,976 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2016. 3. Decrease Fund Balance(49599-59900) $ 19,865 Total Sanitation Fund Adjustments. 8 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-13 CRA FUND 1. Decrease Group Insurance (60552-12300) $ 1,095 Increase Transfer to Group Self Insurance Fund (60581-99120) $ 1,401 To amend the CRA fund budget for a lump sum transfer to the Group Medical Self-Insurance Fund as required in the December 31, 2015 insurance actuarial valuation. 2. Decrease Ad Valorem Taxes (60311-31101) $ 9,155 To amend the budget to reflect final property values as provided by the Lake County Property Appraiser. 3. Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (60581-99114-95108) $ 41,320 To amend the budget for the carryforward of funding from FY 2016 for the City Limits Signs Project. 4. Increase Fund Balance (60399-39900) $ 137,265 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2016. 5. Increase Fund Balance(60599-59900) $ 86,484 Total CRA Fund Adjustments. CEMETERY FUND 1. Increase Fund Balance(61399-39900) $ 11,415 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2016. 2. Increase Fund Balance (61599-59900) Total Cemetery Fund Adjustments. $ 11,415 Net Increase to Fund Balance—All Funds $ 2,619,105 9 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2017-13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget amendments of the City of Clermont for the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 are hereby adopted. DONE AND RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, this 11th day of April, 2017. CITY OF CLERMONT ......,, ,,,,,,,e,(4-,e, ,,‘,,t,„,,, .„, ., ,,e1 7,, 4 , •<,4, Gail L. Ash, Mayor A '' TJ, i• 1 ' T, 7ATTET: Y ;• , ° n,, •r,7 Slur �^ }, ,rr".. i7 je:ei 0:y ,k,, ` / Denise Noak, Acting City Clerk iii Approved as to form an. ' • AA, D*;tiii City Attorne II 10