2017-56 TETRA TECH May 25, 2017 Mr. James Kinzler, CPM, EA Director of Capital Planning, Grants and Projects City of Clermont 3335 Hancock Rd. Clermont, FL 34711 Subject: City of Clermont Professional Engineering Services Proposal for an Environmental Acoustical Assessment Tt# 200BP Gen/Clermont Dear Mr. Kinzler: Tetra Tech is pleased to furnish this proposal for professional engineering services to complete the above-referenced project. A detailed scope of services, compensation summary, and project implementation schedule are attached. We look forward to serving the City of Clermont on this project. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 407-839-3955. Very truly yours, Approval: Tetra Tech City of Clermont D. Fox, P.E. By: Vice President Date: ,S'1.3n//7 Attachments / BAF/ab/EWRF Noise Study/Kinzler052517 C: Brian A. Foulkes, P.E., Tetra Tech Tetra Tech 201 E.Pine Street,Suite 1000,Orlando,FL 32801 Tel 407.839.3955 Fax 407.839.3790 www.tetratech.com ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF SERVICES CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA ENVIRONMENTAL ACOUSTICAL ASSESSMENT I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of Clermont(City) owns and operates the East Side Water Reclamation Facility(EWRF) located and Sunburst Water Treatment Plant (SWTP) at 3335 Hancock Road. The City has requested an Environmental Acoustical Assessment of the EWRF, SWTP, adjacent Hancock Park Softball Fields and the neighboring communities. To locate and quantify noise generated in the area of these facilities. If it is determined that the excess noise is being generated at either the EWRF or SWTP, recommendations to mitigate the noise will be provided in addition to costs to implement these improvements. The tasks to be completed for this project are further described herein and will be performed in accordance with the City/Tetra Tech Continuing Contract and Agreement for Professional Engineering Services for Public Works Projects dated December 9, 2014. II. SCOPE OF SERVICES Tetra Tech's scope includes professional engineering services conduct an Environmental Acoustic Assessment for the EWRF, SWTP and Hancock Park Softball Fields, specific tasks are described below: 1. Conduct a kickoff meeting to discuss project objectives, coordinate schedules for meetings and acoustical measurement trips, and request information needed to conduct the analysis. The acoustical specialist will attend via conference call. 2. Attend a Homeowners Association meeting with the residences to east of City's facilities to identify concerns and issues. 3. Perform acoustical evaluation of EWRF, SWTP, and of ambient sound levels in the adjacent neighborhood. During this study, sound levels of equipment associated with the Sunburst WTP will be documented with the purpose of developing noise mitigation solutions, if necessary. Additionally, three sound level meters will be left along the east edge of the project site in environmental cases secured to the fence to document the ambient sound level conditions at the property line for a minimum of five days. 4. Perform acoustical evaluation of softball field activities, and further document the ambient sound level conditions. 5. The data collected will be utilized to construct a three-dimensional sound propagation computer model of the existing site using source data obtained on site and physical site conditions obtained from a combination of dimensions taken during the site visits and topographical. Sound level data obtained on site will be used to calibrate the computer BAF/ab/EWRF Noise Study/Scope O TETRA TECH Tt#200BP Clermont -1- 052517 model. The effects of various noise mitigations strategies, including barriers of various heights and locations, will be studied in the model. Examples of the computer model output are attached to this proposal. 6. After compilation of the model a conference call will be held to review the findings from the computer model studies and recommended noise mitigation strategies. 7. Prepare a draft Environmental Acoustic Assessment report containing an executive summary of the findings from the study, a description of the acoustical measurement method, sound level data obtained on site, a description of the sound propagation model, sound level contour maps showing estimated sound levels at relevant receiver locations, and recommended noise reduction strategies. Report will include Mitigation improvements and estimated implementation costs. 8. Conduct a review meeting with City to discuss the draft report. 9. Update the Environmental Acoustic Assessment report based on City comments. 10. Participate in an Homeowners meeting with the City staff to discuss the report and findings from the study. III. SCHEDULE The project delivery schedule for this assignment will be approximately 10 weeks from the collection of the acoustical data. IV. COMPENSATION The lump sum compensation for the Scope of Services described in Section II is $36,565.00. BAF/ab/EWRF Noise Study/Scope l l TETRA TECH Tt#200BP Clermont -2- 052517 1 —id ) Z 0 ...- 4-0 CO = - 1 0 ° 11 C) i . < < (In 0 ••• li '• .1\:/ 1 Vaa. , (1) ..... I I .''. .‘; Ull U- E-:,,,.... ... ., , c..) ../----,,, , 1. _1 c , ,,, ,r,1 ..--- ,. ,..: - i,/ 0 < .ti IX p Lil 1 • , q , , 1 1, - ,''' c ! : 4 I , 611 IV'Al 14 —.... ..1' .1.45 1r ( , 114 I ..., • • &Al• .,. ... . ... ..,,_ ini,, r . , ,11.,..,.. , 1 . 4,... 44.41 f - • ,, 6 .1 1111111 III<Icp,$4 r!,‘VWF.6. ,, Aill ite r '-. .--..-- ' :I@ ' _ . Zsn'''"-- .. ` b.''''' ..1 I I -- , --', .-----,....1 , RML Acoustics LLC 0 , ' 1 .,...„... — ,..,1:1'.; '''''t'i• ' -f id. ..&". .!- ''''' 14688 NW 150th LN. lii fts r-mes_.. 4 APO. t '`•-• 11., ---- ,,„00a----' '` ' - 1 __al ,, m-4.; Alachua, Florida 32615 41 - — , fp . 1 •- 1 Telephone& Fax: (352)415-4041 13/4,-- — www.rmlacoustics.com SERVICES/EXPERIENCE RML Acoustics is an acoustical consulting firm specializing in architectural and environ- mental acoustics serving the southeast United States from our offices in Florida and Louisiana. "'r RML Acoustics provides comprehensive environmental acoustic assessments for a wide variety .1.4 of environmental noise related project types including (but not limited to): tt; • Industrial Facilities(power generation, deep well dulling,waste water treatment, concrete batch plants, ;;•,- fir '` rock mining, manufacturing plants,etc.) • Central Utility/Energy Plants • Outdoor Entertainment Venues(amphitheaters, restaurants, night clubs) _ • Transportation Noise Sources(highways,airports, railways) Wiwi* • Weapons Training Facilities(outdoor and indoor near residences) • Loading Docks/Shipping Facilities • . Racetracks, Motocross,etc. We use a proven process to help Clients achieve their project's acoustical objectives, I . including: I • Working with the Client to establish or interpret the project's acoustical goals and criteria • •• • Identifying and quantifying existing or proposed noise source levels and documenting the level and character of the existing ambient sounds at affected receivers using advanced acoustical r .�-- measurement techniques and precision grade instrumentation • Predicting estimated sound levels from noise sources during the planning/design process in accordance with ASTM and ISO Standards for outdoor sound propagation analysis t • Developing and modeling practical noise mitigation strategies as required to meet the project's ti acoustical criteria such as outdoor sound level restrictions imposed by municipalities . • Providing expert witness testimony at public hearings or at trial in defense of the scientific methods and principles used in the analysis and development of acoustical design solutions I Ns • Conducting follow-up noise monitoring to verify continued compliance with project or municipal requirements I• Specific Environmental Noise Project Experience(abbreviated list): I • Tybee Island Deep Aquifer Production Well Noise Mitigation Design and Monthly Noise Monitoring, Tybee Island, Georgia • City of Deltona Eastern Wastewater Reclamation Facility Noise Study, Osteen,Florida • Anastasia Island Waste Water Treatment Plant Noise Study,St.Augustine, Florida _ —} • Peele-Dixie Water Treatment Plant Noise Study, Fort Lauderdale, Florida* • Plantation East Water Treatment Plant Noise Study, Plantation, Florida* • Okeechobee County Ambient Noise Study and Music Festival Monitoring, Okeechobee, Florida • Wekiva Borrow Pit Noise Study, Mount Dora, Florida 7 • Varn Wood Pellets Noise Study, Hoboken, Georgia - , • Florida Rock Industries, Inc.,Thompson S. Baker Cement Plant Kiln Line Expansion Noise Control Design and Quarterly Sound Monitoring,Newberry, Florida* • • Pasco County, Florida, Limerock Mine Noise Study* • Ford Amphitheater(Clear Channel vs.the Hillsborough County EPC),Tampa, Florida* '• ' • • Sarasota Memorial Hospital Central' Energy Plant Noise Control Design and Quarterly Sound r z Monitoring, Sarasota, Florida* s • Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Firing Range Noise Studies, Brunswick, Georgia* 'Projects completed by Rob Lilkendey as a Senior Consultant and Associate Principal Consultant at Siebein Associates,Inc. ROBERT M. LILKENDEY, Principal Consultant EXPERIENCE Rob is the -primary acoustical consultant involved on all aspects of environmental acoustics projects for RML Acoustics. During his 21 years of experience as an acoustical consultant, Rob has successfully completed more than 100 environmental noise related projects. He works at the "big picture' -level with project stakeholders, attorneys, community groups, and government agencies to achieve consensus on the acoustical goals of the project. He also works at the .F technical level, developing project specific acoustical measurement instrumentation, conducting acoustical measurements in the field, analyzing acoustical data obtained on site, developing sound propagation models, and providing noise mitigation solutions to meet the project's requirements. a EDUCATION (University of.Florida) • Master of Science,Architectural Acoustic Studies(1997) • Master of Building Construction (1996) • Bachelor of Design in Architecture(1993) PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS • National Council of Acoustical Consultants • Acoustical Society of America • `Institute of Noise Control Engineers • American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PROFESSION • Author and co-author of over 25 papers and/or lectures presented at professional acoustical society meetings and conferences • : Guest lecturer of undergraduate and graduate acoustical classes at the University of Florida SKILLS • Exceptional communication and presentation skills - • Comfortable presenting to elected officials, planning boards, citizen groups, etc. • Creative finder of solutions • EXPERTISE - • • In-depth knowledge of the fundamental principalsof acoustics, outdoor, sound propagation, building acoustics, acoustical measurement standards and techniques, community noise regulations, noise control products and systems, and the human perception of sound • Recognized as an expert in acoustics and environmental noise at trials in Hillsborough County, Miami-Dade County, Sarasota County and Charlotte County, Florida, as well as at quasi-judicial and administrative hearings in may cities and counties throughout Florida. "I have had the privilege of working with Rob over the past several years on a variety of projects involving acoustic issues —from amphitheaters, bars, expressways, airports, entertainment venues, and mixed use projects, to assisting local governments in preparing and defending their noise ordinances in administrative and legal proceedings. While Rob's technical abilities as an acoustical consultant are outstanding, his greatest attribute is his ability to synthesize complex acoustical data and information, and express it in a manner that makes it clear and understandable for the lay person. Rob is an outstanding expert witness as well, who leaves a lasting impression on his audience, whether it be a judge,jury, commission or group of citizens. I would without hesitation recommend Rob for any noise related matters. " . _ -Mark Bentley,Esquire,B.C.S.,AICP CLERMONT WATER TREATMENT PLANT NOISE STUDY PROPOSAL MAY 23,2017 SAMPLE 3-D SOUND PROPAGATION COMPUTER MODEL GRAPHICAL OUTPUTS b 0•••••11m MN.IMO lir Al4...,i.cip -4 gp . .a® :- as .' o' SMG =X..-- C wittel ® Mill I a..r.�w.�nn. ��- .Mfs-/VMI-1.to*NVMS .\1 0 III n �� 1n101/Yeb MAIL a1w / -J f I. e—iNIIip --Lr. 1�1�n . fir---,1ii �/�,• '� , :��MI n: r _ �� - �� ,---,,,-",---77---�.-..cis» ! :: � ��_ ,. ` RML A....-.cs t°7!.,.. l� �' N� \ y 3-D Sound Propagation Computer Model of� DI� �� � Bandshell and Barriers i_7.,..` , ak'G ;Q�%rT &, Demme... I,- 1 - _F=•=7mum tim....fa✓IM 1416m NLIDu OA,RI gi R41 110 Lamb Wow* kr• coma • 1, :�_ ... 11\�I \N4 : 1S i�� t .7i M •KW SO. v fY •ry �7hri1A .4 [�i1\y7( 'Dm . RMIA`Acoustics l!"'ST.17;.i: �/�/,iyj, S j �► a iA ® OM..M•Os1 3% 0 hg 'h1.1.6.1..,4Pki --:-.....- �% �1 oncoomboqb osol06,Wa VINO. M LIO Levels 'Apra -ViI .V+ -a•••.• GO 65 ESMRML Acoustks,,,, ,,, 1Dgmill A` •,fr . I\SSM ® �— 4. 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