2017-080 CHILD PROTECTION INVESTIGATIONS PROJECT: MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to coordinate services of the Clermont Police Department and Haven of Lake & Sumter Counties, Inc through partnership and collaboration. By participating in this agreement, all partners are expressing their commitment to work as equals within their own unique roles to accomplish their mission, while understanding that addressing the overall problem of domestic violence and child abuse requires a respectful, shared response. I. DESCRIPTION OF PARTNERS Haven of Lake & Sumter Counties, Inc. (Haven) is the certified provider of comprehensive services to adult survivors of domestic violence and their children in Lake & Sumter Counties. Haven's mission is to provide unduplicated services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Clermont Police Department represents the Law Enforcement agency in Lake County. II. HISTORY OF RELATIONSHIP Haven and Clermont Police Department have demonstrated a history of successful collaborations since 1977. These agencies have worked together to provide referral and information services for many years. III. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Haven and CLERMONT POLICE DEPARTMENT will work together in the CPI Domestic Violence Advocate Project as indicated: 1. Leadership from CLERMONT POLICE DEPARTMENT will meet initially to develop protocols for screening, serving, and referring cases involving domestic violence. CLERMONT POLICE DEPARTMENT will ensure that the appropriate supervisors also attend the meeting(s) to establish communication procedures and guarantee consistent messaging with all staff involved with the project. 2. Leadership from CLERMONT POLICE DEPARTMENT will meet, at minimum, on a quarterly basis to enhance adult and child survivor safety, increase perpetrator accountability, discuss and resolve barriers to collaboration, and develop strategies to resolve emerging issues that arise in the CPI Project. The Leadership Team members will develop the project's mission and vision statements. 1 3. Haven Domestic Violence Child Welfare Advocate (DVCW) and supervisor, and a representative(s) from CLERMONT POLICE DEPARTMENT will participate in ongoing monthly meetings to discuss successes; address barriers to collaboration; and develop strategies to resolve emerging issues throughout the project period. 4. Haven and CLERMONT POLICE DEPARTMENT will invite and encourage local representatives from other agencies to attend the monthly meetings to broaden the participation in the effort to address the co—occurrence of domestic violence and child abuse. Upon request, Haven will conduct trainings on issues related to addressing the co-occurrence of domestic violence and child abuse, understanding batterer behavior, safety planning, and importance of services for staff members of CLERMONT POLICE DEPARTMENT. 5. Haven DVCW Advocate will provide support and referral services for survivors of domestic violence and their children. Haven will offer a range of direct services to the survivor and the children upon referral including options such as emergency shelter, outreach counseling, advocacy including with the partners to this agreement and other types of services as available and determined by the survivor. 6. Haven will share information regarding survivors of domestic violence as permitted by and in compliance with Florida confidentiality and privilege laws as outlined in Florida Statutes sections 39.908; 90.5035 and 90.5036, and the Federal Violence Against Women Act of 2005. Haven agrees to inform the parent whenever CLERMONT POLICE DEPARTMENT request information. However, communication between Haven and CLERMONT POLICE DEPARTMENT relating to a parent's confidential information is at the discretion of and with the written consent of the parent. The center will not utilize Florida Safe Families Network(FSFN) for information sharing purposes. 7. Haven and CLERMONT POLICE DEPARTMENT will ensure all information released to community partners adheres to all applicable Florida and Federal confidentiality and privilege laws, and any protocols agreed to by CLERMONT POLICE DEPARTMENT and Haven addressing information sharing and cooperation in domestic violence prevention and investigation. 8. CLERMONT POLICE DEPARTMENT will support the efforts of the child welfare agencies and the Domestic Violence Center to provide protection to the child and adult victims of abuse by enforcing all laws pertaining to child abuse and neglect and domestic violence and through the enforcement of court orders established by the injunctive process. In addition, CLERMONT POLICE DEPARTMENT will assume a leadership role with holding the perpetrator accountable through methods including, but not limited to: arrest and removal of the batterer from the home; thoroughly reviewing domestic violence reports/cases to ensure the correct charges were placed on the suspect; ensure written statements were documented from all possible parties; ensure that evidentiary photos were taken; review the batterer's criminal history, including communication with any current or past probation officer; determine if there are any other witnesses who 2 • might provide a statement; determine if there is any other evidence that may be collected to support or enhance charges; determine if there are injuries that may enhance charges such as strangulation; follow up with the victim to determine if any injuries or new bruising is now evident and photograph those injuries to update the evidence for prosecution; and inquire if the victim has seen a medical provider since the time of the incident. CLERMONT POLICE DEPARTMENT will provide victims with information about the certified domestic violence center and connect them with the local 24 hour domestic violence hotline or the-Florida Domestic Violence Hotline if the victim would like to speak with a domestic violence advocate. 9. IV. COMMITMENT By signing this Memorandum of Understanding, the project partners acknowledge their commitment to achieve the stated purpose of the project. It is further agreed that this MOU can be amended at any time upon consent of all. This agreement will renew automatically for a period of three years from the date of signing, unless terminated by either party. As indicated by my signature, I have read and agree with the Memorandum of Understanding. Kelly Smallridge, Executive Director Date Haven of L.' 'umt, ties, Inc arles :roa.way, Chief of Po ice - Date Clermont Police Department 3 II • might provide a statement: determine :f there is any of C, evidence that may he collected to support orrenhance:charges: determine if there are njuries that may enhance charges such as strangulation: iollow.up with the victim to 'etermine if any injuries or new bruising is now evident and photograph those inj ies to update the evidence her prosecution: and inquire if the victim has seen a med cal provider since the time of the incident. CLERMONT POLICE DEPARTMENT will provide victims with information • • about the certified domestic violence center and con sect them with the local 24 hour domestic violence hollinc or the Florida Domestic Vi Icncc ilotline if the victim would like to speak with a domestic violence advocate. • • 9. W. COMMITMENT 'y signing this Memorandum of Understanding. the pr, 'cm partners acknowledge their ommitmcnt to achieve the stated purpose-of the project. It i further agreed that this MOLT can .e amended at any time upon consent of all. This agreeme I will renew automatically For a •period of three years front the date of signing. unless tenninate t by either p>rty. • s indicated by my signature.] have read and agree with the N emorandum of[. nderstanding. dice. _ /S.s.: ,/ (env- .al!ri. c:,Exeeut .d.Ditecior" 0` Date raven of Lak ;t'Sumter Counties, Inc 11a-ries Aroaa-way, Chef cf Poiicef Dale liennont Police De anment • • • 3