O-069-M ,. . .--.. -¡-,.-. ... _ _ --=---l - ::==- .' REVENUES Tapping Fees - Water $ 20,000.00 Connection Fees - Sewer 7,500.00 , Interest 5,000.00 M;scel1aneous 2.000.00 Hydrant Rental s , 3,375.00 Water Sales 180,000.00 '. Sewer Service Charge 11 0,000. 00 Sub Total $ 327,875.00 Cash Balance & Surplus Forward :17,729.00 Exc i se Tax 77,501.00 Tota 1 $ 4~:,10=.ÛO ~NSES UTILITIES ADMINISTRATION Auditing $ 2,400.00 Insurance Hospitalization 1.188.00 L iabi 1 ity . i ,OOO.Ol' F.I.C.A. 4,913.00 Surety Bond 1:.!I:.OO Workmen's Compe~satlon 1,500.00 Group Life 432.GC Unemployment 8·10.00 Technical·S~rvicr5 10,000.00 Pensions 1,750.00 Office Rent 1,200.00 Salaries City Attorney 750.00 Clerical 5,2UJ.OO City Clerk 2,OHO.DO Administrat've Secretary 1,33:.'.00 Contro 11 er 2,483.00 Ci ty Manager 4,1 00. 00 Mayor-Council ....J..¡1P.Q. CO Sub Total - Operating :; ~2,6ìì.00 It is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following sums of money are required for the water and sewer operations of the government of said City for the fì$cal year of October 1, 1974 to September 3D, 1975, inclusive. /IN EMERGENCY orWIN/lNCE UNDER TlfE CODE OF OIlDIWUIf.ES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMEtIT' BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1974-75; AUTHORIZING RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS CONT/UIIE!) THEREIN; REPEALING ALL ORDIN/lNCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERAßIlI.TY; PROVIDINrì AN EFFECTIVE DATE. . THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, HEREBY ORDAINS THAT: SECTION 1. 232 N~ MISC. ORDINANCES EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 69-M .... , (:1;'·)1; Ü (1:,\- '\,.J I ". ----.. - -- MHSC, ORDHNANCES N~ 233 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 69-M Capital Outlay 0 Total $ 42,617.00 WATER DIVISION Contingencies $ 5,862.00 Equipment Rental 200.00 Ma intenance Bui lding 700.00 Equipment 2,500.00 Meters 2,500.00 El eva ted Tanks 1,906.00 Vehicles 450.00 Minor Equipment 400.00 Miscellaneous 1,500.00 Salaries Superintendent 2,574.00 Foreman 6,240.00 Water Service Supervisor 6,370.00 Meter Readers 9,520.00 Maintenance Mechanic 2,0.:5.00 Labor 2,91 3.00 Overtime 500.00 Incentive Pay 240.00 Subscriptions and Dues 140.00 Supplies Chlorine 1,500.00 Offi ce 1,500.00 Material s 500.00 Miscellaneous 150.00 Travel - School 200.00 Un iforms 400.00 Util ities Electricity 15,000.00 Telephone 400.00 Vehicles Gas & 011 700.00 Tires & Batteries 400. 00 Sub Total - Operating " 67,3('J.00 Capital Outlay Pipe fittings, etc. 15,000.00 Highland Well Renovation 12,000.00 Meters (2) - Water ¡-Jells 5,600.00 Sub Total - Capital Outlay , ,0 ;~o 00 - -,-.,..,/ .- Tota 1 :~ : '.....: ~'r. .,;_,.....J......, u - u .J MISC. ORDINANCES f\ ~ 234 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 1m. !õ9-M SANITARY SEWER DIVISION Contingencies $ 5,000.00 fquipment Rental 200.00 Lease - Land 1,1300.00 Ma i ntenance Building 3,000.00 Equipment 2,000.00 Vehic}es 400.00 Minor Equipment 500.00 111 scell aneous 150.00 Salaries Superintendent 7,722.00 Foreman 2,080.00 Pollution Control Operators 15,080.00 Pollution Control Maint. Mech. 6,105.00 La bor 2 , 912 . 00 Overtime 1.500.00 Incentive Pay 480.00 Subscriptions and Dues 100.00 Supplies Chlorine 3,500.00 La bora tory 1,000.00 Office 500.00 . Materia 15 500.00 Miscellaneous 250.00 Travel - School 200.00 Uniforms 400.00 Uti 1 iti es Electricity 25,000.00 Telephone 450.00 Vehicles Gas & Oil 750.00 Tires & Batteries 350.00 Sub Tota 1 ~ c:q .9:?;.C:' Capi ta 1 Outl ay Pipe, Brick, etc. 4,000.00 Radio Remote Unit 435.00 Elapsed Time Meter's - Lift Stations 400.00 Borrow Pi t ["OOO.GO Sub Total - Capital Outlay c ;, ': ::S.t:j . Total . ;.! , ; ().'~ . ~O DEBT SrrIYICr Equipment Replacement $ 16,394.00 Sinking Fund 116.600.00 Reserve Sinking Fund 23,320.00 Farmers Home Administration lì.510.00 Tota 1 .: i;3,-:;~4.0(l Total Expenditures < 4C;,'t::.ùC Cash Carry Forward $ 3[,000.00 Grand Total ~ ,11!':.'~: .00 u u & APPROVED by me, this 12th day of November, A. D. 1974 ATTEST: LO~c.J 0. ¡;Æ1-ÆJ¿ DOLORES W. CARROLL, City Clerk PASSED AND ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, this 12th day of November, A. D. 1974. It is necessary for the immediate preservation of property, health and safety of the City of Clermont, Florida and its inhabitants that the foregoing Ordinance be inacted with the least possible delay and this Ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure and will take effect immediately upon its passage and approval. Should any section or part of a section be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such adjudications shall not apply or affect any other provision of this Ordinance, except to the extent that the entire section or part of the section may be inseparable in meaning and effect from the section to which such holding shall apply. SECTION 4. SECTION 3. repealed. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby SECTION 2. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 69-M 235 N~ MISe. ORDINANCES o o