O-056-M . 73 1.7735 ~òÖ~ 520 PAGE 17 .' Rec 6;00_ MISC. ORDINANCES' N~ 190 Ordinance NO. 56 M AN ORDINANCE UNDER THE CODE OF ORINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CLOSING AND PERMANENTLY ABANDONING STRICKLING STREET FROM THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 50 TO THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY HILL STREET, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8, PAGES 17-23, INCLUSIVE, PUBLIC RECORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, FUORIDA. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT HEREBY ORDAINS THAT: SECTION That portion of Strickling Street lying between the South right- of-way line of State Road 50 and the North right-of-way of Hill Street, according to the Official Map of the City of Clermont, recorded in Plat Book 8, pages 17-23 inclusive, Public Records of Lake County, Florida, be and the same Is hereby closed and permanently abandoned, subject, however, to this reservation of a utility easement 20 feet in width, the center line of which said easement is the center line of Strickling Street from the South right-of-way of State Road 50 to the North right- / of-way line of Hill Street, as shown on the Official Map of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida. '" n ~, r- .- ç~§J Ã~ ,-';?, T] ..... .~ nQ/ :;: o'Jr t.:o .">.-. ;:: c: t·..... j. ~::¡.:- :' . n'" p;J Stat'ec:. "-- =- ¡... '..: !. 'J~ :n:: ~ ::.J m '" = = "" w..> SECTION 2 This closing is done pursuant to the authority of the charter of = """ N the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, and the general laws of the of Florida, specifically Chapter 167 of the Florida Statutes,. ~ -.J u..J SECTI ON 3 This ordinance shall be posted as provided by law and it shall become law and shall take effect at 12:01 A.M. on the 27th day of September, A.D. 1973. First Reading the 14th day of August, A. D. 1973 Second ReadIng this 28th day of August, A. D. 1973. PASSED AND ORDAINED BY THE COUNTY, FLOR I DA TH I S r22-4 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, DAY OF r.(~hA~ ,A.D. 1973. LAKE CITY OF CLERMONT BY:~ r41/d- MAYOR e O. R. BOOK 520 PAGE 18 . -,(.1- .......~.;.:\:~ :·:t~{~~·,< .-.').. .',. /,1"" . (~-j~fJ&0j) ", I¡'<·ATT:EST~·'- '!i!;,'} ~ \. ". ...... "li,'I"":"" MISC. ORDINANCES N~ 191 ORDINANCE NO. 56 M - 'k~r0aÆ>A) 'tJ.c.MJl CITY CLERK APPROVED by me this oZP~ day of q'7~£- ,A. D. 1973. ~/MACA~ud CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY that a certified copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 56 M was published one time between the First and Second Rëading of said Ordinance In a newspaper of general circulation located within the City of Clermont, as required under theCharter of the City of Clermont, 234- day of FdIor i.da, sa i d Ord i nance hav i ng been pub 1 i shed on the ~'A~ , A. D. 1973. IÛMAdA) 'f/ C~AJp . CITY CLERK THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY: DOLORES w. CARROLL, OFFICE OF THE ClrfilERK .' 1 WEST GATE PLAZA CLERMONT, FLORIDA 32711' '," , , DWC;dÐg " , Dolores W. Carro11 (Mrs.) t:lty Clci:k Vary truly yours, , , ThIs reques~ shall be consIdered by CI~y Council In Public HearIng on July 24, 1973. A copy 01 ~he Legal No~lce Is at~ached hereto. Dear SIr; As 'an abuÚlng property owner to 'Lots 339 'and 340 (less the 'East 143.75 fee~) of tlermont Heights S~bdlvlßlon qwnad by Alvin Marker, representatIve of aadcoc~ Furniture Company, you will please be advIsed of his reques~ ~o have ~ha~ portion of S~rlckllng S~reet, runn¡n~ Sou~h from HIghway ff50 to Lo~ 341 of Clermon~ Heights, closed. Mr. Joe Duncan, Trustee c/o The Exchange Bank of Cle~n~ 620 Montroße S~roe~ Clermont"Florlda 32711 July 9,,1973 ,(j~. '0 .). ," '. . ,; ., .,.... . ' bw.C ;d,ag: "",.1 Dolores W. carroll (Mrs.) City Clerl< . " .~ Very truly yours, ::~, As an abut~ I ng proper~y owner to lots 339 and 340 (Less the East P13.75 I'eet) 01' Clermon~ HeIghts SubdIvisIon owned by Alvin Marker, represen~a~lve 01' Badcock Furnl~ure Company, you wIll please be advised 01' hIs request to have ~ha~ portion of S~rlckllng Street, running South from HIghway #50 ~o lQt 341 of Clermon~ Heights, closed. This reques~ sha1t be considered by City CouncIl In Public Hcarlng on July 24, 1973. A copy of the I.egal NotIce, Is, attached' hereto. \', .' . Dear Sirs: . Sou~h lake PlezD, Inc. 'P. O. Dra\1er N ClearwÐter, Florida 33518 July 9, 1973 .. " ;.1 ."', r' ~. ; , , " ,; .f\ . ',' " . , , DWCödag Dolores W. Carroll ~Mrs.) City Clerk Very trµly yours, Dea'r Mrs. Dingess: As an abuttIng property OWner to i-ots 339 and 340 (Less the Eëlst 143.75 feet) of Clermont HeIghts SubdivIsion owned by Alvin Hëlrker, represen~a~lvc of gadcoc!, r:'Jrn,¡tl)r~, Comp~ny, you wi 11 please be advised of hls'raquest ~o have that portion, of Strickling S~reet, running South from IIlghway 1150 to i-o~ 341 of Clermontßelghts¡ c;losed. This request,shall be consldcrèd by CI~Y Council In Public Hearing on July 24, 1973. ,A còpy of the Legal N~tlce Is'a~tached hereto. u 25705 Mrs. Jane A. Dingess 151"KI,ngs HI ghway Hunt I ngton, ~Jos~ Vlrgl n I;:¡ July 9, 1973 . " " 'l J. ' , ,,----/ Dl-JC;dÐg Dolores W. CÐrrol1 (Mrs.} City Clerk Very ~ruly yours, An Ðn abu~~lng propar~y owner to Lots 339 Ðnd 340 (Less the Ea$~ 143.75 fee~) of Clennon~ Helgh~s SubdIvIsIon owned by Alvin Marker, represen~8tlva of Badcock FurnIture Company, you will please be advIsed of his reques~ ~o have ~ha~ portion of StrIcklIng S~reet, runnIng Sou~h frçm Hlghwsy U 50 to Lot 34\ of ClermontHelgh~s, closed. ThIs re~uest shall be considered by CI~y CouncIl In Public HearIng on July 24, 1973. A copy of the Legal Notice Is attached here~o. Dear Sirs: The Enchango Bank of Clormon~ 620 Mon~rose S~ree~ Clermon~, Florld¡¡ 3271,\ July 9, 1973 '-..,./' ,:U ...; o ~ edy of efemwnt # 1 West Gate Plaza D Clermont, Florida 32711 CI Phone: (904) 394-4081 City Council DON E. SMITH, Mayor CHARLES B. BEALS. Mayor ProTem GEORGE J. SCHROEDEL, Councilman CLAUDE E. SMOAK. JA" Councilman CARLISLE A. BYRD, JR., Councilman ,..~ , July 17, 1973 Mr, Bi 11 Britt District Manager Florida Power Corporation 737 Montrose Street Clermont, Florida 32711 Re: Strickling Street Dear Mr, Britt: o City Manager ROBEAT M. HOPKINS City Clerk DOLORES W. CARROLL At their meeting on July 24, 1973 the City Council will consider a request for the closing of that portion of Strickling Street running South from State Road 50 to Lot 341 of Clermo'nt Heights. Please advise if you have any objection. RMH:md Attachment . '/ yr' 9 iY' f)/; ; /' I C'....·IIH "A("'ATln I ("'A 'T.' r"IC'T' City Q/ \rP IJtl ýif )tll (t/",f. tp~( -IATlr"I-' . . . '-........ ! LEGAL NOTICE .<'" " - - 'cerned Notice.is hereby given to aU corCity_ of I that ,the City Counei_1 of fhe ~pub~ic' Clermont, Florida shaH hold a Imbers HparÙ19 in the, Council ChëÞ.venue , located on the corner of West )~UIY 24, I af.d DeSoto Streets on Tuesday,. er the. 1973 at 7:30 P.M. to consid I f~oWing: closing Request by Alvin Marker for the L~treet of that portion of Strickling \\'f1 50 to running South from State Road' Lot 341 of Clermont Heights r/e~ an All interested parties will be gi\'ws on I opportunity to express their vie' I the above mentioned matters. I' I 1 lager R. M. Hopkins, City Mar. I City of Clermont, Florida, July 12, 1973 )¡ - ....~,~'. ·.,. . ed';j 0/ eLermont # 1 West Gate Plaza _ Clermont, Florida 32711 . Phone: (904) 394-4081 City Co~ncll DON E. SMITH, Mayor CHAALES B. BEALS. Mayor ProTem GEORGE 1. SCHROEDEL, Councilman CLAUDE E. SMOAK, JR., Councilman CARLISLE A. BYRD. JR., Councilman CIty Mpnager ROBERf M. HOPKINS City Clerk DOLORES W. CARROLL July 17, 1973 Jack McDonald Genera 1 Manager Lake Apopka Natural Gas P. O. Box 1275 Winter Garden, Florida 32787 Re: Strickling Street Dear Mr, McDonald: At their Iiléeting on July 24, 1973 the City Council will consider a request for the closing of that portion of Strick1 ing Street running South from State Road 50 to Lot 341 of Clermont Heights, (See attachment). \' Please advise if you have any objection. RMH:md Attachment ~lY' ~ ;/ o er . HOP~ City Manager - ~4A/ ~.' RECEIVEDJUL 19 1973 rfú,-, ~?1Æ ,~~ ~ ~, ~ V~ ~ ~- :OU,V 1~.£v;...ŸJ (;i"JJ'.¿- ,¿~), , j ~ W..¿ ~rt,..... ?v\\ ¡O~;~?~ ~ ~~"' ~~ /], ~ .µ'-;- ~ þJJ~~/ ~ 0, ; /,),. -"·.11 V \/ArAT·"". rll Till ("'I- TII- -lilT"'" I , , ... Ûj . ;¡" , ~ '. . -~ .. , ,. .. July 17, 1973 " '," !Jr. Ràlph Oswald E'lod.do. ,Telepho~aCorporat1o,I1', . " -', , P. O. nox 48 ' LccaÞ~re.' Florida 3Z148 l~, Str1c~land'Strc~t Dear ~~. Ormaið:' J', " ~.""~' ',. " 'At t1(¢:Lr'meetidg Qn Jµly f~" i973 t~e City Cou~Ç!l ~ill eons~d~r' a reqllest for the e!03!ng of that portion of Stricklnnd Street, ¡;un)¡J.ng South freD State ROad 50 to Lot 341 of.,Clormont Heiahta. , '~aee attac;hnent). , Ple~~c advise' if you h~ve any ohjc~tion. , ' Sincerely, ( "-' , Rl·fiI:ind Attechmønt Robert M. Hoþkina Ci ty, H.cnaßcr " be: R, M. Hopkins " '.' o ,. , '.. ' .' >. ',-:J. 0, " July 17, 1973 JDck Hcl)oa.a1d Gcn~ral HSMßcr Lake Apop!~ ~jatu1!'el G!ls , P. O. Box 1275 ¡·]inter Gard~. Florida 327B7 ReI Str1çltlqrtd Street , Dear, Va. ~¡cDot!alél I ~ ; . " ! <"" . ~''¡ J .::'~ .' jA " " .. " " .....,. -~ .' o .. " '. ' At their ~etingòn July 24, 1973 the City'counc1l \TÁll consider à reqUQst for the c1o~1nß of that portion of'Stric4l~nd Street runninG South from Stato r~ad 50 to Lot 341 of Clcrœon~ ~cights. (See attac~nt). . ' Please advice if you have any objection. Sin¿erely, " \.. rom and Attachment Robert M. Hbpkins C;f. ty ~1ana.ger bCI'R. M. Hopkins "; ~,;.~ , , , , '. " j'. :" 'C) , " .' " , " , . .., , . July 17, 1973 '. , ' ',' .. .L "'. ,< J. A. Doub" System !ian.;l[lêi' Talepronpter 530 Sout;\ ¡fai!¡., Street Ninter Garden, Flo~ida,327B7 ReI StticklQn~ Street D2sr Mr. Doub" , ,c At their m3cting on July 24, 1~73 the City Council ~ill ,Conoider n request for th~ closing or thàt por,dot), ofSt~1ckla~d' Strae.t ' rUDnin~ South' £romStqt~ Rocid 50 to i~t 341 of Clermont Heights. (See attDc;l1inent.)~' ',,' ' ,', , " '.." ' " Please advisetf'you~ve sny oOjec.tlon. Sincerely, lU1H: rod Attachment Robert H.' Hopkins City ;1'a.M3er bc: R. ,M. Ho¡:>kins '".' .. '0' , "'~ , < , . 0: v ~". q 0" " , . ,~ , July 17; 1973 " Nr, :1Ii11 Bfitt District ,:anagar Florida Po~ar Corporation 737 tlontrose 51;røot Clermont, Florida 32711 Re:,Stt':I.<;k.land Streét : Dear 111:. Britt: At tpeir.mGctinr. on July 24,'1973 the City Council will consider a request for tàa c1oc1ût of that r-ortion of,Stricttland Stroet runû1~ Sout~ from State Road 50 to Lot 341 of Clerpont llei~hts (See attachGent). Please advise if you havø any objection. . , S:1.T\cøralY. ID-ffilmd Attachment Rooørt ;t. roOpl~iIl$ City ::anagør be: R. M. Hopkins ' ". ,; . ~ i" :. r ,t, , " , ¡,'c' '0 o PICKED UP SIZE COST FRANCHISE TIMES PER WEEK CU, YD MONTIlLY FEE/MO TOTAL 1 2 YD. 19.00 $ 1.00 $ 20,00 2 2YD 32.50 1. 75 34.25 3 2 YD. 45.00 2.25 47.25 1 3 YD. 25.00 1.25 26.25 2 3 YD. 39.00 2.00 41.00 3 3 YD. 53.00 2.75 55.75 1 4 YD. 29,00 1.50 30.50 2 4 YD. 45.00 2.25 47.25 3 4 YD. 61. 00 3,00 64.00 1 6 YD. 36.00 1. 75 37.75 2 6 YD. 56.00 2.75 58.75 3 6 YD. 78,00 4.00 82.00 1 B YD. 42,00 2.25 44.25 2 8 YD. 72.00 3.50 75.50 3 8 YD. 104.00 5.25 109.25 ATTACHMENT A -~...~ ~ ('4l , ". , ' ,-' .. . " -- edy 0/ elcrrnont # 1 West Gate Plaza - Clermont, Florida 32711 - Phone: (904) 394-4081 City Council DON £. SMITH, Mayor CHARLES B. BEALS, Mayor ProT6m GEORGE J. SCHROEDEl, Councilman CLAUDE E. SMOAK, JR., Councilman CARLISLE A. BYAD, JR., Councilman City Mønager ROBERT M. HOPKINS C¡"ty'CJerk DOLORES W. CARAOLI.. ,) , LEGAL NOn CE Notice is hereby given to all concerned that the City Council of the City of Clermont, Florida shall hold a Public Hearing in the Council Chambe~s located on~hQ ~n~ner n~ wP~ Avenue and DeSoto Streets o~Tuesday, July 24y1973 at 7:30 P.M, to consider tne TUllowlng: Request by Alvin Marker for the closing of that portion of Strickling Street running South from State Road # 50 to Lot 341 of Clermont Heights All interested parties will be giyee an opportunity to express their views on the above mentioned matters July 12, 1973 R.M,Hopkins, City Manager City of Clermont, Florida REED SHAW STENHOUSE, INC. OF ILLINOIS INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE BROKERS 230 WEST M?NRqE STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60606,' 312'782-0880 Gentlemen: B~CEIVED DCJ Records indicate our insured, as shown, has a certi- ficate of insurance on file with your office. Enclosed is a corrected certificate amending the notice provision from 90 days to 30 days. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. Enclosure JB:bra FORMERLY £LIEL AND LOEB COMPANY President It \976 ì '. 'i ,1 c~A FlREMAN'S FUND o o o IX! o FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY THE AMERICAN INSURANCE C,oMPANY NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION ASSOCIATED INDEMNITY CORPORATION AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY ..__...,-~. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE TO: I City of Clermont I City Hall DATE Clermont, Fl. 9-3e-76 L .J THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE COMPANY OR COMPANIES CHECKED ABOVE HAVE IN FORCE AS OF THE DATE HEREOF THE FOLLOWING POLICY OR POLICIES: LOCÞ.TION OF PROPERTY, DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS. BUSINESS CONDUCTED NAMD".wntf.PÄE11:'~ INrn~.OR EMPLOYER Di-\T. of \.vaste l'-1anaqement, Inc. P.O. Box 8877 - Orlando, FL 32806 various Private Refuse Collection KIND OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EXPIRATION WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION WP1807984 1/1/79 STATUTORY EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY 100 100 500 500 WP1807984 1/1/79 BODILY INJURY LIABILITY OTHER THAN AUTOMOBILE· Comprehensive 1/1/79 LP2080921 PROPERTY D....M....GE LIABILITY OTHER THAN AUTOMOBILE· 500 500 500 500 _. -5'00 Comprehensive including Blanket Contractuar-- 1/1/79 LP2080921 ,--- AUTOMOBILE: ~DILY INJU~Y LI....BI\,.ITY· comprenensJ.ve PROPERTY DAMAGE. LIABILITY· Camp. MEDICAL PAYMENTS LP2080921 LP,!ui: O~;¿l 1/1/79 1/1/ I ~ 500 500 ~OO LIMITS OF LIABILITY ¡ THOUSAND DOLLARS, EACH PERSON THOUSAND DOLLARS, EACH ACCIDENT if THOUSAND DOLLARS, EACH OCCURRENCE THOUSAND DOLLARS. AGGREGATE PRODUCTS AND COMPLETED OPERATIONS THOUSAND DOLLARS. EACH OCCURRENCE THOUSAND DOLLARS, AGGREGATE OPERATIONS THOUSAND DOLLARS. AGGREGATE PROTECTIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, AGGREGATE CONTRACTUAL THOUSAND DOLLARS, AGGREGATE PRODUCTS AND COMPLI':TED OPI':RAT ONS THOUSAND DOLLARS, EACH PERSON THOUSAND DOLLARS. EACH OCCURRENCE $ EACH PERSON THOUSAND DOLLAR.S, EACH OCCURRENCE COMPREHENSIVE-LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO THE AUTOMOBILE. EXCEPT BY COLLISION OR UPSET BUT INCLUDING FIRE. THEFT AND WINDSTORM $ ACTUAL CASH VALUE UNLESS OTI-<ERWISE STATED I-<EREIN ACTUAL CASH VALUE LESS COLLISION OR UPSET $ DEOUCTlBLE DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF OPERATIONS AND AUTOMOBILES COVERED All automotive equipment owned and/or operated by the above insured. ** 30 days prior notice will be given to the Addressee REED SHAW C;TFNHOU5E./NC. -If COMPREHENSIVE. SO STATE. OF ILLINOIS THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE NEITHER AFFIRMATIVELY NOR NEGATIVE~Y AMENCS. EXTENDS OR AL.TERS THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICY OR POLICIES SHOWN AB07f}E' . . , - ~.- - I I I UTHo.tZE~EP#E ATJ/:E ~ IN EVENT OF ANY MATERIAL CHANGE IN OR CANCELLATION OF THE POLICY OR L/' PO'LlCLES THE COMPANY WILL MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO NOTIFY THE ADDRESSEE BUT ;.....V ' // )\ //" I'~ . ~ I .,- A Wll~~'~ WIU1WIID o [j o ['11 I.J FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY THE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION ASSOCIATED INDEMNITY CORPORATION AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY .......,c...."nU...IrICI caM~AH.1I TO: I CITY OF CLERMONT CITY HA L L CLERMONT, FLA. I L _I THIS 1$ TO CERTIFY THAT THE COJY!PANY OR COMPANIES CHECKED ABOVE HAVe: IN FORCE: AS OF THE DATE HEREOF THE FOLLOWING POLICY OR POLICIES: DATE CERTIF1CATE OF INSURANCE December 7, 1973 LOCATION OF PROPERTY. DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS, BUSINESS CONDUCTED N~E AND ~'<.~(.SS OFiNSURED OR EMPLOYER !Jump P..l.l" nc. Div. ot \'i'aste Nanaaement, Inc. P.O. Box 8877 - Orlando, Florida 32806 Various - Private Refuse Collection KIND OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EXPIRATION --- WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION wP 169 69 53 1/1/75 -- EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY WP 169 69 53 1/1/75 9001LY INJURY LIABILITY OTHER THAN ...UTOMOUII...E· COmprehensive 1/1/75 LP 208 08 71 -- PROPERTY DAMAGE l..''''UU+ITY OTH!'.:R T""'N "'UTOMORIt.E· Comprehensive Including Blanket Contractual LP 208 08 71 1/1/75 ~---- AUTOMOBILE: BODILY INJURY UABIUTY· ---º-~rehensive __ LP 208 08 71 COIII!'r. I.P 208 08 71 1/1/75 1/1/75 PROPERTY DAMAGE UABILlTY· -------- MEDICAL PA Y MENTS -~---._-~-- COMPREHENSIVE-l.OSS OF OR DAMAGE TO THE AUTOMOBILE, EXCEPT BY COLLISION OR UPSET BUT INCLUOING FIRE. THEFT AND WINDSTORM --~~--.- +~-' -- COt.t..SION OR UPSET ---+----- STATUTORY 100 100 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 $ LI....ITS OF LIABILITY. . THOUSAND DOLI.....RS. !.':ACH p€RSON THOUSAND [)Ot.I.ARS. EACH ACCIDENT THOUSAND pOLLARS. EACH oCCURR~NCIó . THOUSAND !XILLARS. AGGREGATE PRODUCTS AND COMPLETED OpER"TIONS THOUSAND DOt.LARS. EACH OCCURRENCE THOUSAND DOLLARS. AGGREGATE OpERATIONS THOUSAND VOLLARS. AGGREGATE PROTECTIV!'.: THOUSAND ooLt....RS. AGGREGATE CONTRACTUAL THOUSAND DOLLARS. AGGREGATE PRODUCTS AND COMPt.ETED OP!.':R",TIONS THOUSAND 00l..L...R5. EACH PERSON THOUSAND DOLLARS. EACH OCCURRENCE THOUSAND OOl..LARS. !'.:ACH OCCURRENCE EACH pF.;RSON $ ACTU"'l.. CASH VALUE UNLF.:SS OTHERWIS!'.: STATED HEREIN ~ ...CTUAI. C"'SH V...t.UF.: t.E$S . DEDUCTlflt.E - "~ÕEšêRIPTION AND LOCATION OF OPERATIONS AND AUTOMOBILES COVERED All AutOWltive Equipment owned and/or operated by the above Insured.' ** 90 days prior notice will be given to the Addressee. INSURANCE CONSULTANTS fNC THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE NEITHER AFFIRMATIVEI-V Ja.¡6i£ANO\{.r@EB'OO"'.D5^e"'T~.o¡;,ÔR AI-TERS THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICY OR POLICIES SHOWN ABOVE. IVIIJ"\):" I, DfVl~t......~ J ;fi¡' ¿ '7/ED REï7'N'~:::.J B _ /~.¿;t;r.,/h( .' J ,;ì ·IF COf'<1PREHENSIVE. so STATE. ~---- ,-~ "- IN EVENT Of' ANY MATERIAL CH"NGE IN OR CANCELLATION OF T~IE POLICY OR POLICIES TIlE COMPANY WILL MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO NOTIFY THE ADDRESSEE BUT UNOERTAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY By' REASON OF FAILURE TO 00 SO. 3e5110-1·73