O-053-M . 73 15430 Rec 4.00 . THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED B~:" DOLORES W. CARROLL, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 WEST GATE PLAZA CLERMONt, FL.ORIDA 32711 Mi 516 PAGE149 MISC. ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 53-M AN ORDINANCE UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLOSING AND PERMANENTLY ABANDONING THAT POR- TION OF THE UNNAMED ALLEY LYING DUE EAST OF AND RUNNING PARALLEL TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 14 AND LOT 15, LINCOLN PARK SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8, PAGES 17 THROUGH 23 INCLUSIVE, PUBLIC RECORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT HEREBY ORDAINS THAT: N~ 185 SECTION 1. That portion of unnamed alley lying due East of and running parallel to the Easterly line of Lot 14 and Lot 15, Lincoln Park Subdivision, according to the Offctèiál Map of the City of Clermont, recorded in Plat Book 8, Pages 17 through 23 inclusive, Public Records of Lake County, Florida, .be and the same is hereby closed and permanent- ly abandoned. SECTION 2. This closing is done pursuant to the authority of the Charter of the City of Clermont, Florida, the general laws of the State of Florida, specifically Chapter 167 of the Florida Statutes, and Special Act of the Legislature of the State of Florida. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall become law upon being posted as provided by law, and shall take effect at 12:01 A.M. on the 13th day of April, A.D. 1973. First Reading this 27th day of February, A.D. 1973. Second. Reading this 13th day of March, A.D. 1973. PASSED AND ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORWÞ.....;rHIS 13TH DAY OF MARCH, A.D.1973 ,~ (0j~t~~~~)·· I"~ . ::':'\~$!ì!.st.:!\':b?:~:·/ J -r.~...'" Q 1. .' '~.v'" . City Clerk APPROVED by me thi s / ,J-tPu day of LAKE COUNTY, C IT~RMONT r-IJ . / ;;\ ê" BY: ~ c- ¿(~ § ~ President of Council ~~-r~ O;:n \.-::>' I"'.:JI cn !\,.~~ Z£ ~ ~ C) :;:I--t~-"'C^":> N .--- ~ () 0 ~ ~g i.;~ ~::o-:2 :a:: -I ~ .. '" ~ ~L , A.D. 1973. ~r~ MAYOR CERTIFICATE OF POSTING I HEREBY CERTIFY that a certified copy of the foregoing Ordinance No.53-M was posted on the Public Municipal Bulletin Board at City Hall for a period of not less than one (1) wee~, as re~uired under the Charter of the City of Clermont, Florida, beginning ~w J'f ' A.D. 1973 L~ h.wl C lTY CLERK ./ , . ',/. 0" ..:......... ........... ,'/~ , ~'~: .~ :,lhtctbnnia,Qt~urt~ of Oinb hv ]1'ajt~ 90l "asm .1l1en~e Gtlenlalrt. Jløri&. 3271 I ..' ~~.~.~ IJutœ Ma,y 15, 1972 lIeltpl¡ont JB4-%J55 City of CleImont I Westgatø Plaza Clermont, Florida Dear ~j.i:rs: As o,nRrR of lots 14 and 15 on Bloxam and Juniata Streets and 10tR t2 and 1) on Juniata Strqet, we are requøoting thø closing of tho 10 fRet alley b~tween the two are8'3 ofpropert,V. We would like to a~d on to the church a multi- purpose room faT Sunday ~chool, Youth and Social Act- .ivit.ieB._ We would appreciate haaTing from you as soon 8R posRihle. , EnclosE·)!) is <I (:heck for ;,10.00 to cover aùver tiair¡> Thanking YOI.I in advance fo)" your consideration. r. Sincerely, tv.,Ir/. 4-..:' ,.,.--:t-u .\..... "'] a- or '" H I J' -'1' ~ .- "()" .1:1.. . t'~. ,;. . "I." J.;,¡;;ù!J i. riI~ #tr!Fa,r; I;o:r \J r l.!. : 1:1. f\ C.'1 8 . Chairman of ~Bacon roard "The ChurØ\ Where Bwr:7 Bod, Ú SomIbod, and God is '"'W· ----: /. .' May 22, 1972 W. H. Livingston, Pastor Macedonia Church of God by Faith 901 Bloxam Avenue Clermont, Florida 32711 Dear Reverend Livingston: Returned herewith is your check No. 586 in the amount of $10.00. Please be advised the fee for street closings'is $25.00. The street closing advertising has to be published four times in the local paper. The matter must be heard before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council. If you will submit your check for $25.00, we will make the necessary arrangements and advise of the dates of the hearings. RMH:md Encl. cc: City Clerk . :'-...- ì , [ ¡ I I I i,. " '~.,. . -, \;, , ~~. ~". ,- -,. .-....' ,:; (-.">" '<:> ¡ r ! i- I , ! ¡ --t:::r--,.------------"--·-- G7:~rcÆ .~/) 13 ; 12- ' ----..--------- 'I ._ . I J¡J ':: /11...1......' CDC'''--¡' ~,,'h"r> ·~t . I -- /I.·.t{ 1"___ 011 r.'Ã1 - n·I·--.... ~-.-...--/ ,. . ~ './ i'~' .....' .... ¡;..( Irr.:. /':J Ú. It· ... í I >'Ý "pir.' Ilr---"'- . .~(;,... II ' i I !Jf.'(ic),'Yl r ST- .' I \ I I I JU:V Id [.4 57: I'J I~ ·,. .. . ~ . -' June 7, 1972 \1. Ii. Livingston, Pastor Nacedoni a Church of God by Fa ith 901 ßloxam Avenue Clermont, Florida 32711 Dear f{cverend Li vi ngs ton: Please be advised that your request for the closing of that portion of the alley lying between your property will be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday, July 5, 1972. The meeting I'/ill be held at 7:30 P.r-!. at the Public Safety Building locateu.at the corner of West Avenue and DeSoto Street. Sincerely, Rl'1H:md ' / cc; City C1 er~ RoÞert M. Hopkins City r,anager .' . ~ ----- '(. .-,. " FLORIDA TELEPHONE CORPORATION RALPH J. OSWALD (it'lJe~al /'I'//It (j Tral/51/!Î5sioll En¡:;","'" July 7, 1972 Mr. Robert M. Hopkins City Manager City of Clermont #1 West Gate Plaza Clermont, Florida 32711 Dear Mr. Hopkins: This is to advise you that Florida Telephone Corporation has no objections to the proposed closing of the unnamed ten (10) foot alley lying south of the northeast corner of Lot 14 to the southeast corner of Lot 15, within Lincoln Park Subdivision. Thank you for notifying us of this proposed construction. yo::, t:~l;:ì ~ ,~. '¿'¿:'¡?:.t', \(:<;).1..\..;-"'f'. Ralph Oswald GenII. Plant & Transmission ENgr. RO:gd ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT / P. O. BOX 48 / LE¡::SBURG. F'LORIDA 32748 / AREA CODE 904·787-1216 "(. '---'- TO: FROM SUBJECT: DATE: .'\ JmŒ-OOOO@~~~ ._F~~~~ . \~'-'RESORT -RESIDENTIAL I ,~) -~, COMMUNITY I , ' I -..!...~::",-,~ _ r1~"'ilTll'!II'II,r",;.)n July 6, 1972 Utilities Superintendent Ci ty Manager Alley Closing July 6, 1972 The City Council will consider a request for the closing of that portion of the unnamed ten (10) foot alley lying south of the northeast corner of Lot 14 to the southeast 'corner of Lot 15, all within Lincoln Park Subdivision, at their meeting on July 25. (See attachment) Please advise if you have any objections to the closing. ROb~oPkins t ! ~::¡;'., ,'--;/~ , Œ! -' ,.e,L,.-'c--, <-c?-.·'··,v .::== :::::::-., ~) J?~/ ~ /(11 -re . -- oooo_~ ;: ~_ FLORIDA'S RNESI' ~ ~ .. 'i',",¡; ~~I II '2"-'RESORT .RESlDENTIAL ! ~~~~,;,2 July 6, 1972 Mr. Merle Bright District Manager Florida Power Corporation 737 Montrose Street Clermont, Florida 32711 Dear Mr. Bright: The éity Council will consider a request for the closing of that portion of unnamed ten (10) foot alley lying south of the northeast corner of Lot 14 to the southeast corner of Lot 15, all within Lincoln Patk Subdivision, at their meeting on July 25. (See attachment). Please advise if you have any objections to the closing. RMH:md Attachment ~erelYt¡¡¡¡ ~, ~H!Ilt~ City Manager OJ i:;) ¿t-f-- ( - ( /tV(!/ -~~It) / .. ófc i:=.J/ ;~ ;:7~ a4- t f ,JI ,4-. /) -f--- -f.' d'.¿, - -- C' it ,-<.,4j , ¿¿¿- ....,;<..i.¿"...¡..\. ])~ ,vit, '/ " ¿.L<u)., 4d'J )(Á~ O{,iL)-~'l-íè ftC__ /! (/ rj-' '-771 ~v( 'J ' Jff= .,. '"l..~ c: ,'-- I.) -/ -:?1 v V '1.- I ~(. f~~~!1jl' ~ . -",.- RESORT -RESIDENTIAL ' ~M~~ Im",i",~2 .'\ ~~ July 7, 1972 Mr. Jack McDonald, Manager Lake Apopka Natural Gas District 1500 East Highway 50 Winter Garden, Florida 32787 ' Dear Mr. McDonald: The City Council will consider a request for the closing of that portion of the unnamed ten (10) foot alley lying south of the northeast corner of Lot 14, to the southeast corner of Lot 15, all within Lincoln Park Subdivision, at their meeting on July 25. (See attachment). Please advise if you have any objections to the closing. RMH:md Attachment r:¡¡4,~ City Manager "'....---:; /3c1-l; ~y;~ ~~. ~:...!/ßh 'i'Ð -;;>:'~.... Ù>// / .-/ /l .. a~ /,/:r?/- /c.()'/v-C .~¡'·'0; -1-;.... , 7rJ flr'Ur'/J~' v·V"/,¡,.,¿ ß,,~~r /'1p-~-~ /-'''/ ..//..-....¡ -" ,/)