O-37-M RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK OF LAKE COUNn', FLORIDA FRANK E. OWENS CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT ATTEST: ÛRv~w U ¡;~~¿ City CTerk CITY OF CLERMONT ./ By ~é~ Presi dent of Ci ty Counci 1 . City of Clermont, Florida "'~""::'"'''''' Second Readi ng thi slOth day of Augus t 1 971 ,t....~ . \ ' ;" / '4. ::-~ ;.. .,..,. ";". / Ø't'i. i ':.... PASS,EO·:Af'W ADOPTED ON THE 10; TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1971. I ;..... ~ "". \'-,,~ = -' : ,.:: ~ ~~\\ :-; >- J.,:,.f ~:';~~;""" . :~~~.-:..:.'''''-~j ""~ ./',>" .... ','. \., '- 'I .¡ ,'- ,\ It II ..- ,\,' If¡tJH~'\\\ MEMO: Legibility of writing typing or printing unsatisfactory in this document. First reading this 27th day of July, 1927 -.-- "-- LAW. -- 167.09 (1). THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY UPON BECOMING A to the authority granted to the City of Clermont by Florida Statute hereby vacated and discontinued. 2. That this vacation and discontinuance is done pursuant south of Seminole Street and west of Twelfth Street in the City of Clermont, Florida, to-wit: POINSETTA DRIVE, VIRGINIA DRIVE, MT. VERNON DRIVE, FLORENCE DRIVE, HIAWATHA PLACE, and MAGNOLIA STREET, are 1. That all of the following streets shuwn by plat recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 19, Public Records of Lake County, Florida, lying OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: . . WHEREAS, the City Council has considered said petition and has determined it to be to the best interest of the ~ity of Clermont to grant said petition. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AND ESTABLISHED BY THE CITY COUNCIL en c:> ~ <D Street, more particularly described below, and AN ORDINANCE UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CLOSING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF ALL OF THE FOLLO\HNG STREETS SHO\'IN BY A PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8, PAGE 19, PUBLIC RECORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, LYING SOUTH OF SEMINOL~ STREET AND WEST OF TWELFTH STREET IN THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA, TO-WIT: POINSETTA DRIVE, VIRGINIA DRIVE, MT VERNON DRIVE, FLORENCE DRIVE, HIAWATHA PLACE, and MAGNOLIA STREET. WHEREAS, INLAND GROVES CORPORATION has petitioned the . ..... City Council to close certain portions of Poinsetta Drive, Virginia c:> Drive, Mt. Vernon Drive. Florence Drive, Hiawatha Place,· and Magnolia ~ 141 N~ MISC. ORDINANCES. f ORDINANCE NO. 37-M ¡ . 445 PAGE 413 O.R. BOOK . 71 14662 Rec~ C)Q Dolores W. Carroll City Clerk I HEREBY CERTIFY that a certified copy of the foregoing Ordinance was posted on the Public Municipal Bulletin Boûrd for a period of not less than one (1) week, as required underi!he Charter of the City of Clermont, Florida, beginning ry"'uw/ //1 1971 CERTIFICATE OF POSTING ~~~ Mayor of City of Clermo'nt Florida /;;L day of August, 1971 RECEIVED AND APPROVED by me this 142 N~ MISC. ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 37-M . . \ LAKE AI\STRACT & syt:~~f<i{~;" By: ;l-;;Øt~ ~ dJ)[f!l,.>{.,·~ \ C/', &ð-c.- V. f: President ~ ~ ~ tJ~ ::''', :'0 -I' _ ~ _ ~."'.."'''''-..~'. ' ~ .~. s·<~··::-..._~_J' '\.~ ,,:. ...." ~ . .,II - -.- . ~ .. . the latter described property being owned by C. WELBORN DANIEL. WITNESS our hand and corporate seal this 13th day of July, A. D. 1971. The North 135 feet of Lots 27 and 28 of Indian Hills, a sub- division of the City of Clermont as the same is shown and represented on the Official Map of the City of Clermont, duly recorded in Plat Book 8, at Pages 17 to 23, inclusive, Public Records of Lake County, Florida. Also a strip of land 15 feet in width lying adjacent to and running parallel with and along the Northern boundary of said lots, the exception of that portion thereof described as, to wit: of Lake County, Florida, are owned by INLAND GROVE CORPORA nON with , , Public Records 19 ~, Page Clermont recorded in Plat Book Street according to a certain plat included in the composite map of the City of Vernon Drive, Virginia Drive, Florence Drive, Hiawatha Place, and Magnolia Street and south of Seminole Street and designated as Poinsetta Drive, Mt. hereby certify that all lands abutting certain streets lying west of Twelfth County, Florida, has searched the public records of said county and does BE IT KNOWN that the undersigned abstract company located in Lake CER TIFICA TE . '., ,... b. r- ! · : · · · · ~- PALATLAKAHA . f: -~ 1 !h~ \.. ~. ~. ~~.- II u ~' n ., 'c-_===::>- Dolores W. Carroll, City Clerk City of Clermont, Florida ,I /dwc Very truly yours, As owner of property located in Indian Hills Subdivision, as per your letter of June 30, 1971, you will please be advised of a request by Inland Groves Corporation to have certain streets in this subdivision permanently closed. A copy of the Legal Notice of the Public H~ating to be held to consider this request is attached for your in- formation. Dear Mr. Daniel: Honorable C. Welborn Daniel Attorney-at-Law P. O. Box 189 Clermont, Florida July 9, 1971 ) ",,~, 1-1". ,/.' CI'ID / t Y~ery truly, , ~J¿~(;;;j~- .---e C. WELBORN DANIEL I have discussed this matter with Inland Grove's attorney, Arthur Roberts of Groveland, and have no objection to their application for closing these streets subject to the general law~ covering such matters. I own Lots 27 and 28 of Indian Hills together with a strip im- mediately adjacent thereto 15 feet in width (on the North) . Thank you for your letter of July 9 advising me of the above ap- plication in which you enclosed a copy of the legal notice. Dear Mr. Hopkins, Re: Application of Inland Grove Corporation to vacate certain streets in Indian Hills Subdivision. Mr. Robert M. Hopkins, City Manager City of Clermont Clermont, Florida 32711 P. c. BOX 189 ZIP 32711 July 13, 1971 TEL~PHON~ 394-2148 AREA CODE 9D4 CLERMONT, FLORIDA ATTORNEY AT LAW C, WE LBO R N 0 A N I E L ." ~. ,~ "I . . J :~;¡ ,~'a i i. $: .-. f ! ~ ~ ¡ ! ¡ ~S! ~. ,-, ~-'I' - _...._ IU ~ ~ LI 1 Vl VI ~ . ~.. . I :1 oJ: __ : lj ~ T ~ U) ~ ~;:: .. fJ..-f..~. z! .. _ .. I· "" III""~: 1_- ~~ ' I ~ - ..:: -;;; ~ ~ . .. I . .c ~ I -. J;'.. _ :! l _-., ,; ~.'.. ~ . ¡. ,~~;:.. '" ¡;:; . ... . - ;::::::: - ¡: i: .-..... .~.. .-. " . " - '.' - ~..... I' '11""'1'''' ~ g' ,'~ :~ :::::::~..~.Ò ~:~+--=. , '. - ~ ... I,..IITOII eT Co) - ~ - .. . ... I ~ .. - 'of - l ~ ~: ~ ~,...:, ~ : a[ß~~~: B ~ :"". ,~"" __ ~ . "t _ .. . " ..... :.'~ ~~ ;; ~ ~. . ¡;¡ .. .: ::-.;' ~ : . :3~ :~~ ;~~ ~_____~~mm u ª,__~ - t-t= · ~ · :; ~ · · · · · · · · : · · · · o¡¡y¡--; ~ I ~- PALATLAKAHA 1, ':-"\ -,i ~' 'F , - II u ~. n Begin at the Northeast corner of Lot 28 of said Indian Hills and run thence North 13°45' West a distance of 15 feet; thence South 76°15' West 126.33 feet, more or less, to the Eastern right- of-way line of Poinsette Street; begin again at the Point of Beginning and run thence South 76°15' West along the North line of Lots 27 and 28 of said Indian Hills a distance of 130 feet, more or less, to the Eastern right-of-way line of poinsette Street; thence North along Eastern right-of-way line of poinsetteStreet to point of intersection ~ ALSO a strip of land 15 feet in width lying adjacent to and running parallel with and along the Northern boundary of said lots, more par- ticularly described as follows: \ The North 135 feet of Lots 27 and 28 of Indian Hills, a subdivision of the City of Clermont as the same is shown and repre- sented on the Official Map of the City of Clermont, duly recorded in Plat Book 8, at Pages 17 to 23, inclusive, Public Records of Lake County, Florida. \ Please be advised that I am the owner of the following described property in Clermont, Florida: Dear Mr. Hopkins: Honorable Robert Hopkins, City Manager Clermont Florida 32711 ; P. C. B (J X 1 89 ZIP 32711 June 30, 1971 TELEPHONE 394-2148 AREA CODE 9Q4 CLERMONT, FLORIDA ATTORNEY AT LAW C, WELBORN DANIEL . = . " - ~ CWD/t ( . ~Ji2h C. WELBORN DANIEL Any assessments for sewer lines, taxes, etx., should be levied against the property and notification should be sent me. with second line of this description, LESS AND EXCEPT any portion thereof lying within the right-of-way of poinsette Street of said Indian Hills subdivision. I \ '. . .. I - - -. -'" ). , "