R-53-043 .. .. ..¡-.3 CITY OF CLERMONT - RIGI-IT OF WAY RESOLUTION On motion of Councilman WIP.s'TØK, seconded by Councilman IfslllJ'J.E/f , the following resolution was adopted: ~!EREAS a petition for the opening and construction of an alley through the center of Block 81 to be located in the approx- imate center of said block extending from the West to the East boundaries thereof, as represented on the Official Map of the City of Clermont duly filed and recorded in Plat Book 8, pages 17 to 23, both inclusive, and signed by a majority of the p~operty own~rs in said Block 81, has been filed with the City Councll of the Clty of Clermont; and, ~~ìEREAS, it has been determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont that there is need for a 24 foot alley to be cons- tructed on the South 16 feet of the North Half of said Block and on the North 8 feet of the South Half of said Block extending from the West to East boundaries thereof because of the narrow width of Mon- trose Street located on the North side of said Block, the main busi- ness street in said City; because of the increased traffic during the business hours on said street and because of the increased tonnage of general merchandise delivered to the various and several businesses on said street, the majority of which are on the North side of said block and on the South side of said street; and, that it would be to the best interests, general welfare, and would de- crease the hazards of general traffic on said street if said alleyway were constructed; and ~}lEREAS, it has been determined that several of said businesses on the North Half of said Block 81 are already having merchandise deliveries made to the rear of said businesses using a meandering passageway through the approximate center of said block to which the City has no title thereto and the use thereof being allowed by the property owners; THEREFOHE. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont that an alley of 24 feet in width as determined by a pre- liminary survey be finally surveyed and mapped through Block 81 of said City from the West to East boundaries t~ereof which alleyway shall occupy the South 16 feet of the North Half of said Block and the North 8 feet of the South Half of said Block; and, that the City Attorney be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to obtain title search of the owners, mortgagees and other lienholders if any of the property embraced within the above designated alleÝ; and that he acquire the fee simple title to all of said property located within the survey of said alley for the right of way by gift purchase or ~ondemnation together w~th any and all other easement~ for drainage, ~f necessary, that may nereafter be found and determined necessary ln the construction and maintenance of said alley and that the fee simple title acquired for said right of way shall be free and clear of any and all encumbrances; and, . BE IT FURTHEH RES?LVED that upon obtaining the reouiredt:(f~ rlghts of INay and c~rtl~ying of same to. the City Council of th·e Ci ty~ of Clermont t~at sald Clty shall forthwlth and immediately proceed c; with the openlng, construction and continued maintenance of sãid alley.