R-57-061 to I RESOLUTION ON ASSESSMENTS MVISION STREET t OTHERWISE KNOWN AS PALM LANE t CLEIMONT t FLORIDA t . 'WHEREAS, the foUoring owners of the property set opposite their respective names, located in the City of C1eraont, Lake County, Florida, have petitioned the Ci ty Couœi1 of the City of Cleraont to grade and pa ve DIVISION STREET, otherwise known as PAlH LANE between Anderson Street and Disston Avenue, as represented on the Official Map of the City of Clermont, duly filed and reoorded in the Public R.ecords of Lake County, Florida: Own EI" Property Description - Francis Boyd-Smith Lot 44, Clermont Heights Franc! s Boyd-Sai th Lot 45, Clermont Heights Donald D. Horton and wife, Margaret B. Horton Lot 56, Clermont Heights Nellie Craig Linton Lot 57, Clermont Heights they being the owners of more than 75% of the 1956 assessed valuation of the real property abutting, adjoining and CD ntiguous to said Division Street, otherwise known as Palm Lane, in the City of Clermont. 'WHEREAS, it has been determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, with the full knowledge of all petitioners, that a 20 foot paved street with a 6 inch Sand-Clay stabilized sub-grade and wi th a 6 inch Sand Clay packed base thereon primed with cut-back asphalt or tar applied at the rate of approximately 0.20 gallons per square yard with Asphaltic Concrete Surface 1 inm thick, together rith curbs, gutters, storm sewers, catch basins, clearing, grading, driveways, drainage and engineering, will cost these property owners $5.2136 per lineal foot (which represents only two.thirds of the entire cost, the remaining one-third of the total cost being paid by the Ci ty of Clermont from its General Improvement (Capi tal). Fwid - the total eost thereof being $6,131.20) which cost per foot does not exceed 25% of the total 1956 assessed valuation of all of said property adjoining~ abutting and contiguous to said Division Street, otherwise known as Palm Lane; aId, .~ WHEREAS, the owners of the property which is abutting, adjoining and contiguous to said Division Street, otherwise known as Palm Lane, and said owners represent more than 75% of the total 1956 assessed valuation of said property so abutting, adjoining and contiguous to said Division Street, otherrise mown as Palm Lane; have petitioned the City Council of the City of Clermont and/or said Ci 1;y to improve said street by paving same frOll said Anderson Street to said Disston Avenue, and the total cost thereof to all of said property owners does not exceed 25% of the total assessed valua- tion of said property abutting Division Street, otherwise known. as Pa:Im Lane for the last taxing year 1956 and likewise does not exceed 25% of the total assessed valuation for the taxing year of 1957, which assessed ~luation am. Tax Roll for real property for 1957 were equalized, confirmed and adopted prior to the introduction of this Resolution, by this City Council duly sit- ting as a Board of Equalization, therefore, under the autþori ty of Section 33, Chapter 8926, Special Legislative Acts for 1921 (the Charter of the Ci ty of Clermont) and under Chapter 170, Florida Statutes 1957 the City Council of the City of Clermont may improve said portion of Division Street, other. wise known as PatiI. Lane, by clearing, grading and paving same, may designate the portion thereof 1:0 be paid by s pedal assessment, the manner in which said assessments shall be made, the portion to be paid by this City, and the manner in which s aid assessments, together wi th interest on all unpaid portions thereof, shall be paid and designate the lands against which said special assessments shall be levied; and, WHEREAS, some of those so petitioning this Council and/or City i:" have evidenced their good faith and intention to pay said special assess. ments, the cost to them of said improvements, by depositing wi th the Citizens Bank of Clermont as Escrow Agent for themselves and the City of Clermont an amount equal to the cos t thereof to their respective parcels of property, whi ch is the amount contemp1a ted to be equal to the total of any special assessment, thereby paying in advance their respective costs of clearing, grading, draining and paving Division Street, otherwise known a s Palm Lane in front of and adjacent to their respective owned parcels of property first above described ; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Cou nci1 of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida: (a) That they do hereby assess against each and every/of the fOllowing described lots, pieces or parcels of property located in the Ci ty of Clermont, Lake CoUnty, Florida, and a butting t abounding and con. tiguous to Division Street, otherwise known as Palm Lane in said City between Anderson Street and Disston Avenue, as represented on the Official Map of the City of Clermont, filed 2/4/26 and recorded in P1a t Book 8, Pages 17-23, inclusive, Public Records of Lake County, Florida, to-wit: ';', Æ: .~ ~ "'h",,,. , , , ~:..( . /f .. --... -2- being all of the real property abutting, abounHng and contiguous t. said Division Street, otherwise known as Palm Lane between Anderson Street and Disston Avenue, the total cost of said proposed improvement being $6,131.20, and the total cost to be assessed against the respective above described parcels of property being less than 25% of the total assessed valuation of said property for 1956, as assessed by the Tax Assessor of the Ci ty of Clermont. i4 (b) That they do hereby direct the City Clerk and/or Tax Assessor of the City of Clermont to iDDl1ediately enter each æsessment, as set forth in particular hereinabove against each respective parcel of proper- ty in the Street Improvement Lien Book of the City of Clermont, which lien shall be and is hereby declared to be a first lien until paid upon and against each respective parcel of property described in said assessment, subject only to State, County, and City of Clermont taxes; and, the City Clerk of the City of Clermont is hereby directed to publish a Notice of these assessments (Assessment Roll) for at least one (1) issue in the Clermont Press, a newspaper of general circulation published in the Ci ty of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, giving therein due notice of the assess_ ment against each and every parcel or lot adjoining, or abutting, said por- tion of Division Street, otherwise known as Palm Lane, above described, by listing ead1 parcel or lot of real property separately and giving, if avaiL. able, from his records, or from those c£ the Tax Asse.sor's and/or Tax Collector's the names of the OIIner(s) of each lot or parcel of property against which an assessment has been made, the front footage of each lot or parcel of property and the total assessment made against each lot or par- cel of property, ~nd giving eadt person, or others that may be interested in any of s aid lots þr parcels of property an opportunity to complain to this City Council agaiæt the respective assessment at a meeting (special or reg. u1ar) of the City Council (meeting as an Equalization Board) to be held in the City Hall in the City of·C1ermont at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. ~ on a date not less than ten (10) days from. the date of the first publica- tion of said notice of meeting; (c) That if no complaints be made, or if a.ny aijustment ar correction be made by s aid Council at said meeting based on a coap1aint, the special assessments as originally made, and/or as adjusted or corrected by said Coun::i1 sitting as an Equalization Board, or at an adjourœd meeting thereof, shall then stand confirmed at the final adjournment of said meeting, which respective special assessments shall then be, and they a-e here- by declared to then becOlle, a first lien upon the respective parcels of property described in said assessment (Assessment Roll or Street Improvement Lien Book) subject only to State, County and City of Clermont taxes; andt said liens shall, and are hereby declared toœ due on or before two (2) years from date of the final adjournment of said meeting, together with in. terest until fully paid at eight per centum (8%) per annum, payable annu. ally, together with one-ha3f (1/2) of the principal amount of said assess- ment; (d) That if s aid assessments, together with s aid interest be not paid as same becomes due and payable, the City may, at its option, de- c1ar e all sums fully due and payable, and shall thereafter foreclose said lien or the payment thereof shall be enforced in accordance rith the Charter and the laws and Ordinances of the City of Clermont, but nothing herein con- taiœd shall prevent the enforcement of the payment thereof, or the fore- closure thereof, by any other alternative or substitute manner as provided under the general Jaws of the State of Florida, in such cases made and pro- vided. ed ReguJar ADOPl'ED by the City Council of the City of Clermont at an Adjourn- Meeting held in the City Hall of &aid City on S tember 6, 1957. 4¿ß ~<t 'J~"~~ ~~nt ¥t;i~unffofêi~ -. -3- NOTICE OF ASSESSMENTS . The City Council of the Ci ty of C1eraont, Lake County, Florida, hereby gives Notice that the lots, pieces or parcels of land hereinafter described, and being situate within the boundaries of the City of C1eI'llont, have been assessed in the amounts set opposite each lot, piece or parcel of property as the cost of' the improveaent of DIVISION STREET, otherwise known as PALM: LANE on a per front foot basis am/or as the "Æl1ue of' the benefit and advantage to such lot, piece Œ' parcel of property, beyond the general advantage to all the real proper- ty within said City, from the clearing, grading, draining and paving of DIVISION STREET, otherwise known as PAlM LANE frCID Anderson Street to Disston Avenue, as represented on the official Map of the City of Cler_ mont; such assessments in IX) case exceeding two-thirds of the expense of such improvement. And notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Clermont will meet at the City Hall in the Ci. ty of Clermont on September 24, 1957 at 7:30 o'clock p. H. and then and there hear any complaints whiCh the owner(s) or other per.on(s) interested in a~ real estate may wish to make against the assessments thereon. If there be no complaint, the assessments, as origina1~ made, shall stand confirmed at the adjournaent of said meeting, but if any cor- rectioñs be made upon complaint, the assessments as corrected shall then stand confirmed upon the adjourmnent of said meeting. The property assessed and the amount of such assessment is as follows: . . all lying and being in the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, as represented on the plat of the Townsite of Clermont and/or the ... Official Map of the City' of Clermont, both of which have been duly filed and recorded in the Public Records of Lake Coun1:;y, Florida. DATED September 9, 1957. ,;. . -, -3-