R-2018-06 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following budget amendments are necessary for the Fiscal Year October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018: GENERAL FUND 1. Increase Election (10511-54915) $ 5,744 To amend the City Clerk Department budget for actual costs related to the November 2017 election. 2. Increase Software Renewals/Support (10513-55219) $ 8,847 Increase Capital Outlay—Equipment (10513-66401) $ 3,070 To amend the Finance Department budget for the purchase of electronic payroll time-keeping equipment, related accessories and software maintenance. 3. Increase EOC Equipment Supplies—Irma (10519-55221-99000) $ 48,268 To amend the Other General Government Department budget for costs incurred to operate the emergency operations center during Hurricane Irma. 4. Increase Capital Outlay— Equipment (10541-66401) $ 3,058 To amend the Public Works Department budget for the purchase of electronic payroll time-keeping equipment and related accessories. 5. Increase Repairs & Maintenance- Building(10549-54600) $ 12,135 To amend the Public Works Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds for building repair and maintenance. 6. Increase Capital Outlay— Land (10572-66101-38119) $ 6,150 To amend the Parks & Recreation Department budget for appraisal services related to the purchase of the CSX property, approved by the City Council on October 25, 2016. 7. Increase Capital Outlay— Equipment (10572-66401) $ 3,070 To amend the Parks & Recreation Department budget for the purchase of electronic payroll time-keeping equipment and related accessories. 1 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06 8. Increase Events—Light Up Clermont (10574-54810-74000) $ 10,000 Increase Private Contributions - Events (10366-36607) $ 11,893 To amend the Parks & Recreation Department budget for increased costs and contributions pertaining to Light Up Clermont. 9. Increase Capital Outlay— Software(10574-66404) $ 5,347 To amend the Parks & Recreation budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds for rectrac software. 10. Decrease Fund Balance(10399-39900) $ 382,423 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2017. 11. Decrease Fund Balance(10599-59900) $ 476,219 Total General Fund adjustments. BUILDING SERVICE FUND 1. Increase Fund Balance(11399-39900) $ 249,263 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2017. 2. Increase Fund Balance(11599-59900) $ 249,263 Total Building Services Fund Adjustments. INFRASTRUCTURE SALES TAX FUND 1. Increase Capital Outlay—Vehicles (12521-66400) $ 26,072 To amend the Police Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds for a replacement vehicle. 2. Increase Capital Outlay—Vehicles(12522-66400) $ 425,000 To amend the Fire Department budget for the Pumper truck ordered in FY 2017, to be received in FY 2018. 3. Increase Repairs & Maintenance- Streets (12541-54603) $ 20,927 To amend the Public Works Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds for street repairs and maintenance. 4. Increase Repairs & Maintenance— Sidewalks (12541-54604) $ 59,043 To amend the Public Works Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 fund for sidewalk repairs and maintenance. 2 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06 5. Increase Capital Outlay— Sidewalks (12541-66303) $ 78,253 To increase the Public Works Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 fund for sidewalk capital outlay. 6. Increase Capital Outlay—Other Improvements (12542-66300) $ 88,464 To amend the Public Works Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds for other improvements. 7. Increase Capital Outlay— Recreation (12542-66301) $ 27,056 To amend the Public Works Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds for recreation improvements. 8. Increase Capital Outlay— Other Improvements (12549-66300) $ 25,000 To amend the Public Works Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds for other improvements. 9. Increase Fund Balance(12399-39900) $ 629,078 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2017. 10. Decrease Fund Balance(12599-59900) $ 120,737 Total Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund adjustments. CEMETERY FUND 1. Increase Capital Outlay- Other Improvement(13542-66301) $ 9,980 To amend the Public Works Department budget to replace the sign at the Oak Hill Cemetery approved by the City Council on February 13, 2018. 2. Increase Fund Balance(13399-39900) $ 5,684 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2017. 3. Decrease Fund Balance(13599-59900) $ 4,296 Total Cemetery Fund adjustments. RECREATION IMPACT FEES FUND 1. Increase Fund Balance(14399-39900) $ 150,184 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2017. 2. Increase Fund Balance(14599-59900) $ 150,184 Total Recreation Impact Fund Adjustments. 3 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06 POLICE IMPACT FEE FUND 1. Increase Capital Outlay— Vehicles (15521-66400) $ 16,901 To amend the Police Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2017 funds for the purchase of vehicle accessories. 2. Increase Fund Balance(15399-39900) $ 10,895 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2017. 3. Decrease Fund Balance (15599-59900) $ 6,006 Total Police Impact Fund adjustments. FIRE IMPACT FEE FUND 1. Increase Fund Balance (16399-39900) $ 140,878 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2017. 2. Increase Fund Balance(16599-59900) $ 140,878 Total Fire Impact Fund adjustments. FIRE INSPECTION FUND 1. Increase Fund Balance (19399-39900) $ 44 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2017. 2. Increase Fund Balance(19599-59900) $ 44 Total Fire Inspection Fund Adjustments. DEBT SERVICE FUND 1. Increase Fund Balance (22399-39900) $ 188,640 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2017. 2. Increase Fund Balance(22599-59900) $ 188,640 Total Debt Service Fund Adjustments. 4 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND 1. Increase Federal Grant (32331-33170-38120) $ 8,000 To amend the budget for a United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Grant awarded on January 25, 2018 for the Victory Pointe Project. 2. Increase Capital Outlay—Victory Pointe (32559-66300-38110) $ 61,889 Decrease Capital Outlay— Downtown Revitalization (32559-66300-95113) $ 61,889 To amend the Economic Development Department budget for the Victory Pointe change order#2 approved by the City Council on April 24, 2018. 3. Increase Fund Balance(32399-39900) $ 2,024,567 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2017. 4. Increase Fund Balance(32599-59900) $ 2,032,567 Total Capital Project Fund Adjustments. WATER FUND 1. Increase Professional Services (41533-53100) $ 5,177 To amend the Environmental Services Department budget for additional costs associated with the Utility Fee Study completed in December 2017. 2. Increase Fund Balance(41399-39900) $ 2,306,429 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2017. 3. Increase Fund Balance(41599-59900) $ 2,301,252 Total Water Fund Adjustments. SEWER FUND 1. Increase Professional Services (42535-53100) $ 5,317 To amend the Environmental Services Department budget for additional costs associated with the Utility Fee Study completed in December 2017. 2. Increase Fund Balance(42399-39900) $ 1,118,218 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2017. 3. Increase Fund Balance(42599-59900) $ 1,112,901 Total Sewer Fund Adjustments. 5 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06 WATER IMPACT FEE FUND 1. Increase Fund Balance(43399-39900) $ 613,486 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2017. 2. Increase Fund Balance(43599-59900) Total Water Impact Fund Adjustments. $ 613,486 SEWER IMPACT FEE FUND 1. Increase Fund Balance (44399-39900) $ 2,746,423 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2017. 2. Increase Fund Balance(44599-59900) $ 2,746,423 Total Sewer Impact Fund Adjustments. STORMWATER FUND 1. Increase Capital Outlay Victory Pointe(45538-66306-38110) $ 167,329 To amend the Environmental Services Department budget for the Victory Pointe change order#2 approved by the City Council on April 24, 2018. 2. Increase Professional Services—(45538-53100) $ 840 To amend the Environmental Services Department budget for additional costs associated with the Utility Fee Study completed in December 2017. 3. Increase Fund Balance(45399-39900) $ 749,613 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2017. 4. Increase Fund Balance(45599-59900) $ 581,444 Total Stormwater Fund Adjustments SANITATION FUND 1. Increase Professional Services (49534-53100) $ 2,659 To amend the Environmental Services Department budget for additional costs associated with the Utility Fee Study completed in December 2017. 2. Increase Fund Balance(49399-39900) $ 758,824 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2017. 3. Increase Fund Balance (49599-59900) $ 756,165 Total Sanitation Fund Adjustments. 6 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06 CRA FUND 1. Increase Fund Balance (60399-39900) $ 21,789 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2017. 2. Increase Fund Balance(60599-59900) $ 21,789 Total CRA Fund Adjustments. Net Increase to Fund Balance—All Funds $ 10,287,779 7 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget amendments of the City of Clermont for the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 are hereby adopted. DONE AND RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, this 8th day of May, 2018. 71'.0•" ., CITY OF CLERMONT f i" Ciel 'rk Gail L. Ash, Mayor ATTEST: Tracy Ackro d Howe, City Clerk Appro • • • form.an ega Daniel F. Mantzaris, City Attorney 8