R-84-469 e CITY OF CLERMONT e RESOLUTIONS No . 469 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY,- FLORIDA GRANTING" A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ESTABLISH A SHOPPING CENTER IN T~~ C-2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONE WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida at its "meeting" held May 1, 1984 recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit to allow the establishment" of a shopping center in -the C.;...2 General "Commercial" zone and "the City Council deems it advisable in the interest of the general welfare of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida to grant the Conditional Use Permit at the following lo"cation: A parcel of land lying in Gov't lot 7 of Sec. 23 T22S R2SE, Lake County, Florida. Comm at intr ofctrln SRSO and ctrln of SRS6l th S 0020'3S"W alng ctrln sd SRS6l 181.02' to a pt that is N002S'3S"E a distance of JO'from an intr of ctrln of Broome St. and sd ctrln of SRS6l. Th N 89°l8'22"W parallel with and 30' n'ly of the ctrln of sd Broome St. a distance of 992.87': thence S 004l'38"W 30.0' to a pt on the" extension of ctrln of Broome" St. Thence N 89°l8'22"W along the said extens"ion of the ctrln of Broome St. 99.70': thence N 0024'S3"E 300.00' to POB: thence cont N0024'S3"E 274.76' to'intrwith S'lyROW"ln'of SRSO: thence S6SoS6'40"E along said S'ly ROW In 327.48': thence, departing ROW In, run SOo24'S3"Wa distance of 144.90': thence N89°l8'22"W 300'.0-0' to POB. Subject to a maintenance easement 5.0' ea side of line comm SE cor of above desc prop, run N0024'S3"E along the E In of prop 48.70' to POB: thenceN72°4l"W 36.0'" to"end'ofsaid easement In. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida that: SECTION 1 The application for a Conditional Use ~ermit to allow the estab-- lishment of a shopping center in the C-2 General Commercial Zone be "granted subject to the - following" conditions: 1. The property must be developed in 'substantial accGrdance with the approved site plan. The lowest floor elevation of all buildings must be 101.5. 2. If, at a future date, parking at this site proves inadequate, the applicant understands and agrees that the City may require more parking or rescind this CUP. 3. No further expansion of the use or additions to this facility shall 'be permitted except as approved" 'by another CUP. 4. All applicable rules and regulations shall be met, including final site plan approval, landscaping~ parking, and sign regulations. The drainage and stormwater retention requirements of FAC 17-25 and the Lake County Pollution Control Board must e CITY OF CLERMONT ..e RESOLUTIONS No . 469 Page two be met and approved by the City Engineer. All drainage andre- quired landscaping must be properly maintained. All required land- scape" buffers "must "be- served with a permanent sprinkling system'~ S. The final Certificate of Occupancy cannot be issued until each of the stated" conditions has been met ~ 6. This permit shall expire if construction has not begun within one year of the date 'of "this CUP. 7. If any of the stated conditions is violated, the applicant under- stands and agrees that the City Council may revoke this CUP by resolution. 8. The applicant is responsible for "constructing, at his expense~ a six (6) inch water line f'romBroome "Street" to serve "this de- velopment. A fifteen (15) foot utility easement" will be given to the City center~d over this line. Fire hydrants must be installed as recorninended" by the Fire Chief. 9. The applicant is responsible for connecting, at his expense¡to the City's sewer system in a manner approved by the City Engineer. The applicantwilla;I.sG pay the full 'cost 'of any improvements needed for lift station #2 to serve this deve1"opment. The appli- cant will not prohibit radio stationWWFLf~om connecting into the sewer line should they be requested to do so by the City of Clermont. 10. The applicant agrees to maintain the frontage road located on this property and sign a covenant" that the frontage road "can be used by abutting property owners and will be maintained by the owner. 11. The property must be subdivided. DONE AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS f1~ DAY OF OF CLERMONT, LAKE , 1984. ATTEST: ¡¿~~~TY CLERK "'