R-84-468 e CITY OF CLERMONT ~. RESOLUTIONS No. 468 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF 63 APARTMENT UNITS CONSISTING OF SlONE BEDROOM UNITS AND 12 TWO BEDROOM UNITS IN THE C-2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONE WHEREAS, the Planning and zoning Commission of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida at its meeting held May l, 1984 recommended" approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the construction of 63 apartment units in the C-2 General Commercial zone at the following location: SE ~ of the NE ~ of Sec. 30, T. 22S, R. 26E, Lake County, Florida. Commence at the E ~ cor. of" Sec. 30 and run S 87°35°35" W for 1321.04'; thence N 1°52'08" W for' 506° to the P.O. B.; continue N 1 ° 52' 8" W 233.40"' to" a point on the N°lylineof Oak Dr. and the SE'ly cor. of Lot D of Oak View' subdivision; thence S 88°04'17" Walong S'ly line of Lot D 30.08; thence N 1°52'08" W along a lineparalle~ to E'ly lin. of Oak View "subdivision 460.0'; thence N '88~04'17" E 30.0' to the E'ly line of Lot B of said subdivision; continue N 88°04'17" E 30.08'; thence N 89°53'16" E 3336.92' to point on WIly ROW of U.S. Hwy 27, said point being on a curve concave to theSW having a radius of 650.0', a central " angle of 6°21'07" and a ch. bearing of S 9°44'37" E; thence"S'ly along said ROW line on said curve "to 't'he right 72.06 feet" to a point of reverse curvature concave to the NE, said curve having a radius of 38-99.838, a central 'an'gle of 0'°59" 53" and a ch. bearing of S 7°04°0l" E; thence S'ly along said ROW-line on said curve to the left 67.94'; thence departing from "said ROW line run S 89°53'16" W 199.70'; thence S 13°38'59 E 537.55'; thence run S 1°52'08" E 52.21'; thence N 86°22'08" W 294.368 to the POB," containing 4.656 acres more or less~ the City Council deems it advisable in the interest of the general welfare of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida to grant the Conditional Use" Permit; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida that: SECTION 1 The application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the con- struction of 63 apartment units in the C-2 General Commercial zone be granted subject to ~he following conditions: 1. The property must be-developed in substantial accordance with the approved site plan. A sidewalk shall be constructed across the portion of this property abutting Highway 27. 2. If, at a future date, parking at this site proves inadequate, the applicant understands and agrees that the City Council may, by Resolution, require more parking to be constructed equal to that required by the City Code. A Covenant shall be placed on the parcel stating this fact. e CITY OF CLERMONT . RESOLUTIONS No. 468 Page two 3. No further expansion of the use or additions to this facility shall be permitted except as approved by another CUP. 4. All applicable rules and regulations shall be met, including final site plan approval, landscaping, drainage, parking, and sign regulations. All required landscaping must be properly maintained and served with a permanent sprinkling system. The drainage and stormwater retention requirements of FAC 17-25 and the Lake County Pollution Control Board must be met, properly maintained, and approved by the City Engineer. Stormwater retention areas shall be designed for two (2) parking spaces per dwelling unit. " s. The entire parcel owned by the McCaffreys, including this parcel, shall be subdivided according to the regulations of the City of Clermont, but no plat is required. 6. All water and sewer lines will be constructed in a manner approved by the City Engineer and fire hydrants will be installed in areas designated by the Fire Chief. 7. A six-foot wood screening fence will be required along the west and south property lines. This fence shall be of cypress with basket weave panels and be properly maintained by the owner. As many existing trees as possible should be left undisturbed by this development. 8. The deed for the west 50' of ROW from Oak Drive north must be redeeded by the City to the owner in order for the proper setbacks to be approved as shown on the site plan. Turnarounds should be provided on Oak Drive and Pine Lane. If this project is approved, these streets will become permanent dead ends, since they will not go through to the Highway 27 service road. In addition, a utility easement shall be given to the City for the west 30 feet of the parcel from the north ROW line of Oak Dive to the south ROW line of Minnehaha Avenue. Existing sewer and storm sewer lines are located in this area. 9. The final Certificate of Occupancy cannot be issued until each of the stated conditions has been met. 10. This permit shall expire if construction has not begun within one year of the date of this CUP. 11. If any of the stated conditions is violated, the applicant under- stands and agrees that the City Council may revoke this CUP by Resolution. DONE AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS .J.4'1-hDAy OF .a~j; . 1984. 8~ ~XLt3.r3.f)~ CHARLES B. BEALS, MAYOR ATTEST: ~~'~~Y CLERK