R-66-066• • RESOLUTIONS N °_ 10 7 RESOLUTIO"1 ~10. 6 G Yva. `~'~ERI,AS, Tl~e City of Clermont, Florida, has received a request from CHARLOTTE ~. ROPER, FF,ATIK i~00KER ROPER, AND L. LYNN ROPER, his wife, and PIERCE GROVES, INC., of Clermont, Florida, that the City Council vacate certain plats and return certain lands encompassed therein to acreage, and ~~JiIEREAS, it does appear and the City Council finds that the partitioners , CHARLOTTE 5 . ROP:"R, FRAr1K i300KER P,OPER, ACID L. LY''?"J ROPER, his wife, and PIERCE GROVES, INC. are the fee simple o~~~ners of the property situated in Clermont, Lake County, Florida, and described in "Exhibit A" and "Exhibit B" hereto attabhed and made parts hereof; that said lands are within the corporate limits of Clermont, Florida; that the vacation of that r~ortion of said plats encompassing said property ~•~ill not affect the ownership of persons owning other 1~arts of said subdivisions; and that none of. the streets or roads shown on said plats cehich lic bet~~~een said lands in said subdivisions have become highways necessary for use by the traveling public, l~tG?~, TH~R~FO~, B~ IMP $~~6L~D by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Florida, in regular session duly assembled, that the said portions of said x~lats described in ''Exhibit A" and "Exhibit B" be and the same are hereby vacated, and said lands as above described shall be returned as acreage. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said vacating shall become effective immediately upon the passage of this P,esolution. PASSED at the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Clermont, Florida, held on the first day of Piarch, 1966. -~ J s h BonJor ayor f • • RESOLUTIONS N ~ 10 8 RESOLUTION NO. 66 "EXHIBIT A" Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Bbck "B" in the City_ of Clermont, Florida, according to the map of the Townsite of Clermont recorded in Plat Book 3, page 5, Public Records of Lake Countyr, Florida; and according to the Official Map of the City of Clermont, recorded in Plat nook 8, page 22, Public Records of Lake County, Florida. ALSO: Begin at the Southeast corner of Lot 3 in Block "A" in the city of Clermont, Florida, according to the plat of the Townsite of Clermont recorded in Plat Book 3, page 5, Public Records of Lake County, Florida; thence run hest along the South line of the said Lot, and a continuation West thereof to the waters of Lake Minneola, the said Point being hereby designated as Point "X"~ Begin again at the Point of Beginning, thence run North along the East line of Lots 3, 2 and 1 in the said Block "A" to the Northeast corner of the said Lot l; thence run Y~aest along the north line of the said Lot 1, and a continuation ~rdest thereof, to the waters of Lake Minneola; thence run Southerly, along and with the waters of Lake .Minneola, to the above designated Point "X"; LESS and Except therefrom the right-of-way of State Road No. 561; also less the right-of-way of the Atlantic Coast line railroad; and also less the right.-of-way of the arandoned Tavares and Gulf Railroad right-of- way which was conveyed to Lake County, Florida, b~~ a Deed recorded in Official F.ecord. Book 266, page 271, Public Records of Lake County, Florida "IXHI£~IT B" Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7 in Block "A", and Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7 in Block "t3" , in t}ie City of Clermont, Florida, according to t'~e man of the Townsite of Clermont, recorded in Plat P>ook 3, Wage 5, ?'ublic Records of Lake County, Florida; anc~ according to the Official Man of the City of Clermont, recorded in Plat Book 8, page 22, Public Records of Lake County, Florida.