R-2018-55R CITY OF CLERMONT _ RESOLUTION NO. 2018-55R A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following budget amendments are necessary for the Fiscal Year October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019: GENERAL FUND 1. Increase MPO Dues (10515-55411) $ 8,450 To amend the Development Services Department budget for increased MPO dues. 2. Increase Capital Outlay— Software (10516-66404) $ 16,584 To amend the Information Technology Department budget to change the funding source of the purchase of a budgeted operating system software from the Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund to the General Fund. 3. Increase Travel & Per Diem (10521-54001-21900) $ 8,500 Increase Minor Equipment (10521-55204-21900) $ 9,216 Increase Community Relations (10521-55212-21900) $ 10,300 Increase Software Renewals/Support(10521-55219-21900) $ 3,500 Increase Training& Education (10521-55401-21900) $ 7,000 Increase Capital Outlay- Equipment(10521-66401-21900) $ 26,689 Increase Federal Forfeiture/Seizures (10351-35102-21900) $ 65,205 To amend the Police Department budget for expenditures related to Federal Forfeitures funds and associated revenues. 4. Increase Capital Outlay— Software(10521-66404) $ 13,971 To amend the Police Department budget to change the funding source of the purchase of a Community Connect software module from the Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund to the General Fund. 5. Increase Crime Scene Supplies (10521-55222) $ 1,013 Increase Ammunition & Supplies (10521-55410) $ 3,024 To amend the Police Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2018 funds for items ordered but not received as of September 30, 2018. 6. Increase Minor Equipment (10522-55204) $ 52,025 Increase Capital Outlay— Equipment (10522-66401) $ 111,760 To amend the Fire Department budget for the cost of purchasing replacement bunker gear, boots, gloves and helmets. 1 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2018-55R 7. Decrease Capital Outlay— Equipment (10522-66401) $ 29,850 To amend the Fire Department budget to change the funding source of bunker gear from the General Fund to the Fire Impact Fund. 8. Increase Fire Inspection Revenue(10342-34220) $ 20,000 Increase Fire Review Fees (10342-34250) $ 86,800 Decrease Admin. Assessment—Fire Insp (10349-34907) $ 51,421 Increase Regular Salaries (10529-12100) $ 154,873 Increase Overtime Salaries (10529-12120) $ 8,000 Increase FICA Salaries (10529-12220) $ 12,025 Increase Defined Contribution Pension (10529-12245) $ 16,579 Increase Group Insurance(10529-12300) $ 41,921 Increase Life Insurance (10529-12305) $ 488 Increase EAP (10529-12315) $ 78 Increase Workers Compensation (10529-12400) $ 2,503 Increase Travel & Per Diem (10529-54001) $ 2,904 Increase Telephone(10529-54101) $ 2,206 Increase Internet Service(10529-54102) $ 912 Increase Postage & Freight(10529-54200) $ 1,400 Increase Commercial Insurance (10529-54500) $ 1,210 Increase Printing(10529-54700) $ 300 Increase Office Supplies (10529-55100) $ 1,200 Increase Gas & Oil (10529-55201) $ 4,500 Increase Tires & Batteries (10529-55202) $ 1,000 Increase Uniforms (10529-55203) $ 1,150 Increase Minor Equipment (10529-55204) $ 3,000 Increase Subscription & Dues (10529-55400) $ 8,130 Increase Training& Education (10529-55401) $ 1,000 To amend the Fire Department budget for the transfer of budgeted revenues and expenditures from the Fire Inspection Fund to the General Fund. 9. Increase Capital Outlay—Recreation - Lk Hiawatha(10542-66301-72113) $ 6,160 To amend the Public Works Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2018 funds for Lake Hiawatha restoration. 10. Increase Repairs & Maint. Buildings (10575-54600) $ 38,040 To amend the Parks & Recreation Department budget for carpet replacement ordered but not received as of September 30, 2018. 11. Decrease Rent City Hall (10362-36208) $ 4,500 To amend the City Hall rent revenue budget as a result of the discontinued lease notice from Congressman Dennis A. Ross. 12. Decrease Fund Balance(10599-59900) $ 435,677 Total General Fund adjustments. 2 CSM, CITY OF CLERMONT Cho. — RESOLUTION NO. 2018-55R INFRASTRUCTURE SALES TAX FUND 1. Increase Capital Outlay—Vehicles (12521-66400) $ 17,853 To amend the Police Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2018 funds for a replacement vehicle accessories. 2. Increase Capital Outlay— Equipment (12521-66401) $ 12,666 Increase Capital Outlay— IT Equipment (12521-66403) $ 604 To amend the Police Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2018 funds for equipment and IT equipment. 3. Decrease Capital Outlay—Software(12516-66404) $ 16,584 To amend the Information Technology Department budget to change the funding source of the purchase of a budgeted operating system software from the Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund to the General Fund. 4. Decrease Capital Outlay—Software(12521-66404) $ 13,971 To amend the Police Department budget to change the funding source of the purchase of a budgeted Community Connect software module from the Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund to the General Fund. 5. Increase Capital Outlay- Other Improvements (12522-66300) $ 21,493 To amend the Fire Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2018 funds for automated bay door improvements. 6. Increase Capital Outlay—Other Improvements (12542-66300) $ 72,512 To amend the Public Works Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2018 funds for fence projects at Kaboom, Lake Hiawatha and Palatlakaha parks. 7. Increase Capital Outlay—Other Improvements (12575-66300) $ 34,515 To amend the Parks&Recreation Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2018 funds for the first phase of the exterior lighting project at the Arts & Recreation Center. 8. Increase Capital Outlay—Equipment(12575-66401) $ 74,800 To amend the Parks & Recreation Department budget for the replacement of the fire alarm system at the Arts & Recreation Center. 9. Decrease Fund Balance(12599-59900) $ 203,888 Total Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund adjustments. 3 d= CITY OF CLERMONT el RESOLUTION NO. 2018-55R CEMETERY FUND 1. Increase Capital Outlay—Building(13542-66201) $ 14,980 To amend the Public Works Department budget for the construction of a double sided columbarium. 2. Decrease Fund Balance (13599-59900) $ 14,980 Total Cemetery Fund adjustments. RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND 1. Increase Capital Outlay—Recreation (14549-66301-72117) $ 228,856 To amend the Public Works Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2018 funds for boathouse improvements. 2. Increase Capital Outlay—Recreation (14572-66301) $ 21,000 To amend the Parks& Recreation Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2018 funds for the purchase of ten trail fitness stations. 3. Decrease Fund Balance(14599-59900) $ 249,856 Total Recreation Impact Fund adjustments. POLICE IMPACT FEE FUND 1. Increase Capital Outlay—Vehicles (15521-66400) $ 51,042 Increase Capital Outlay— Equipment(15521-66401) $ 9,424 To amend the Police Department budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2018 funds for the purchase of new position vehicles and equipment. 2. Decrease Fund Balance(15599-59900) $ 60,466 Total Police Impact Fund adjustments. FIRE IMPACT FEE FUND 1. Increase Capital Outlay- Equipment (16522-66401) $ 27,800 To amend the Fire Department budget for the remaining cost of installation of traffic control devices. 2. Increase Minor Equipment (16522-55204) $ 19,712 To amend the Fire Department budget for the purchase of wildland gear equipment. 3. Increase Capital Outlay—Equipment (10522-66401) $ 29,850 To amend the Fire Department budget to change the funding source of bunker gear from the General Fund to the Fire Impact Fund. 4 CLERWONT CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2018-55R 4. Decrease Fund Balance(16599-59900) $ 77,362 Total Fire Impact Fund adjustments. FIRE INSPECTION FUND 1. Decrease Fire Inspection Revenue(19342-34220) $ 20,000 Decrease Annual Inspection (19342-34224) $ 210,000 Decrease Fire Review Fees (19342-34250) $ 86,800 Decrease Regular Salaries (19529 -12100) $ 154,873 Decrease Overtime Salaries (19529 -12120) $ 8,000 Decrease FICA Salaries (19529 -12220) $ 12,025 Decrease Defined Contribution Pension (19529 -12245) $ 16,579 Decrease Group Insurance(19529 -12300) $ 41,921 Decrease Life Insurance (19529 -12305) $ 488 Decrease EAP (19529 -12315) $ 78 Decrease Workers Compensation (19529 -12400) $ 2,503 Decrease Travel & Per Diem (19529 -54001) $ 2,904 Decrease Telephone(19529 -54101) $ 2,206 Decrease Internet Service(19529 -54102) $ 912 Decrease Postage & Freight (19529 -54200) $ 1,400 Decrease Commercial Insurance(19529 -54500) $ 1,210 Decrease Printing(19529 -54700) $ 300 Decrease Administrative Fees (19529-54906) $ 51,421 Decrease Office Supplies (19529 -55100) $ 1,200 Decrease Gas & Oil (19529 -55201) $ 4,500 Decrease Tires & Batteries (19529 -55202) $ 1,000 Decrease Uniforms(19529 -55203) $ 1,150 Decrease Minor Equipment (19529 -55204) $ 3,000 Decrease Subscription & Dues (19529 -55400) $ 8,130 Decrease Training&Education (19529 -55401) $ 1,000 To amend the Fire Department budget for the transfer of budgeted revenues and expenditures from the Fire Inspection Fund to the General Fund and the elimination of the Fire Alarm Monitoring fee and Commercial Occupancy Fire Inspection fee, as approved by the City Council on November 13, 2018. CAPITAL PROJECT FUND 1. Increase Capital Outlay— Fiber Optic - Wi-Fi (32559-66408-95114) $ 725,962 To amend the Economic Development budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2018 Master Plan funds for public wi-fi construction. 2. Increase Capital Outlay— Improv. - City Limit (32559-66300-95108) $ 250,000 To amend the Economic Development budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2018 Master Plan funds for city limit sign construction. 5 d✓ CITY OF CLERMONT Raced�, RESOLUTION NO. 2018-55R 3. Decrease Fund Balance(32599-59900) $ 975,962 Total Capital Project Fund adjustments. WATER FUND 1. Increase Professional Services—(41533-53100) $ 18,018 Increase Capital Outlay—Professional Services (41533-66900-33114) $ 500,000 To amend the budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2018 funds for professional services for water system improvements. 2. Decrease Fund Balance (41599-59900) $ 518,018 Total Water Fund adjustments. SEWER FUND 1. Increase Capital Outlay—Reclaimed Water(42535-66323) $ 400,000 To amend the budget to change the funding source for upsizing a reclaimed water pipe from the Sewer Impact Fee Fund to the Sewer Fund. 2. Increase Repairs & Maint. Equipment Lift stations (42535-54619) $ 60,000 Increase Capital Outlay— Sewer System Improvements(42535-66305) $ 363,842 Increase Capital—Sewer System—Manhole/Lateral Rehab (42535-66305-35108) $ 39,780 Increase Capital Outlay- Lift Station Improvements (42535-66321) $ 220,000 To amend the budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2018 funds for lift stations, sewer improvements and rehabilitations. 3. Decrease Fund Balance(42599-59900) $ 1,083,622 Total Sewer Fund adjustments. SEWER IMPACT FEE FUND 1. Decrease Capital Outlay—Reclaimed Water(44535-66323) $ 400,000 To amend the budget to change the funding source for upsizing a reclaimed water pipe from the Sewer Impact Fee Fund to the Sewer Fund. 2. Increase Fund Balance(44599-59900) $ 400,000 Total Sewer Impact Fund adjustments. SANITATION FUND 1. Increase Debris Removal (49534-54312-99000) $ 38,112 To amend the budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2018 funds for the disposal of debris related to Hurricane Irma. 6 CLER•ONT CITY OF CLERMONT •dOtorypal. RESOLUTION NO. 2018-55R 2. Decrease Fund Balance(49599-59900) $ 38,112 Total Stormwater Fund adjustments. Net Decrease to Fund Balance—All Funds $ 3,257,943 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget amendments of the City of Clermont for the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 are hereby adopted. • 7 CaleONTCITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2018-55R DONE AND RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, this 11th day of December, 2018. ...—! CITY OF CLERMONT / 4./ ,IF / -,,,__, Gail L. Ash, 'f a or f ATTEST:' l ,,, Tracy Ackroyd Howe, City Clerk AppEoved,as t _fo and legality: alk. J t- . ' . zaris, City Attorney 41 al