R-83-424• CITY OF CLERMONT • RESOLUTIONS No. 424 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA GRANTING A CONDI- TIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE EXPANSION OF AN EXISTING MANUFACTURING FACILITY. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida at its meeting held April 5, 1983 recommended the approval of the Conditional Use Permit to allow the expansion of an existing manufacturing facility, as herein- after set forth by unanimous vote, and the City Council deems it advisable in the interest of the general welfare of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida to grant the Conditional Use Permit. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida that; SECTION 1. 1. The property must be developed in accordance with the approved site plan. 2. If, at a future date, parking at this location proves in- adequate, the applicant understands and agrees that the City may require impermeable parking, additional spaces, or rescind this Conditional Use Permit by Resolution. 3. No further expansion of the use or additions to this building shall be permitted except as approved by another Conditional Use Permit. 4. -All applicable rules and regulations shall be met, includ- ing final site plan approval, landscaping, parking, and sign regulations. 5. The final Certificate of Occupancy cannot be issued until all of the stated conditions have been met. 6. This permit shall expire if construction has not begun within one year of the date of this Conditional Use Permit. 7. All work will be performed by a licensed contractor and an architect or engineer must certify all building plans. 8. All parking, landscaping, and drainage improvements must be installed before any permanent Certificate of Occupancy can be issued. On completion of the craneway, a temporary Cer- tificate of Occupancy may be issued, contingent on landscap- ing, parking, and drainage requirements being met within one hundred and eighty days of the granting of the Conditional Use Permit (.April 12, 1983). 9. LANDSCAPING: The landscaping on Desoto Street and Eleventh Street must include ivy vine (or jasmine vine) that will cover the entire fence or plants outside the fence (to be approved by the City) which will grow to a height of 6' within two years after the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the construction of this addition. The ap- plicant understands and agrees to properly maintain plants. The applicant also understands that the purpose of these plants is to maintain a solid buffer and screen. The Twelfth Street landscaping must be shrubbery 2' on center and meet parking lot landscaping requirements. 10. PARKING: All driveways through the parking area must be paved. If asphalt paving is used, a 6" x 12" flush curb must be instal- led parallel to the edge of all paving. Parking spaces must be paved, or of two (2) inch size washed limerock over a compacted sand base. If limerock is used, a 6" x 12" raised curb must be • CITY OF CLERMONT • RESOLUTIONS No. 424 installed around the edge of the parking lot. Asphalt berms must be adequate to insure zero discharge to streets and driveways. All parking stalls must be 10' x 20' and bumper stops for stall delineation must be installed. A minimum of 5,400 square feet of ingress and egress drives must be constructed. 11. DRAINAGE: An engineer must certify and present substanti- ated data showing that the proposed retention area and swales can accomodate runoff for northerly drainage area, as required by the City and Pollution Control Board. A substantial barrier (large posts, etc.) shall be con- structed parallel to the sodded swale and retention area to prevent damage by internal vehicular traffic. A raised asphalt berm shall be constructed at the east driveway to insure that all storm water is directed into a sedimentation basin. Existing drop inlets at the east driveway are to be protected to prevent damage by heavy equipment. 12. The applicant shall grant the City of Clermont a 12' Utility Easement (storm, water, and sewer) on the east 12' of Block 124 and west 5' of the vacated alley; to be granted upon commencement of construction of the new storm sewer line. Upon completion of the new line, the City agrees to cap off old line running under existing paint shop. 13. If any of the above conditions is violated, the applicant understands and agrees that the City may revoke this Con- ditional Use Permit by Resolution. DONE AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS 12th DAY OF April 1983. CHARLES B. BEALS, MAYOR ATTEST: WAYN SAUNDERS, CITY CLERK