R-68-137• RESOLUTIONS N0. 137 • N~ 196 RESOLUTIOPd ESTAf3LISF~ING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1968-69 FOR GENERAL OPERATIONS OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT WHEREAS, the City of Clermont expects to derive revenue for the General Operations of the Government of the City of Clermont from the following sources: REVEP!UE Cemetery Lot Sales ~ 2,000.00 Contributions --- Fees - Inspection 4,000.00 Interest on Investments 2,500.00 Labor Refunds 500.00 Licenses 13,000.00 Memorial Sales 300.00 Miscellaneous 1,500.00 Police Fines - Forfeitures 11,000.00 Rentals 2,500.00 Sanitation 53,000.00 Taxes: Ad Valorem 124,634.07 Taxes: Cigarette 65,000.00 Taxes: Franchise 15,500.00 Taxes: Utility 31,000.(10 326,434.07 and, $326,434.07 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Clermont desires to establish a budget governing the expenditure of funds derived from the revenue aforesaid and to appropriate such funds for the payment of the General go~vernme;n~ operations of the City of Clermont for the purpose and objects of said City hereinafter specified for the year commencing on the first day of November 1968 and ending on the 31st day of October, 1969, as follows: DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION - ACCOUNT No. 1 Advertising Fees Contingencies EXPENSE ACCOUNTS -City h1anager -Council-Mayor Legal Expense MAINTENANCE - Office Equipment Minor Equipment Miscellaneous Items Recording Fees SALARIES - Attorney - Clerical - Controller - Manager - Mayor and Council 250.00 1 ,300.00 300.00 1,000.00 500.00 450.00 400.00 ?_31.00 200.00 1,800.00 8,50.00 2,434.00 6,246.00 3,840.00 • • RESOLUTIONS N °_ 19 7 No. 137 DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRAT'~ON - ACCOUNT FdO. 1 (continued) SALARIES - Supt. and Assistant Subscript ions and Dues SUPPLIES - Office - "laterials - Miscellaneous Travel - School UTILITIES - Electricity - Telephone - 4~ater DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL. EXf~ENSES - ~.CCO'_!`VT N0. 2 Auditing Contingencies Elections Equipment Replacement Finance Expense INSURANCE - Buildings - Hospitalization - Public Liability - Social Security - Surety Bonds - Vehicles - Wormen's Compensation Library Miscellaneous Pensions Publicity Special Affairs Taxes - County Tax Discounts Technical Services Xmas Gifts $ 8,n50.00 350.00 1,h00.00 150.0(1 50.00 2.50.00 400.00 7n0.00 11n.00 ~ 39,111.00 ~39,111.~!0 g 1 ,650.00 500.00 300.00 12,904.nn 1,550.0 752.00 2,332.00 3,290.00 5,729.00 752.00 1,692.00 2,444.00 7,650.On 300.00 4,60.00 6,15.00 600.00 175.On 3,F00.00 4,00.00 310.07 $ 61,27n.07 ~F1,270.07 RESOLUTIONS No. 137 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY - ACCOUNT N0. 3 • N° 198 Contingencies $ 500.00 MAINTENANCE - Office Equipment 400.00 - Radio Base 250.00 Minor Equipment 1,500.00 Miscellaneous 200.00 SALARIES - Auxiliary Volunteers 3,300.00 - Building Inspector 4,94.00 - Judges 1,488.00 - Life Guards 1,500.00 - Patrolmen 18,000.00 - Police Chief 6,240.00 - Radio Operators 13,600.00 - Overtime 1,000.00 Subscriptions - Dues 100.00 SUPPLIES - Office 650.00 - Materials 250.00 - Miscellaneous 100.00 - Prisoner Expense 2,100.00 Travel - School 500.00 Uniforms 600,00 UTILIES - Electricity 950.00 - Heating 300.00 - Telephone 250,00 - Water 300.00 59,018.00 59,n1R.00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC r~JORKS - ACCOUNT N0. 4 Contingencies $ 1,000.00 Equipment Rental 25n,00 Minor Equipment 1,200.00 Miscellaneous 500.00 SA~~.ARIES - Parks-Cemetery 15,400.00 - Sanitation 28,000.00 - Street-P~aintenance 8,300.00 - Street Cleaning 7,00.00 - Overtime 1,000.00 Sidewalk Repairs 500.00 Summer Programs 1,500.00 SUPPLIES - Materials 6,500.00 - ~~1iscellaneous 500.00 - Signs 480,00 Uniforms __ UTILITIES - Electricty 19,000.00 - Heating .100,00 - !•Jater 2,000.00 4 93,150.00 $ 93,15n.00 RESOLUTIONS No. 137 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL MAINTENANCE - ACCOUNT N0. 5 Contingencies ~ 500.00 Equipment Rental 300.00 MAINTENANCE - Buildings 3,500.00 - Equipment 3,000.00 - Parks-Playgrounds 3,500.00 - Vehicles 4,300.00 Minor Equipment 500.00 Miscellaneous 50.00 SALARIES - Clerical 525.00 - Janitor Labor 3,500.00 - Mechanic 3,900.00 - Overtime 250.00 SUPPLIES - Office 35.00 - Materials 300.00 - Miscellaneous 100.00 UTILITIES - Electricity 125.00 - Heating 75.00 - Telephone 75.00 - Water 50.00 VEHICLE EXPENSE - Petroleum Products 7,000.00 - Tires & Batteries 2,000.00 33,585.00 • N°_ 199 S 33,585.n0 ?_86,134.07 BUDGET OF CAPITAL EXPENSES AND DEBT PAYMENTS ADMINISTRATION #1 GENERAL EXPENSES #2 Payment on Debt PUBLIC SAFETY #3 1 Police Car (less Trade & Reserve) t Foam Generator (Fire Dept) PUBLIC WORKS #4 2 Garbage Packers (Less trade and Reserve) Portable Irrigation System Beach Building - Ball Field ~~l,ioliti'DcJ and Other Improvements DEPARTMENT OF MAINTENANCE #5 Addition to Barn (Storage) RESERVED FOR CONTINGENCIES ~ 5on.oo 10,000.00 80.00 1,000.00 8,700.00 600.00 15,000.00 1 ,200.00 2,500.00 40,300.00 40,300.00 _ 326,434.07 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the sums of money designated as expenses above be and the same are hereby adopted as a hudget for the 1968-69 fiscal year for the General Government operations of the City of Clermont, or as much as may be deemed necessary to defray all expenses and liabilities of the City of Clermont in the General Government operation of the city , and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper officials may disburse funds from the revenue of the General Government operation of the City of Clermont in payment of expenses described ahove subject to authorization • RESOLUTIONS No. 137 N~ 200 and approval of the City Council of the City of Clermont, Florida, as they from time to time are incurred in accordance with the budget here adopted. ADOPTED this 22n~ day of October, 1968, by the City Council of the City o~ Clermont, Florida /~ ,/ // ~~ President of the City Council of the City of Clermont, Florida ATTEST: 1 ~ //~ City C erk RECEIVED AND APPROVED by me this 72nd day of October, 1968. ~~~. i ~~ ~ ~ ,, Mayor of City of Clermont, Florida