R-80-359• , . • CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTIONS No. 359 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A MOBILE HOME SALES BUSINESS WITH GRASS PARKING AND SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM. Whereas, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida at its meeting held on October 7, 1980 recommended approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a Mobile Home Sales Business with grass parking and septic tank system, as hereinafter set forth by unanimous vote, and the City Council deems it advisable in the interest of the general welfare of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida to grant the Conditional Use Permit; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT; SECTION 1. That the application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a Mobile Home Business with grass parking and septic tank system to locate on the following described property: 1740 South Highway 27, Clermont, Florida (North of Hook Street, East of the Drive In Theatre, West of U.S. 27 Service Road), Lake County, Florida be granted subject to the following conditions: 1. All Mobile Homes must maintain a 25' front yard setback from the U.S. 27 Service Road, and a 12' setback from all other property lines. Monuments will be placed on the property delineating the setback lines. 2. All Mobile Homes must maintain a 10' separation (end to end and side by side) from any other Mobile Home or building. 3. Shadowbox buffer fencing 6' in height will be installed the entire length of the Hook Street property line. 4. Grass parking shall be allowed on the following conditions: A. Approval for a curb cut from the U.S. 27 Service Road is obtained from the State D.O.T, ~ ~ ~ CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTIONS No. 359 • B. _ :The-entire parking area shall be properly mainta-fined and covered with a material impervious to water. C. A minimum of twelve (12) parking spaces shall be installed. D. All parking spaces will be delineated with parking stops, (railroad ties or concrete). E. The parking area will be landscaped according to the City's Landscape Ordinance. F. Parking shall be allowed only in the off street parking lot. 5. An Occupational License shall not be issued until all State Mobile Home Dealer Licenses are obtained. 6. Since this is a Mobile Home Sales B~zsiness, once Mobile Home may be used as an office (the office must be tied down), and connected to the City Water System. Furthermore, since this office will be at least 300' from a sewer line, the office may be connected to a septic system approved by the County Health Department. 7. No Mobile Home shall be occupied temporarily or permanently as an abode or living quarters for any person or persons. 8. If this property is utilized for any other purpose other than Mobile Home Sales, this Conditional Use Permit shall immediately expire. 9. All other applicable rules and regulations shall be met. 10. No expansions shall be allowed without the approval of the City Council. 11. A Certificate of Occupancy for the above development shall not be issued until all of the above conditions are met. 12. All Mobile Homes located at the business will be assembeled within five days from the date of arrival. DONE AND RESOLVED THIS 21 DAY OF October , A.D. 1980. ATTEST: CITY OF~CLE~RMONT " CLAUDE E. SMOAK, JR. - MAYOR