R-69-157RESOLUTION N0. 157 A I2S~'SOLUTION E(,)U1?L':~ `~'r ASSESSvIr~?TS, LEV`~-~:JG Ti-IE SAivir _..~ .-:S~:::;;S;fL;NTS AGAINST TIiL' P.ESPICTIV1 ." T: .';, DIIZEC'~ING TIE CI~t'~ CLERK `i`'O ~_ CC:..'-; :~tS:?'SSMEN'1~S IN T_E Ir~1PR: `E~1ENT L~..'._~ '_, ,;~:, _ .'vl"} i.:STALiLiS~II^dG P SO~tITY OF LI~::I ~~~~_: PA~:`rE~IT OF' PRINCIPAL ANA I~7T1:,RL'ST. • WiiEREAS, on 22nd day o~ July , 15., the City Council of the City cf C:~::mont, Florida, adopted a resolu;~ion app:°oving the Assessment Roil prepared by tha Con- sul~ing :engineer and directiry notice to be given by publica- tion anu by Nail to the owners of the property to be assessed, or any ocher persons interested ::herein, that the City Council would rec:et as an equalizing bcurd cn the 19th day of August 19,69, at 7:30 o'clock P. .I~~. to con- sic~ur cG:rplaints as to the assessments appearing on said Assess~r~ent Roll; and WHEREAS, said notice, both by publication and by mail, was duly had and given as by law provided; and P~HEREAS, said hear_ng was duly and regularly reld on ' August 19 1969 u~ 7:30 o'clock P .M. 1;Orn7, THEREFORE EE IT RESOLVED EY T E CITY COUNCIL OF' TEiE CTiY OF CLEI'.t~1ONT, I'':~v 1IDA, that: S::CTION 1. T:ze C~.;:,r Cou~.ci~, having :.earl ;~rcpeyty Gar: ~rs gad other interested pcrsor.s appearing aefore ;.:a .,„..,~ l..l~.,:::ci~ as to the propriety z..:1 Gdvisai~llty oL making.~m- pr~:~eme:as described in the CGUncil`s Resolution Nc. 146 , ~:~ to thy: cost thereof, as to the mG:zner of payment of said CG ~., c":~ tO the amOtlilt therec~ -moo be assessed aaair:st ~c,~:i proper-~_~ to be benefited thereby, a d us to equaliza-cion cf s~~.. assessments on a basis of justice ar:d right, hereb•~r dc- ~~r;~ires and resolves to proc:~ed wi~~:: •che said improvement ac- co_::ing -co the pans, specificatica, assessment plat ar_~ es- t~_..~te ..~, cost on file. SECTI%~: 2. The cos-~s c~ .,~.id improvement shall be ^~i d a<. orovid~:~:, in Section 2 of s,::id Resolution No. 146 of t-: Ci-~~ Council, w:.ich section is incorporated herein by • reference as though copied in full herein. • SECTION 3. The amount of assessments, as equalized and adjusted and as now appearing on the Assessment Roll, are hereby confirmed as legal, valid and binding first liens, until paid, upon the property against which assessments are made; provided, however, upon completion of the improvement, each assessment shall be credited pro rata with the difference between the amount hereby confirmed and the actual cost of the improvement to be paid by special assessments; provided in no event shall the final assessments exceed the amount of benefits hereby confirmed. Said assessments shall be co-equal with the lien of other taxes, superior to all other liens, titles and claims, until paid. SECTION 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to re- cord said assessments in a special book to be known as the "Improvement Lien Book". SECTION 5. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, held on December 9, 1969. City er 2