O-2019-30Ma 0Oo- Z>M( 6N-r CITY OF CLERMONT mxMn-<M o O C-t� A 3 CLE0 1 2 ORDINANCE NO.2019-30 0 z n�000-i AN ORDINANCE m0Z:$' � UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF � F -" N o CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING THE OFFICIAL o � r- m � o ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT REFERRED TO IN M 3 CHAPTER 122 OF ORDINANCE NO. 289-C, CODE OF ORDINANCES; MO REZONING THE REAL PROPERTIES DESCRIBED HEREIN AS SHOWN 0 " C BELOW; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, EFFECTIVE DATE, 0 J RECORDING, AND PUBLICATION. O voa 'nc :! C U. The City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida hereby ordains that: z n Opa AO SECTION 1. va.0 The Official Zoning Map of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida referred to in Chapter 122 of Ordinance No. 289-C, Code of Ordinances, is hereby amended by rezoning the following described z property: LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel 1: From E 1/4 cor run S 0-25-15 W along E line of SE 1/4 26 ft, Thence N 89-42-0 W 999.95 ft, N 0-18-0 E 26 ft to N line of SE 1/4, N 89-42-0 W along N line of SE 1/4 315.4 ft to NW cor of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4, S 0-20-29 W along W line of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 644.48 ft to NE cor of S 1/2 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4, N 89-36-25 W 382.81 ft along N line of S 1/2 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 for pob, run S 0-23-35 W 86.68 ft, S 87-41-33 W 82.14 ft, S 80-48-18 W 53.28 ft, S 74-46-16 W 40.33 ft, S 60-09-01 w 42.42 ft, S 44-07-53 W 55.81 ft, S 16-35-39 W 43.95 ft, S 09-45-40 W 49.13 ft, S 02- 11-09 W 52.9 ft, S 07-19-12 W 66.15 ft, S 15-51-21 W 43.08 ft, S 30-34-13 E 20.75 ft, S 46-57-10 E 23.08 ft, S 25-48-53 E 31.53 ft, S 10-32-32 E 40.47 ft, S 06-51-20 W 199.46 ft, S 02-32-14 E 197.47 ft, S 45-06-17 E 26.84 ft, S 85-12-21 E 36.97 ft, N 79-46-13 E 30.52 ft, S 88-48-33 E 90.46 ft, S 73- 1447 E 36.84 ft, S 46-19-25 E 35.85 ft, S 32-23-58 E 72 ft to the point of curvature of a curve concave NW'ly having a radius of 25 ft & a chord bearing of S 41-37-57 w, run SW'ly along arc of curve thru central angle of 148-03-50 a dist of 64.61 ft to the pt of tangency, N 64-20-08 W 25.4 ft, N 76-04-07 W 30.37 ft, S 68-05-38 W 28.33 ft, S 36-16-47 W 24.84 ft, S 14-54-49 w 44.67 ft, S 03- 11-49 W 54.97 ft, S 02-36-01 E 121.76 ft, S 06-27-57 W 101.43 R, S 20-42-07 W 56.29 ft, S 43-55- 27 W 43.91 ft, S 61-30-08 W 44.26 ft, S 28-56-59 W 43.34 ft, S 16-05-04 W 33.97 ft, S O4-17-39 W 27.39 ft, S 21-01-30 E 101.88 ft, S 56-24-53 E 10.66 ft, S 77-06-37 E 14.04 ft, N 70-14-29 E 16.3 ft, N 55-07-08 E 65.04 ft, N 66-47-05 E 81.79 ft, N 25-50-57 E 30.74 ft, N 72-14-43 E 23.58 ft, S 79- 19-14 E 22,5 ft, S 57-16-34 E 38.82 ft, S 31-04-08 E 24.54 ft, S 06-26-42 E 28.59 ft, S 18-55-15 W 15.13 ft, S 50-15-49 E to S line of sec, run w'Iy along S line of sec to a r/w line of us hwy 27, run NW along E r/w line of us hwy 27 to N line of SW 1/4 ofNE 1/4 of SW 1/4, run E'ly along N line of S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 & N line of S 1/2 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 to pob orb 621 pg 51 orb 774 pgs 2445 2447 orb 1427 pg 722 orb 1511 pg 1588 orb 3788 pg 45. Parcel ID: 09-23-26-000400000600 Parcel 2: From NE cor of sec run S 0-26-49 W 662.26 ft to SE cor of N 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4, N 89-32-02 W 1121.46 ft for pob, run N 0-27-58 E 529.08 ft, N 50-15-49 W to N line of sec, W along said N line to E'ly r/w line of us hwy 27, SE'ly along said E'ly r/w line to S line of N 1/2 of N 1/2 of NE 1/4, run E'ly along said S line of 1/2 of 1/2 of NE 1A to pob orb 1511 pg 1588 orb 3788 pg 45. 6= CLER(OM. CITY OF CLERMONT -�ORDINANCE NO.2019-30 Parcel ID: 16-23-26-000100000800 Site contains 80.4 +/- acres. LOCATION 1/4 mile south of Hartwood Marsh Road, East of US 27 Alternate Keys 1412251 & 3853085 FROM: Urban Estate (UE) and Urban Transition (UT) TO: Planned Unit Development (PUD) SECTION 2. All Ordinances or parts of this Ordinance in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. Should any Section or part of this Section be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such adjudications shall not apply to or affect any other provision of this Ordinance, except to the extent that the entire Section or part of the Section may be inseparable in meaning and effect from the Section to which such holding shall apply. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be recorded in the Public Records of Lake County, Florida. SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall be published as provided by law, and it shall become law and take effect upon its Second Reading and Final Passage. SECTION 6. General Conditions This application for a Planned Unit Development to allow for a multi -tenant commercial development with C-2 General Commercial be granted subject to the following conditions: 1. The conditions as set forth in this Planned Unit Development shall be legally binding upon any heirs, assigns and successors in title or interest. 2. The property may be developed under the City's C-2 General Commercial District, Division 11 of the Land Development Code. Any multi -family or conditional uses under the C-2 General Commercial District will require the developer to amended the Planned Unit Development ordinance. 3. No person, firm, corporation or entity shall erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, improve, move, convert, or demolish any building or structure, or alter the land in any 10) CLE ' N. CITY OF CLERMONT dORDINANCE NO.2019-30 manner within the boundary of the project without first submitting necessary plans, obtaining necessary approvals, and obtaining necessary permits in accordance with the City of Clermont Land Development Regulations and those of other appropriate jurisdictional entities. 4. An environmental assessment addressing habitat and species shall be submitted to the City during the construction plans approval stage of each phase of the project. Applicable permits for any gopher tortoises and associated burrow commensal species or other threatened or endangered species found on the property must be received from the appropriate regulatory agencies prior to the initiation of development activity. 5. Fiber optic conduit and pull boxes may be required to be installed by the developer in the utility easements to extend the City's fiber optic network. The City will reimburse the developer at 100 percent for all costs including design, permitting, materials, and construction of the fiber optic conduit and pull boxes. At the time of site plan review, the City's Information Technology Director or authorized designee will make this determination. 6. Easements shall be provided on any existing and proposed utilities that the City will own and maintain at no expense to the City. SECTION 7. Land Uses and Specific Conditions 1. The development shall comply with all applicable County and Florida Department of Transportation access management requirements. No access to Hartwood Marsh Road from the project is permitted. 2. A Tier 2 Traffic Impact Study shall be completed at the time of site plan review. The study and comments shall be shared with all jurisdictions within the traffic impact area. If the study identifies a deficiency in the Level of Service of transportation facilities due to the proposed project, the developer shall be required to participate in mitigation strategies. In addition, the Developer may be required to enter into a Transportation Impact Fee Credit agreement with Lake County and the City of Clermont prior to site plan approval, subject to final approval by FDOT, .Lake County and the Lake -Sumter MPO. The Agreement may require the Developer to fund improvements for Consery right-of-way, design and permitting of roadways and/or construction of roadways for Transportation impact fee credits based upon the following priorities: 3 C�ER IVY CITY OF CLERMONT ck ddxroow ORDINANCE NO.2019-30 i. Payment in escrow to Lake County for the acquisition of the four lane right- of-way from Consery for Wellness Way; ii. Design and permitting of Wellness Way from US 27 to the Orange County line as a four lane roadway; iii. Construction of Wellness Way from Hancock Road to the Orange County line as the first two lanes of the ultimate four lane roadway; iv. Payment in escrow to Lake County for the acquisition of the four lane right- of-way from Consery for Hancock Road; v. Design and permitting of Hancock Road from Wellness Way to the northern boundary of the Consery property as a four -lane roadway; vi. Construction of Hancock Road from Wellness Way to the entrance of the Fuqua project south of Hartwood Marsh Road as the first 2-lanes of the ultimate 4-lane roadway; vii. Construction of the 3rd and 4th lanes of Wellness Way from US 27 to the Hancock/Schofield intersection; 3. The project shall be developed according to the C-2 General Commercial zoning designation in the Land Development Code, unless expressly stated above. 4 Sl CLER r CITY OF CLERMONT CW-.FCh-q.-ORDINANCE NO.2019-30 Location map: s � i ti g f v HartwooilMarsh 11oad 1,1 O m� .T T Subject �1 rr-j._.� - i i� CLER IVY CITY OF CLERMONT �af ORDINANCE NO.2019-30 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida on this 10t' day of December, 2019. CITY OF CLERMONT Gail L. Ash, Mayor Tracy Ackroyd owe, MMC, City Clerk Ma 0Oo- Z>M( 6N-r CITY OF CLERMONT mxMn-<M o O C-t� A 3 CLE0 1 2 ORDINANCE NO.2019-30 0 z n�000-i AN ORDINANCE m0Z:$' � UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF � F -" N o CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING THE OFFICIAL o � r- m � o ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT REFERRED TO IN M 3 CHAPTER 122 OF ORDINANCE NO. 289-C, CODE OF ORDINANCES; MO REZONING THE REAL PROPERTIES DESCRIBED HEREIN AS SHOWN 0 " C BELOW; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, EFFECTIVE DATE, 0 J RECORDING, AND PUBLICATION. O voa 'nc :! C U. The City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida hereby ordains that: z n Opa AO SECTION 1. va.0 The Official Zoning Map of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida referred to in Chapter 122 of Ordinance No. 289-C, Code of Ordinances, is hereby amended by rezoning the following described z property: LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel 1: From E 1/4 cor run S 0-25-15 W along E line of SE 1/4 26 ft, Thence N 89-42-0 W 999.95 ft, N 0-18-0 E 26 ft to N line of SE 1/4, N 89-42-0 W along N line of SE 1/4 315.4 ft to NW cor of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4, S 0-20-29 W along W line of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 644.48 ft to NE cor of S 1/2 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4, N 89-36-25 W 382.81 ft along N line of S 1/2 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 for pob, run S 0-23-35 W 86.68 ft, S 87-41-33 W 82.14 ft, S 80-48-18 W 53.28 ft, S 74-46-16 W 40.33 ft, S 60-09-01 w 42.42 ft, S 44-07-53 W 55.81 ft, S 16-35-39 W 43.95 ft, S 09-45-40 W 49.13 ft, S 02- 11-09 W 52.9 ft, S 07-19-12 W 66.15 ft, S 15-51-21 W 43.08 ft, S 30-34-13 E 20.75 ft, S 46-57-10 E 23.08 ft, S 25-48-53 E 31.53 ft, S 10-32-32 E 40.47 ft, S 06-51-20 W 199.46 ft, S 02-32-14 E 197.47 ft, S 45-06-17 E 26.84 ft, S 85-12-21 E 36.97 ft, N 79-46-13 E 30.52 ft, S 88-48-33 E 90.46 ft, S 73- 1447 E 36.84 ft, S 46-19-25 E 35.85 ft, S 32-23-58 E 72 ft to the point of curvature of a curve concave NW'ly having a radius of 25 ft & a chord bearing of S 41-37-57 w, run SW'ly along arc of curve thru central angle of 148-03-50 a dist of 64.61 ft to the pt of tangency, N 64-20-08 W 25.4 ft, N 76-04-07 W 30.37 ft, S 68-05-38 W 28.33 ft, S 36-16-47 W 24.84 ft, S 14-54-49 w 44.67 ft, S 03- 11-49 W 54.97 ft, S 02-36-01 E 121.76 ft, S 06-27-57 W 101.43 R, S 20-42-07 W 56.29 ft, S 43-55- 27 W 43.91 ft, S 61-30-08 W 44.26 ft, S 28-56-59 W 43.34 ft, S 16-05-04 W 33.97 ft, S O4-17-39 W 27.39 ft, S 21-01-30 E 101.88 ft, S 56-24-53 E 10.66 ft, S 77-06-37 E 14.04 ft, N 70-14-29 E 16.3 ft, N 55-07-08 E 65.04 ft, N 66-47-05 E 81.79 ft, N 25-50-57 E 30.74 ft, N 72-14-43 E 23.58 ft, S 79- 19-14 E 22,5 ft, S 57-16-34 E 38.82 ft, S 31-04-08 E 24.54 ft, S 06-26-42 E 28.59 ft, S 18-55-15 W 15.13 ft, S 50-15-49 E to S line of sec, run w'Iy along S line of sec to a r/w line of us hwy 27, run NW along E r/w line of us hwy 27 to N line of SW 1/4 ofNE 1/4 of SW 1/4, run E'ly along N line of S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 & N line of S 1/2 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 to pob orb 621 pg 51 orb 774 pgs 2445 2447 orb 1427 pg 722 orb 1511 pg 1588 orb 3788 pg 45. Parcel ID: 09-23-26-000400000600 Parcel 2: From NE cor of sec run S 0-26-49 W 662.26 ft to SE cor of N 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4, N 89-32-02 W 1121.46 ft for pob, run N 0-27-58 E 529.08 ft, N 50-15-49 W to N line of sec, W along said N line to E'ly r/w line of us hwy 27, SE'ly along said E'ly r/w line to S line of N 1/2 of N 1/2 of NE 1/4, run E'ly along said S line of 1/2 of 1/2 of NE 1A to pob orb 1511 pg 1588 orb 3788 pg 45. 6= CLER(OM. CITY OF CLERMONT -�ORDINANCE NO.2019-30 Parcel ID: 16-23-26-000100000800 Site contains 80.4 +/- acres. LOCATION 1/4 mile south of Hartwood Marsh Road, East of US 27 Alternate Keys 1412251 & 3853085 FROM: Urban Estate (UE) and Urban Transition (UT) TO: Planned Unit Development (PUD) SECTION 2. All Ordinances or parts of this Ordinance in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. Should any Section or part of this Section be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such adjudications shall not apply to or affect any other provision of this Ordinance, except to the extent that the entire Section or part of the Section may be inseparable in meaning and effect from the Section to which such holding shall apply. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be recorded in the Public Records of Lake County, Florida. SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall be published as provided by law, and it shall become law and take effect upon its Second Reading and Final Passage. SECTION 6. General Conditions This application for a Planned Unit Development to allow for a multi -tenant commercial development with C-2 General Commercial be granted subject to the following conditions: 1. The conditions as set forth in this Planned Unit Development shall be legally binding upon any heirs, assigns and successors in title or interest. 2. The property may be developed under the City's C-2 General Commercial District, Division 11 of the Land Development Code. Any multi -family or conditional uses under the C-2 General Commercial District will require the developer to amended the Planned Unit Development ordinance. 3. No person, firm, corporation or entity shall erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, improve, move, convert, or demolish any building or structure, or alter the land in any 10) CLE ' N. CITY OF CLERMONT dORDINANCE NO.2019-30 manner within the boundary of the project without first submitting necessary plans, obtaining necessary approvals, and obtaining necessary permits in accordance with the City of Clermont Land Development Regulations and those of other appropriate jurisdictional entities. 4. An environmental assessment addressing habitat and species shall be submitted to the City during the construction plans approval stage of each phase of the project. Applicable permits for any gopher tortoises and associated burrow commensal species or other threatened or endangered species found on the property must be received from the appropriate regulatory agencies prior to the initiation of development activity. 5. Fiber optic conduit and pull boxes may be required to be installed by the developer in the utility easements to extend the City's fiber optic network. The City will reimburse the developer at 100 percent for all costs including design, permitting, materials, and construction of the fiber optic conduit and pull boxes. At the time of site plan review, the City's Information Technology Director or authorized designee will make this determination. 6. Easements shall be provided on any existing and proposed utilities that the City will own and maintain at no expense to the City. SECTION 7. Land Uses and Specific Conditions 1. The development shall comply with all applicable County and Florida Department of Transportation access management requirements. No access to Hartwood Marsh Road from the project is permitted. 2. A Tier 2 Traffic Impact Study shall be completed at the time of site plan review. The study and comments shall be shared with all jurisdictions within the traffic impact area. If the study identifies a deficiency in the Level of Service of transportation facilities due to the proposed project, the developer shall be required to participate in mitigation strategies. In addition, the Developer may be required to enter into a Transportation Impact Fee Credit agreement with Lake County and the City of Clermont prior to site plan approval, subject to final approval by FDOT, .Lake County and the Lake -Sumter MPO. The Agreement may require the Developer to fund improvements for Consery right-of-way, design and permitting of roadways and/or construction of roadways for Transportation impact fee credits based upon the following priorities: 3 C�ER IVY CITY OF CLERMONT ck ddxroow ORDINANCE NO.2019-30 i. Payment in escrow to Lake County for the acquisition of the four lane right- of-way from Consery for Wellness Way; ii. Design and permitting of Wellness Way from US 27 to the Orange County line as a four lane roadway; iii. Construction of Wellness Way from Hancock Road to the Orange County line as the first two lanes of the ultimate four lane roadway; iv. Payment in escrow to Lake County for the acquisition of the four lane right- of-way from Consery for Hancock Road; v. Design and permitting of Hancock Road from Wellness Way to the northern boundary of the Consery property as a four -lane roadway; vi. Construction of Hancock Road from Wellness Way to the entrance of the Fuqua project south of Hartwood Marsh Road as the first 2-lanes of the ultimate 4-lane roadway; vii. Construction of the 3rd and 4th lanes of Wellness Way from US 27 to the Hancock/Schofield intersection; 3. The project shall be developed according to the C-2 General Commercial zoning designation in the Land Development Code, unless expressly stated above. 4 Sl CLER r CITY OF CLERMONT CW-.FCh-q.-ORDINANCE NO.2019-30 Location map: s � i ti g f v HartwooilMarsh 11oad 1,1 O m� .T T Subject �1 rr-j._.� - i i� CLER IVY CITY OF CLERMONT �af ORDINANCE NO.2019-30 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida on this 10t' day of December, 2019. CITY OF CLERMONT Gail L. Ash, Mayor Tracy Ackroyd owe, MMC, City Clerk Ma 0Oo- Z>M( 6N-r CITY OF CLERMONT mxMn-<M o O C-t� A 3 CLE0 1 2 ORDINANCE NO.2019-30 0 z n�000-i AN ORDINANCE m0Z:$' � UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF � F -" N o CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING THE OFFICIAL o � r- m � o ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT REFERRED TO IN M 3 CHAPTER 122 OF ORDINANCE NO. 289-C, CODE OF ORDINANCES; MO REZONING THE REAL PROPERTIES DESCRIBED HEREIN AS SHOWN 0 " C BELOW; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, EFFECTIVE DATE, 0 J RECORDING, AND PUBLICATION. O voa 'nc :! C U. The City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida hereby ordains that: z n Opa AO SECTION 1. va.0 The Official Zoning Map of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida referred to in Chapter 122 of Ordinance No. 289-C, Code of Ordinances, is hereby amended by rezoning the following described z property: LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel 1: From E 1/4 cor run S 0-25-15 W along E line of SE 1/4 26 ft, Thence N 89-42-0 W 999.95 ft, N 0-18-0 E 26 ft to N line of SE 1/4, N 89-42-0 W along N line of SE 1/4 315.4 ft to NW cor of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4, S 0-20-29 W along W line of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 644.48 ft to NE cor of S 1/2 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4, N 89-36-25 W 382.81 ft along N line of S 1/2 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 for pob, run S 0-23-35 W 86.68 ft, S 87-41-33 W 82.14 ft, S 80-48-18 W 53.28 ft, S 74-46-16 W 40.33 ft, S 60-09-01 w 42.42 ft, S 44-07-53 W 55.81 ft, S 16-35-39 W 43.95 ft, S 09-45-40 W 49.13 ft, S 02- 11-09 W 52.9 ft, S 07-19-12 W 66.15 ft, S 15-51-21 W 43.08 ft, S 30-34-13 E 20.75 ft, S 46-57-10 E 23.08 ft, S 25-48-53 E 31.53 ft, S 10-32-32 E 40.47 ft, S 06-51-20 W 199.46 ft, S 02-32-14 E 197.47 ft, S 45-06-17 E 26.84 ft, S 85-12-21 E 36.97 ft, N 79-46-13 E 30.52 ft, S 88-48-33 E 90.46 ft, S 73- 1447 E 36.84 ft, S 46-19-25 E 35.85 ft, S 32-23-58 E 72 ft to the point of curvature of a curve concave NW'ly having a radius of 25 ft & a chord bearing of S 41-37-57 w, run SW'ly along arc of curve thru central angle of 148-03-50 a dist of 64.61 ft to the pt of tangency, N 64-20-08 W 25.4 ft, N 76-04-07 W 30.37 ft, S 68-05-38 W 28.33 ft, S 36-16-47 W 24.84 ft, S 14-54-49 w 44.67 ft, S 03- 11-49 W 54.97 ft, S 02-36-01 E 121.76 ft, S 06-27-57 W 101.43 R, S 20-42-07 W 56.29 ft, S 43-55- 27 W 43.91 ft, S 61-30-08 W 44.26 ft, S 28-56-59 W 43.34 ft, S 16-05-04 W 33.97 ft, S O4-17-39 W 27.39 ft, S 21-01-30 E 101.88 ft, S 56-24-53 E 10.66 ft, S 77-06-37 E 14.04 ft, N 70-14-29 E 16.3 ft, N 55-07-08 E 65.04 ft, N 66-47-05 E 81.79 ft, N 25-50-57 E 30.74 ft, N 72-14-43 E 23.58 ft, S 79- 19-14 E 22,5 ft, S 57-16-34 E 38.82 ft, S 31-04-08 E 24.54 ft, S 06-26-42 E 28.59 ft, S 18-55-15 W 15.13 ft, S 50-15-49 E to S line of sec, run w'Iy along S line of sec to a r/w line of us hwy 27, run NW along E r/w line of us hwy 27 to N line of SW 1/4 ofNE 1/4 of SW 1/4, run E'ly along N line of S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 & N line of S 1/2 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 to pob orb 621 pg 51 orb 774 pgs 2445 2447 orb 1427 pg 722 orb 1511 pg 1588 orb 3788 pg 45. Parcel ID: 09-23-26-000400000600 Parcel 2: From NE cor of sec run S 0-26-49 W 662.26 ft to SE cor of N 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4, N 89-32-02 W 1121.46 ft for pob, run N 0-27-58 E 529.08 ft, N 50-15-49 W to N line of sec, W along said N line to E'ly r/w line of us hwy 27, SE'ly along said E'ly r/w line to S line of N 1/2 of N 1/2 of NE 1/4, run E'ly along said S line of 1/2 of 1/2 of NE 1A to pob orb 1511 pg 1588 orb 3788 pg 45. 6= CLER(OM. CITY OF CLERMONT -�ORDINANCE NO.2019-30 Parcel ID: 16-23-26-000100000800 Site contains 80.4 +/- acres. LOCATION 1/4 mile south of Hartwood Marsh Road, East of US 27 Alternate Keys 1412251 & 3853085 FROM: Urban Estate (UE) and Urban Transition (UT) TO: Planned Unit Development (PUD) SECTION 2. All Ordinances or parts of this Ordinance in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. Should any Section or part of this Section be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such adjudications shall not apply to or affect any other provision of this Ordinance, except to the extent that the entire Section or part of the Section may be inseparable in meaning and effect from the Section to which such holding shall apply. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be recorded in the Public Records of Lake County, Florida. SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall be published as provided by law, and it shall become law and take effect upon its Second Reading and Final Passage. SECTION 6. General Conditions This application for a Planned Unit Development to allow for a multi -tenant commercial development with C-2 General Commercial be granted subject to the following conditions: 1. The conditions as set forth in this Planned Unit Development shall be legally binding upon any heirs, assigns and successors in title or interest. 2. The property may be developed under the City's C-2 General Commercial District, Division 11 of the Land Development Code. Any multi -family or conditional uses under the C-2 General Commercial District will require the developer to amended the Planned Unit Development ordinance. 3. No person, firm, corporation or entity shall erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, improve, move, convert, or demolish any building or structure, or alter the land in any 10) CLE ' N. CITY OF CLERMONT dORDINANCE NO.2019-30 manner within the boundary of the project without first submitting necessary plans, obtaining necessary approvals, and obtaining necessary permits in accordance with the City of Clermont Land Development Regulations and those of other appropriate jurisdictional entities. 4. An environmental assessment addressing habitat and species shall be submitted to the City during the construction plans approval stage of each phase of the project. Applicable permits for any gopher tortoises and associated burrow commensal species or other threatened or endangered species found on the property must be received from the appropriate regulatory agencies prior to the initiation of development activity. 5. Fiber optic conduit and pull boxes may be required to be installed by the developer in the utility easements to extend the City's fiber optic network. The City will reimburse the developer at 100 percent for all costs including design, permitting, materials, and construction of the fiber optic conduit and pull boxes. At the time of site plan review, the City's Information Technology Director or authorized designee will make this determination. 6. Easements shall be provided on any existing and proposed utilities that the City will own and maintain at no expense to the City. SECTION 7. Land Uses and Specific Conditions 1. The development shall comply with all applicable County and Florida Department of Transportation access management requirements. No access to Hartwood Marsh Road from the project is permitted. 2. A Tier 2 Traffic Impact Study shall be completed at the time of site plan review. The study and comments shall be shared with all jurisdictions within the traffic impact area. If the study identifies a deficiency in the Level of Service of transportation facilities due to the proposed project, the developer shall be required to participate in mitigation strategies. In addition, the Developer may be required to enter into a Transportation Impact Fee Credit agreement with Lake County and the City of Clermont prior to site plan approval, subject to final approval by FDOT, .Lake County and the Lake -Sumter MPO. The Agreement may require the Developer to fund improvements for Consery right-of-way, design and permitting of roadways and/or construction of roadways for Transportation impact fee credits based upon the following priorities: 3 C�ER IVY CITY OF CLERMONT ck ddxroow ORDINANCE NO.2019-30 i. Payment in escrow to Lake County for the acquisition of the four lane right- of-way from Consery for Wellness Way; ii. Design and permitting of Wellness Way from US 27 to the Orange County line as a four lane roadway; iii. Construction of Wellness Way from Hancock Road to the Orange County line as the first two lanes of the ultimate four lane roadway; iv. Payment in escrow to Lake County for the acquisition of the four lane right- of-way from Consery for Hancock Road; v. Design and permitting of Hancock Road from Wellness Way to the northern boundary of the Consery property as a four -lane roadway; vi. Construction of Hancock Road from Wellness Way to the entrance of the Fuqua project south of Hartwood Marsh Road as the first 2-lanes of the ultimate 4-lane roadway; vii. Construction of the 3rd and 4th lanes of Wellness Way from US 27 to the Hancock/Schofield intersection; 3. The project shall be developed according to the C-2 General Commercial zoning designation in the Land Development Code, unless expressly stated above. 4 Sl CLER r CITY OF CLERMONT CW-.FCh-q.-ORDINANCE NO.2019-30 Location map: s � i ti g f v HartwooilMarsh 11oad 1,1 O m� .T T Subject �1 rr-j._.� - i i� CLER IVY CITY OF CLERMONT �af ORDINANCE NO.2019-30 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida on this 10t' day of December, 2019. CITY OF CLERMONT Gail L. Ash, Mayor Tracy Ackroyd owe, MMC, City Clerk