R-78-308• • RESOLUTIONS N °_ 4 4 7 RESOLUTION N0. 308 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA; ENDORSING AND ENCOURAGING SUPPORT FOR SENATE BILL 231 TO BE INTRODUCED IN THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE REQUIRING FOR METHODS OF FINANCING FOR STATE- MANDATED PROGRAMS. WHEREAS, Article VIII of the Constitution of this state grants to local governments broad home rule powers of local self-government, and WHEREAS, each year the legislature mandates programs that require local governments to either participate in new governmental programs or increase their participation in already existing programs, and WHEREAS, state-mandated programs force local governments to incur added costs which fiscally strain local sources of revenue which are often not flexible enough to absorb the burden, and WHEREAS, state-mandated programs, by substituting state priorities for local priorities, violate the spirit and intent of the home rule philosophy embodied in the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Clermont hereby endorses Senate Bill 231 to be introduced in the Florida Legislature and encourages its passage. DONE AND RESOLVED this ~ ~~ day of 1978. CITY OF CLERMONT BY : ~~(. CLAUDE E. SMOAK, JR. - MAYOR ATTEST: DOLO S W. CARROLL - CITY CLERK