06-11-1891 Regular Meeting 4 W H Eavenson 25 votes V L Flood 18 votes J B Jones 28 votes A R Gano 25 votes J Tarpey 19 votes J C Hooks 12 votes C W Martin 4 votes R C Hooks 3 votes M E Wilson 8 votes The first five of which was declared as elected. The next officer voted for was Marshall and showed as follows: CW Martin 20votes P Grissom 1 vote S P Smith 2 votes J D Menio (?) 1 vote The next officer voted for was Clerk and showed as follows: C S Collins 18 votes A Kern 2 votes It was moved, seconded and carried as follows: Resolved that it is the sense of this meeting that the Officers elected shall serve the first year gratiously; also that the Mayor take the Oath of Office and be prepared for work. It was moved, seconded and carried that the secretary shall be authorized to notify the officers of their election and an early day set for taking the oath of office. Moved, seconded and carried to adjourn at 4:05 pm Chas Collins, Secy At the first preliminary meeting of the Board of Alderman of the Town of Clermont held at the office of Wm A House corner 7th St and Minneola Avenue on the 11th day of June 1891 at 1:45 pm; Meeting was called to order by Mayor Goodenough and on call AR Gano was nominated as Presiden of the Board but he declined and then WH Eavenson was nominated and elected by a full vote of the Board, there being present and answering to their names, W H Eavenson, A R Gano, J B Jones, V L Flood and J Tarpey. President Eavenson having taken the cair Mayor Goodenough filed Oaths of officers as follows: Chas H Goodenough, Mayor Wm H Eavenson, Alderman A R Gano, Alderman J B Jones, Alderman V L Flood, Alderman J Tarpey, Alderman Chas S Collins, Clerk C W Martin, Marshall 5 said oaths being placed in keeping of the Town Clerk. An offer was received, verbally, from Wm A House granting the use of his law office as a Mayor's Office until another place could be found which was accepted with thanks and ordered to be recorded in the minutes. It was then moved, seconded and carried to adjourn to meet again on Monday night June 15 at 7 o'clock at this same place, for the first regular meeting. Chas Collins, Town Clerk At the first regular meeting of the Board of Alderman of the Town of Clermont held at the Mayor's office in the office of Wm A House cornder 7th Street and Minneola Avenue at 7 o'clock PM June 15th 1891 the following business was transacted. Board called to order by President Eavenson and roll call showed that V L Flood, J B Jones, Joe Tarpey, and W H Eavenson were present, and A R Gano - absent. Quorum declared and minutes of previous meetings read and approved. The Board of Alderman next proceeded to divide themselves into two parts according to law as laid down in Section 5, Chapter 37 Laws of Floirda one part to be composed of two Alderman to hold office for one year from date of their election, the other part to be composed of the remaining three alderman to hold office for two years from their election. Lots were drawn resulting in V L Flood and W H Eavenson being chosen to hold office for one eyar. A R Gano, J B Jones and Joe Tarpey to hold office for two years from the election of each. A R Gano being absent, the Mayor C Goodenough who was present drew a lot for him. It was moved, seconded and carried that a committee be appointed to wait on W A House Atty and see if he would serve as Town Solicitor for one year under the sam conditions as the rest of the officers or under what conditions he would so serve. The chairman appointed a committee who retired Council taking a recess meanwhile. On their return they reported to Council that Mr. House would not consent ot serve for a year but would serve for mone month free, would write all rules and needed papers and put the Board of Alderman in proper working order. It was moved to accept report of Committee and discharged them which was duly seconded and carried. It was moved, seconded and carried to accept the offer of Wm A House, Atty with thanks. It was moved, seconded and carried that the building on the south-west corner of Minneola Ave and 7th Street shall be the Town Hall and that the south side of Montrose Street west of store of C S Collins and opposite land of E H Collins be the Public market place of the Town of Clermont, until further notice. 6 It was moved, seconded and carried that the regular meetings of this Board be held hereafter on Tuesday and Friday nights in each and every week at 7 o'clock in the Town Hall until further ordered. It was moved, seconded and carried to adjourn to meet Tuesday nights at 7 o'clock Chas Collins, Town Clerk At a regular meeting of the Board of Alderman of the Town of Clermont held in the Town Hall at 7 o'clock pm Tuesday June 16th 1891, President Eavenson called the meeting to order and on roll call W H Eavenson, A R Gano, J B Jones, V L Flood and Joe Tarpey were found present. This was a full Board and a quorum was declared by President. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Wm A House, Atty, as Solicitor, under agreement as made at meeting of June 15th prior preceeding, submitted a paper entitled "Rules of Order for the Government of the Town Council of Clermont, Lake County Florida.