2001-42 . .. . .. HARTMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~\\11/ j' PRINcn'ALS: engineers, hydrogeologists, surveyors & management consultants ASSOCIATES: .-- GerdhJ C. Hariman, P.E., DEE Harl>ld E. Schmidt,Jr., P.E., DEE. James E. Christopher, P.E. Charles W. Drake, P.G. Mark A. R¡-nning, P.E., MBA Mark I. Luke, P.S.M. William D. ~hLo;ser, P.E. HAI# 01-430.MOO Douglas P. Dufresne, P.G. Jon D.Fox,P.E. James E.Golden,P.G. Tro)' E.I.a)"on,P.E. Andrew 1: Woodcock, P.E. Grd'" C. Malcho\\', MBA John P.Toome¡-, P.E. w.Thontas Roberls.llI, P.E. Michaelll.llomar, P.E. Mark A. Gahriel, P.E. George S. Flint, M.P.A. Jennifer L. Woodall, P.E. L Todd Shaw, P.E. Rafael A.Terrero,II.E., DEE Jill A. Manning, P.E. Daniel M. Nelson, I~E. Valerie C. Davis, P.G. Brian S. Fields, P.E. SENIOR ASSOCIATES: Mareo H. Rocca, c.M.C. Roderick K. Cashe, P.E. l.awrenco E.)enkins, P.S.M. December 14, 2001 Revised February 11, 2002 Ms. Tamara Richardson, P .E. City Engineer City of Clermont P.O. Box 120219 Clermont, Florida 34712-0219 Subject: Proposal to Provide Survey Services for Two (2) Proposed Well Sites (Sunburst Lane and Lakeview Hills Tract AIB) Dear Ms. Richardson: . Hartman & Associates, Inc. (HAl) is pleased to provide to you our proposal to the City of Clermont (City) for professional surveying services for the subject project. The two proposed well sites will need to be surveyed prior to the initiation of design. Therefore, this proposal includes surveying services for the Sunburst Lane and Lakeview Hills Tract AIB sites. Design and construction of the wells, associated pumping, and chemical feed facilities are being performed under an existing contract with the City. ,: The scope of services and deliverables for each task';iife provided below: .. i,;. " SCOPE OF SERVICES A. SURVEY 1. Sunburst Lane Site ..-.-' a. Provide a boundary and topographic survey of the proposed well site located south of Sunburst Lane and north of the City of Clermont Eastern Wastewater Reclamation Facility (EWRF). The proposed site consists of approximately 14 acres. . 201 EAST PINE STREET. SUITE 1000 . ORLANDO, FL 32801 TELEPHONE (407) 839-3955 . FAX (407) 839-3790 . www.consulthaLcom ORLANDO FORT MYERS PLANTATION )ACKSO NVIIl.E DESTIN , cßtIb1 "i~ æ .. e. . . ' e e . Ms. Tamara Richardson, P.E. December 14, 2001 Revised February 11, 2002 Page 2 b. The survey shall include horizontal and vertical locations of all ground level features and structures. HAl shall coordinate with utility owners for horizontal location of the respective underground utilities. c. HAl will provide a digital file of the survey to the City in AutoCADD Release 2000 drawing format. 2. Lakeview Hills Tract AIB Site a. Provide a boundary and topographic survey of the proposed well site located in the Lakeview Hills Subdivision on Tracts A and B, and west of US 27. The proposed site consists of approximately 1.75 acres. b. The survey shall include horizontal and vertical locations of all ground level features and .structures. HAl shall coordinate with utility owners for horizontal location of the respective underground utilities. c. HAl will provide a digital file of the survey to the City in AutoCADD Release 2000 drawing format. The proposed compensation for compl~tion of the activities described in the Scope of Services is summarized below. Description Compensation Sunburst Lane Site Survey (14 acres) Lakeview Hills Tract AIB Site Survey (1.75 acres) Other Direct Costs $ 10,500 5,500 500 TOTAL $16,500 . . . . . . ,. Ms. Tamara Richardson, P .E. December 14,2001 Revised February 11, 2002 Page 3 . Thank you for the opportunity to assist you with these surveying services, and we look forward. to working with you on it. If you have any questions regarding this proposal or if we can be of further assistance, please feel free to us at your convenience. ~~ Witness ~ PQ/nL ~ Witness ~ íff('(}úl4- Ot ~~ Witness JMIskalO l-430.MOO/corresp/Survey .doc cc: Ada Terrero, HAl Very truly yours, William D. Musser, P.E. Vice President City of Clermont ~/~ A orized Signature S-"I-O 2- Date