Annual Budget (1982 - 1983)CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA BUDGET OCTOBER 1, 1982 - SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 11 n CITY COUNCIL James M. Hoskinson, Mayor Dennis Thomas, Mayor pro tom Harold 'Purville Michael Conley Robert A. Pool CTTY ADMINISTRATION George D. Forbes, City Manager Leonard H. Baird, Jr., City Attorney Wayne Saunders, Finance Director Preston Davis, Director of Public utilities Harvey Nagel, Director of Code Enforcement John Springstead, City Engineer Robert E. Smythe, Director of Public Works/Fire Chief Prentice Tyndal, Police Chief i E 11 E C N OF CI.F.RMONT, FLORIDA HUMIEVI' 1982 83 TABLE' OF CONTENTS Budget Ilesauige . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Budget 'fables: Table I Consolidated Statement of Budgeted Revenue: and Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Table li Capital Outlay Summary . . . . . . . . . . 8 Table III .lob Clanniflcation and Pay Grades . . . . . . . 10 General. Fund Revenues & Expenditures Summary . . . . . . 11 (lenaral Fund Expendlturv.t. by Account Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Police . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Public Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Special Activlttes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Sanitation Fund Revenues & Expenditures by Summary . . . 20 Sanitation Fund Expenditures by Account Sanitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Utility Fund Revenues & Expenditure Summary . . . . . . . 22 Utility Fund Expenditures by Account Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Federal Revenue Sharing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ii 2 L] CITY OF C L ERMONT �►� P,0, BOX 219+ CLERMONT, FI.011IDA V.711 + PHOK *M 11/3U4 41Mi1 To: Mayor and City CouueII Mumbern City of Clermont Clermont, Florida Subject: Budget Menangc Ce►ttlemen: I am pleased to submit to the City Council the proposed 1982 - 83 Fiscal Your Budget that begins on Octohor 1, 1982. This is a conservative budget that propo::es no Increases In property Loxes or sanitation rates. However, o utility water rate Increase has been adopted by the City Council and will take effect on September 1, 1982, to pny for the City's water and sewer syotem Improvements. I. EXPENDLTURES The budget includes total expenditures of $2,216,103 as follows: GENERAL FUND. ' Expenditures of $1,119,170 are budgeted to support the basin general fund services of the City. "these services include: ,police and fire protection, maintenance of streets and sidewalks, parks and recreation, fleet miintenance, street lights, building Inspection and code enforcement, :animal control, finance -and administr:Minn,.and- cemetery- milntenance. Also included in this fund are monies for special activities such as contributions to the Cooper Memorial Library and the Chamber of Commerce. SANITATION FUND. Expenditure: of $237,290 are.hudgeted to fund the City'!; garbage and trash collection services.' ,Increaser. In the find are largely due to the purchase of one new garbage truck. Nu Increase In the nanl.tation rater; ire necessary because the garbage truck will be purchased with sale:: tax monies and general fund subsidies. UTILITY FUND. 'rho Utility Fund expenditures are budgeted at $766,636. This fund provides monies for the City's water and sewer service. Increases in this fund are due to the increased debt service required to pay for the City's 1.7 million dollar bond issue for the water system improvements and interim finan- cing for sewer improvements. REVENUE SHARING FUNDS. $93,007 budgeted, which is provided to the City from the Federal Government and are used for Capital outlay expenditures. Table 1.1 fol- lowing this report summarizes the proposed Capital. outlay program. I. h i 11 REVENUF'i ANTI 1 fNANf.IAL CONDITION CPNI!RAL FUND ItF.VENUES AND 1INANLIAL (ONI1i�T10N General»�F'und �RevunuKin iire" expacded to increase $173,846 or17.82 over last year's, budget. However, trill increase its misleading because it to due irtmarily to two revenue nources; in- terent earnings and the now State Sntus Tax, authorized by the State Leµinlnture this year. Interest earnings are projectud,to,increusc;$45,000 and the Snlea: Tax is a now source of revenue budgeted at $117,137. . i t' There are strict regulations un how Sales Tax monies can be spent,and thLat year 40% of thene funds must be uned for ad valorem utility, or. occupational lieansr tax relief. Without the new Sales Tax total revenues would have increaned only - 5%, and discounting both the Sales Tax and Increased interest earnings, total,: revenue would have Increased I.X. This means that the other major revenue sources of;,the City aredeclining, orlAncreasing at a very slow rate._.Other-factors that effect our long term financial condition are the rise an homentead exemptItons Lo $25,000 this year and the Federal Revenue Sharing Statutes which expire thin year. Thereismuch speculation that Revenue Sharing may he aholfshed.:,Al.so,there;is n campaii;n to Obtain enough signatures fors COnStitut,iunal Amendment, to Ilmit the revenuer; of cities, which ,If passed would haven uurious.Iong, term impact 'on:tits Ci t.y. a Despite these'long term revenue problems, the.City with sound financial racti.ves, has many resources on which to rely. As the City's 1981-82 Fiscal Year draw, to a close, we have enough cash r(— erves to finance our ]ong;:term,Capital:;lmprovc- ments. We expect to receive more revenues than budgetod this year, and expends - tures.will be less, than budgeted. This means the City will not be requised,to spend any -reserves. The sound outlook in, this, year's budgeted revenues 'is due, to a large ,increase in franchise .fees (the City has. in effect: received:a;double pay- ment this year 'since these fund.,; are now'dl.st'ributvd qu.7rterly instend.of (nice a year),' -and increased interest earnings, Expenditures--are-less than: budgeted due - to careful purchasing by the entire 'City, Staff. We der not 'spend nioney'simpiy'be- cause it's budgeted. SANITATION FUND REVENUES AND MANCIAL'CONDITION. Last year the City Council made a decision to subsidize Sanitation Revenueswith$25,000:from the General Fund. As a result, no rate increase is necessary for this service.' Sanitation Fund Revenues are projected to be $167,500 or an increase of,3.7% due to growth. In the 1.981-82 Fiscal Year expenditures for this fund arcs projected to -he less than budgeted because of substantIally, `lower fuel and landfill costs than antici- pated. III the proposed budget this fund is projected to lose $21,690 which will be funded from the reserves of. the Sanitation Fund.' - .. With the present fund balance; the Sanitation Fund will probably, not need 'an 'in- crease until the 1984-85 Fiscal Year Budget. However, even this increase might be 2. V. u offset''i'f tha City werv,to choono a different 'of garbage collection. such All front yard-p.Ickup., s. . UTILITY FUND REVF,NUM AND FMANCIA1 CONDITION i(evenues,of A794,631 are anti- clpated,"or- An; Inrreasa of,2~Z.'lT Thin^dlfterenee; an revenues is due to the c;ity's wetter rate increase that will be in effect on September 1, 1982. The increase 1n nuc isilry to pay for the City's 1.,7 million, dollu,r,water system Improvements, and part of the City'" 1,2 m1111on dollar newer (landspreading.) improvknxrntN. A higher rate wuuttl be necentiary bvy;inning the i983; 84 Flacal Year but the City will be using Sales Tax Fun}ht to aatiist ,in funding the landspreading Improvements. i ,1i The Sewer System is ehe major Lroblem facing the city __in Lite next few years, however, we are rapidly solving tills problem. The, landspreading.:,improvements required by varlouN regulatory agencies should be completed in September of 1983, and then theCity, will be in compliance with their regulations. The City has been fortunate in receiving a $500,000 grant and $760,000 loan from the Farmers Home Administration 'to, finance .thto project,. However, the landspreading improvements will not increase the capacity of the treatment plant which is rapidly reaching ,itgdenign,capae;lLy. _:'rids means that the City must also plan for the cout of expanding the treatment plant. The City Engineer is now working on a,report on.methods, to, increase the plant s capacity and will be completing it in a few manths. once this report is Einish- ed; the City should 4mmediately plan to construct the necessary improvements or place a moratorium on new ecwer connections. ,. Since we do not know the exact cost of increasing -the capacity of the treatment plant, funds are not included in this year's budget. By using thc­`Ciiy's cash reserves,` we. should -be.able to pay for these improvements ourselves and not be required to increase user chIarges to hay for Ole sewer plant expanslon.'.__ 1. ISUUCI:'I' Is'. "Illiti 'fhr Ci l.y's Budget Is nwrh nu•n than Ill!" :ul a4.4-011111 fill-. du. nnu art . It f 'tht. most important document of Ll-.(At y bccculst. Lite budgLL detcrmtil« 011 Iwe] :old Lype of services the City will, provide. It should be remembered that all'o, the line - items in the budget represent City services. and there are many issues, and choices among these numbers that must be determined by the, City Council. The following major budget decisions which must be made ley the City'Council in this proposed budget are as follows: 1. *Seven percent (7%) cost of living increase for City employees. Table Ill in the budget shows the city's pay plan. 2. *Capital Expenditures from Revenue Sharing Funds of $93,007 (See Table II) 3 3. Review the City'a Vahiclp Roplaconnvtt Plan and caanider thn purl:hano or; '�A' Replacaineat GarbaRe�Trbck - Entlmnted�eant of $�iA,500.; ; 8. Replacement 'Fire ?ruck-1:ntimatedrgnt;ol $A5,000 r, C, Replacument Street Swaoper- Fstimated cant of $38,000 - $75,()00 D. Replacement of Public Works1:v `�Firn"Chlaf'a'Vehi'c10'-'CFlrfmtltl'll eaat of'$l0,Op0 ;. 4. Art "ague Donation - Estimated coot of $1,000, 5. ' Storm Drain Improvements, (Numbs ru 2,, h 1 oll pnye I7A Cap Iial Impruvument: flan) Estimated cost or $5o,0()fl. 6. City hall Expansion - Estimated cunt of $10.000 - $45,000, 7. Bishop Field Lights'- Estimated cost of $21,040. 8. -Pagers I'or the~Utility Department,- Estimated cost of,$3,800. 9. Purchase land and construct new Public Works l;acilit $200,000, y - Estimated cost of 10. Sewer Plant Improvements to expand capacity - Estimated cost of $200,000. 11. Reconstruct Lake Winona Bridge - Estimated cost of $65,000. 12.' Sidewalk for'Orange Ifill Subdivision on Grand Highway from East Avenue to Edgewood Street - Estimated `cost of $10,000. 13. Cost of Living 'Increase for retirees. . 14. Additional School Crossing Guard on•ilghway 50 - Estimated:covt of ,$1,200. 15. Disposition of old Library Building and property. 16. Radio System Improvements - Estimated .-o!;t of $21,000. 17. Parks and Recreation Project. *Represent items included in the budget. Funding decisions for -all other items should be left to the, discretion of the City Council. Almost all of these items are explained in detail in the City's Capital Improvements Plan.' Not all of the items can be immediately budgeted, but the necessary studies-or'plans'for imple- mentation should be considered. 4. r-1 ►L J IV. CONCLUSION Tito City of Clermont remains In a good financial position since we have followed a conservative policy of uiot uxpanding services faster than revenuen would allow. This policy is even more important today, due to the slow growth and uncertain condition of the City's revenue sources. Requests for now services must be re- viewed as to their affordability, and long term implications on the City as a whole. This does not mean that we can't perform new services or provide the facilities and equipment necessary for the efficient operation of the City. It means that long range planning must be utilized in order to obtain the best long tern costs or the City. The City s Capital mprovemente Plan and VehicleRe- placement Plan are two very Important documents in this planning process. Table I of this budget report provides a summary of the proposed Revenues and Expenditures for the 1982 - 83 Fiscal Year. W03 have made every effort to scrutinize each City Service and hold coats down. This is a sound, conservative budget that I am recomending for your review. Respectfully submitted, CITY OF CLERMONT y.� l George D.�Forbes City Manager GDF/jmb 5 CITY OF C ERMONT, �BUDGET1982 FLORIDA' - 83 TABLE I CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF BUDGETED, REVENUES ;b EXPENDLTURES REVENUES 6 SURPLUS EXPENDITURES SURPLUS SUBSIDIES CARRYOVER 6 SUBSIDIES DEFICU GENERAL FUND; $1,159,446 $ 41,859 $1,201,305, $ -0- SANITATION FUND 167,500 20,537 iBB,037 -n- UTILITY FUND 846,631 -0- 764,493 82,138 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING 47,057 39,136 86,170 23 SUBTOTAL $2,220,634 $101,532 $2,240,005 $ 82,161 Less Subsidies 80,000 -0- �,80,000 -0- TOTAL $2,140,634 $101,532 $2,160,005 82,161 11 7. CITY O; ,I,E'RMANT BUDGET 1982 83 CAPITAL OUTi.AY FINANCE 6 ADMINISTRATION SOURCE�OF FUND MicroEilm,r5yatom da*v r,"w•"+ ` $ 3,11p0 Federal Revenue Sharing Computer Payment 5;248 n If � CRT 6 Dlnk Unit 11, 750 "�` "' " " " Calculator 200✓ to 10 Telephone Syntem 51521 Operating Budget TOTAL ,$27,721 POLICE 3 - Patrol Cars Federal Revenue sharing 2 - File Cabinets 300/ r4 If " 't 1 ^' Chair n n ", It 1 - Bullet Proof Vest 250 TOTAL $27,690 FIRE 8 - Spare Tanks/Breath App. $ 2,400 Federal Revenue. Sharing 3'- Pagers Siren Radio Control 1'3201 „..;, „ of 720 TOTAL $ 4,440 PUBLIC WORKS Bishop Field Lighting -- $ 7,500/r6+it'-+ Federal Revenue Sharing Thermoplastic Stripping 6,000Y>'>5;` " it Truck - Parks Foreman 8,000 of " of Racquetball Courts 7,000 Operating Budget TOTAL $28,500 WATER Soil 'Tamper $ 1,500 Operating Budget Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants 15,000 Operating Budget Odophos Tanks 4,000 Capital Improvement Fund TOTAL $20,500 8. CCI'Y Of, dfP NONI BUDMIT 19t12' 81„ >t a� CAPITAL, OUTLAY'' SEIfT:R Water Conservation System $ 4,410 Operating .Budget Pressure 'Cleaner ' 600 Operating Budget Pipe, Fitting, etc. 'Repairs 1,000 Operating Budget' Manhole 12,000 IRR TOTAL $18, 010 LEGISLATIVE Public Address System 975 Operating Budget TOTAL $ 975 11 9. C1'I'Y OF C1,t?IUi0N3' , JOB CWSIFICA3'ION/PAY,,G1W,, SUDGFT 1982,-1983 HOURLY ANNUAL CLASSIFICATION CRAPE RANCE RANCP. Service Worker 1 5 3.82-5.56 $ 7,946-11,565 Clerk/Typist 1 5 3.82-5.56 7,946-11,565 Conununicationa Dispatcher 5 3.82-5.56 7,946-11,565 Service Worker It 6 4.01-5..85 8,341-12,168 Clerk Typist II/Billing Clerk 6 4.01-5.85 8,341-12,168 Service Worker 111 7 4.20-6.14 8,736=12,171 Clerk, Typist 111,.- 7 4, 20-6,14 8,736-12,771 Anlnlal Control 7 4.204.14 8.,73'642';771 Administrative Aaslatant/Sec. 8 4.41-6.45 . 9.,173`13,,416 Mechanic 1 8 4.41-6.45 9,173 '1'3,'416 Wastewater Plant Operator 8 4.41-6.45 9,177-13,416 Planning S 7.oning Technician 8 4,41-6.45 9,173-13,416 Crew Chief 9 4.64�-6.79 9,651214,123 Accounting Clerk 10 4.88-7.11 10,150-14,789 Wastewater Plant Operator 11 10 4.88-7.11 10150-14789 Foreman 11 5.12-7.47 10,650-15,538 Chief Mechanic 13 5.67-8.26-' - 11'794.17',181 Police Officer 13 5.67-8.26 11,794-17,181 Senior Accounting Clerk 13 5.67-8.26 11,794-17181 AOL Chief Wastewater Plant Operator 13 5.67-8.26 11,794-17,181 Maintenance Mechanic 13 5.67-8.26 11,794-17,181 Police Corporal 14 5.83-8.69 12,126-18,075 Supervisor 15 6.24-9.11 12,979-18,949 Police Investigator 15 6.24-9.11 12,979-18,949 Police Sergeant 15 6.2479.11 12,979-18,949 MERIT SYSTEM: Each employee upon evaluation by his Department Head Is eligible for a 3% merit increase on his or her anniversary date. In addition, employees who have been with the City five (5) years are eligible for an additional 12 per year merit increase annually on their anniversary date. Employees with ten (10) years of ser- vice, 2% per year. Employees with fifteen (15) or more years an additional 3% per year increase. Additional merit increases are not awarded when an employee has reached the upper limit of his pay grade. 10. CITY OF CLERMON'!' BUDGET 1982-1903 PROPOSED SALARIES -DEPARTMENT HEADS CITY MANAGER $29,932 ;v FINANCE DIRECTOR 22,538 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 25,856 UTILITIES DIRECTOR 24,011 POLICE CHIEF 23,470 CODE, ENFORCEMENT OFPICER 20,822 Z-1--1 s�.ae��� CITY OF CLERMONT GENERAL FUND REVENUE & EXPENDITURES 1982 - 83 REVENUES ACTUAL EjDf;E �....T :::;T:`l7,: ED PROPOS CD 19E0 - Ei 19SI - E2 i4Sl - 82 198.' - &3 01-310 TAXES: 31i-i000 Ad Valorem 313-1001 Franchise Fees S225 6 5 $142,000 $320,000 $165.000 314-1G02 Utility Service Taxes 146,867 „;� V '- 1' 142,000 150,0,0 1b5,000 Total Taxes $539,843 $523 046 160,000 164.000 $718,000 170,000 $542,29 01-320 LICENSES & PERMITS: 321-2000 Professional or Occupational $ 29,400 $ 17,000 $ 17,900 322-1003 Building Permits 14,345 16,000 13,000 $ 17,000 329-1004 Other Licenses & Permits 1,771 900 1.200 15,000 Total Licenses & Permits $ 45,516 $ 33,900 $ 31,200 11500 $ 33,5a J 01-330 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES: 334-2800 State Law Enforce. Contr. -0- -0- $ 5,607 7 331-4200State Revenue Sharing 335-1210 $173 468' $140,000 130,000 g_ 145,081. Gasoline Tax 335-1400 Mobile Home Licenses 52,264 7,082 -40,000 47,000 47,000 335-1500 Alcoholic Beverage License 3,817j 7,500 3,000 7,100 4,799 7,100 335-1700 Additional Homestead Exemption 10,530 _p_ 4 S00 335-2100 Fire Insurance Premium Tax 3,369. 3,369 -0- 3,550 335-2200 Casualty Insurance Premium Tax 9,634' 9,634 3,279 3,550 336-2009 Sales Tax -0- 8 .-79 33878000 County Road & Bridge Tax 14,598 14,000 14,600 338-8100 County Occupational License 5,407 5,000 ;'sa 338-8200 Contrib. from Natural Gas Dist. 30,101 50,00 ,,530 77,314 5314 Total Intergovernmental Revenues $310,270 $272,703 35C.Da $303.849 $382,49. 01-340 OTHER REVENUES: 343-9100 Lot Mowing $ 550. $__ 400 $ -400 347-2101 Activity Fees 1,565 800 , 400 047-2900 Beach Fees 1,516' 2,500 800 $00 1,200 1,200 01-340 OTHER REVENUES (continued) ACTUAL 1980 - 81 BUDGET 1981 - 82 ESTL`iATED PROPOSED - 1981 - 82 .1982 83 01-350-351-1005 Fines & Forfeitures $ 9,645 $ 9,000_ 01-360-361-1006 Interest Earnings 110,568 b5,000, $ 14,000 $ 14,000 01-360-362-1007 Rentals' 10,586 9,000 120 000 LO,066 01-360-364-1008 Cemetery Lot Sales 2,982 �123; 2,800 9,500 10,000 ? 01-360-364-1001 Memorial Sales -0 3,500 3,200 ` 01-360-364-2300. Surplus Land Sales -0- -0 1,200 1,200 01-360-364-4300; Surplus _Equip. Sales ,- 2,837 500 13,031 _0_ Y; 01-360-366-9000. Contribt &Reimburse.. 1,142 - 800_ 4,420 = _- = 3,000 _ 01-360-369-4000 Admin. Services Assess. 53,859' 53 859 -8,800 1 - ,000 01-360-369-9001' :liscellaneaus 1,895 ' 53,859 53,859,; Total Other Revenues $197,268 1,000 $145,659 3,000 2,5nf) SUBTOTAL ALL REVC.,ti_S $233,710 $201,139 _ $1,092,897 $975,308 S1,286,759 ry LESS: Transfer' to Capital Rep. Fund - Vehicles -0--0 Subsidyto'Sanitation 19,980 -0- � ��+� Subsidy to Utility Fund ADD: Reserve Allocation -0_ -0' -0- 25,000 -0- _0- -. 64,498 -0- -0= 50,0W 51 B54' TOTAL GENERAL FUND $1,072917 - EXPENDITURES ----- SI',0_ 44,806 �_ _ $1,261,759 _ ----_ $1121,-305 Administration $187,306--$210,260 Police _ 251,782 z 283,921 - $201,601 $223,142 Fire 17,408 21,512 266.289 31-5,509 Public Worksl 343,943 456,824 22,839 12,317 Special :4,cEivities. 55;887 381,422 .485,648 Contingencies -0- 163,777 _10,000 63,684 59684 Total $856,326 S1` _ -0 - 15;fl00- $935,835 - $1,In.305 BALANCES Opening Cash -Balance $ 406,676 641 174` V ADD: Revenues 1,092,847 975,308 $ 623,267 ;._5 949,F E LESS: Expenditures 856,326 1,046,294 1,286,759 1,159,446 Adjustments (19,980� _0_ 935,835 _ 21,305 _(25 , 000) (80 000) CLOSING CASH BALANCE . $ 623,267 $_-570 188 S"-949.191 _ _ - v S 907 33i .ACTUAL. BUDGET` �' ESTIMATED PROPOSED CODE CLASSIFICATION �1980-A1 1981-82 81 ;82 :1982 `83 ° s GEGI$LATIVE , ((;i'rY COUNCIL) 511-1200 Salarien & Benefit" $ 4,712 $ 4,800 $ 4,800 $ 4",806' $11-3100 Profensional liurvicuH 1,892 1,500 500 1,500 511-4000 'Travel & Per Diem 1,463 2,000 1,500 2,000 511-4800 Advertining 495 1,200 1,200 1,200 511-4900 Other Current ChargeH 2,273 1,600,` 1,600 1,600 511-6400 _Capital Outlay _ -0- -0- -0- 975 Total L.ogiHlative $10,8.35 $11,100 $ 9,600 $12,075 EXECUTIVE (CITY MANAGER & SECRETARY) 512-1200 'Salaries & Benefits $38,588 $43,522 ` $43,000" 547;351;~, 512-4000. Travel & Per Diem 976 930 930 930 512-4500 'Insurance, Liability,Casualty 859 798 474 798 512-G620 Repair 6 Maint.-Vehicles 132 200 500 400 512-4900 Other Current Charges 330 375 200 375 512-5210 Can and Oil 706 810 650 810 512-5220 Tires and Batteries -0- ' 300 300 200 Total Executive $41,591, $46,935 $46,054 $58;8fi4, FINANCE AND -ADMINISTRATION' 513-1200 Salaries & Benefits $64,627 $76,791 $74,500 $71�3A P 513-2400 Workers Comp. Insurance 232 319 263 319 513-3200 Audit Expense 5,135 5,600, 5,600 5,600 513-4000 Travel G Per Diem 1,688 1,500 1,600 1,300 513-4100 Communications 2,970 3,350' 3,000 11800 513-4300 Electric &':Gas Service 1,795 3,200 2,000 2,500 --_-.513-4310 Water &"Sewer Service - "267 ___ _ 300'. .275 300 _ S,13-4500 Ins., Liab.;& Casualty`. 2,478 .2,G44 -2,013' 2'044; 513-4600 Repair & Maint, r Equip. 3,902 4,000 4,500 4,900 513-4610. Repair & Maint. - Bldg. 1,908 600 600 600,' 513-4900_'other Current Charges 647 550 550 550" 513-5100 office Supplies 5,317 5,25U 5,300 5,550 513-5400 Books, Subscrip. & Dues 635 600 650 600 513-6400 Capital Outlay - _0_ _0_ TT� Total Finance and Administration $91,601 $104,704 $100,851 $t03,-424-" ►l�,y n'�' LEGAL COUNCIL (CITY ATTORNEY) 514-3100 Professional Services $ 8,067 $ 9,000 $ 9,600 - $..9;000 514-4000 Travel & Per Diem 150 200 200 200 514-4900 Other Current Charges 27 50 .50,- 50. 514-5400 Books, Subscript & Dues 439 450 450 450 MiTIMATI-3) " PROPOSED CODY CLASSIFICATION 1960-AI 1981-02, 1981 - 82 1982 - 83 OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT (UNALLOCATED E%PENSI:N) 519-35.00 Profeas]annl Survicen, $i�5,441 $ (i,000 ' $'4 000 $ 5,000' 51974500 ;Insurance 1,98() 2,264 1.:95"1 2,264 519-4900 Orhor. Current Char}?c n' 1,a:6 „�9�,000' ' _�3400� : 1 000 ToLal Other General Government $11,353 $L1,264 :. $ 8,953 $10 264:' 01-,520 , '. PROTECTIVE INSPECTION (CODE ENFORCEMENT'S) 524-1200 Salaries & Benefits $19,219 $22,371 $22,371 $12'•rtE79 524-2400 Workers Comp, Insurance 571 785 . '644 " 785' 524-4000 'Travel, & Per Dim, 179 400 - 400 �400 ' 524-4500 Ins.,,Liab. & Casualty 731 651, 562 651,' 524-4620 Repair:& Malnt."Vehle1v 171 900 "500 300 524-5100 Office Supplies 1,407 600 `600 600' 524-5210 Gas' and Oil .756 ROO 750 800' 524-5220 Tires & Batterl", 121 100 400' "'200 524-5400 Boo'ks, 5ubscrip.'& Dues 86 _ _ 150 _ r 216 200'' ® Total Protective Inspection: $23,243 $26,557 $26,443 .81.5' 14. i i its POIIICE DEPARI'MENq' 01-520 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED LODE. CLASSIFICATION;,;, , 1,980-81 ,1981-82 ,: 1981 �82 -; J9821' •- 83 521-1200 Sal4rius,.6 Benofitsi,;; $2.10,145 $234,494 4225,000 - $20j178 521-2400 Workers Compensation Inca. 3,397 4,681 3,863 4,681 521-4000 Travel 6.Per Diem _. 17 160 160 ->360 521-4100 Telephone 1,889 2,520 1,800 2,520 521-4300 Electric & Can Service 4,827 4,470 4,470 4,917 521-4310 Water & Sever Service 1 470 790 790 850 521-4500 Ins., 4iab. & Casualty 4,591 4,984 4,084 4,984 521-4600 Repair & Maint. - Equipment 1,293, 2,080 24080 1;900 521-4610 Repair & Maint. - Buildings 1,985 1,730 1,730 1,500 521-4620 Repair & Maint. - Vehicles "1,561 1,575 =1,575 1`,400 521-4900 Other Current Charges 354 ,395 - 395 '395 521-4910 Investigative Expense 412 1,260 1,260 900 521-5100 Office Supplies 2,229 2,600 2,600 -2800 521-5210 Gas and Oil 15,102 18,700 :- " 13,000 18,300 521-5220 Tires &:Batteries 829 952 -952 1,352 521-5230 Uniforms 1,752 2,425 2,425 2,667 521-5400 Books,- Subscriptions!& Dues 42 105 105 1.105 511-6400 Capital ,Outlay - Equipment 887 -0- -0- � .' --! I/HB3 e'o---- _ 33y,y67 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT S251,782 $283,921 $266,289 509 L'J ® 15. FIRE DEPARTMENT 01-520 'ACTUAL BUDGBT' I` 'ESTIMATED PROPOSED CODE CLASSIFICATION 1980-81 1981-82 1981 - $2 9$2 - 83 522,-1200 Salaries 6 Ifenefits $ 8,225 $ 8,364 $ 8,3,64 i $91500" 522-4000 Travel '& Per Diem'' 69 'ISO 150' 150 522-4100 Telarhone 582 I,000 1,000" "' 650 522-4410 Rontnla, Hydrants' 3;800 4,425 4,'540 5,000 -' 522-4500 finer;., Liab. &A41flualty 2,919 3°,328 `2,278, ;3,328 522-4600 hj)hirr & Maint': = Equipment ' '. 277 400 "" 400 400 522-4610 Repair & Maint.'- Buildings'' -0- -O- i,808, 100 522-4620 Repair & Maini.`- Vehicles 87 5061 506' 506 522-4990 Other: Current Charges 347 4"70' 4,70 470 522-49 0 Inspection Program -0- 250` ' "250' 250 522-5200 Other Operating Supplies 300 300 300, 300 522-5210 Cns'& Oil 133 283 " 283 283 522-5220 Tares' & Batteries 85 200 "200 200 52'}--5230 Uniforms 175 848 500., 500 522-5240 Minor Equipment ', 308 808 500 ��'0 M4 522-5400 Books, Subscriptions & Dues 101 180' 180 180 a vfr'7 TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT S 408 $21,512 $ 839 n 16. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ACTUAL IIUI)OFT ESTIMATED PROPOSED Ct)DE CLASSIFICATION 1980-81 .1981-82 �1981 - 82 1982� - -A1 01-�530 OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT 539-1200 Salaries & BonefLtti , ' $42,536 4,81 2,'5, $A8,22,5 $53,979 539-2400 Workers Compensation Inn., 1,226 1,686 4 ,383 1�,686 539-3100 Prof.' Servicon - Fnplin(wo;Ang 976 21000 , 2',00U, '2,000 539-4000 Travel & Per ,Diem 468 420 420 420 539-4100 Telephone 1,436 1,600 1.,600 '2,100 539-4300 Electric & Gas Sery ce 1,070 950 1'206 1,320 539-4310 Water & Sewer Service 288.' 1.500 509 500 539-4600 Repair & mainL.;- hquippumt 221 220 220 220 539-4610 Repair & Kaint. - BulldCngn 502 1,200 1,200 c.., 1,200 ' 539-5100 Office 3uppllas 45/i 520 520 520 539-5200 Supplies 1,066 1,420 1,420 1,720 539-5210 Gas and Oil 244 650 1,300 `1,950 539-5230 Uniforms 261, 350 350 350 539-5240 Minor Equipment 515 550 550 550 539-5400 Books, Subscriptions & Dues 69 150 150 150 Tidal 001er General Government $51,332 $60,441 $61,038 $68�665 `'01-530 SANITATION SUPPORT 534-1200 Salaries & Benefits $12,574 $14,390 $14,390 $15,947 Total Sanitation Support $12,574 $14,390 $14,390 Ij i,,, $15,947 01-540 TRANSPORTATION 541-1200 Salaries. & Benefits... $82,614 _ _.S94,116 $9G,116-_ i•�: ,-79 .-$ 9g-,-7gg_. - .... 541-2400 Workers Compensation Ins. 3,798 5,234 4,316 5,234 541-4300 Electric & Gas Service 36,238 40,000 40,000 61,158 541-4400 Rentals - Equipment 114 500 500 500 541-4500 Ins., Liab. & Casualty 6,952 7,798 6,511 7,798 541-4600 Repair & Maint. - Equipment 3,315 3,500 3,500 3,500 541-4620 Repair & Maint. - Vehicles 5,276 1,650 1,650 1,650 - 541-4630 Repair & Maint. - St. Signs 9,412 4,000 4,000 e9 2,000- 541-5210 Gas and Oil 4,834 8,960 4,480 6,720 541-5220 Tires & Batteries 988 1,045 1,045 1,045 541-5230 Uniforms 643 770 770 770 541-5240 Minor Equipment 567 500 500 500 541-5250 Sidewalk Repair 1,668 1,100 1,100 1,100 541-5300 Road Materials 5,041 7,000 7,000 7,000 541-6300 Capital Outlay/Sts & Sidewalks 913 79,687 13,000 1'+5,WI55-,000 Total Transportation $1.62,373 $255,860 $182,488 $263v7-74- agS,*')00 1 PUBLIC WORKS DLIPARTMENT CODE CIASSTFLCAI'TON ACTUAL+` 19A0-A1 BUDGET 1981-82 ESTIMATED 1981..:- PROPOSED 82 198283 "Ol'560 ANIMAV'CONTRUL" i 562-1200 Salaries fi Benefits $.6,060 $:6,975 S 6,975, S rr,rBA 562-2400 Workers Compensation Ins. 211 290 " 238 290 562-4500 Ins., Liab, 6 Casualty 120 137 118 l37 137 562-4620 Repair &'Maint. - vehicles 280 4h0 "1i40 440 562-4900 Other Current Charges 6 75 75. 75 562-5210 Gas and Oil 521 742 490 600 562-5230 Uniforms 71 115 115. 115 562-5240 Minor Equipment 12 125' 125 562-5260 Dog Food: _ 86 .125 175 100 100 Total Animal Control $ 7,361 $ 9,074 $ 8,676, A,�y9 $,9-370- 01-570 PARKS AND RECREATION 572-1200 Salaries fi Benefits 48 523 S $ 68,432 $,68,432. 7 ri5 $,74r453 572-2400 Workers Compensation Ins. 1,734 2',384 1,'955 ` 20384 572-4300 572-4310 Electric fi Gas Service Water fi Sewer Service 11,091 13,500 -13 500., 14,800 572-4500 Ins., Liab. 6 Casualty 4,253 3,770 4;025' 4,298 3492 4;025 625 4.298 ® 572-4600 Repair fi`Maint. - Equipment' 2,449 3,000 2,500 2,500 572-4610 572-4620 Repair fi Maint. - Buildings 17,125 6,000, 6,000, =w�l-5-500- 572-4640 Repair S Maint. - Vehicles Repair &.MWnt. - Parks/Trees 281 5,527 800'' 6,000 1,300 6,000 1,300 K SS7 5;540- 572=4900 Other Current Charges 9 110 110 `110 572-4920 Clean Community Program 201 1,000. 528,,, -0- 572-5210 Gas and Oil _ 949 2'306 572 3,250, 3 3,252..:.___. 572-5230 UniformsBatteries_ 250 572-5240 Minor Equipment 575 650 550 650 600 650 550 572-6310 572-6320 Capital Outlay - Recreat. Fac. Capital Outlay - Landscaping 10,393 1,488 1,488 7,000 572-6400 Capital Outlay - Equipment 1,006 -O- 1,000 1,000 1,000 -0- -0- -0- Total Parks and Recreation $110,297 $117,059 $114,830 =7-T892 n �J TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $343,943 S456,8214 18 �3R1r4�7 $4-85;64& SPECIAL.ACTT.VITIrS LLASSIFICATI0N .._ BUDGET 1,981-82 PllO,�GC"CEDi .' . , 1 $ "_.(i2 p1tOPOSED J.982 - 87„ 01=530 UPPE11 PALATLAI:AtiA RIVER BASIN STUDY 537-8200 ContribuCian a !,` SGb�{i•dicq S 8,000, $: 8,000 S . r0- 01-570 LLBRARY 571-4500 Insurance, Linb.'G Canualty, 685 592 31,845 685 33,000 571-11210 Contributions 6 Subsidicw 31,845 10,2t+7 101247 10,004 571-7200 DIebt Service TOTAL LIBRARY $42,777 $42,684 $43,689 01-550 CHAMBER of COMP1ERCr 552-8200 Contributions & Subal%Aies $ 7,500 $ 7,500 S 8,000 01=570 RECREATION 6 YOUTH PROGMMS 579-8200 General Expense $ 4,000 $.4,000 01-550 OTHER ECON014IC ENVIRONMENT 559-5400 Subscriptions S Dues $ 1,500 $,1,500 $ 1,500 01-550 COMMITTEE EXPENSE ' 559-8200 Contributions 5 Subsidies -0- $ 1 500 TOTAL SPECIAL ACTIVITIES $63,777 $63,,684 $.59,689 E 19 ACTUAL BUDW."T ESTIMATED i'RUPUSKD REVENUES 1980-81 1981-82 1981 ; 82 19132 - 87 ql-.NO.30ITervice Fees $159,832 $159,500 $163,000 $1,63,000 �i,500 0-3go-3Y.3-Y6o0Interest Income 1,873 2,000 4,500 TOTAL REVENUES $161,705 $161,500 $167,500 $167,500,'," l'XPENDITURES $152,099 $183,137 S1G5,591 $3.88,037'3� PROFIT (Loss) 9,606 (21,637) 1,907 (20,537) SUBSIDY FROM GENERAL FUND -0- -0- 25,000 -0- TOTAL $ 9,606 (21,6371 26,907 (20,,537) CASH BALANCE Beginning Cash Balance $ 4,354 $ 29,983 $ 17,711 44618 $ 20, (2U,53737) Profit (Loss) 9,606 (21,637) 1,907 -0"� Other. 3,751 -0- 25,000 Ending Cash Balance $ 17,711 $ 8,346 $ 44,618 $ 24,081 2 20. SMITATION DEPARTMENT 69-530 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED CODE CLASSIFICATION 1980-81 19111-82 1981 - 82 1982 - 83 SANITATION - SXPENUI711RE5 - __.. qx 4 L,f 534-1200 Salaries S Benefits $ 81,030 $ 90,785 $ 90,785 $ 9-46" 534-2400 Workers Compensation Inn. fi,155 8,461 6,939 11,461 534-3200 Audit Expense -0- -0- -0- 1,900 534-4200 Potitago f. Preight 877 1.,400 1,lmo 1,400 5:14-4500 Inn., i,tab. 6 Casualty 4,413 4,940 4,262 4,940 534-4600 Repair S Mriut. - Equipment S8 300 300 300 534-4620 Repair 1; Mnint. - Vehicle 6,656 6,1400 6,1400 0,400 534-4900 Other Current Charges 298 150 1.50 150 534-4930 Landfill Charges .12,267 20,000 1l4,400 20,000 534-4940 Adminintrative Services 22,355 22,155 22,355 22,355 534-4950 Uncollectable Accounts -0- -0- 400 400 534-5210 Gas and Oil 14,787 22,719 14,000 20,000 534-5220 Tires 6 Batteries 2,058 2,750 2,750 2,750 534-5230 Uniforms 1,011, 1.,177 1,177 1,177 534-5240 Minor Equipment 134 200 275 200 Subtotal Sanitation $1.52,099 $181,637 $165,593 $tR5, 7 Contingencies -0- 1,500 •.0- -0- TOTAL SANITATION $152.099 183 137 $165i593 rB7,o57 5188r037y'� 21. ' \ `� `\ -, ,.�;-n< r emu. ,� � _ 9 _. s ,,,=:- - -�' . , .. , , . . '�, ' �' ��� �. � ��' Ii `'' .: �� .� , "1 �.r..ry+xs�y ' + Nrvwic I' J �: I i 4- E 11 CODE CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1981f82' BUDGET 1901-82 ESTIMATED 1� 981 - 82 ;rPROP09P.D C981-- B 41--340 WATER DEPA11711ENT REVENUES: 3433-3100 Water Sttloer 3433-3200 Tapping Fees $224,374 $219.000 $7.25,000 $338,031 3433-3300 Hydrant Rental 11,674 3,800 10,000 4,565 15,000 '10,000 3433-3500 Mincellaneous 2,219 1 80(1 4,670 l,3d10 i 000 �900 I437-5 i00 1u Total Water Revenues $242,067 $235,365 $2461470 $J61,931 LESS; Expenditures , , lei zJ9t, 206��25, 1F32a241 $326._171 NET INCOME or (Lw s) $ 591073 $ 3$�760 41-340 SEWER DEPARTMENT REVENUES: 3435-3500 Miscellaneous $ -0- $ -0- $ -O- $ 900 3435-5100 Sewer Service Fees „3435-5200 Connection Fees 407,991 412,000 /+12,01- 416,900 6,800 -,3435-5400 Interest 2,502 6,140 3,006 11500 L,P.00 24,000 16,000 Total Sewer,Revenues $416,633 $417,000 $k37,80U _ $434,7ti 00 r:LESS: Expenditures. 352,460 3.92,376 362,539 �10 438,322 NET INCOME or. ,(Loss) $ 64,173 24 624 $ 751261 3 622) TOTAL UTILITIES - INCOME or (Loss) $123 246 $ 53,064 $139,490 $ 32,138 Subsidy from General Fund -0- -p_ -0- 50,000 TOTAL $123,246 $ 53,064 $139,4910 $ 82,138 BALANCES: Beginning Cash Balance Income (Loss) $ 4,231 $119,066 $110,459 $249,949 Adjustments 123,246 53,064 139,490 32,138 (17,018) -0- -Q_ 50,000 ENDING CASH BALANCE $110,459 $172,130 $249.949 $332,087 22. IOTA[- L)-V5 IZPkk M5 WATER IMPARTMENT 4L 530 ACTUAL BUIHII:'f ESTTMATEM PROPOSED CODE CLASSI1 Ft CATION 1980-81•' 1-98L-82 1-9811 8% .1982 - 83 ":-5:33-120U ''Salaries & BenefitE+;, $' 41,090 $ 41,009 $ 41,009 $ '113-2400 Workers!Compennatlow I.nti 777 I 1, 0'46' ., 810 Y;046 5,'.13-3100 Prof, Services (Lnb., Eng.)` •` L,469 5,000 1,730 3,500 '03-3110 Legal Expense 17 100 100 `100 'i"3:1-3200 Audit P.xpenr+e 1,49() :',U00 2,0g0 2,000 533-4000 travel &Per Diem, -O- 1,500 _ ;60 '1,500 ,;-. J'3-4100 Telephone 933 1,300 1,0214 '1,300 5,11-4200 Postage and Preight• 1 ,1 35 950 "I ;001, 'I 1 15 533-4300 Electric and Gas Service 35,663 33,000 31,050 33,000 533-4310 Water & Sewer Service: -0- 300 4O 80 533-4400 F.quipinomt Rental -0- 200 -0- 200 533-4500 Ins., Liab. & Casualty 2,235 2,457 2,013 2,457 53:3-4600 Repair & Maint. - Equipment 7,591 4,000 7,600 4,000 5:13-4610 Repair & Maint. - BuiWings 16 1,000 1,000 ' 1,000 '03-4620 Repair & Maint. - Vehicles 332 500 300 500 5:13-4650 Repair & Maint..--Meters 7,255 6,000 ;858 6,000 533-4660 Repair & Maint. - Tanks 350 1,500 400 1,500 533-4670 Repair & Maint. - System -0- -0- „2,500 . 3,500 533-4940 Administrative Services 13,763 13,763 13;763 13,763 533-4950 Uncollectable Accounts Expense 199 500 500 5100 `31-5200 (Other Operational Supplies 2,093 3,300 •3,000 3,300 533--5210 Gas and Oil 2,842 4,000 2,730 4,000 5:33-5220 Tires & Batteries 299 500 300 '.500 533-5230 Uniforms 513 200 i75 200 5"33-5240 Minor Equipment 806 1,000 950 1,000 `i:,3-5270 Chlorine 4,201 3,000 2;800 3,'000 5.33-5400 Books, Subscriptions & Dtics 81 200 175 200 --'533-9200 (:apital Outlay-'Bui'lding _ _0- _ 800 533-6300 Capital Outlay - Other 164 -0- -0- -0- 53:3-6400 Capital Outlay - Iquipment 12,834 15,800 14 Od0 ``16,500 533-7200 Debt Service 44,846 54,000 45,000 140,000 Stjhtotal Water Department $182,994 $1.98,925 $182,241 $3�2;17-1 Contingencies -0- 8,000 -0- 4,000 3X'L;a C� TOTAL WATER DEPARTMENT $182,994 $206,925 $182,241 171- C C S1:W14R DEPARTMENT /i1-530 ACTIJAI, BUDOET ESTIMATED PROPOSED CODE GLASSINICATION 1.980-81 1901-02 1981 - 82 1982 - 83 535-1200 Salaries 6 Benefits $ 70,1104 $ 90,570 $ 90,570 $ 64456 535-2400 Workers Cempcnsntion Ina. 3,040 4,107 3,434 4,187 , 535-3100 Professional Services (1,ab.,Enq.) 2,267 5,000 1,168 3,500 535-3110 Legal Expanse 16 100 113 100 535-3200 Audit Expense 2,375 3,000 3,000 3,000 535-4000 Travel & Per Diem 331 1,000 25 1,000 535-4100 Telephone 1,113 1,300 1,438 1,300 535-4200 Postage & Freight 1,263 1,200 1,200 1,200 535-4300 Electric & Cas Servicv 62,014 63,000 67,236 72,000 535-4310 Water & Sewer Servlvv to, 0Lit 4,00(1 :,200 2,()00 535-4400 Equipment Rental -tl- 150 150 150 535-4420 Rent & Leases (Lan(I & euilding) 3,057 2,500 2,500 2,500 535-4500 Ins., l.iab. & Casualty 3,575 3,828 3,230 3,828 535-4600 Repair & Mnint. - Equipment 11,751 8,000 8,260 8,000 535-4610 Repair & :hint. - Buildings 38 1,500 1,500 1,500 535-4620 Repair & Miint. - VehLCies 352 500 11094 850 535-4670 Repair & Maint. - Sy:ttcm -0- -0- 1" 000 1,000 535-4940 Administrative Services 17,741 17,741 17,741 17,741 535-4950 Uncollectable. Accounts [Sxpense 372 2,779 600 3,000 900 2,800 900 3,000 535-5200 Other Operational Supplies 2,696 4,000 2,780 4,000 535-5210 535-5220 Gas and Oil, Tires & Batteries; 235 600 250 600 535-5230 Uniforms 490 300 250 300 - 240 35 5 5e4 Minor Equipment 241 1,000 950 1,000 535-5270 Chlorine • 844 3,600 5,200 5,200 535-5280 Sewage Pretreat Chemicals 22,942 20,000 18,000 20,000 535-5290 Laboratory Supplies 1,044 2,300 1.,800 2,300 -535-5400 Books, Subscriptions & Dues _ 72_ _ 200 __. _ ._150 _ 200.__:.1. 535-6200 Capital Outlay - Buildings -0- 800 400 800 535-6400 Capital Outlay - Equipment 3,532 11,400 9,200 6,010 535-7200 Debt Service 127,812 133,000 112,000 205,000 Comprehensive Planning Grant 1,038 -0- -0- -0- y3y Ve g' Subtotal Sewer Department $352,460 $388,376 $362,539 $434;322 Contingencies _ -0- 4,000 -0= 4,000 '13r,?a TOTAL SEWER DEPARTMENT' $352,460 $392,376 $362,539 $43A�332.2 24. 1 / r N � irk '1 d i, f i i � 1 lii r' r � f �n `i'! ,�� i al. ,5 i; r f ,BUJ ,J t„� U �' • U� ;J sV �, r �t � �, r r r � � I t lU V U � ' �i U � � ,�� �� � �� I r � U� 1 � r','' .��� � LL � i � _.i,...'rr -.�t...,,:../..�,�r i� r•rr,..i,r�.r�r..�..a...r..�,'•�.�r�i..�i���9�-.r.,.,i�.r.....rr��r.r-rrr�...� r.•� �r.���.r. r",,.�i�ru�.�..r.rrre��. r.,_�.,.�i.r.r-✓.i..r.�.rv�rr- 11 11 d Bniance Carryover $39,136 eral Revenues 1982-83 47,057 AL $86,193 ENDITURES: Administration $22,198 Police 27,690 Fire 4,440 Public Works 21,500 Street Lighting 10,342 AL EXPENDITURES 8$ 6,170 ING BALANCE $ 23 25. -070 " MINUTES TIN'QUMH (:.ITY COUNCIL MEW111N(1 April 26, 1983 Because the parklnp, at tho new but dint! .ta now different, Mr. Tracy roqueatod to eliminate the ih rubs to thv south oC the building which would have been a buffer, between 'prop,, 10 N rs prof therty and hiss own. The 57' joint ucle driveway i:s located In t11(1 area. Approval of tholle reviulona would allow Mr. Tracy to obLain h.i;s final Certificate of Oc- Oupancyr After, a0m0 dl;7cU:S,ri.Or1. A M0'1'10F1 1./A17 ...... .,.. OLU BUSINESS Fl1N12IN0 FUR WATER LINE TRANSFERS AND REPLACEMENTS Mayor Beals reported that Mr. Preston Davis, l)t:illt:,y Director, had L J requested that the waLcr• line Lr•anofer and replacement tirnred. An acldltlona.l. ;$?,;tqn is ncudoa Lcs cunll>1ce Lt Pronectrbei:ocon-�r" (� and $11,608 to continue the 11 be funded from the Improvement,reRepasircand R�placemental Of Fund. $lyhW to en th11 e oril;inal funds were budgeted, the City intended to complete the Lran:;- fers over a few year;' period of time, however, increased water quality, customer satisfaction from the project, and the fact that the part -tune crew works so well together makes .it worthwhile to continue the project now. After some discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBr:R rnrpry SECONDED BY COUNCIL Mr'.MrAwo mlruvrr. :;UU7'11 LAKE F'!I(1: U1S'1'ItlC'1' U1:�1'A'1'c;1l.iNG AGREE'MEN`1' Mayor Beals explained that two years ago the City entered into an agree- ment with the South Lake lire District to provide The agreement was renewed In July of 1982 and expires poncApril 28,11983• 1'he Fire District is requesting renewal of the agreement. The new agree- ment would increase the City's fee for the service to $40 per month. Council Member Pool asked if the Fire District was aware of the proposed fee increase, and City Manager Forbes stated that they had been notified. 71 After some discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER POOL,_ SECOM1s1?11 BY COUNCIL MEMBER TURVI.1-1 Anrn rlrJnRfTA7nncr , NEW BUSINESS ORDINANCE 234-C - IN`1'RODUCTION Mayor Beals explained that Ordinance 234-C was a proposed ordinance which would have proposed amendments to the charter regarding the municipal election dates placed on the ballot. The changes would allow the munlcllusl elections to correspond with the County, State and National Elections. Council Member Dupee asked if there was any point in going through with till because she undo mod that a .proposal to have each e011.,t-11 .o,- ate_ Memo to: City Manager, City Council From: Finance Director Subject;, ; E udget, llmendment . Date." 0ovember, 18, 1982 Current accounting procedures require a budget amendment for expenditures budgeted and encumbered;in the previous year,. but not expended until the 1 current year., ' The following amendments to' the„1982-1983 Budget are needed "to meat this requirements J1. Public Works Account Number 541-6300 Capital Outlay Streets and Side- walks should be increased $67,525. This is. the balance of monies bud- geted last year for work that will not be completed until the current year. 12. Public Works Account Number 541-4630 Repair and Maintenance - Street Signs should be increased S389.32 for materials ordered last year but not received or invoiced until the current year. f 3. Public Works Account Number 572-4640 Repair and Maintenance - Parks and Trees should be increased $56.81 for supplies ordered last year i (( but not received or invoiced until the current year. J 4. Public Works Account Number 572.4+61.0 Repair and Maintenance - Buildings should be increased $2,871 for painting the Jaycee Beach Pavilion. It was budgeted last year but not completed or invoiced until the current year. J 5. Fire Department Account Number 522-5240 Minor Equipment should be in- creased $170.00 for equipment ordered last year but received and in- voiced in the current year. +6. Administration Account Number 513-6400 Capital Outlay should be increased $9,889.00 which included $5,675 Building Renovation, $3,26,4 Mechanical,;& Electrical Improvement, and $950 Miscellaneous allowance for City Nall renovations. These expenditures were authorized in the previous year but were not completed or invoiced until the current year. Police Department Account Number 521-6400 should be increased $18,483.25 _ for the purchase of new radio equipment authorized in the previous year but will be received and paid for during the current year. dition to the above amendments, I recommend the following two budget s 'ents be made and funded from the City's Cash Reserve: lic Works Account Number 541-6300 Capital Outlay - Streets and Side- s be increased $5,000.00 for storm drain installation. This expen- ,ire was authorized in the previous year. ' t j d Page -2- Merno to: City Manager, City Council November 18, 1982 J 2. Public Works Account Number 541-6300 Capital Outlay - Streets and Side- } walks be increased $8.045.00. This was the City's share�of'the'8roome'' Street construction which was charged to this account.. This amendment , will restore this line item to the original amount set aside for repair- ing existing streets. 3. Salaries. and'. Benefits, should be increased due, to ,revised information' received 'from ou`r �iictuaries for required contributions" to our`General' Employees Pension Fund. The original contribution amount for 'the ` current year,was.$311582. However, ,this actuary, assumption did not Include' all current`employees'.'' The revised contribution' required Is $38,402 and should be distributed as follows: 01-512-1200 $ 498-' 01-513-1200 750,' 01-524-1200 345i 01-521-1200 475 ✓ 01-539-1200 516--' 01-534-1200' 167i 01-541-1200 967✓ 01-562-1200 79 01-572-1200 662--" 49-534-1200 1,020!- 41-533-1200 695� 41-535-1200 64 r' TOTAL $6,820 Respectfully submitted, CITY OF CLERMONT WAYNE SAUNDERS Finance Director WS%jmb