Annual Budget (1971 - 1972)Prepared By: Robert M. Hopkina City Manager POLICE CHIEF Prentice Tyndal BUILDING OFFICIAL Harvey Nagel CITY CONTROLLER John W. Fleming FIRE C H I E F Robert E. Smythe SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Thomas E. Asbury, Jr. .ij �y,= CITY Of CLFRMONT, FLORIDA Office of the City Manager Honorable Mayor and Members of the:City Council Clermont, Florida I respectfuliy submit herewith for your considerartion and approval by adoption, the 1971-72 proposed Municipal Budget for Ithe City of Clermont for the fiscal year beginning November 1, 1971 and ending October 31, 1972, Adoption of the proposed 1971-72 Budget Document provides sufficient financing to cover Departmental operations, retirement of the predetermined amount of outstanding debt and affords necessary funds for improvement to selected phases of operation. Upon reviewing the Budget, you will note the major factors contributing to the increases in departmental operations are: employee's salaries, new employees. new equipment and the continued rising costs of materials for day-to-day operations. It is imperative that the various departments be adequately equipped with qualified manpower and equipment to continue the high level of services and meet present day demands for services in all phases of local government. Anticipated revenues required to support the estimated costs of departmental functions of the City total $671,040.00. - -Presented with the- annual - Budget is a Capital- Improvement Program in the amount oT $130.979 for general improvements and purchase of equipment to be accomplished on a pay-as-you-go basis in the forthcoming year. The tax rate of 8 mills is considered adequate to support the proposed budget expenditures. The budget is designed to provide all services provided in the previous year and expand some of these services in the major departments Without an increase in the tax rate. Major improvements over and above normal operating requirements are presented by departments. ADMINISTRATION Funds are allocated to provide for employee salary increases as per the Wage and Salary Schedule. The purchase of an electric Aft typewriter and the lease -purchase of a copying machine are included. Allocations provide for salary increases, uniforms for employees, overtime for emergencies, signs and employee training.' Monies are also allocated for the renovation of the boat ramp and resurfacing of selected streets. A contingency of $50,806 Is included in this account. SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Provisions are included for revision of City Ordinances, publicity, library support, insurance, planning and a contingency of $2000.00. UTILITIES FURO - dater & Sewer This appropriation reflects costs for activation of the Water Pollution Control Facility on approximately March 1; 1972. Included are the employment of personnel and purchase of equipment. Allocations are also included for salary increases, uniforms for employees, over for emergencies, employee training and a contingency of $17,282. Additional detail will be found in the 8u-dget itself. Special recognition should be focused on the department heads and other personnel who are concerned with preparation and administration of their respective budgets. I wish to sincerely thank each member of the Council for their cooperation and help in making my work pleasant and enjoyable. Most respectfully C.AJNTi7Jfi�lJci..q �%-�qHo%it' � . p�✓Y1IrJ 13?R krO{J #Soo. oo RObt }� c- Snr-� i9oo.o� City manager 5.0 1, ie.+hw-u ea.�-..�SrtRJ. SO�bG .oO 1 5.0 n Z, AcAu, t,E, a000 o f 1 5.o.r) 0 3 = Sy"7060o S�hoG,va 1 (7r 0 4 (. J.ao 1 8 0.3 (}a 7, 2X 100.70G, �o, 000.o� 4 1 .8.01 , lo It f 1I d I t I I,(id ll Ir fir �I1 1 I � i -i ylt. Irl,dl it y. t , 1 I aa tr } A contingency of, $SO4"Go is included in this Account, PUBLIC SAF,ETY., pol ipt Fire- the- ice Allacatiaddltirovidfor onelepatrolmanrenAlsoinproposednispalfullc time pr sand one Animal Control Warden with a mobile radio„equipped truck. salary 0s are allocated for uniforms, overtime pay, trainingandsalary Increases. A breathalixer is proposed. A contingency of �1afb0.00 is 'included in this account. COMMUNITY SERVICES Allocations provide for salary increases. uniforms, for employees' overtime for emergencies, signs and employee training. are also allocated for the renovation of the boat ramp and resurfacing of selected streets. A contingency of $50.006 is included in this account. SPECIAL AC TIES Provisions are included for revision of City Ordinances, publicity, library support, insurance, planning and a contingency of $2000.00. UTILITIES FUNQ - Water b Sewer This appropriation reflects costs for tivatarchion �l,tjgg2ater pollution Control Facility on approximately Included are the employment of personnel and purchaseof equipment. ...Allocations are also included for salary increases, uniforms for employees._ overtime for -s mlergencies, employee train.i.n.g_ and a contingency of $17,282• Additional detail will be found in the Budget itself. Special recognition should be focused on the department heads and other personnel who are concerned with preparation and administration of their respective budgets. I wish to sincerely thank each member of,the Council for their cooperation and help in making my work pleasant and enjoyable. Most respectfull y submitted, ,Jrs�Rrat+oN soo.00 7Aberrk^ins 14100.0CD City Manager .,OSb(.-oo / g000. o� 7rE73 SY O 5�'70 .C10 V LY 1 /o c�� 7-�� fa 0 a �flr3 yt SPECIAL ACTIVITIES CAPITAL OUTLAW UTILITIES FUND UTILITIES REVENUE UTILITIES EXPENDITURES UTILITIES ADMINISTRATION NATtR DIVISION SANITARY SEDER DIVISION CAPITAL OUTLAY CITY OF CLERMONT,'FLORIDA 1971-•72 BUDGET BUDGET SUMMARY Actual Estimated Proposed- 1969-70 1970-71* 197172 REVENUES General Fund $ 354009 3 350068 S 487440 Utility Fund $ 1 92271r 11G8300 MT— 183600 $ 671 EXPENDITURES '--General Fund _ _-_. S.__ 317959 $---338190 $_.__487440 Utility Fund 139�380 W 60'J— 183600 $ 671040 $ �9_ $ * 8 Months Actual, 4 Months Estimated rl "FGORIOA CITY OF CLERkOhT. 197142 BUDGET ,. REVENUES GENERAL FUND Proposed Actual Budget Estimated Vud et, &2s1sz... �..�1.�.+ 12.M yo- 1�^7L.. _ 7t2 300 Cemetery Lot 'Sales S 3675 $ 3500 $ 3400 $ 3600 30"3-,-�----0atttrftut.4-on 305 Inspection Fees 3268 2500 3500 4500 310 Interest 8191 6000 7600 3000 3-'.�-----�be�tf�um4 15•---------200....�,.�._.,..._�,,,..:...�.. ............._....,�_.. 320 Occupational Licenses 12580 13000 13000 12000 322 Dog Tag Licenses - 350 400 450 325 Memorial Sales 279 350 350 350 326 Fire Protection Fees 150 2000 2300 - Soo 330 Miscellaneous 1516 - 1000 6000 7500 335 Fines & Forfeitures 10699 13000 6000 6000 336 Court Costs 333 400 250 250 340 Rental Property 4741 11900 12000 6500 342 Sanitation Fees 52051 54000 55000 58000 354 Gasoline Taxes - - - 1,5000 355 Ad Valorum Taxes 134627 130424 134000 128790 356 Cigarette Taxes 59264 58000 64000 75000 357 Franchise Taxes 17146 16500 5068 32000 358 Utility Taxes 33709 36000 36000 40000 359-'---tto"sd-�-8•v^f•dr,,P.-f ax"es---~�l't84----�~T~300_r�.�..u-.1.2t�0.,:._...�...,. ,...._,,:.__,.. Sub Total 354009 350424 350068 387440 Cash Balance & Surplus Forward _ _ - 100000 Total $ 354009 $ 350424 $ 350068 $ 487440 *8 Months Actual, 4 months estimated ate Am CITY OF CLERMONT FLORIDA 1971-72 BUDGET EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND Account Actual 1969-70 Estimated 1970, 71 :� Proposed 1971-72 1 Administration $ 47347 $ 46604 E 34433 2 Public Safety 56033 66898 81904 3 Community Services 139410 142000 234788 4 Special Activities 63847 60567 79171 Sub Total $296637 $ 314969 $ 430206' Capital Outlay 21322 23221 57144 Total $317959 $ 338190 $ 487440 * 8 Months Actual, 4 Months Estimated CITY nF CLERMnNT. FLORI0A 1 971-72 MIDGET APIMISTRATIOgI " ACCOUNT 1 Proposed, Actual- ` Budget Estimated Budget Code Classification 1969_ 9-70 1970-71 197n-71* 1971-7? 700 Advertising 3 194 3 350 $ 25n S 35n 720 Contingencies - 10110 500 Soo 728 Equipment Rental - - a43 730 Expenses -City tianager 185 5n0 250 250 731 Expenses-Mayor/Council 549 500 5n0 2nn 754 Expenses -Legal 465 500 1n0 Soo 760 flaintenance-Buildings 3790 - - 500 762 fiaintenance-Equipment 308 400 4nO 472 767 liaintenance-Vehicles - - - 3An ��E3----i1a-i++-fin rye'-��E-�r--�i •i�-�•-----� a 780 fiaintenance-Misc3. 11F 25n 50 5n --788 --Recording _Tees ___ 276 _ 25Q_ __. 25.2_ _3n0 800 Salary -City Attorney 18nn 2100 210n 1575 $0 802A Salary -City Clerk - - - 4778 802E Salary -Steno Secretary - - - 4459 804 Salary -Controller 2555 2700 2F.97 2594 806 Salary -City Manager 7098 10140 92AS 8667 808 Salary-"iayor/Council 3686 3750 38910 3604 81ti—sa-l�nY`.gupt-urrd--Assi:--- 856 Subscriptions & Dues 274 350 385 400 * 8 Months Actual, 4 fionths Estimated -4.- CITY ,OF CI.CRMONT,FLOR DA 1971-72 OUnaET ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT 1 Proposed Actual Budget Estimated Rudget` Code Classification 1969___�, -0 1970-71 1970r71* 1971-72 868 Supplies -Office. $ 120A 'I40n S IPOO R 2nnn D-i-'I�----&u p p•'4i-e s-Ma•tet�i-a�-----�•-•-w»�P2-----------i�1 t1..-��»�..�..�.,..� 5� �,U,..:. p7+4µ�--Strnp�-i•ea-NHFset�lanevug�,^-M.�.,.....,..,.�:....._....w..,...6�y.�...,.�...,.�..,,,,�..�;.g.�,,,��.....:.�.�� _.� , 896 Travel G School - 300 15O 11nn 900 Utilities -Electric 397 5nn 500 550 904 Utilities -Telephone 711 750 60n 7f)n 906 Utilities-Water/Sewer 133 75 60 PS Total $ 47347 S APOS5 S 455nA 4 34433 * 8 Months Actual, 4 Months Estimated ADMINISTRATIOW= 1971-72 ACCOUNT 1 EXPLANATION J 1-700 Newspaper Legal Advertisinra I 1-720 Emergency and non -budgeted expenditures 4i 1-728 Lease Purchase on Copying Machine 36.87/mo -t+ t►�� 1-730 Luncheons, Lake County League of Cities Monthly Meetings, Miscellaneous Expenses 1-731 Luncheons, Lake County League of Cities Monthly Meetings, Miscellaneous Expenses 1-754 Attorney Fees 1-760 Maintenance of City tlall, Janitorial Supplies 1-762 NCR Billing Fiachine $ 132.00 IM Typewriters (2) 100.00 Monroe Calculator 60.00 Other Equipment 180.0n 1-767 City Manager's Car P $30.00 per month 1-780 Miscellaneous maintenance not specifically budgeted. 1-788 Recording Cemetery Lots and other Deeds. 1-800 Salary - City Attorney - $175 per month for 9 months (75% Attorney's salary in General Fund-25% Utility Fund) 1-802A Salary - City Clerk $120/wk x 26 125/wk x 26 For 9 months (75% Clerk's Salary in General Fund, 25% Utility Fund) Fund) 1-802B Salary - Steno Secretary - S83.5.0/wk x 26 88/wk x 26 1-804 Salary -Controller - $66.50 per week for 9 months (75% Controller' salary in General Fund, 25% 11tility Fund)' -6- E 1 @ $100.00 per month for 9 months 4 @ 75.00 per month for 9 months (75% Council's salary In General Fund, 25% Utility Fund) 1-856 Florida Le6gue" of Cities 200.00 Consumer's Research 8.00 Credit Bureau of Eustis 60.00- Florida City Manager's Association 5.00 /Cleo International City Manager's Assoc. 49.00 c`-9-1 Amer. Assoc. for Public Administration 25.00 Management Information Service so. no Flaa. Municipal Finance Officer's Assoc. 3.00 CG Adak 1� I (- 11 qP 1-868 Office Supplies. Copy Machine Materials, Meeting Supplies, Envelopes and Stationary, Stamps 1-896 City Manager's Annual Short Course 100.00 Fla. League of Cities Annual Meeting 600.00 ICMA Annual Meeting 00 Miscellaneous 100.00 1-900 Florida Power Corporation Monthly Service - City Hall 1-904 Florida Telephone Corporation - Monthly Service and Radio Loop ($5.00/month) - City Hall 1-906 Clermont Utilities Department - Monthly Service - City Hall CITY:0F C L E R M n N T FLORDA fi 1g71-72 011DOFT PUBLIC SAFETY ACCOUNT T. Proposed Actual Budget Estimated and et 6ede Classification 1969-70 1970-71 1970-71* 1971-72 720 Contingencies S - 5 Soo S - S 14n0 760 Maintenance-DuiIding 500 762 Maintenance -Office Eqpt. 56 150 1n0 150 765 Maintenance -Radio 235 250 2nn 7.5n 767 Maintenance -Vehicles - - - loan 768 Minor Equipment 337 1nn0 750 Wo " 780 Miscellaneous 187 20n 2nn 2Oo 812 Salary -Auxiliary & Vol. 3005 3100 4000 Soon 8�#--3a�ary—fltrf-i-d�Fr►cf--�r►9f►ec:-�349._.��.,._r,.2t�n........ i-,�6�---�--.-.a...._ 818 Salary -Judges 7593 1700 1630 1700 820 Salary -Lifeguards 2652 3000 3nnO 3nn0 -826 - Salary -Patrolmen _.._ 2!1`t65 23631_ _ _ 23730-- 3055n 827 Salary -Police Cadets - - - 5OO 828 Salary -Police Chief 6R03 7020 7020 738A 830 Salary - Dispatchers 12124 13500 13500 13364 831 Salary -Animal Control - 1500 1500 4883 838 Overtime 950 10n0 1000 1On0 856 Subscriptions & Dues 47 100 5n 50 868 Supplies -Office 414 350 350 4nn 871 Supplies - Materials 298 1n0 2nn 3an 874 Miscellaneous 27 ln0 50 1On 877 Prisoner Expense 1839 23nO 2o0n 2500 896 Travel & School 400 1n00: 500 5OO *8 Months Actual, 4 Months Estimated ItCta,t'"ii` :scut,ui hucl�jr i, F'gttoo fttiIfgof„ Ce G7n,r1_fIat I ur?...,., i�t1r1 7.1,M 1�97..,i7`,, i`71-' 89.3 tlnIfa 437 65t' loon �J00 Utilities-wIoctr'fe 11Al lt7r;il 1�j5ri ►t)n�r 902 tl'Uilities - Gas 277 7y,� ;rr1 36+1 90" i.r ill tior; - Tel e bona r 41fi ;�f tr R2f; 91716 lt.,i1ities - Ilar 373 2,0 90,3 F i ro Hydrant P6nt.,1, - r, 0 2f, Tat;a1 fi0:33 711F'M v ;1011ths Actual 4 flarth� E! f,matec' LM Aft punLlc snrEry 1971-72 ACCOUNT 2 EXPLANATION 2-270 Emergency and non -budgeted expenditures -2-760 Maintenance of Public Safety Building Janitorial Supplies 2-762 Typewriter maintenance agreement 35.00 Miscellaneous 119.00 2-765 Maintenance of radio base station and mobile units 2-767 Maintenance of Police and Fire Vehicles 2-768 Minor equipment for Police and Fire 2-780 Miscellaneous maintenance not specifically budgeted 2-812 Auxiliary Policemen - 12 men Meetings - $3.00 per month Hourly Rate (On Duty) 41.60 per hour Volunteer Firemen - 15 men Drills _ $10.00 per month A,;; CM11G'F ��':r�to Calls - $ 4.00 per call School Crossing Guard - $1.60 per hour 2-818 Senior Judge $100.00 per month Associate Judge $ 41.67 per month 2-820 Lifeguards $1.60 per hour 2-826 Patrolman (12) Hildreth S120/wk x 52 S6240.00 Patrolman (12) Rogers $120/wk x 52 6241.00 Patrolman (12) Morrison $115/wk x-52 598n.nn Patrolman (72) New Position $T05/wk x 26 110/wk x f 26 5590.n0 'S_argeant' (14)` Carlisle $125/wk x 52 6500.00 { PUBLIC SAFETY 1971-72 ACCOUNT 2' EXPLANATION 2-827 Cadets $.50-per hour (City) - $1.50 per hour (Region IV Law Enforcement Planning Council) 2-828 Police Chief (17) - Tyndal $142/wk x 52 S 7384.00 2-330 Dispatcher (6) - Cooper $ 92/wk x 52 47R4,00 Dispatcher (6) - Schuster $ 92/wk x 52 4784.0n Dispatcher (6) - Broyles 5 73/wk x 52 37,96.pn 2-831 Animal Control Warden (9) $ 92/wk x 26 New Position $ 96/wk ;- P6 4888.On 2-838 Overtime for emergencies 2-856 Florida Police Chief's Association Miscellaneous 2-868 Office supplies, envelopes, stationary, stamps 2-871 Flashlight batteries, camera film, fingerprinting materials,etc. 2-874 -Miscellaneous _supplies --.— 2-877 Food, medical care, work coveralls 2-896 Law Enforcement Courses 2-898 Uniforms for Police Officers and Animal Control 14arden 2-900 Florida Power Corporation - Public Safety Building 2-902 Lake Apopka Gas - Public Safety Building 2-904 Florida Telephone Corporation. Includes two additional lines at $29.00/month - Public Safety Building 2-906 Clermont Utilities Department - Public Safety Buildinq r 2-908 Fire Hydrant Rental to Utilities Department 'A�A�IA�I�IIIIII�� .. "CITY ,dF CLERMONT,' AODA" 1971-72 0110GET COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCOUNT 3' Code Classification Actual' 11969__�70 Budget 197q..71 Estimated 1970-71+: Proposed: R 7,086 720 Contingencies $ $ 800 S - 50806 728 Equipment Rental 460 100 4n0 760 laintenance-oldgs. 3790 2500 2500 3000 767 Maintenance -Equipment 2772 3000 2000 3000 764 Maintenance -Parks b Playgrounds 7369 7500 2000 2500 767 Maintenance -Vehicles 4128 3500 3500 3000 768 Minor Equipment 1450 2000 1500 2000 780 Miscellaneous 186 400 100 400 i3 r4ce1----�•----•6500•..._..-............-fi�0__,_„_-----�-�--_-------�-,.�..��-..,. 810 Salary - !Director - - - 9724 811 Salary - Asst. Director - - - 7540 ---_-__ __.___81.6__._ Salary _._-__Janitor._ _ __404i- -5700 __ 5100 _:.. _-520p 824--; 822 Salary - Garage 4230 4460 4500 6240 824 Salary - Parks & Cemetery 18214 18300 18000 24063 832 Salary - Sanitation 40606 41000 52000 47496 834 Salary - St $ Storn Setter Maint. 6512 6900 9000 20033 836 Salary - Street Ciean- ing 16 2000 2000 5590 837 Salary - Temp A Part Time _ - - 4000 8 Months Actual, 4 months estimated -12- CITY 0F`CLERMONI, tiLORIOA .� 1971-72 ,BUDGET w: COliMl1RITY SrRVICES ACCOUNT 3 Proposed '. Actual Budget Estimated ilud of Code Classification 1969-71 1970 71 1970-71* 1971-72 838 Overtime $ 1053 $ 1100 500 3 1000 i_�0 5idewalks 160 S00 ISO 1000 656 Subscriptions & Dues - - 50 859 Summer Programs 840 1700 1000 1500 871 Supplies - Materials 6630 5300 5000 6500 874 Supplies -Miscellaneous 253 350 250 300 880 Street Signs 747 S00 500 800 Aloft 896 Travel and School - - - 100 898 Uniforms - 200 - 2496 900 Utilities -Electric 20534 21150 21000 22000 902 Utilities - Gas 191 I50 150 ISO 904 Utilities - Telephone 93 90 90 100 906 Utilities -later/Seger 1485 1550 1550 1800 910 Vehicles - Gas and Oil 6310 6000 6000 7000 91I Vehicles - Tires and Batteries 1390 2000 1000 2000 Total $139410 $ 142955 S 142000 $ 234788 '" 8 Months Actual, 4 months estimated M C04PIUNITY SERVICES 1971-72 ACCOUNT 3 EXPLANATION 3-720 Emergency and non -budgeted expenditures 3-728 Rental of equipment for street maintenance or construction etc- 3- 1 7 1 60 lia I intenance of Jenkins Auditorium, Niqhlander flut, flunicipa I garage, Kehler Park Recreation Building, Jaycep'13pach and West Beach bul7dlngst Janitorial supplies 3-761 !laintenance of all equipment except Vehicles 3-764 Maintenance of beaches, hall fields, cemetery, parks and Playgrounds. Tree trimming and removal SAN 3-767 Maintenance of vehicles in Sanitation, Street and Storm Sewer Itaintenance and Parks nivisions 3-768 Rain suits, shovels, rakes, garage tools, tc. 3-780 Miscellaneous maintenance not s.peclfjcally--_bjjtjnet,- -- ---- --- -- - ---- - - . -- - -,-. — — (f 3-810 Director (24)-Smythe S 787/tyk x 52 3-811 Asst. Director 18) - Nadel S 142/wk x 26 9724.00 3-tj ' -L 1481wk x 26 7540.0r) 3-131 t Janitor (7) - Coleman 100/14k X 52 52nn.00 3-822 Ilechanic A (71) - yeah eou,L $ 120/wk x 52 3-824 Parks and cemetery a 2. 1 r, 6240.0f) Foreman (10) Adams $ 145/wk x 52 5460.00 S k i lied Labor N7If VI k X 26 92/,wk x 2F 4RPO.00 Labor. (7) - zql 92/vik x 52 4784.00 J)p"JIS, Labor (7) - Aft &3-.-S()/tvk x 26 x 2 F 1 Labor (7) X- V 3. 88/wk x 26 71 11- 71 92/wk x 26 4680.nn -14- COMMUNITY SERVICES 1971-72 ACCOUNT 3 EXPLANATION 3-832 Sanitation Crow ° Chief (10) - Keyes $ 105/wk x 52 $ 5460.Ob. Crew Chief (10) - Hose $ 105/wk x 52 5460.00' Crewman (9) - Thomas $ 100/wk x 52 5200.Q0 Crewman (9) - McGee $ 100/wk x 52 S200.00 Crewman (9) - Chandler $ 100/wk x 52 -6200.00: Crewman (9) - Jordan $ 100/wk x 52 5200.00`' Light Egt.Operator (9) - Madden $ 92/wk x 26 96/wk x 26 4888.00 Skilled Labor (8) - Crawford $ 92/wk x 26 96/wk x 26 4888.0n: 3-834 Street and Storm Sewer Maintenance Heavy Eqt. Operator (11) - se*ft�r $ 1-05/wk x 26 ic, 1.10/wk x 26 Eqt. Operator (9)- _ Fender-__. $ ..96/wk x.26 100/wk x 26 5096.00:: Skilled Labor (8) - S*a-rboroug 0— S 92/wk x 26 96/wk x 26 4888.00:. Labor (7)• - �6,,,,s ��s - $83.50/wk x 26 '. -88/wk x 26 4459.00 3-836 Street Cleaning (Sweeper) Heavy Eqt. Operator (11) - Odom $ 105/wk x 26 110/wk x 26 5590.00, 3-837 Painter and summer help 3-838 Overtime for emergencies 3-850 Repair and replacement of side walks 3-856 Dues for Southern Building Code Congress $25.00 Dues for Lake County Firemen's Assoc. 7.50 Miscellaneous 17.50 'z Nk d�,o,u✓. -- A 2Naa�t '�a.sa : o i,lz>litwE,a COMMUNITY SERVICES 1971-72 ACCOUNT 3 EXPLANATION 3-859 Little League $700.00�"rtl,nc� Babe Ruth 300.00 Miscellaneous 500.00 3-871 Paint, lumber, street maintenance materials, concrete, rags, nuts and bolts, etc. 3-874 'Miscellaneous supplies not specifically budgeted 3-PSO Street signs and traffic control signs 3-806 Conference for Building Officials, Orlando ; ' <_. 3-898 $2.40 per week x employees x 52 Affik 3-900 Florida Power Corporation - Street lights, garage, Jenkins Auditorium, all parks. 3-902 Lake Apopka Gas - Recreation Building (Kehlor Park), Highlander Nut 3-904 Florida Telephone Corporation - Telephone at garage 3-906 Clermont Utilities Department - Water/Sewer for garage,Jenkins Auditorium, all parks 3-910 Gas and oil - all General Fund departments 3-911 Tires and batteries - All General Fund departments ?r{ CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA �V 1971-72 BUDGET SPECIAL ACTIVITIES ACCOUNT 4 Proposed Actual Budget Estimat,id Bud et Code Classification 1969-70 1970-71 1970-71 1971-72 702 Auditing 3 1650 f 1700 f 1950 S 2250 720 Contingencies 200 4500 Soo 2n00 724 Election Expenses 146 200 156 200 726 Equipment Replacement - - - 10000 735 Finances Expense 1225 3400 3760 3545 741 Insurance -Hospitalization 2166 2100 2734 3215 742 Insurance -General Liability 7280 7300 7200 7500 743 Insurance - F.I.C.A. 7486 7700 7280 70500 744 Insurance - Surety Bond 750 1000 75() 656 745 Insurance - Workmen's Comp. 2813 3200 5060 5500 747 Insurance - Group Life 1094 1200 1800 1900 757 Lake County Planning Dept. - - 2409 1000 752 Library ��° p ^Isr; 10938 10597 10597 13300 780 Miscellaneous 81 357 Soo 500 784 Pensions 5300 5500 5600 5870 786 Publicity 6226 6037 6625 6525 853 Special Affairs 253 Soo 600 Soo 890 County Taxes 60 1000 780 810 CITY OF CLERMONT*.FLORIDA 1971 72 BUDGET SPECIAL ACTIVITIES ACCOUNT 4 Proposed` Actual Bud et Estimated Budqet Code Classification 1969-70 197p-71 1970-71* 1971-72 894 Technical Services $ 1741 $ 1000 $ 600' $ 1500 920 Christmas Gifts 398 500 441 son Total $ 53847 $ 63564 $ 60667 $ 79171 * 8 Months Actual, 4 Months Estimated 4' - i SPECIAL, ACTYVITITES 1971-72 ACCOUNT,4 EXPLANATION 4-702 H, W. Sheppard & Co. C.P.A. (75%'in General Fund - 25% Utility Fund) 4-720 Emergency and non -budgeted expenditures 4-724 Transport Machines $ 5000 Election Officials B @ 15.00 120.00 Miscellaneous 30.00 4-726 Based on Depreciation 4-735 First Federal $2250.00 ($45,000.8a7ance @ 5%) Jenkins Auditorium $1295.00 ($37,000 Balance @ 3's%) 4-741 $7.05 per month per employee 4-742 Based on Previous Year , 4-743 5.2% of Total Payroll 4-744 - - -- $100.000 Bond for Controller (75% in General Fund - 25% Utility Fund) 4-745 Based on Previous Year 4-747 $4.00 per month per employee 4-751 Agreement with Lake County Planning Department 4-752 Set by City Council 4-780 Miscellaneous items not specifically budgeted 4-784 Mrs. John Dingle a"32.50/month George Cadwell $40.00/month Actuaries Recommendation to Fund Program $6000 ($5000 General Fund - $1000 Utility Fund) -19- ;. rat aril SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 1971-72 ACCOUNT 4. EXPLANATION 4-786 2/6 of l mill Ad Valorum Tax - To Chamber of Commerce - Set by City Council 4-853 County Commissioner's Annual Dinner and other Special Activities 4-890 First Federal $ 750.00 " }, Landseair 60.00 4-893 County Tax Assessor - 1/2% of Taxes Assessed County Tax Collector - 1/2p of Taxes Collected and Bond As per contract 8-11-70 qP 4-894 Dr. Wm. Howard S 32.10 per month Codification of Ordinances 4-920 Turkey or Ham - Each employee.,.-- __--- CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA ' 1971-72 BUDGET r 5 (GENERAL, FUND) 1 ^' CAPITAL OUTLAY11x„ EXPLANATION Payment on Debt $ 18000 (First Federal $5000/yr Balance WOOD)' (Jenkins Aud. $'01000/yr - BaIance'$37000) 2. Street Resurfacing (Streets To Be Determined) phfa"^...� 300►70 ✓ _ 3. Police Car $2700 w/Trade 1644 Trade 1970 Ford Equipment Replacement Fund $10$6 affilk ✓ 4. Animal Control Truck a 25ft0=�¢�mcFe d��.,ftu�� G •�IFY' ..:`r, 242n <�--f$R�--- 5___Two -Way- Radio .---Tnc.1: Installation-530 -_- For Animal Control Truck 6. Electric Typewriter 450 For Adninistrative Office 7. Boat Ramp Renovation p �� rs 3000 ✓ 8 Breathalizer /07 1100 For Police Department $ 57144 Total _, � _ .. , `` r � ,� � ` �, �) �� � r �f N+�; riS'�9 1� '3 J�zt t3ft� l Fri ! 7i`%Y'�7 �f a.;� ,� aia lJ+� ,�'� �r�` '��,�.'�� r(�z#r�h.� �.Fsy,4v?���aa�,�`�� `�f�4.�-�,��if��ik���`��ti � ��i�ni't 1 � £ {Pa r � ib� -A .�s;�i ,?�r l�tj r e'- � L' ,, .i������'�fij� d7 r ' \ 4 r, I 1 149 1:i Y 0V C.E.EItM0rIT f1.ORIflit 1971.72 0(IV (;K.T REVENUES" UTILITIES FUND proposo(i Actual Budget Et I m a t e d RuC,v0It Code Classification 1969-70 1970-71 19'70-71** 19; T 301 ":Connection Fees -Water S 3175 S 2200 $ 2200 3OU0 302 Connection Fans -Sewer - - - 7000 310 Interest 4255 4000 '19000 1600E 330 Miscellaneous 1245 Soo 1500 It ()Of) 340 Hydrant Rentals - 2600 2600 sep ve 17- 361 - Hater Sales 67108 69000 90000 90000 362 Sewer Service Charge - - 24000 Sub Total 93262 96300 115300 1436nn Gash Balance SurplusForward 45000 - ?Ono 4 0r;100 Total 138262 96300 11'13ilr) 1836001 = 8 Months Actual,,!► Months Estimated Ur EXPEND ITURES Actual cstlmisted 19781 ^ � J :onVis Actual, 4 mnnth: Estimaled - C, I Ty Of' CL FA tv NiT ROPt DA 19-77-72 BUMU UTIL IVES. AOIJINISTRAT TON Accama 0-f! 0 1'rialf f-h-ation Actual Fludgest '1970--71 3 t I if 3 te d P r audgetopoqad o �:.Ll I Audl tl nq 7 SO 741 insurance P, 0 S P i t,"I i z� t I () n 614 742 Tns u rance-Li abi I i ty » . 6 on ?4-3 Tnriurailf%- 2677 Y44 t I3r. Ise 1200 G r o u ri Li fa: loco Qfi SL e s il t: 1200 80 Cs Salary t ;c rrfcy P P, E7 i832 8 09 20 0 19 7 8 "1 -AOL UTILITIES ADMINISTRATION 1971-72 ACCOUNT 5 EXPLANATION 5-702 H. W. Sheppard X Co., C.P.A. (75% in General Fund » 25% Utility Fund) 5-741 /' $4.05 per month per employee 5-742 Based on Previous Year 5-743 "S.2% of Total Payroll 5-744 $100,000 Bond for Controller (jar% in General Fund - 5 zzut Utility Fund 5-746 based on Previous Year 5-747 $4.00 per month per employee 5-784 Actuaries Recommendation to Fund Program $6,000 ($5,GOO General Fund, $1,000 Utility Fund) 5-790 Administrative Space at City Hall 5-800 Salary — City Attorney - $175.00 per month for 9 months (75% Attorneys Salary in General Fund - 25% in _ _--Utility und)___ 5-802 Salary - Cashier 3 - $ 73/wk x 26 76.50/wk x 26 $3887 5-802A Salary - City Clerk $ 120/wk x 26 125/wk x .26 $6370 For 9 months (75% Clerk's Salary in General Fund 25% Utility Fund) 5-11" Salary - Controller - $66.50 per week for 9 months (751" Controller's salary in General Fund 25% Utility Fund) 5-806 Salary - City Manager $222.23 per week for 9 months (75% Manager's Salary in General Fund - 25% Utility Fund) -26- ACCOUNT 6 Proposed Actual budget Estimated Budget Color Classification 1069-70 1970-71 1970-71* 7f-72 A Co 720 Contingencies Soo A00 7282 7�-i---S�aewHc�erfye----�-------�- 'l5AA----���►(?.-��,..�,,._ 728> Equipment Rental - - inn 10n 7�S.i--�n�dr�an•se-Hosp#-ta,1 fa�t•# on3? 6.�.,,.,,�...,w�96-�..�,,.:,�»�......32,4_...�..�,....r_„� _ 742--»�ass'cs++ancc�.-�Li^ebb•^hty+�.�,..�5�,..,�.�,��..-�:-552-_,.�....�...552��-.�,...,.��.M.�..., _ 760 Maintenance - Building 1217 200 100 200 761 Maintenance - Equipment - 700 1n00 loon - 763 Maintenance - Meters 2151 1500 4000 4000 766 Maintenance - Tanks 1906 1906 1906 1906 viv 767 Maintenance - Vehicles - ISO 1n0 l50 768 Minor Equipment 38 300 200 200 780 Miscellaneous Expenses 37 261 50 50 7,3Q---f1i~f-4-ce--Rent R4DD�------200.��.,�•-----32�30..d-- .�_.�...w_ say-s�-1-any----�����----- - --- -7•��l --7.so._..�.......�.6.�._...,.. _ 806---'Sa�ar%F-ty-ii�tre�r------^�60�---�-•2860---- --_.�r•249A-�,_...m.:...,�,.....:..,...,... S1•f3-�-Sa�as�,y..,.�,,b.upt�rrcii�•A�s-t, _ .,,,.-,49,70,,:�,.�.n.,:,�;n.,.:5.1.60...M„�.�........:�:.�.M...:._ 811 Salary -Superintendent - 6000 3775 1963 8 tionths Actual, 4 Months Estimated CITY OF CLERMONT.,FLORIDA 1971-72 OtIDGET WATER ACCOUNT 6 Proposed Actual Budget Estimated Budget Code Classification -1969-70 1970-71 1970-71* 1971___,1 -72 812 Salary - Foreman $ 4875 813 Salary - Water Service Supv. 4680 5200 5200 5590 814 Salary - Meter Reader - - 4992 821 Salary - Labor 4532 6350 4F8n 1482 838 Salary - Overtime 160 200 200 200 856 Subscriptions & Dues - 100 - 20 862 Supplies - Chlorine 459 550 550 600 868 Supplies - Office 1914 1400 140n 750 871 Supplies - tlaterials 229 500 500 300 874 Supplies -Miscellaneous - 100 5tti 100 89.6 -Travel - School_ - 200 - 20n 898 Uniforms - - - 396 900 Utilities - Electric 5338 6000 6000 6000 904 Utilities - Telephone 139 150 300 300 910 Vehicles - Gas & Oil 408 500 500 5nn 911 Vehicles - Tires & Batteries - 150 Tn0 l0n E WATER 1971-72 BUDGET ACCOUNT 6 EXPLANATION 6-720 Emergency and nonbudgeted expenditures 6-728 Rental of equipment for construction or maintenance 6-760 Maintenance of Pumping Stations 6 7.1 Maintenance of pumps, motors, etc. Does not include vehicles 6-763 Maintenance of water meters 6-766 Maintenance of Eleva-';ed Tanke 6-767 Maintenance of vehicles in Water Division 6-768 Rain suits, shovels. tools, etc. 6-780 Miscellaneous maintenance not specifically budgeted 6-811 Salary Superintendent 19 Asbury $ 148/wk x 26 154/wk-x 26 (25Z Water 75% Sewer) 6-812 Salary - Foreman 12 Creech (75% Water - 25,% Sewer) $ 125/wk x 52 6500 6-813 Salary - Water Service Supervisor 11 Y-i ns o , n / e,-, 0 M5/wk x 26 11 O/wk x 26 $ 5590 6-814 Salary - Meter Reader 8 "-/wk x 52 S 4992 6-821 Salary - Labor 7 - New Position (Effective 2/1/72) $ 83.50/wk x 26 (50% Water 50% Sewer} 88/wk x 9 S 2963 -30- 1 (' CITY OF CLERMONT,,FLORIDA 1071-72 BUDGET SANITARY- SEWER ACCOUNT 7 Proposed Code Classification Actual' Budget Estimated 1969-70 1970-71 1970-71* Budget 1971-72 720 Contingencies $ - S - $ $10000 728 Equipment Rental - Pon 760 Maintenance - Building - - 500 761 Maintenance - Equipment - - - SOO 767 Maintenance - Vehicles - - - 200 768 E11nor Equipment - - - 1200 790 Miscellaneous - - - NO 811 Salary - Superintendent - - - 5889 812 Salary - Foreman - - - 1625 817 Salary - Pollution Cont. Oper. - - - 8140 815 _.__ Sa ary - Pa1I ution Cont. Maint. Mech. - - - 4070 821 Labor - - - 1482 838 Salary - Overtime - - - 200 856 Subscriptions & Dues - - - 26 862 Supplies - Chlorine - - - 1200 864 Supplies - Laboratory - - - 400 868 Supplies - Office - - - 750 871 Supplies - Materials - - - 300 874 Supplies - Miscellaneous - - - 100 -32- Tl't c[ c;,C;ti?nt7PEi a !"f Al ';"i „7c' #3{10(1E,T r,s;COOiIT I Proposed "� flttd�►tt' FS { tmittf%d 13Udr)�tt " i on 197o. 7 1�t1t1.,77,t i� 71 ? 896 sc:.hl)ol 3 - 1 250 �:(s Jt'i1�v'15".Ct'ae:�w� - fl(l00 Vehicles SANITARY SEWER 1971-72 ACCOUNT 7 EXPLANATION 7-720 Emergency and non -budgeted 7-�f8 Rental of equipment for construction or maintenance 7-760 Maintenance of treatment plant and lift stations —1—�.I Maintenance of pun, ps, motors. etc. Does not include vehicles 7••767 Maintenance of vehicles in Sewer division 7-768 Rain suits, shovels, toots, etc. 7-780 Miscellaneous maintenance not specifically budgeted Ip 7-811 Salary - Superintendent 19 - Asbury S 148/wk x 26 154/wk x 26 S 7852 (251.1 Water - 75% Sewer) 7-812 Salary - Foreman 12 - Creech $ 125/wk x 52 S 6500 (75% Water - 254.1 Sewer) 7-817 Salary - Pollution Control Operator It PleCAFFe& 7edr.,Fl�tr c New Position (Eff. 2/1/72) 400y17- S 115/wk x 26 120/wk x 9 S 4670 New Position (Eff. 2/l/72) S 115/wk x 26 120/wk x 9 3 4070 7-819 Salary - Pollution Control Maintenance Mechanic 14 - New Postion (Eft. 2/l/72) 115/wk x 26 t20/wk x .4 $ 4070 34- ,as f 'SANITARY SEWER 1971-72 ACCOUNT 7 EXPLANATION 7-821 Salary .- Labor 7 - New Position (Effective 2/1/72) $ 83.50/wk x 26 88/wk x 9 $ 2963 (50% Water - 50% Sewer) 7-838 Overtime for emergencies 7-856 Florida Pollution Control Association $20.00 Florida Water Pollution Control Operators Assoc. $6.00 7-862 Chlorine for sewage treatment 7-864 Chemicals and supplies for laboratory - 7-868 Billing Materials, hostage, Office<Supplies 7-871 Clamps, nuts, bolts, rags, etc. 7-874 -"--Miscellaneous supplies' not specifically- budgeted 7-896 Region 3 Short School, Rockledge $6.00 Annual Short School, Univ. of Fla. $170.00 Miscellaneous 74.00 7-898 $2.40 per seek x employees 7-900 Florida Power Corporation - Monthly service for treatment plant and lift stations _ 7-904 Florida Telephone Corporation Nonthly service and Radio Loop 7-910 Gas b Oil - Sewer Division Vehicles 7-911 Tires and Batteries - Sewer Division Vehicles -35-' CITY pF CLERMONT, FLORIDA 1971-72 ;BUDGET (UTILITIES FUND) CAPITAL, OUTLAY EXPLANATION WATER 1.LP Gas Engine - Purchase from Wm. Bakery 2. Pipe, Fittings, Valves, Etc. $ 1600 5- Repairs to Highland Well 10000 �4. 3/4 Ton Truck $2800 K/Trade /,t.,%.., r,. Trade 1966 d,,,, y u�4 'Truck 20000 3/4 Ton Equipment Replacement Fund $2500 300 S. CL2 Cylinder Repair Kit for 150 lb. cylinder 66'2 312 Total - Water S SANITARY SEWER 32272 , I. TYpecrriter '- Portable :Wki; s. as' ------ __.._ �> 2• Adding -Machine 10 rey ElectricuPP1Y -60 -- 3. Scott Air Pak with 30 Minute s50 of oxygen 3a1,7� 4. CL2 cylinder Repair Kit for 1 Ton Cylinder 230 S. Simpson Model Mult-Meter "ith Leads 350 S. Amprobe with leads 70 7• Generator, portable. 150 amp ;"�✓6r1 s��v1EJ 720-240 40 Volt, gasoline, a JS-1W.o6 30 ft lead wire and adapter (Build trailer (�SVL) and fuel tank w/City forces) 8. 3 Inch Mud Hoa Pump 5800 1971-72'BUDGET (UTILITIES FUND) CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPLANATION 9. Centrifugal Pump 411, Electric Start and Wisconsin Air cooled an - Trailer mounted 20 3" suction hose Brass Quick.coupling Adapter 20' discharge hose 4" Disc Nipple E 2000 �F+ 10. Trailer, 2 wheel, tiltg8 with 16" wheels, 12' body Bed and sideboards not incl - to be built by city forces 368 ar-S 11. Sewer Rodder, portable, oasoline �l�r' Powered with 100' of flexible cable 1000 12. Blower, portable. gasoline with 20' of y� suction hose for venting maholes 400 f13. 3/4 Ton Truck with Utility Body - No Trade 3600 14. Pipe, fittings, valves, etc. a�ah. � , i 5000 �1 Total ._w Sanitary Sewer _ __E 19501 Equipment Replacement 5% of Gross Revenues 7119 Debt Reserve - Recommended under Bond Ordinance 15000 Grand Total E 73835 i s TITLE 3 cash ior G 'Stono-Secretary Dispatcher 7 Labor Janitor 4 Skilled Labor Meter Reader 9 Sanitation Crewman Animal Control Warden Pollution Control Operator Trainee Mechanic B Light Equipment Operator 10 Sanitation Crew Chief Parks Foreman 11 'Water Service Supervisor He_avy._Eguipment _Operator _ _._ Mechanic A 12 Public Utilities. Foreman CD e+.uar,.<<'y id R,'J'GGS Fof'a.�ArJ Patrolman 14 City Clerk Pollution Control Operator C Police Sargeant Pollution Control Maintenance Mechanic 15 Fire Chief 1 %L! A!li1'T Ii11t ii+ S �1tWlx1 R.'AIJION SHUT t f P0rIonaitI Action Sheet de,,,Igit atos iircaptanco.' of an applicant or other personnel action And authorizer, sn'lary ,p+y►n43nt. It i loportant that it be prepared wi th ac;cijra+c,y. i. Department - Dopar tmont to which the employoe is ass1gned'and from which the Pnrsonnal Ae.tin► Sh( -,,f„t originates. 2. Effective: Date - Desigrintp,; the bepinning of the personnel action. 3. List of Personnel Actions ,- Insert an "x" in the appropriate blank. 4. Full Name - Both given names of an employee which are necessary for identification. If the employee has no middle nave, insert "none". If initials only, so state. S. Sex, Date of Birth, and Social Security number. - Self Explanatory. 6. Address -Complete address including zip code. 7. From and To..Classification or Position - Shows the proper ,lob title, grade and step as reflected In the Salary and Classification Schedules. Both lines are completed when there is a change in classification or salary. 8. Tax Class - Reflects the number of exemptions claimed on the W-4 Income Tax Form or is used when a change in the number of exemptions is desired. 9. Rate - Reflects the appropriate rate taken from the Salary Schedule. 10. Budget Code - The number of the budget account from which funds to cover the personnel action are withdrawn. 11. Explanation of above action - Reflects a clear, concise reason for the personnel action. For example: a. APPOINTMENT, REAPPOIliT11ENT: "To fill the position left vacavti-'" by (name) who resigned (date) " b. REINSTATEMENT: "On military leave since (date) It or "Completed period of suspension required by Personnel Action Sheet dated_ (date) " -C. PROMOTION: "Result of increased responsibility" or "Reclassification of 'P'osition". d. 1,16IT IfiCREASE: "based on pertar:aanaa equivalent to rating level." e. MILITARY LEAVE': "See attached copy of orders" f: EDUCATION LEAVE: "To receive training believe to be in the best Interests of`the, 'city." 4. LEAVE WITHOUT PAY: ",Due to chronic illness'. "To attend sick (relative} "„ "Expended all sick leave". or "Permit vaca- tion with {spouse} h. NAME CHANGE: "Married {date} ". or "By order of {date) " i . TAX CHANGE: "See attached I1-4". J. CLASSIFICATION CHARGE: "Council Resolution dated k. SUSPENSION: Describe specific .offense such as %)rini►ing on duty", or "See confidential report". l DEMOTION: "Failed to meet performance standards" or "Requested by employee". M. TRANSFER: _ "To.secure'_ -- - TRApromotion" or "Piutual benefit of_ - city, and employee". n. REDUCTION IN FORCE: "Result of curtailment of work". o. RESIGNATION: "To seek other employment", "Secured employment elsewhere". "To assume home duties", "To apply for pension".'®r "In lieu of having charges preferred". p. DISMISSAL: A specific charge such as "Abandoned position". "Refusal to carry out supervisor's instructions" or "Conduct unbecoming city employee". ASSETS: 0100 Petty Cash Fund ' #106 Returned Checks' 0110 Cash Over/Short 0115 Cash on Deposit -Revenue Account WO 0116` " " " operation & Halntneance Account WO 0117 " Improvement & Replacement Account WO 1118 " » Excise Tax Account WO 0119 " " Construction Account 0120 » » Regular Account 0121 " " » Police Department Account 0122 " " Payroll Account 0123 a " Cigarette Tax Account WO 0124 O » Water Meter Deposits Account PF 0125 " " « Trustee Account WD 0126 " " "' Sinking Fund Reserve Account WD 0127 " " Principal & Interest Account 0129 » » » SAVII45S ACCOUNT, 0130 Tax Certificates Owned , 0 0140 Account Receivable 0141 -Cemetery Lot Sales 0142 " -Cemetery Memorials 0143 " -Library 0144 " -Lot towing' 0145 -Paving Notes 0146 " -Permits f147 .-Special- Assessments 0149 " ` -dater, Sanitation & Sewer 015 015 015 015 015 016 016 016 016 016 016 016 016 016 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Land Automotive Reserve for Deprec# ation-Automotive Bridges Reserve for Depreclaition-Bridges Buildings and Parks Reserve for Depreciation -Buildings & Parks Equipment and Toois Reserve for Depreciation -Equipment and Tools Furniture and Fixtures Reserve for Depreciation -Furniture & Fixtures Sewerage Plant and Collection System Reserve for Depreciaition-Sewerage Plant & Collection System Streets and Sidewalks 0170 Water Plant and Distribution System 0171 Reserve for Depreciation -Water Plant and Distribution System WD 0172 Reserve for Revenue Bond ContingencyEOffset to Excise Taxes) 0175 Due from Other Funds �`. x #220 Reserve for Emcumberances #221 Paving Notes -Citizens Bank #222 " Sewerage System #223 " Outstanding Check -Police Department #230 Bonds Payable #231 Bond Coupons Payable 1232 Revenue Bond Discount #240 Taxes Collected in Advance #290 Surplus -Unappropriated #297 a -Reappraisal 21 .t1 CHART OF ACCOUNTS n�vl.N�n+s #300 CMZTZAY LOT SALES a301 CONNECTION FEES -WATER 0302 CONNECTION iBES-SEWER #303 CONTRIBUTIONS. 0305 INSPECTION FEES 0310 INTEREST 0315 LABOR REFUNDS #320 LICENSES -OCCUPATIONAL 0322 LICENSES -DOG #325 MEMORIAL SALES 0326 FIRE PROTECTION PEES #330 MISCELLANEOUS 1335 POLICE FINES & FORFEITURES #336 COURT COSTS #340 RENTALS -BUILDINGS, ETC. #342 SANITATION FEES #35G SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS #354 TAXES -GASOLINE 1355 TARES -AD VALOREM 0356 TAXES -CIGARETTE #357 TAXES -FRANCHISE #358 TAXER -UTILITY #359 TAXES -ROAD & BRIDGE #361 WATER SALES #362 SEWER SERVICE CHARGES U WATER DEFARTMT-HYDRANT RENTAL CfIp1iT OF ACCOUNTS M(PANDITURESt 7O ADyZRTISXNO '0702 AUDITING $705 CAPITAL OUTLAY-AUTQMMVE 0707 CAPITAL OUTLAY -BUILDINGS AND PARKS 0708 CAPITAL OT LAY-EQUIPMkM AND TOOLB #709 CAPITAL OUTLAY-FURNITURZ AND FIXT WG 1710 CAPITAL OUMY�-LAND #711 CAPITAL OUTI.AT-SEWERA(M PLANT AND COLLECTION SYSTEM 0712 CAPITAL OUTLAY -STREETS AND SIDEWALKS 0714 CAPITAL OUTLAY-itAT'ER PLANT ARID DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 0716 CAPITAL"OUTLA`l-PATMENT ON DEBT 0720 CONTINCEMIES 9724 ELECTIONS #726 EQUIPMENT AND REPLACM03T CONTRIBUTION #728 EQUIPMENT RENTAL #730 EXPENSES -CITY MANAGER #731 EXPENSES-=NCIL/MteYOS 732- #735 FINANCE SENSE-1UTER FUND LOANS #741 INSURANCE -HOSPITALIZATION #742 INSURANCE -LIABILITY -FIRE 6 E.C. AUTmIOrm b EQUIPMENT #743 INSURANCE -SOCIAL SECURITY (FICA) #744 Insurance -Surety Bonds #745 INSURANCE-UVE1 1EN I S COMPENSATION #747 INSURANCE -GROUP LIFz #730 INTEREST #751 LAKE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT #752 LIBRARY #754 LEGAL #760 MAINTENANCE -BUILDINGS #761 is -EQUIPMENT #762 " -FURNITURE AND FIXTURES #763 " -METERS #764 #765 " -PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS " -RADIOS #766 1P -TANK CONTR20TS (WATER) #767 " -VEHICLES #768 MINOR EQUIPMENT #780 MISCELL9NEUUS ClLQT'OD ACC0UNT8 0784 PENSIONS 0786 JIUBLICITY-CL MBBIt gDCOMMMS #788 RECORDING FEES #790 RMITAGS-ONPICEB #800 BALAEIES-ATTORNEY #802A to -CITY CLERK 0802E " —STENO SECRETARY > 0803 —AUDITORIUM SUPERVISOR #804 �• �"CORMLLER #806 " 'MANAGER #808 If —MAYOR AND COUNCIL 1810 #811 of —DIUMDR qF COMCMTX SERVICES Is #812 to —ASSISTANTND DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES/WATER DEPT.—SUPERVISOR #813 AVOLUNTEERS/WATER DEFT.—FORE.tOEN #81k —WATER SERVICE SUPERVISOR " —WATER mETER READER #816 " —CUSTODIAN AND JANITOR 0817 0818 " --POLLUTION CO2iTROL OPERATOR'S " #819 —JUDGES _ MAINTENANCE MECHANIC'S #820 n —LIFE GUARDSONTROL #821 ° -LABOR #822 ° —MECHANICS #824 " —PARES AND GEMETERy —PATROLMEN #827 " —POLICE € cadets #828 °i —POLICE CHIEF #830 " —RADIO OPERATORS #831 #832 " —I IMAL CONTROL " 0834 —SANITATION " —STREETS S STORM SEWER MAINTENANCE #836 37 rr—STXZ=S—CLEANING r, if 0888 Is AND PART TIME —OVERTIME 0850 SIDEWALK REPAIRS #853 SPECIAL AFFAIRS #856 SUBSCRIPTIONS #859 SUN. = PROGR HS CWAT Or ACCOWS ZXPDM 662 SUPPLIES-ClU.0RIVE 0864 -,LAMORATM 0868 -OFFICE #871 -MATERIALS #874 -XISCEIJANEOUS )877 -PRISONERS #880 -STREET SIGNS 0890 TAXES --COUNTY #893 TAX WORK nES-ASSESSHENT AND COLT=TWNS-<wHTY 0894 TECHNICAL SERVICES 0896 TRAVEL AND SCHWLS #898 UNIFORM 1900 UTILITIES -ELECTRIC 1902 It -GAS 0004 It -TELEPHONE 0906 -WATER/SEIAM #908 FIRE HYDRANT RENTAL #910 VEHICLE MaTHSE-PETROLEUM PRODUCTS #911 It if -TIRES AIM BATTERIES 0920 CHRISTMAS GIFTS