2001-32 I'RINCII'ALS: . Gernld C. Hartman,I~E.. DEI; Hamid E. Schmith.Jr.. p.E.,l>Im James E. Christopher. P.E. Charles W Dl"dke.I!G. M:trK A. Rynninll,I!E.. MilA Mark I. Luke. P.S.M. William D. Musser.I!E. SENIOR ASSOCIATES: ~ï:~~h~rk~~~rcr-~'.(:. Roderick K. Cashe,I!E. L:twrenee E.Jenkins,I!S.M. . . HARTMAN & ASSOCIATES, JINCo engineers, hydrogeologists, surveyors & management consultants ASSOCIATF-~: November 12,2001 HAl # 00-007.18 D""II':tS I! Dufresne. P.G. Jon D. Fox.I!E. James E. Golden.I!G. Tnw E. 1.:l\'Ion. P.E. Andrewl:Woodénck. H. Gl"dot C. Malehnw. ~Iß,\ John I!Tuumey.I!E. WThom:ts Roherts.III, H. Mieh:tclll.llomar, P.E. M:trk A. Gahricl.I!E. Geor¡¡e S. Flint. M.I!A. Jennifer I.. Woodall, P.I:. I..li>dd Shaw.I~I:. Ms. Tamara Richardson, P .E. City of Clermont I Westgate Plaza Clermont, FL 34712 Subject: City of Clermont Revised Proposal to Conduct Wetland Assessment for WUP Application No. 2478 Dear Ms. Richardson: Pursuant to your request, Hartman & Associates, Inc. (HAl) is pleased to provide you with a letter proposal to condu.ct wetland and surface water assessments required by the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) for completion of the City's Water Use Application (WUP). Following meetings between HAl staff and Mr. Lome Malo of SJRWMD in October 2001, the drawdown affects from the City's impacts OIl wetlands and/or surface waters within the Clermont 0.2 feet (ft), or greater drawdown zone. Thus, HAl presents this proposal to assess only those areas within the Ciermont drawdown zone. The following provides the proposed tasks to be conducted by HAL . I. . SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. HAl will coordinate with SJR WMD staff to locate and examine all wetlands and surface waters associated vlith Clermont's impacts and within the proposed 0.2 ft or greater Clermont drawdown zone. HAl anticipates this task will require the identification and enumeration of all wetlands and/or surface waters within Clermont drawdown zone as defined and depicted on maps by SJRWMD. 2. HAl will assess historical water level fluctuations of these wetlands and/or surface waters. This will be accomplished through the utilization of Geographic Information System (0 is) resources and historical aerial photography. 3. HAl will create a map depicting drawdown contours overlain on a 2000 Digital- Ortho-Quarter-Quad (DOQQ) aerial photograph with the subject wetlands and/or surface waters. 4. HAl will classify and map wetlands and surface waters based on characteristics and function. The map will be provided in the final assessment report. 201 EAST PINE STREET. SUITE 1000 . ORLANDO, FL 32801 TELEPHONE (407) 839-3955 . FAX (407) 839-3790 . www.consulthaLcom ORLANDO FORT MYERS PLANTATION JACKSONVILLE DESTIN . . . . . Ms. Tamara Richardson, P.E. November 12,2001 Page 2 5. At each subject wetland and/or surface water, HAl will field examine and delineate relative elevations of distinct biological zones as defined by sui Is and dominant vegetation. This task will be completed by two (2) HAl staff field ecologists. Additionally, HAl will conduct all necessary research to obtain Minimum Surface Water Level information relative to the Eco-region of Clermont. HAl staff will apply this information as required by SJR WMD staff to the drawdown data to assess affects on subject wetlands and/or surface waters. 6. HAl will establish and record (survey) at each subject wetland and/or surface water, the Normal Pool (NP) and Seasonal High Wetland Elevation (SHWE). 7. In conjunction with the Minimum Surface Water Level Data, HAl will characterize the possible impacts that may occur based on how the predicted changes in elevation will impact the biological zones and the SHWE and NP elevations within the subject wetlands and/or surface waters. The impacts will be characterized as follows: . No Harm . A Small Potential for Harm . Potential Harm . Definite Harm 8. HAl will prepare and submit a complete assessment report to SJR WMD staff. HAl will coordinate with SJR WMD to assure that the report contains necessary information for finalization of the WUP application. II. LIMITING ASSUMPTIONS 1. If SJRWMD staff requires assessment of additional wetlands and/or surface waters beyond the cumulative impact zone, a revised proposal may be necessary. 2. This proposal does not include monitoring costs. Monitoring requirements will be confirmed following results of wetland and surface water assessment and subsequent SJRWMD staff review. At that time, HAl will then submit a proposal to the City of Clermont for monitoring. III. COMPENSATION Client agrees to pay for the ecological services described and developed in accordance with the upset fee of $41 ,500.00, including $1,000.00 in reimbursable expenses. Compensation for the desçribed services will be charged on an hourly rate based on the Hourly Rate Schedule and applied to the upset fee in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of our existing agreement with the City of Clermont. Tasks outside the Scope of Services in Section I will be conducted as an additional service only with the City's authorization. Please return an . . . . Ms. Tamara Richardson, P.E. November 12,2001 Page 3 . executed copy of this proposal for our files arid to serve as authorization for HAl to proceed with these services. HAl appreciates the opportunity to provide you with this proposal and looks forward to working with you on this project. Please contact Sean Parks if you have any questions regarding the proposal or require additional information. ~~~~ Witness ~~ () ð(ç¡ Ci"-7A«")- Witness d~~ Witness ., SMP/jev/slm/OO-OO7. I 8/corresp/Richardson.smp C: Chuck W. Drake, P.G., HAl Ada Terrero, HAl Frank J. Gidus, HAl Very truly yours, Hartma~ Associates, Inc. 4{ Se M, Parks Scientist City of Clermont ~ - nzed Signature ø ,;;27; 0 / Date