2001-08 - ,~ '. . . . < , , , R-c:.~ 0+ C\-erfV\~-+ . I m.1I 00111 001 01 1m II 001 01 01111100 II 010 00 III 10 01111001 . em 2001057436 A t" A ..ftOOK 01962 PAGE 2344 - 2347 nnexa Ion greemelb'ATE: 06/19/2001 11:33:09 AH JAMES C. WATKINS, CLERK OF COURT LAIŒ COUNTY This agreement is entered into this 10th day of Ap~~~~~!J~etween the following: City of Clermont, 1 Westgate Plaza, P.O. Box 120219, Clermont, Florida (hereinafter called the "City"), and Chancery Lane, Ltd., 145 North Third Street, Danville, Kentucky 40422 (hereinafter called the "Developer"). The City agrees to annex certain property (hereinafter called the "Property") as described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof and to provide to said property water, sewer, police, and fire services. . Since a development plan for the Property is nearing final approval by Lake County, the City will honor the site plan/commercial subdivision plan as approved by the County so long as approval is obtained within 30 days. In addition, Chancery Lane, Ltd. or its successors, lessees, or assigns shall be allowed to develop out parcel #2 as a convenience store without obtaining a conditional use permit from the City so long as permitting with the City and County has commenced within 60 days and is completed within 120 days. Owner commits as a covenant running with the land, that the gas station/convenience store on out parcel #2 will not be open to the public from midnight to 5:00 am. County landscape standards shall apply to the open space/utility access/stormwater tract as identified on the site plan prepared by Farner Barley and Associates and . dated November 17, 2000. . ., . j . . . . . meal: 01962 PAGE 2345 With the exception of the use allowed on out parcel #2 as described above, all development on the out parcels shall conform to the City's land development regulations and all construction plans shall be reviewed and approved for construction by the Clermont Site Review Committee. As a condition of the annexation, Chancery Lane, Ltd. and all successors, lessees, or assigns, agree to pay all City impact fees for the development of all four (4) of the out parcels. The property shall be developed in accordance with the site plan/commercial subdivision plan as prepared by Farner, Barley and Associates and dated November 17, 2000. .,/ The agreement is a binding contract, entered into by Chancery Lane, Ltd. and the CITY freely and with consideration, and may be enforced by Chancery Lane, Ltd. or the CITY in any court of competent jurisdiction, or by any other method agreed to by the parties or allowed by law. ATTEST: CITY OF CLERMONT C)-~ ~ ATTEST: CHANCERY LANE, L TO. 'v:~&~ Æ€NE/2.~ L 1"'1(..,. N' Iii'~ , . '. . .:' .' . OR.I{ 01962 PAGE 2346 . KEAlTGlCl<'¡ STATE OF KaRIDA COUNTY O:f1. ^ J(~ ßðYI..B (I... The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this J. t..I day of 1'1 A Ý ,2001 by /vi E:At¿£ ~. (! ¿ A At ~, , /?, Name (!) c.IVE'A.Jf¿ PA~JVS {.., for CHANCERY LANE, LTD. Title . Who is personally known to me or produced as identification, did/did not take an oath and executed the forgoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed. -!¿tv ~ ~ Nota!)'. Public V:;.. : LM t! I( ~Ý,Fo~ssionExpires: $-3/~,t 0 .:C' , .'.'- :<.-. - /. .'). ',', '.-- , -: . ; .") , --= '..,.. ,....' ,- "......' .. I , ..- .', , . .. ...- ' . .. , .' '.... \ ,'....... .' .c' " .,~L. . "." ",,0 . O. . "".. . ~ ~ . . . '.' ~> ;,:".~; "',: . ,;." , ., . .' " ,. . . .' . . 5613679887 HRLVORSEN 178 P02 FEE 21 '01 15:19 OR.K 01962 PAGE 2347 . EXHIBIT IIAII LEGAL DESCRIPTION . . A PARŒL (E LAND L "'"0 .THIN A Pœl1ON Of' TRACTS 37 AND 38. IN. SECl1ON 9. TOVfSHIP 23 SOUtH. RANCE 26 EAST, MON1E VISTA PARI< fARMs. ACCORDING TO DiE PLAT lHEREOf, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2. PAGE 27, PUSUC RECORDS Of LAKE COUN1Y. FLQRIOA. AND BEING MORE PARl1CULARl Y 0ESCRI8£D AS FOU,aws: COMMENCE AT 11£ SOUTHEAST CORNER Œ TRACT .... WHl1tHAU. AT kINGS RIDGE PHASE I, AS RECORDED IN PlAT BOOK 40. PAGES 75. 78 AND 77, PUlUC RECORDS OF ~E COUNTY. nœOA¡ 1HENŒ RUN N88.42'œ.w 25.00 FEET: 'THENCE SOCM8'4Q.W 285.56 FEET; 1HENŒ N8r4rœ-W , 50.00 fEET; 1HENŒ socn 8'.ww 2SO.OO FEET TO 11£ EAST-WEST IIO-SEC11ON LINE OF' SECTION I; THENCE ALONG SAIO MID-SECl1CH UNE RUN N89'42'O5" 85.93 f1ET; 1HENŒ PERPENDICUlAR TO Af(JlQM) UNE RUN socn7'55'" 50.00 FEET to 1HE PaNT OF SECINNIHC¡ 1H£NCE PNf.Al11='I .m AFORESAID MlD-SEC'OON LN: RUN N88.42'OS.W 8.38 FEET, WORE OR LESS. TO 11£ NORTHEAS'ÆRLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE: OF U.5. HIGHWAY 27; 1H£Nœ ALONG SAID RlGHT- Œ-WAY UNE RUN SOU'УA$TERLY TO 1HE SOU1H UN[ OF TRACT 38; 1H£Nœ AlONG tHE SOUtH UNE OF TRACT 38 AND lRACT 37 RUN EASTERt. y TO A PQNT lHA T BEARS socnTSS-W OF THE POINT OF BEGINNING: 1HENCE RUN NOO"'558E TO tHE POINT OF BEQNNING. . \'(ð9.9"e 1 \\\\s 9.\\~ 9.\\~ " \\\e \\\1 \. 1\\e \\~S\)\e\\\ \~ aot.\\'(ðe\\ is e\\\\t \ø\\\~ ot \\\e of " . . . . . -==::... -= ~ ~ AThTWireless -=== ~ 2729 Prospect Park Drive Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 February 19, 2003 Via Certified Mail City of Clermont, Florida 1 Westgate Plaza Clermont, Florida 43711 Re: Termination of Site Lease Agreement (CI-029/Lake Minnehaha/Ballfield) Dear City of Clermont, Florida: According to our records, the above referenced site has not been constructed and is not currently active. This letter is submitted as formal notification of our intent to terminate the Site Agreement between The City of Clermont, Florida ("Landlord") and AT&T Wireless ("Tenant") for this site. Per the Agreement dated June 14, 2001, termination requires ninety (90) days written notification. As a result, you will receive rent payments of $1 ,248.00 for March, and April, and a prorated payment through May 19, 2003. Please note, in the event our records have not been updated and the site has been built, please contact me immediately. It is not our intent to terminate any sites already constructed and on-air. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to reach me directly at 561-775-4368. Thank you for leasing with AT&T Wireless. Sincerely, j!.( vMJ.y¿~ Vicky Beccia Property Specialist AT&T Wireless Lease Management ". h. . I @ Recycled Paper &1:;;;~