2002-30 .' . . . . .. . 5~ SUBAQUEOUS ~l:r\'I((~,i!~(. . Via fax 352-394-3542 March 14,2002 Ms. Tamara Richardson CITY OF ClERMONT Engineering Department I Wesqaœ Plaza Clermont. FL 34712 HE: CENTER LAKE MUCK REMOVAL Dear Ms. Tamara Richardson: Please find attached a signed agreement for the Center Lake Muck Removal ProjeCt. Please sign and fax back. Also attached are the: results of the soil sample from Center Lake for you information. We look forward to working for you. ~- LANCE W. YOUNG Vice-President lWY/lkm Enclosures 5:\lIID5 A MAIhCO1NG\IIIOS OII'I\100z\CIIy '" a.:m-t. 0- 1M.. Muck R--'\aIl'K1l1.AICF. MUCIC R~M()VAl FINAI..)'OI"O2. 'flUI 1(,::'1" I\n:11I 1 r'llfl bllll.'n,bk. fl,lHH 11,154 5tU 28W 1 h\x' 95't 5t\'1 rOil -;:~¿¡,? ~ ..' . . . .. . . BID FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT, CENTER LAKE MUCK REMOVAL Date: February 26, 2002 SUBMITTED TO: Ms. Tamara Richardson City of Cermont 1 Westgate Plaza Clermont, FI 34712 lMcnoiption of Work Subaqueous Services, Inc., (hereinafter SSI) will perform the scope of work as outlined in the Customer's Request for Proposal, and Sea Systems Corporation Drawings dated February 25,2002, attached hereto and Incorporated herein. The dredging will be performed utilizing a hydraulic excavator and a flexi-float barge system. All dredged material will be loaded into the barge's hopper and transported to re-handling areas, where the material will be stored and maintained at a location approved by the Owner on the Lake's adjacent shoreline. At these locations, the dredged material will be re- handled into trucks to be transported to a final destination site. The final destination site may be either a site that is located on SR SO approximately three (3) miles from the Lake and is owned by Fox Hill Builders, Inc., or a site to be provided by the City of Clermont within five (5) miles of Center Lake. ,In the event that the CIty of Clermont provided disposal site is used, the dredged material will become the Oly of Clermont's responsibility once deposited. Identification of any I all Subcontractors No subcontractors will be utilized at this time. Insurance lJeQuiremenls Certificates of Insurance evidencing our coverage are attached hereto; wherein, we have named the Customer as certifICate holders to our current policies. Written F.y~S l. 2. The owner will provide all necessary permits. In the event of a misunderstanding or conflitt betWeen the terms and conditions stated in the plans and specifications, this contract shall govern. . 3. 551 shall .prOVided with suitable access to .WOrk area. 551 shall undertake its work within 30 days and proceed continually through prOject completion. SSI shall not be liable for any failure to undertake or complete work due to causes beyond Its control, including but not limited to: fire; flood, or other casualty; labor diSputes; accidents; and the Acts of God, whether indirectly affecting this work or other operations in which SSI is involved. It is expressly agreed that there are no promises, agreements or understandings not set out in this agreement. Any subsequent cancellatiOns, or modifications, must be mutually agreed upon in writing. The dty reserves the right to cancel the contract if it becomes apparent that the objective of the project cannot be met. The contractor will be paid in a prorated basis for work completed. The contractnr will maintain roadlway access on west Avenue and St1l Street throughout the projeCt duration. Access to the site shall be at the intersection of Juanita and west Avenue. 4. s. 6. 7. References. Illustrations A list of multiple references, completed projects and/or illustrations will be given to Customer upon request. ØØBJI ~anON SSI will mobilize dredging equipment and barges thirty (30) days after reœipt of Notice to Proceed from Owner. . ImA., ~TED 1IME 10 COMPLETE PROJECT: Option i: 90 Calendar Days . . . . . $C:HEDULE OF BID PRICES . OP110N 1 112m Item Description Est. Qty. Unit UnltPrtce Total Priœ No. Collect, Haul and Disposal of .. 1 all dredged material to reduce 35,000 CY $10.00 $350,000.00 the final lake bottom elevation to 83.7 feet. Re-grading and restoration of 2 previously stDdcplled maœrial, 1 L5 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 as-builts, surveying, ~nd re- enalneerina. TOTAL PROPOSAL AMOUNT $375,000.00 -. PAYMENT SCHEDULE The customer will be billed on the 2'1" of each month, with payment due for billing on the 10'" of the following month. For. City of Cermont o?- rQ I IlArvnJe. -MD.¿j ~í 03 ~/'-oJ... DATE DATE 5;\11105 'I'IAIUŒ:TING\IIIOS ~ øI aø- . ow ~ MUaI-.-alfTfII LNæ P!UCt 1IfI'IOVAI. nlW.J-eHI2.CIOC . . Envirodyne Inc. Page -L- 01 L c» .- . 4805 NW 2nd AV8ß1.9 . SOC, Ralon, Fl 33431 f (56f) 9(19.5225' Flit (56'J 919-6204 g .... CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD AND ANALYSIS REQUEST PROJECT NUtABER PROJECT NAME P'Q NUMBER SAMPLE PRESEfN'TNE / C ~l1f~,. Lo..ke. T'tPE IIIIIII PROJECT LOCA'TION l/!jj ~~/ ï:i ïiiJ !::_w.., C'1-"i of C lermON+ FL OLIEHT NAME' CLIENT ADDFE8S ' ~u~ «~.o&.t J 0((1 F, ~ IE. /~~o/!~¡,Ir//~. ~ PHONE 791.. f/tN-s,~r Servttes fA)( SAMPLE INFORMATION I 1 31111o~ Dt-e ctlf .e MQIerA.1 r/ .I Ii r/./ V ~" O(A.~ 2 3/1 '1-/0 Z 3 ~W" I1j 4 1fJ1l/( 5 AI ~~~~.., .. "'~"... - ~... ~ 6 7 8 I 10 &AMPl.E COlLECfEÐ ev ARE THESE SAMPLES LISTED OR OfARACTERlST1C HAZARDOUS WASTE? eYES (J NO . TOTAL OF ALL ARE THESE SAMPLES FROM () PETROLEUM 0 DRY CLEANER OR a cmtER SITE? COlfI'AßtERS s 9Ð "E~RT 'R) (pEflSON) .~HEO frf '. Dl'1£ TIME . RECEIVED By . DQ'"E' m,E LaNte. MI. Vfu.a"¡' 3AJ/6~ 1'--;;;;/ L- d ~ ~ 3hJÆz. 10.'00 1 10: (JD BAMl'lES COHaTIO" I tNT7tet" 8 4 L.OQ MAoIBM <002/0322.4 5 6 . . 8. - .... a þ !E ì -< i!r ~ ... ~ . - - ,. Jt: 2 (S) UJ "- ... :- "- (S) N ... ... :- 111 ]) ..... . == ... " (S) ~ ""l1lI C8 a S - '" J: ~ . ; .. . . 03-14-2002 II :ZIAU FROHNV I RODYNE 5&1-8.8-5204 T-&25 P.OO3/00S Hr. . Envirodyne Inc" 48D6 N. W. 2nd A.,... IIM:."" R. 33U 1 567-sB9-ti2Z6 ....~net CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS &IÞaq\Ico1lS Sav1ca [O)IR1AIfY Report: 2002103224 42011Ceaa RoI4 Fe. LawScnIalc, FL !œl' Sample No: 2002103224- 1 Attaation: LaDce W. YOllllC PÞtJaI: cear.er L8Iœ a--. PI. CoIkœJd by: Yaar 1tqIracaIIdw: ~ em: 03/11102 SAMPLE ID: DraIce M8terial R.ccciYcId aD: 03/13102 p A1tA1IBTBR RESULT ftiU. DOl) DL URrl'S DATE ADLYS'l' "Solids 1.8 D221e ,., 03/1 3/02 MHA Arsenic, T.C.loP. BDr. 1311/6010B 0.d60 mGIL 03/14/02 MHA Barium, T.C.L.P. DOL 1311/60108 2.0 mglL 03/14/02" MHA Cadmium. T.C.L.P. BDL 1311/60108 0.0050 mg/L 03/14102 MHA . Chromium, T.C.loP. BDL 1311180108 0.10 mg/l 03/14/02 MHA Lead, T.C.L.P. BÐL 1311160108 0.015 mglL 03/14102 MHA Selenium. T.C.l.P. BDL 1311/60108 0.050 mglL 03/14/02 MHA Silver. T.C.L.P. BDL 1311160108 0.10 maIL 03/14102 MHA Mercury, T.C.loP. ""0 1311n474 0.00050 mgIL Copper "5.8 80108 5.8 mg/kg DSn 3JO2 YJC Nickel BDL 6O10B 5.6 mgllca 03/1 3102 VJC pH 5.7 90458 DH Units 03/13102 JMJ . Analysis PerfOJmed ja ACCOI'daDÐe WIt E.P.A.. Mc:dIods LåoI8ry CatiIiadoø No. 8861a OAIOC am -~ -~ '-IIIIH DL-Df8aIen ..... 1 SØØ'd ~SÞ:TT ZØ/ÞT/EØ '. ; . . 03-14-2002 II :ZIAM F ROHNY I RODYNE 561-881-5204 T -625 p. 004/005 F-174 . Envirodyne Incø 4BIJ5 No W. 2IId A- IIf1W .... FL 3343 1 561.989-5225 .".,...061111 utll."", CERTIPICA TB OF ANALYSIS Sub8queous Semces 4201 KcaD Road Ft. Uudcrdalc. FL 33314 [Q)IPaAlFli Prqioct: CeaIIr lab aem.cmt. PI. ~R: 2002103224 Sample No: 2002J0322A- I Attention: LaDee W. Y OIIIIC SAMPLE ID: Dredp Maf8i81 I'AlI.-... bJ: YOIIJ' D I --:we ean...t am œn llG2 ItIahaI em: œ/13/œ DIU: of ADIlylÌl: 01/1!11O2 DIIe of EmzåoD: O3/13m 8310 POL YNUaEAR AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS P ARAIŒ"rKR 1ŒBt1LT DL uau. :nJ A8L yft Acenaphthene BDL 3 . 3 1£9/kg SJM Acenaphthylenc BDL 3.3 p.g/kg SJM Anthracene BDL 3.3 p.g/kg SJM Bet\z.o(atanthracene ~L J.3 JlS/kg SJM . Benzo(b)fluor8nrhent 1m%, 3.3 ¡lg/kg SJM Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BDL 3.3 ¡lg/ks SJM Benzo(k)ffuoranthene am. 3.3 l.g/kg SJM 8enzo(a)pyrene JmL 3.3 ugl~ SJM Chrysene JmL 3.3 ¡lg/kg SJM Dibenzo(a.h)amhracene BDL 3.3 l.g/kg SJM Fluoranthene Eœ 3 . 3 £g/kg SJM Ruorene Jm. 3.3 p.g/kg SJM Indenot1 ,2,3-c.d)øvrene BDL 3.3 Jig/kg s.JM 1-MethyinaphthaJene 120 3.3 1l9/kg SJM 2-Methylnaphthalene 88 3.3 l.g/kg SJM Naphthalene 19 3.3 lg/kg SJM Phenanthrene BDL 3.3 p.g/kg SJM Pyrene BDL 3.3 l9/kg SJM . Au1}'1Ï1 Pertonœd in A.ccoIdIIIœ \Vida EoP.A. MCIbDck 1..\110,." CcnIIcadoII No. _la 2 ~ ~ eA- &.I8IIf DL-OI8cdI8 LIIIIIc LØØ'd ~s~:tt ZØ/~t/EØ . . . \ . . . . 03-14-2002 II :21AY FROIHNV I RODVNE 661-888-5204 T-'25 P.OD5/0DS F-m En virodyne Inc. 4IJØ5 N. W. 2nd AVWIW BIICII .fØII, R. 33431 561-SIJ9.5225 ødynø@lalnxrtll..IJ8f CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS SUbaqueous Services 4201 Kam Road Pt.1.IudcrdaIe. FL 33314 [õ)(Rl~[¡sf RqxHt: 2002103Z1A Sample No: 200210322.4- 1 AttendaD: Laaœ W. Yoaug Project: Cea. Lab CImmmt. R. Co11a:ted by: Yaar RqxaaIadvc CoD~"" œ: 03/11102 ReceMd on: 03/13102 SAMPLE JD: DraIce Material Daa: of AIIal)'IÌS: 03113102 Dare of ExtøaioD: O3/131œ FL.PIlO TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS PARAKB'I'BR Petroleum Range Organics Hydroc8rbon Runge USOLT 110 C8-C40 DL~B AIDLL YS'!' 10 nø/kø MLD MLD Analysis containød herein conform to EPA. SlandðrCl Me1hodl and DEP approV8d method. per Envirodyne Comprehensi'lO Quality Assurance Plan No. 890041. SuÞeomneted analyses 118 denol8d by aeniflcatfon numÞ8r in the analyst COlUmn. AD relevam quality aiSUrll1C8 samples were wilhin specified contrOl limits unless otherwise ..ted. Uncertainties for œst results are avlllable upon rsquat.. Envirodyne certifies its 1IeSt results meet III requirements of the NElAC Standards, ~ applicable. For questions. pl8ÆIse caD tfte ptOject mlNlge' It the numb., nated /IboV8. This is the last peg. 011118 reporr.. See Þoaam at ..... for toI8I ....... Project Manager QualIty Assun nee Director ADalysis &:'fuuaal hi Aamd8Dœ Øh E.P.A. MCIIhock WIIonlGl7 C8nif1GMio8 No. ,.h.. OAIOC RLYiew ìbt.~8I1awn -.~ !L- DI8cdn I.I8k 3 A~.rl H~~:TT 7~/~T/Ç~