2002-28 . Audio Visual Innovations ~ 995 West Kennedy Blvd, Suite 3S Orla.ndo, FI. 32810 Tel: 407-786-5000 TolJ-f~ee: 877-550-6205 Fax: 407- 786-5033 www.ayi.il1c,com .pgarvin@ayiinc,col11 .. _II' Audio Vi~uar .. T Innovations Your Source For Being Seen And Heard. Audio Visual ¡""ovations is " team of highly II'aifted and motivated professionals wh(J are leaders i" the oudiovisllal indu.ftry. A. VI p,'oyides superior product,f and sel'vices to variQUS markets. g7Jol'anteeing the .fucce,f,f. ,fatisjaction and respect .of our intel'nul and external cu,ftome"s. . Fax ~. To: Jane Warren Fax: 352-394.1452 Phone.: 352-394-4081 x-300 He: New Council Chambers From: Peter S. Garvin Pages: 7 (Including cover page) Date: 6/4/2003 CIC: . Comments: . Jane, Here is some of the paperwork requested.. There is a complete set of CADD drawings explaining the operation of the system designed for this project that were delivered at one of the meetjn.gs we had. If you need. a copy of these, I could send them to you. The original contract agreement for this project was with. Tim. McNicholas and C,T.HSU. The actual PO came from The City ofClennont. .Hope this helps. ~ Peter S. Garvin Systems Integration Group Audio Visual Innovationg All Major Professional Brands of Audio Visual Equipment Sales, Rental, Repair, Design & Installation and Multimedia Presentations Atlanta I Dallas I Ft. Lauderdale I Jac~90nvllle I Maryland/DC I Orlando I Tallahassee I Tampa I Virginia . . . . JUL. .l.CIaIaC ~'::HMI'I q~",t:~",':1~ . I"IU. ~1O.j t'". .1 [9J . C.T. HSU + ASSOCIATES, P.A. ARCHITECTURE- PLANNINfJ I( LANDSCAPE -,NTER,OR DESIGN ORLANDO I LOS ANGELES FAX COVER SHEET Number err Pøge(.) InollleJing thr. Cover Sheet: 2 Date: June 28, 2002 Clermont CIty Hall To: Audio Vlsuallnnovationa 658 Douglas Avenue, Suite 1108 Altamonts Spring., Florida 32714 Mlrla Cody 407,786.5000 407.786.5033 Attention: Voice No. Fax No. Project: Prcjecn No.: 9903.00 $.,bfect: Propo..' If enclosures not at noted. plsa.8l nollfy us immÐdistl1y Attached Is the proposal for your signature. Note that it has been revised to a not to exceed amount per City of Clermonfs request. Please call if you have any questions. Tim Attachments: proposal Copies to: Mark Gordon (407)482-4060 [with enclosures] ¡- File lPF) - By: Tim McNicholas AlA The inform8lion oanllllned in IIi. faasimil' transmissIon maybe oo,,"dentlllol intOlmatian. It Is int.nded OI\I~ for the uae of the Ind1\lldual Dr enlfty named above. II you are nOl 'he intendad recipient Dr " VVU "8\19 nlcei\llld 1hls øommunlo8!lon In srror, pl.- nolHy us by teløph0f18 at till number billow. ANY OISTRIBUTlON OF THIS M598AGE IS PFIOHIBIT&Þ, Ø)IC8 St by 'he intended rec;ipient. 820 IRMA AVENUE ORLANDO, FL 32803 US.. <407423..0098 FAX 41 407 423-4193 LICENSE N M.O 001 a 122 J UL. 1. ~lðlð~ ......-- "'--" ~:~7RM 4074234793 1'40.393 P.2 . . . C.T. HSU & ASSOCIATES, P.A. Proposal for Audio Visual Design Services Thil agreement made and entered into between C.T. HSU & Associates, P.A. and Audio VlIUrli Innovations. Inc. hereinafter called AVI, shall describe all Of the servtcee to be provided by AV!. ~V vAil provIde Del'gn end Engineering sef\lices for the new Ct'tembers føcllltyfor the City of Clermont, which includes a 150.seat auditorium divisible with 1 training room, anti the lobby areas. Arel. to be addressed under this contract will Include the following: . Analysis Of RequIred Cepabllhles . DIsplaylPrajecUon Systems Recommendations and Demonstrations . Di'plll)' Sourœs & Teaching Aida . SWitching, Routing & Distribution Syatem. . Conduit & Pøwsr Requirements . Presenter's Comrcl . Recorde"-s Control . Miçrophone and Sound 8)'Btems AVf wnl provide design and englnllrlng services at the follawlng rates: . Engineerfng. Design. Specification Writing $85.00 per hour . CADlDraftlng $85.00 per hour . AVI wiIIl<Mp accurate hours of the time inva/Wld end submit invoices on a manttlly basis. ~t ÎI 1M' DGUm'¡lti1'~ "'.1 "'e eeNiees 1I1!18I'iI!Jed WJtthi.. tAil ~e,"ep\1 ....11 RI' .eee" 11,199, .r 89 h8tf18 at In.. :~ =.~=~=:~'=:= 8NI 8tJr !I~, .;.0 ~~. "Vi "ill rlotlPy e:f. I law .. AH9C:iatGs.,PA IMmlMlialeJy fer yew, AlVisw. ÑI't" ~ 1(iet!J .ø. ~ ~I Iþ AVI will reimburse the de6ign fe8 to the customer If A VI is awarded the audiovisual build ~n of thIs project. Ust of Deliverabll. . Delailed Scope of Work . General SpecificatIons . System Block DiøgrBms . FaCIlIties Related Drawings . Recommended Equipment List . Detailed Cost Summary It 18 our estimation that the 8ervrces listed within this contract WIll reQUire 60 daY' to complete. ~18 estimation I. based on providing services dur1ng normal businGSs hours. If the projeçt is suc~ that ~ ~III require design services during hours other than nonnal business hours, the hourly rates detailed WIthin this centred may be subject to change. In witness whereof, the pertles hereto have executed this agreRrnent . DF..C 06 2002 . . p.2 PURCHASE ORDER 002498 fH/. NUMB"A MUST' AIOP.AA ON :~I~ï.':rJ~~~~~NC'r;' p ~Nc~8g: "-"---"'-"'--'-.. '.0"0""""-""""""""""""-"""""",, ......-... """"""."""'- ., ---'-'-"- "'-'.-....--.....-.-..,........-.. ""...................-........ .... -"-..........---...".."........--.----...-.,.-.......,.....,-.".0.-." .. ~1'0... PIÆAle EllTEII DUll GnDrR FOR TMrpOt.LDI'IINII -'10" INI"'II AI III"KT!OI ........-...-.....-.. .-. _v.Þ..J..9.....ý!...:?.t..tð..h. ."!..Q.;?'I~~~'JJ'.w._. ...:._....~._....,._.......__._.. - "-""'-""'1'.'.'- ...-..-..---........+.....-...- ............-. ...().aJ!ß.~.Q..~:.....l\I~Q~..Œí-..!:ttkl/_...._...- .....-i--_.. _li.';.;.~4.L7, --~ 'm" .. ;.~..=~!\::~~~~~~ ~ æ.>.} ...--.....----t-------------t-- " --..-- -~!Oð.".~...o..~~--_..~.._.................................J:!(.~.J..~~...._.,"""""""""""'.""-r-"-.' """"."""""-""'1"""""" -.,-.. .:-'.-. - ..........-.-..-.--,.u...-..-...........--..-.---...-.................."....................,..........-....:.......-..........--..................' ..........---+.-......- ...........-...--.......t..-...,.... . I I ...--==- .. ~~===-=--===~~:===--=-==~=~~= =t-" -==I~ ...---...............- .... .... ..,"'P-IlJ:..~..~~~.._..1!!d ¡ thn.k..~t~~~~_.--.__....._.. _........~-...,.- ._......_.~_._- .........--........-1-.... ..., ,.. .....---... .. .....-G~._ici~.~~._.~_~f.~....~.~:,J~._~~,............,..............L......,....................:.........J......... ... .r~.........~.......;;!j..~.J..~ ~.c~_4~,¥>-J.e.,-1-~:.._-_......- ,....--L.---.. ----'--"-""- '............ ~ - J..... ClUANI'ITV DEICRIPTION e. CONDI'r1O1'8 GOO" llII. ....'" TO 0,"", I~"!CTION AND Al'l'I'IOYAL IF ,"IPM!NT WILL! OII.AVliD FDA A/II" "'MOil. AIIYIII UII.. MIIIIAttLY.ITIlTI ALL nil III_AllY "'CT1I. IV TO AIIO'D EARO~ OTIi .eCIPICA'nONi C,~RIEl'ULLY AND IP U'" "ILI,",~L....... O."'.AI_ITTlNNOT1"'UI""O~~"'. P0CC071184 "1IItm!Q IN US.& ~ . . ..'. .'.' ., UNI'",1Ct! '. -'"IJT -..- PUACHA"~JQ AGENT i ..... . . . . . . , '1', <\Ÿ"'~' .' ..;:.;',;¡:..:,...'.,.:~'..': .""""":"':':":""""" ""'.",::",:':"¡':i:~:/,::,.',':'::".i.::"::'::,:.i;.:.:..,,'.'"!.......:.:...;..:".~:.;n,,,;::,:"":..:"!)i:~::.:.'I:~:~:~,,)I:.~.,¡....,..:.~':~i' '.~\.\Ø.I"";.":';;:"'~::"":'..",;,'...: ~:"....:.~.:::.y',.,,;;:.....;.,..;:..,':'~.~...., . . . . City of Clen-nent Clennont, F1. 34712 ENGINEERING AND PREINSTAL.LATION Includin~ 1I1~quirctl de~iBn, dr3win8~. run ,hect~. in~lnIcl¡OI1 manuab, prognllnming, etc.. Alaa all fabrication. modi/icntion. uucmbfy, rack wiring, programming. efe.. some perfo.".,ed ~t ^ V c~n[r:lCI(\r'$ pl'emisu. INSTALLAT.JON Including all on-site inSlallafi(\n IInd wirinll. cnnrdinalinn and ,upcrv¡'ion, le"ing, checkoul, Owner lTai~inll. tic. pcrfl"""cd on the OWT1CT" premis...,. TRAVEL Ineludcs per diem, hotels. air fftre, IIlId other ITa~el relnlcll c~penscs. TOTAl, EQUIPMENT COST ineludeR cable.. eonn...clor't. hllnJ,.,ore. S,.,il.che,. "cla~, la.".,ioal block" plnela, cle.. t.o in lure n c:umplclc 3.nd operaling 5yaleM, GEN.E.RAL AND ADMINfSTRA TIVE 'ncluding all (j & A eltpen'es; bondl. ,hipping, in,ul1Inec nnd wlIlTantics. TAXES GRAND TOTAL WARRi\NTY One ycar pnrts alld labnr.. exclu,ivc from manuracturcr "'ArTllnlio, EXTENDED W¡\RRANTY SCHEDULE I ycar eJlt$!nded warrantv Sapphire Level Emerald Level Diamond Lcve'l ~ year extended wmruï Sa.pphire Level Emerald Level Diamond Level . 16-0ct-O2 5J7,7%0.00 $11.840.00 S1.S0S.00 $80,654.65 S7,O72.5Z 50.00 5JJ5.792.17 .Inelllded $7,749.37 $9,299.25 S 11,624.06 $10,074.18 ~- $12,399.00 $14,723.81 By intia.Jir.ing Ihe appropriate ~pace. customer ogrees to purchase the a.ppJicoble extended walTanty By Rigning below, customer declines the extended warral1ty option and a.Bree~ to the terms of A VJ'~ !ltandard 1 year warranty. Customer .DAI:e 'CitYOfClcrmont . . Clennont, Fl. 34712 rltm I. Mllnlllilatllrer Model Dclen lion Unir.Sell 1!~le~ded 11011 Proxima DP92!)0 LCD Pr<\ieelor $5.791.75 $5.791.75 1j..1...,n ftO.32S.0ft c.",~~ PII¡~I AI HV^ 53.907.7S SMI)7.7~ . ) Exrron ~O-~~ØBY MaÞix SI) $1.674.75 S1.674.7~ 4 ¡¡¡(lrOIl 60-391." Exlender WM (black) ~29?25 5191.7$ /I Extron ftO.490.01 IJAG-ltOlsIiV .J97a.7S $U5UO "."on 60-442-01 DVS 204 Seller $1.732.75 $1.7~2.7~ 7 Premier PBM-I~/il. Pl'\I.iccl/Ir Mourn U1i9.70 H69.70 A II l IjC LCD mov BK 15" LCD MonilOJ S5105 SM62.2!i 9 Mil.",bl.hi II~ IJ7<11 S VHS VCR 1198.65 SI?M!i 10 I Phillin~ I'RODVD 175 Prorenjonll DVD Plnyer 1648.1$ SIi4'.1S II Sony !);XC 390 3 LCD Color Video Camera $3.221.90 ~3.221.9(1 12 Sony VCI.614WBA C Mo\lnll,cn~ SI.957.50 $1.957.50 1:1 Sony CMA DUD2CE CnR", P,.,wer Supply USUS S256.6~ 14 Sony CCMC 12P2!i 2S Meier Can,era Cable $1<1$.00 SI4~.OO 15 PSR SDCM I Ceilin~ Camer, IJ.,. , I.S2Z.S0 .~ 1.S22.50 16 Draper 101005 I O' Dja~onnl ^"ce~F $one~ V S2.~4 .75 $V4I.7S 17 Draper 121007 I_ve 11/ LYC. Ctn1trol~ S207.~~ $207.35 IR "Mlrall (0('I-1?0.01 R~ck Mount Kil $9U~ $94.25 19 II RCA JeTS SDAY 4" Cube Spcnkcr$ $29.00 S~ I ?I)O 20 II Shlln: MX418SIC Goolenec" Mle wI Shock Mollnl 5272.60 S2,99R.60 . 21 2 Shure MX4 1 21)/C Oao9cI1cek Mie wi Tnble Slnnd :mO.ftO 5661.2(1 ZZ 9 Shure MXIIS Wired 1..:lYalier Microphone S2~MO U.IS6JB Z3 ScnI1c;PFCT BWI22A W;rel~~~ I-"y~lier Mieropho"o S~46.ð!i 5~46.6~ 24 17 T:Ullloy CM$SO-3D eompl 70V CciJiny, $peaker $142.1(1 $2.415.70 zS 2 PeR\'ÇY JPA7~TIJ 70V Power Amplifier .U/iS.40 S7~I1.RO 26 Peovoy IPAl5nT II 70V Power ^mpliOer J4C1(;,Ot) $~O6.00 17 X311~eh P^IZ3SX 12 Chnnnel powar ^Tl1plifier ~ I.J5A.fi5 S USUS %R 3 Gen"'.. 910-151.10' XAP 100 Audil 1\A31riJl Mi.er 54.7".1 ~ $H.211.4S 19 (ienille, 930-402-001 AI.8 PAckage TX.~ 7 II (4) Dlpllill $905.16 $905.16 30 Genlner 4 1iC1-4(12.0D I ALS Plnq"o $13.05 $13.05 31 Gtlllner 910-~02-0~O RÇ lOA Reehal'(!C"hle Bll Char~r sm.~s S~BI.JS n ø VOC BnlfCI)' A^ Jl.echArPC3ble tlnllcriu U.7(1 5G?1i0 33 8~l\hciR'cr OAIUS Rick Mollnl Kil $JP.I~ $39.1$ ]4 Senhei~~er ßWCl Filler Panel $10.15 $10.1~ '5 ~.nhoi~~er AIJI AI\~llnn 9(\(\~lor Module .'3Z6.2~ 5326.25 ,¡; Senhe;"".. AI031U P.~.,ivc Anlcn". $261.00 5261,1)(1 37 Cl'Clllrøn PRO 2 InlelC"l'~d ColllTOl FrAme S2.~IO.UO ~2.Cil 0,00 3ft c....,9LI'OII STX.17(1(1CW Color LCt> WI,ole!l.' C(\n"'~1 $3.62~,('I(I SM2,,"O . " CroP""'" C2 Cnm 3 J Pnrl RS 2n Curd '507.50 .'507.50 2 . Equipment . City of Clermont . . Clcnnnnt., FI. 34712 hem 01)'. MDn\1fDCIIlm Model DeReliplioll UnilScll "-"fended ~cll 411 1 C::n:~"t'" ~TRr:(",WX WirclCRR RP v.tew.y .~72S.DD .Ç12~.OO 4' Cremon LC IOOOlJW OB Complel B &. W Tolleh Screen $1,703.75 JI,7D3.75 42 Cre.'nan STVC Volwnc ConlTOl ~o~ $S4~.75 un" . 4~ CrellTVn CNf.I[!lt'clc Nelwork "i~!ri~"l/nn S217.~0 S:Z17.~D 44 Cre,l:IO" ('.N1'wg 15 "nwer Supply $JZ~.25 $326.25 45 CreRlron CNXRMAX Rlclc MOllnl.l(it S 108.7~ SI0~.75 4/\ P~"el ç",Ocr.' Cu.'llIm 2 G8n~ Inplll PIRIe ~181.2' S'4~.7S 4'7 14 Pn"el Cmncr~ C....tMl'l I Olnø !lIpnl 1'1111: ~ZI7.50 $3.045.00 48 Panel Craneu CUIIIJIIt 4 (inn ! In~"( Plate US~.75 S2S3. ." 49 Tri""lilc Stnln Pro 450 UPS .'295.80 $5~l.flO so Z F.T^ $Y.\lell1. I'D 1159 Power CCJI1dil.itlner S5ð~.50 $1,131.00 51 Middle Atl81t!ÎC WRK44J:l .... R,IJ Equ ~n\£ltl' Rick $797.50 SI.5'~.00 52 Middle AlI.nlio:. SrN 4<1) 12 Rack SideR $41)7.45 $401.~S 53 :z Middle ^,1.nl.;~ MW41'T Rick Top ror 4 ron, ~~Uo $69.60 54 Middle ^llnnlie Q,,^N RAek Top Pnn $~~.5S .Ç452.40 S5 ~ Middle ^dlmie Gllnl'd 1'1" OU1rd S,O~ UUO 56 Middle Mnnl;c 1)1} 44 I Copper Bu! BD< .~'OR.7S S217.~0 57 2 Middle ^lInntie PD 141 SC Power !'tnp $97.15 $1'14.30 58 Middle Mamie WLIII) Work I.ile $47.R$ S47.85 59 Middle /ll.IMI;c Il9H 45 CIIRI,,", lUck Shel~CR 591.~S S2'74.0~ \\0 Middle AI1lnric 1)1 RIck She" 53(\.45 $JO.4S 61 14 Middle Atlantic Ell I IRU RACk Blnnk Sl80 '81.20 . fiZ Middle Atlnnlic Eß2 2RU Rnek 1:111nk SPO $ðl .~o 63 4 Middle 1\11alllie evTI Veil' Pinel S7.2~ $Zg.OO 64 " I..itlle I.ile L 2/12 GoDRen;ek. Tn~k Ule SI4~,00 5I,S9~.00 65 Crell'on C2ENP"TI £lhcnlel Cnrd 1'0' I'ROZ S'O8.?~ $~08.'~ \\6 AVI Cu~1Q1YI Sy.lam D;Ril!ll Credit ($7.500.00) (.Ç7.S00.00) " $0.00 SO.OO II~ so.no $f),oo 69 $0.00 .JO.OO 1O SO.OO SO. no I\VI Mi~c. Mn",ri;ll~ SJ.160.'~ S3.160.1 ~ Equlpmc.nl S77,4'~.72 Male,IAI. $3,160.93 TDI.II S80,~S4.65 . 2 - EQulømenl