2002-27 . . . . LAW OFFICES . FOR D & H A R R ISO NLLP ( Jli'iIOP A LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP OF PROPESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS 300 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1300, Orlando, Florida 32801 Tel (407) 418-2300 Fax (407) 418-2327 www.fordharrison.com December 18, 2002 JAMES G. BROWN (407) 418-4342 jbrown@fordh:urison.com Robert D, Guthrie, Jr" Esq, Post Office Box 3026 Orlando, Florida 32802-3026 Re: City of Clermont Dear Mr, Guthrie: This letter confinTIs the terms of our representation of The City of ClenTIont in labor and employment matters, We look forward to working with you in connection with the City's legal matters, The remainder of this letter describes the basis on which our firm provides legal services, how we expect to be compensated for both our services and any expenses incurred on behalf of our clients, and how we maintain and administer our general billing procedures, I will have the overall responsibility for our finTI's representation of The City of ClenTIont. However, I may utilize other attorneys and paralegals as deemed necessary, It is our policy to assign responsibilities and tasks based on the degree of experience and expertise required for a particular component of the representation. We will make every effort to assign needed work and research to the most economical level while maintaining, at all times, the legal competence required, In every case, all legal work perfonTIed will be carefully mO:1itored lli.1d ~pprGv"~d by" onc üftliç, attO]11e~i5 ûftil~ :Gillie Our attorneys and paralegals have e-mail addresses for your convenience, You may also obtain more infonTIation about our finTI by reviewing our web site at www.fordharrison.com. If you choose to use e-mail to contact us or to provide us with infonTIation, we ask that you use all appropriate measures to safeguard your message and any attachments that accompany it. Your communications with us are usually protected by the attorney-client privilege unless third parties are copied or receive the infonTIation with your penTIission, Of course, we too will use appropriate care in communicating with you via e-mail. Our schedule of hourly rates for attorneys and other members of the professional staff is based upon years of experience, specialization, training and level of professional attainment. My hourly rate for public sector clients is $150,00 and to the exfent that other attorneys and legal ATLANTA · BIRMINGHAM · DENVER · JACKSONVILLE · LOS ANGELES · MEMPHIS · MIAMI · ORLANDO · TAMPA · WASHINGTON, D.C, · · · pecember 18, 2002 Page 2 . . assistants are involved, their hourly rates will vary, These rates are subject to change, generally on an annual basis, I would estimate that the rates of the attorneys and paraprofessionals who work on legal matters for The City of Clermont will range from $85.00 to $140,00 per hour. Our fees also take into consideration the factors set forth in Rule 4-1.5 (b) (1)-(8) of The Florida Bar Rules of Professional Conduct. These factors include the time and labor required, the novelty and difficulty of the problem involved, the skill necessary to perform the legal services properly, the likelihood that our representation will prevent retention of the law firm by others, any time limitations imposed by you, the amount involved, and the results obtained for you, The attorneys and professional staff of the firm maintain a daily detailed time sheet providing a narradve oÎ services pertonn.ed on behalf of our clients. At the end of each calendar month, we compile and prepare our computerized statements for legal services and costs incurred for the preceding calendar month. Upon payment of services and expenses rendered to date, you will have the right to terminate our representation at any time and for any reason without prior notice, We retain the same right and we may discontinue legal services if invoices are not paid currently, Unless directed otherwise, our contact will be directly with you, and our statements will be sent to your attention. If you desire any change in this procedure, please advise us, preferably in writing, · · · December 18, 2002 Page 3 . . If the foregoing is acceptable, please sign and date the brief acknowledgment attached to this letter and return it to me so that we may document our file as to this agreement. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. It is our pleasure to be representing The City of Clermont in labor and employment matters. Sincerely, . . . ,December 18, 2002 Page 4 . . ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND AGREEMENT The undersigned has read the foregoing representation agreement and agrees to the tenns set forth therein, JGB/lk Orlando:52391.1 CITY OF CLERMONT BY Robert D. Guthrie, Jr, By: (Signature) Print Name: Date: . . . . Robert D. Guthrie James G. Brown, Esq. Ford & Harrison, LLC Via Hand Delivery . Robert D. Guthrie, P .A. A Professional Association Attorney at Law P. O. 80:13026 Orlando, Florida 32802-3026 407-310-7712 January 22, 2003 In re: Clermont Retainer Agreement Dear Jim: Please find attached a signed original of the referenced Retainer Agreement between the City of Clermont and your firm for your firm to provide labor counsel services to the City upon request. The City Council approved this agreement as Item 4 of the Consent Agenda on January 14,2003. I look forward to a lengthy and mutually beneficial working relationship. Very truly youn, Robert D. Guthrie Cc: Wayne Saunden, City Manager Joe Van Zile, City ClerkIHR Direetor ( . . '. . LAW OFFICES . FOR D & H A R R I 5 0 NLLP /.~~ ryc:¿ ~ \~ A LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS 300 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1300, Orlando, Florida 32801 Tel (407) 418-2300 Fax (407) 418-2327 www.fordharrison.com December 18, 2002 JAMES G. BROWN (407) 418-4342 jbrown@fordharrison.com Robert D. Guthrie, Jr., Esq. Post Office Box 3026 Orlando, Florida 32802-3026 Re: City of Clermont Dear Mr. Guthrie: This letter confirms the terms of our representation of The City of Clermont in labor and employment matters. We look forward to working with you in connection with the City's legal matters, The remainder of this letter describes the basis on which our firm provides legal services, how we expect to be compensated for both our services and any expenses incurred on behalf of our clients, and how we maintain and administer our general billing procedures. I will have the overall responsibility for our firm's representation of The City of Clermont. However, I may utilize other attorneys and paralegals as deemed necessary, It is our policy to assign responsibilities and tasks based on the degree of experience and expertise required for a particular component of the representation, We will make every effort to assign needed work and research to the most economical level while maintaining, at all times, the legal competence required, In every case, all legal work performed will be carefully monitored 3.nd approved by one ûfthë:; attümeys üfthe TI.m;1. Our attorneys and paralegals have e-mail addresses for your convenience. You may also obtain more iri.formation about our firm by reviewing our web site at www.fordharrison.com. If you choose to use e-mail to contact us or to provide us with information, we ask that you use all appropriate mþasures to safeguard your message and any attachments that accompany it. Your communications with us are usually protected by the attorney-client privilege unless third parties are copied or receive the information with your permission, Of course, we too will use appropriate care in communicating with you via e-mail. Our schedule of hourly rates for attorneys and other members of the professional staff is based upon years of experience, specialization, training and level of professional attainment. My hourly rate for public sector clients is $150.00 and to the extent that other attorneys and legal . A~A..· .BIIU.1INÇ;HAM ,tD.~R e ]ACKSONVIIl.E e LOS ANGELES · MEMPHIS e MIAMI· 'ORLANDO- .' TAMPA',e 'WASHINGTON, D:C, '! . . . . December 18, 2002 Page 2 . . assistants are involved, their hourly rates will vary, These rates are subject to change, generally on an annual basis. I would estimate that the rates of the attorneys and paraprofessionals who work on legal matters for The City of Clermont will range from $85,00 to $140,00 per hour. Our fees also take into consideration the factors set forth in Rule 4-1.5 (b) (1)-(8) of The Florida Bar Rules of Professional Conduct. These factors include the time and labor required, the novelty and difficulty of the problem involved, the skill necessary to perform the legal services properly, the likelihood that our representation will prevent retention of the law firm by others, any time limitations imposed by you, the amount involved, and the results obtained for you. The attorneys and professional staff of the firm maintain a daily detailed time sheet prüviding a narrati ve oÎ services performed on behalf of our clients, At the end of each calendar month, we compile and prepare our computerized statements for legal services and costs incurred for the preceding calendar month, Upon payment of services and expenses rendered to dàte, you will have the right to terminate our representation at any time and for any reason without prior notice, We retain the same right and we may discontinue legal services if invoices are not paid currently, Unless directed otherwise, our contact will be directly with you, and our statements will be sent to your attention. If you desire any change in this procedure, please advise us, preferably in writing, . . . . . . December 18, 2002 Page 3 If the foregoing is acceptable, please sign and date the brief acknowledgment attached to this letter and return it to me so that we may document our file as to this agreement. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. It is our pleasure to be representing The City of Clermont in labor and employment matters. Sincerely, . . . . December 18, 2002 Page 4 . . ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND AGREEMENT The undersigned has read the foregoing representation agreement and agrees to the tenns set forth therein, JGB/lk Orlando:52391.1 CITY OF CLERMONT BY Robert D, Guthrie, Jr, By: ~~-::> (Signature) Print Name: ~ b~ J /) r;¡~Jiy( ¡ I C1, A 4;. Date: J - 22 - 03