Contract 2019-55A.27 - COF 09.02.20205)% 2FW 6WUHHWVFDSHV3KDVH3XEOLF6HUYLFHV :HVW$YHDQG:2VFHROD 7UDYHUVH*URXS,QF 32%R[&OHUPRQW)/ $OLFLD5RHKQ  $GGLWLYHFKDQJHRUGHUWRSXUFKDVHFDSSOXJVIRUEROODUGVLQFOXGLQJSRZGHUFRDWLQWKHWRWDODPRXQWRI &RUUHFWLRQWR2ULJLQDO&RQWUDFW9DOXHIURPWRGXHWRKDYLQJWKHFRQWLQJHQF\IXQGRI LQFOXGHGLQWKHDPRXQW        Rev. 9-23-2020 &+$1*(25'(5)250 &RQWUDFW321XPEHU &KDQJH2UGHU1XPEHU 3URMHFW1DPH -RE/RFDWLRQ %LG1XPEHU &KDQJH2UGHU'DWH 'HSDUWPHQW 7HOHSKRQH &LW\6W=LS &RQWDFW1DPH $GGUHVV &RPSDQ\1DPH 9(1'25,1)250$7,21 '(6&5,37,212)&+$1*( Alteration, deviation, addition, or deletion caused by conditions encountered during construction not covered by the specifications and drawings of the project (attach additional pages if necessary). ,7(0 $02817 25,*,1$/&2175$&79$/8( $028172)7+,6&+$1*(25'(5 3(5&(172)&2175$&79$/8(7+,6&+$1*(25'(5 %$  $028172)35(9,286&+$1*(25'(56 727$/$028172)$//&+$1*(25'(56 %'  3(5&(172)&2175$&72)$//&+$1*(25'(56 ($ 10% Maximum 1(:&2175$&79$/8( $( Must be within the overall scope of services in accordance with contract specifications. $ % & ' ( ) *        7KLV&KDQJH2UGHULVQRWYDOLGZLWKRXWWKHIROORZLQJVLJQDWXUHV &2175$&725 '(3$570(17',5(&725 352-(&7$5&+,7(&7(1*,1((5 352&85(0(17',5(&725 &,7<0$1$*(5 Council approval is required if change order(s): 1) exceeds $49,999; 2) exceeds the greater of $100,000 OR 10% of the original contract amount for construction projects; 3) the funds are not available in the approved budget for the department. &,7<2)&/(50217 $77(67 'DWH 'DWH 'DWH'DWH 'DWH'DWH*DLO/$VK0D\RU 7UDF\$FNUR\G+RZH&LW\&OHUN7LPRWK\0XUU\0D\RU