2003-15 _SONITROL: . ÞI,fo)' NO:" 15145 \8 Phone:(3S2)~Y1LJ-~Df<1 Date: 6'1-02...Z~ô? Billing Address: ~)X'H !Z 02/ c¡ (if different) Q,L~{Z.W1C$\1\-t i ~L 3Y7" /2- . INSTAllATION, Dealer agrees to install and to service, without liability and not as an insurer, an alarm system as described on the ecurity System Quotation dated Ol.l&"./Zoo3 , which is part of this Agreement. Work on Customer's installation will begin approximately A $,AP . Work will be substantially completed within approximately &'y t;'-fJ¡'Z~ working days after it starts subject to delays allowed by this Agreement. All equipment remains Dealer's property unless this box is checked ISV 3. FEES. Customer agrees to pay Dealer the following fees: (A) INSTAllATION FEE ~ INSTALLATION FEE: $ Z 3, 9 ;1.7 PLUS TAX $ ø -e. SUBTOTAL $ Z 31 ~ l Î (Less down payment) $ BALANCE DUE $ (Upon Completion of Installation) SERVICE:~V\d't.d "1\1 W'6I-1.doïi1 11\) Monthly Monitoring Report: $ ø Communication Link: $ N/A Phone Co. Charges Included: Yes 0 No 0 N/A ~ . The monitoring service fee is subject to change as stated In Section 13 on the back side. Customer shall pay the monitoring service charge for the portion of the month in which monitoring service begins. 4, LIMITED WARRANTY, (A) Dealer warrants to Customer that if any part of the equipment installed becomes defective or inoperative under normal use within 1 year from the date of the installation, Dealer will replace or repair the part without charge. Dealer Is not responsible for more than the repair or replacement of defective equipment. Repair or replacement Is Customer's only remedy for this limited war- .nty. Dealer is not responsible for Injuries to persons or property, including all general, direct, special, exemplary, punitive, Incl- ntal or consequential damages, This limited warranty is not transferable. (B) Customer acknowledges that any representation made by Dealer does not create an express warranty and that there are no express warranties beyond those in this agreement, The warranties are in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, Including the equipment's condition, merchantability, or fitness for particular purposes. Dealer makes no representation or warranty, includ- ing any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness, that the alarm system or service supplied may not be bypassed or that the alarm system or services will always provide the intended signaling, monitoring, and response. (Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion of some kinds of damages, so these limitations may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights from state to state), (C) This warranty does not cover any damage to equipment caused by accident, vandalism, flood, water, lightning, fire, intrusion, misuse, or any other cause beyond the control of Dealer. Any attempted unauthorized repair service, change or installation by anyone other than Dealer is also not covered by this warranty. 5. WHEN DEALER OWNS EQUIPMENT. If the equipment installed by Dealer is owned by Dealer (See Section 1 above),Customer shall not remove the equipment without Dealer's permission, At the end of this Agreement, Dealer can enter Customer's premises and remove all the equipment which Dealer owns. Customer will return the equipment to Dealer in good condition, except for reasonable wear and tear. If there is damage to or loss of any of Dealer's equipment while it is at Customer's premises, Customer agrees to pay Dealer the reasonable repair or replacement value of such equipment. Dealer is not responsible for normal damage caused by removal of its equipment. 6, DEALER NOT INSURER. The system will not prevent a loss or personal injury caused by burglary, fire, hold up or other occurrence. The payments made by Customer are based solely on the value of the services provided by dealer under this agreement. Customer's payments are not based on the value of Customer's property or the property of others located on the premises. Insurance against personal injuries and property loss or damage is Customer's responsibility. 7, liMITATION OF LIABILITY. Due to many factors, the amount of Customer's loss cannot be fixed, Customer agrees that if dealer Is found responsible for damage for failure to perform or non-operation of the equipment, dealer's legal responsibility shall be limit- ed to an amount equal to six monthly payments or $500, whichever Is less. This amount is all that customer can recover from Dealer, no matter how much customer has lost, Customer acknowledges that Dealer offered to increase the limit of Dealer's responsibil- ity if Customer agrees to pay an additional amount to Dealer. Unless Customer signs a separate form selecting a higher limit, Customer will not have a higher limit. . 8. DEALER INDEPENDENT FRANCHISE. Customer understands that Dealer is an independent Franchisee and is not an agent or subsidiary ~ Sonitrol Corporation. Customer understands 'that, unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, Sonitrol Corporation has no obligation for any .rvices performed by Dealer under this Agreement. The limitation of liability terms of this Agreement also apply to Sonitrol Corporation, 9. CANCELLATION BY CUSTOMER, Residential Customers may cancel this Agreement at any time before midnight of the 3rd busi- ness day from the date of this Agreement. See attached Notice of Cancellation Form . In certain states alarm agents are licensed and regulated. In this state the agency is S-\"òt l. ~ This Agreement is not binding unless approved in writing by an authorized representative of Dealer. If not approved, Dealer's only responsibility Is to return the amount, if any, paid by Customer upon the signing of the Agreement. Customer acknowledges that Dealer's responsibility Is limited by this agreement. Customer has read the front and back of this Agreement, and agrees to all of the terms on both sides. ' 2. SERVICES. This Agreement applies to these services: Burglar Alarm Signaling Hold-up Alarm Signaling Fire Alarm Signaling ~ 0 0 S" 0 Sprinkler Supplies Access Control Other (B) MONITORING CIÞ MONITORING SERVICE FEES, $ 37Ô~! \V\CÑ\~\'~ PLUS TAX $ AI /A ~~?t ' Tb~~S-()2.2"r-5'+C $ 37ð I!::. / ~~ PAYMENT MODE: ~'t\Z-L; . SIGNATURE X (DEALER SALES REPRESENTATIVE) APPROVED X (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OFSONITROL INDEPENDENT FRANCHISED DEALER) CUSTOMER ~ i: SIGNATURE X ~ ~ TITLE /Y'J~rÞr- . ~ DATE 4i/3 /)3 REG,# REG.# , ......~~. ...r,~'."",_,~_"",--_,-",_,_----- PIN 09800134 3199 (Over) "--- --- ~ yeQ r/' 10. lENGTH OF AGREEMENT. The initi.9th of this Agreem~nt is ¡; ,.eare from ..tr~.".installation is completed or the following date, : if specified. At the end 0 eriod, the Þ.greement renews for additional" 0, ea"( periods unless the Dealer or Customer gives written notice to end the Agreement at least 30 days before the beginning of the next period, 11. BREAKING THE AGREEMENT. Dealer can end this Agreement if Customer does not make payments when they are due or does not do other things it is required to do. Before Dealer ends this Agreement, Dealer will give Customer written notice that Customer is breaking the Agreement. Customer will have 10 days from the date of the notice to correct the problem, If Customer does not correct the problem this Agreement will end and all of Dealer's responsibilities will end. That means Dealer can stop monitoring your alarm and remove any equip- ment at your location owned by Dealer, . PAYMENT AT END OF AGREEMENT, If Dealer ends this Agreement because Customer does not do what he is supposed to do, Customer will be obligated to pay Dealer the money that it owes to Dealer as of the date the Agreement ends. Alee, Qtlete""er will "S}' 9sslsr 'BRS ~elf sf tl~s e""StlRt Ctl8t8""8r w8t1ls S',;8 tlflser tRig Agree""ent if it wes /lst eRsss, SS18t1late8 fr8"" tRe eR8iRg sate tRf8t1gR tRe eRs ef tRS s8Rtraet ¡aefißs. Ti'li8 aeJelitienal r-a)1l ,¿I,t (Iu ,ð." , ô..> "I;~...;a...tod a<""a~o.;j"} ..;11 Do au", Do...«..."o Ð",..lb, ..;111,<,,0 a I""",. TI,o o^a...l a,""",,"t sf tRS IS8S SaRRst 88 elstsr""if\ss RSW, SS Ctlsls""sr a§feaS ts ¡aay tRia a""StlRt RS Matter 'n Rat Dealer'a 1838 11'Ia) be. If O.:l",t6I,,('1 dOG.! "ôt pay aReI f;?ealer Rae Ie 8ell8st tRS ""SRSY, Ctlsts""er..iII alee be 1 ôe¡I:IÏI eð te I'd) i'-'G ()..)~t.:> 8f eðllô¿tiel'l, il,ðll:leJi,,~ al'l æt8fl'le:,s' fees.F 13, CHANGE OF PRICES. Any time after 1 year from the date of this Agreement, Dealer can raise the amounts it charges Customer if Dealer's costs of providing services to Customer increase. If anyone change is more than a 10% raise over what Customer is then paying, Customer has the right to end this Agreement by giving Dealer 30 days advanced written notice that it wants it to end. If Customer does not give written notice within 30 days of being notified of a price increase, then Customer will pay the higher price. 14, INSTAllATION. Dealer will install the alarm equipment and other equipment listed on the attached Security System Quotation. Customer will allow Dealer to come into its building or home to install the system. Customer agrees to provide necessary electrical current through Customer's meter at Customer's expense. Deal,er shall not be responsible for normal damage¡;; to the premises by installation. E.1CamPIe.: ~o'c~/f"(eWQY ne~eS~A.RY ""oft PAoPeR XAJSTALLA"¡;IJN 15. CUSTOMER TRAINING. When installation is completed, Dealer will train Customer on th roper operation of thelnstalled system. 16. CUSTOMER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. èustomer will designate in writing one or two persons who are authorized to speak with Dealer, Customer will provide telephone numbers for these representative(s), 17. MONITORING. Dealer will monitor the installed equipment or make sure it is monitored from a central monitoring station. Dealer will mon- itor only when the system is properly turned on by the Customer, When Dealer receives a signal, it will. use reasonable efforts to do the fol- lowing, depending on the services Customer selected: (A) In response to a signal indicating an unauthorized entry, notify 'the public police, Customer understands that Dealer is not responsible for the response time of the police and fire department. \ (B) In response to a manual, water flow, smoke or fire alarm signal, notify the public fire department. .In response to an auxiliary, trouble, supervisory or other special signal" notify the applicable local authority, Dealer will also use reasonable efforts' to notify the authorized representative~~) ~esignat~d by Customer by calling the tel.ephone number(s) Dealer is given by Customer. 18. CUSTOMER'S DUTIES USING SYSTEM. Customer Is' responsible fpr testing and setting ih~ alarm system on a daily basis in accor- dance wit~ the instructions it rece.ives fr~m Dealer. Customer agrees to correct, at its cost, any c~ndition at its location ~h~~terferes with the operation of the system. C;o OAl&{)c, in~.h1Ha+ìDn dìd nof CteAie ..\-he J n..rer.rerenœ.~ 19. REPAIRS. If Customer discovers a defect in the' installed equipment, Customer will immediately contact Dealer and fully describe the nature of the defect so that repair service can be made, Repairs will be made as follows: (A) When Equipment Owned by Dealer (See Section 1). Dealer will make repairs on equipment owned by Dealer required by ordinary wear after receiving notice from Customer, Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement (see Section 3 regarding Service) Customer is responsible for all repair costs. Customer also will pay a service charge for Customer's failure to follow operating instructions, system misuse, failure to properly secure windows,. doors or other protected points, or improper adjustment of monitors, cameras or accessory components, Customer is responsible for any sprinkler system and devices using batteries. Dealer is not responsible for malfunctions of such devices and sprinkler systems. Dealer may charge for repairs caused by lightning, floods, fire, and other events beyond Dealer's control. (B) When Equipment Owned by Customer. Dealer will make repairs under the terms of the limited warranty on front side 9f this Agreement. Any repairs not covered by this limited warranty are Customer's responsibility, . 20. FALSE ALARMS. Custom~r is responsible for any costs associated with false alarms, De~ler can end this Agreement after giving 15 days written notice to Customer for excessive false alarms or mlsuse of the system. 21, TELEPHONE LINES, The alarm system transmits signals over telephone company lines to a central monitoring station. Dealer cannot and does not maintain or repair telephone lines and equipment. If Customer's telephone service is out of order, disconnected or otherwise interrupted, a signal will not be received by Dealer. Dealer is not obligated to monitor your location when it is not receiving a signal because of such interruptions. 4tSUSPENSION OR CANCELLATION. Dealer has no responsibility for delays in installation or interruptions of service due to strikes, S, fires,' and other events that are beyond Dealer's control. This' Agreement may be susperided or canceled', at Dealer's option, if Dealer's ustomer's premises or equipment is destroyed by f~'r her catastrophe, or so damaged that it is ,not practical to continue service. Cðn"D~ . 23, TRANSFER OF AGREEMENT. Dealer~transfe ttiis Agreement and all or part of its responsibilities under this Agreement, including monitoring service~ Customer may not transfer its iriteLe' s Agreement without the written consent of Dealer. W ,...,,&"'+ COU r.eM+ b ¥ l.';""v, 24, ARREST BY DEALER. Customer authorizes Deal r 0 cause the arrest of any unauthorized person on or around Customer's premises during closed periods, ,.~ 25. TIIIRQ PARTY Cb..P.lMi If aRY eRe etRer tR9.R CI.u;¡tg¡;¡or mot' 01. 1000"'&;'lit iiilg?lnf+ 1"'19",1", '91'j¡+lng t" 1"'1"",19,0" rI"tl"" "nri", thic> , iLl:> Ðtl8tßA,5r xiii r;ay gealar's S8sts iR SSfSReliR§ a!,taiR8t. aR}' GIliSR la"'slIIit, iRSllligiRg f;?g-algr'g ¡¡¡tt~m;¡gy,,' f?Q" f""itQ~¡r ",1c>0 'ilg"""c> t" P"'l' . PURCHASE ORDER, If the terms of this Agreement and Customer's purchase order or other'document are different, the terms of this Agreement will control. ,; 27, ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This document is the complete agreement between Dealer and Customer. It replaces any other agreements or understandings. Customer agrees that it is not relying on any statements made by Dealer about the system other than what this Agreement says. This Agreement can only be modified by a written document signed by Dealer and Customer. 28, WAIVER. Dealer does not give up any rights to enforce this Agreement by delaying in tåking action: '2.tt VenUe./Govlftnlftc. LAW. Li-l- ìtU+iot'l Pc.trsucu,+ fo +hisa~ReeWMt"~ shAlt be .{!ì/td ink a PPRoPIUA-l-e ~~~"e fOU,+ iV\ anA ~DR. LAk'el'DlAh~", F/, 1fte j'n-\-er.9Ile+A.\-ìot\ 6-CJ.hìs ðlAiæM~A>t .s~U be. r//~. ' . (ìÞ\ltrned b'l J-he 'AWl:.' 6g JM. S.\-4~f bC ':Io«tdQ, ., ~ _SONITROl: . .;: 02106/2003 . Security System Proposal Project Name: City of Clermont City Hall lermont , FL Fax: Contact: Wayne Saunders Sonitrol Reoresentative Rich Wagner (407) 425-9031 Fax: (407) 841-4448 Authroñty Having Jurisdiction: Billed To: , FL Fax Cler. PD Contact: proposed~tv System Services (Proposal applies only to cIJeckød services) ~ Audio Intrusion DetectionNeriflC8tion 0 No Audio VemlC8lion ~ Access Control 0 Video Surveillance 0 Listen Back Audio Verification 0 Sonavision Verification ~ Emergency Alarm Signaling ~ Commitment To Service Other: S "81 C . " Prooosall3 (Intrusion alarm and Access System with Central Station monitoring and control) Client to provide proper telephone lines with RJ31X peel onSlderatlons: phone jack. Cellular Back up option not Included. Sonitrol is an authorized SNAPS provider. Client to provide 12VDC electric door strikes with proper door hardware and conduit for connection. All pricing in this quote Is per SNAPS schedule. Quantity Description 1 Adv.4000 Impact Audio Panel 3 Keypad (LCD+) 1 Siren (Indoor) 32 Audio/GBD Sensor (ADV+) 1 Smart Audio Module (SAM) 1 Loop Expansion Module (LEM) 8 Surface Single Door Switx:h 5 Surface Double Door Switch 9 Fixed Hold Up Button 4 Glass Break Deœctor Only 5 Adv . 4000 Aa:tss Kit 5 12VDC Power Supply 15 Surface Single Door Switch 19 Prox Point Plus Reader 15 Door Exit PIR Eauipment Quantity 3 1 581 42 5980 4140 1955 2070 345 1 75 3 Installation Installation: $23,827.00 Lease Option Monthly Monitoring/Maintenance and Service: Initial Investment: $0.00 $370.00 Monthly Installation Lease: $0,00 Total Monthly Lease Investment: $370.00 Description Door Release Button Relay Module (8) Bridle Ring/Bracket Additional Non- Technical Labor 22/4 Plenum Wire 22/2 Plenum Wire 18/2 Plenum Wire 22/6 Plenum Shielded Wire 22/2-Pair Plenum Shielded Wire Telcol AC Surge Unit Prox. Key Fob Permit Processing Monthly Monitoring/Maintenance and Service: $370.00 (Sales tax nol included in monthly fee. Lease subject to credit approval. Could be assigned to a third party,) Sonitrol Representative: - Client x Sonitrol Approval Title: Quote valid for 30 days. Permit fees billed seœratelv. . ~ . . _SONITROL@ SONITROL SECURITY SYSTEM - LIMITED PERFORMANCE WARRANTY As an Addendum to the Agreement between the Dealer ("Dealer") and the customer ( "Customer") it is agreed: 1. Warranty. Beginning after seven (7) consecutive days from installation and operation in Customer's premises of Sonitrol security devices and equipment of a type authorized and approved by Sonitrol Corporation, Dealer warrants to Customer that said Sonitrol security devices and equipment which are monitored by a Sonitrol central station (the "Sonitrol Security. System") will detect and the central station will report to the proper authority any burglary by forcible intrusion into the interior areas of the Customer's building actually protected by the Sonitrol Security System (the "Protected Building"). In the event the Customer's System utilizes the non-dedicated telephone line for communication with Sonitrol's central monitoring station, and in the further event the Customer's telephone line is inoperative during the burglary by forcible intrusion, then in lieu of the above warranty, Dealer warrants to Customer that if properly activated by Customer, any bell or other audio alarm device that is part of the Sonitrol Security System at the Protected Building will sound upon any burglary by forcible intrusion into the Protected Building. The Warranty set forth above shall be subject to and conditioned upon all terms contained in the Agreement and this Addendum. . 2, Scope of Warranty. This Warranty is operative only in the event of loss or damage to Covered Goods (defined below) due to a burglary by forcible Intrusion Into the Protected Building which is undetected or unreported by the Sonitrol Security System, if said burglary occurs at a time the Sonltrol Security System has been properly activated by the Customer and at a time the Protected Building is not open for business or, if the Protected Building is a single family residence, at a time the Protected Building is not occupied by Customer or other authorized occupant ("Covered Evenr). Covered Goods shall mean the Customer's own inventory, furnishings, fixtures or equipment, or if the Protected Building is a single family residence, the Customer's own tangible personal property and fixtures. It is further understood and agreed that this Warranty is not intended to enhance, negate or in any way modify any manufacturer's warranty between the Customer and the manufac- turers of the various devices or equipment used in the Sonitrol Security System and any such rights, limitations and responsibilities remain solely between those parties. 3. Exclusions. This Warranty does not extend to, and Dealer or its agent shall have no liability for, the following: (a) loss or damage to property resulting from vandalism, malicious mischief, exterior building damage from point of entry, casualty or other events not a Covered Event; (b) loss or damaged to cash, coins, negotiable instruments, gold or silver ingots or bars, manuscripts, books of account or other records, intan- gibles, stamps or other collectibles, or other property not covered Goods; (c) if the Protected Building is other than a single family residence, loss or damage to Covered Goods contained in show or display windows resulting from forced intrusion from smashing or cutting such windows; (d) loss or damage which occurs at a time when the Protected Building is open for business (or, if the Protected Building is a single family residence, at a time when the Protected Building is occupied by a Customer or other authorized occupant), or at a time when the Sonitrol Security System has not been properly activated by the Customer or operated in accordance with the instructions given to Customer, or at a time when Sonitrol Security System is inoperative due to strikes, riots, floods, fire, earthquake, general utility service interruption or any other cause beyond the control of Dealer; (e) loss or damage occurring during a period of time that the Customer has been previously notified by Dealer or its agent that the Sonitrol Security System would be inoperative; (f) loss or damage that occurs by reason of entry to the Protected Building via an unsecured or unlocked point of access, including but not limited to unlocked doors or windows; or (9) loss or damage occurring in premises or a location other than the Protected Building, such as satellite buildings, garages, utility rooms, sheds, boiler rooms, rooms added on, or any other premises not actually protected by the Sonitrol Security System. . 4. Maximum Liability. The maximum liability under this Warranty shall be Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for the entire Protected Building regardless of the number of Sonitrol Security Systems used within the Protected Building. If Covered Goods are lost or damaged as a result of a Covered Event, Dealer or its agent may, at its option, elect (a) to replace the lost or damaged Covered Goods with goods of equivalent function and value; (b) to pay the loss in cash to Customer; or (c) to arrange for the repair or restoration of damaged Covered Goods. In the event payment of cash is selected, the amount to be paid shall be the lesser of Actual Cash Value (replacement cost less depreciation), the wholesale purchase price, or the actual cost to Customer without regard to profit markup of lost or damaged Covered Goods. The maximum amount to be paid for lost or damaged Covered Goods which are jewelry is Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per item of jewelry. 5. Conditions to Warranty. This Warranty, and any liability hereunder, is contingent upon the happening of the following conditions: (a) the activation and operation of the Sonltrol Security System by Customer in strict accordance with the Instructions delivered to Customer; and (b) any Covered Event must be promptly reported by Cust:>mer to the police authorities and to Sonitrol, and within seven (7) days after a Covered Event Customer shall submit to Dealer or its agent a complete and detailed inventory of all Covered Goods which have been lost or damaged, specifying the Customer's original cost of each item, and any other information deemed necessary or desirable regarding such goods, 6. Termination. Dealer or its agent may terminate or amend this Warranty at any time upon ten (10) days prior written notice to Customer, This Warranty is for the exclusive benefit of and is personal to Customer and shall not inure to the benefit of any party (including insurers) other than Customer. 7. Waiver of Subrogation. For the benefit of Dealer or its agent, Customer hereby waives any rights of subrogation against Sonitrol that any insurer of Customer may have, provided, however, that if this waiver shall cause the applicable insurance coverage of Customer, if any, to be invalidated, this waiver shall be void and of no effect. 8. Effect on Agreement. Nothing in this addendum, unless specifically stated otherwise, shall modify or supersede the terms of the principal Agreement. It is specifically understood that Sonitrol Corporation is not a party to this Addendum. . THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY MADE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SIGNED TH~ * DAY OF ~ ~ al at' ~c)1 l,^c CL~\<.W\OV\t- DEALER CUSTOMER LOCATION: Io~S IIJ. MoY1hzDs ~ çt. Q.U..~WL 341'1 fey: , YEAR OF JiXJ3 By: (12/1/98)