2004-26 ... ~e~ 20 04 04:07p "Environmental Services 09/20/2004 MON 3:54 FAX £352) 343-9257 . AGREEMENT BETWEEN LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND MUNIClP ALITY FOR COLLECTION OF STORM DEBRIS FROM STREETS AND RIGBT-OF- WAY 1) Lake County agrees to collect storm debris from nmnicipal streets and right-or-way using the COUNTY!S contracted debris-hauling company, Grubbs, Inc. 2) It is anticipated that FEMA will be reimbursing (seventy five percent) 75% of the cost of such storm debris hau11,ng semces. In addinoD, it is also anticipated that the State may also covcr half of the remaining cost (i.~., 12.5%), leaving (twelve and one-halfp~t) 12.5% of the hauJing cost to bc covered by local governments. MUNIcœ AI.ITY agrees to reimburse COUNTY it's sh81"c of the debris collection cost not covered by FEMA or the State. The calculation of each MUNICIPALITY'S share will be determined by ¡ 15 share of the actual volume of material collected within the corporate limits of the municipality based on trip sheets generated by site monitors at the time debris is delivered 10 County-designated collection sites. . 3) Vegetative debris must be loose, not bagged; to ensure only vegetative debris is present (no garbage. metal, etc.) as this can da1uage the mulching luachincs. The size of the individual debris (i.e., tree limbs) should be manageábJe. Class T debris (construction debris such as shingles, wood, drywaJI, glass, etc.) will not be picked up. 4) MUNIClPALITY agcees that it shall not submit expenses for debris Temoval separately to FEMA. TfMUNTCJP ALITY has other expenses for debris removal which were expended outside this agreement, MUNICIPALITY agrees to provide doc\unentation to COUNTY to support such expenses and COUNTY will include those expenses in it's application for FEMA reimbursement. COUNTY shan pay to MUNIClP ALITY any funds received from FEMA for reimbursement of such e~enses. S) This is the entire agreement ofthe parties. Any amendment to tbis agreement must be in writing and executed by both parties. . 1 p.2 ~O02/003 /'"" -.. # . . Sep 20 04 04:07p EnvIronmental Services 09/20/2004 MON 3:54 FAX (352) 343-9257 p.3 ~OO3/003 .. Agreement between LaIœ County. Florida aud Municipality for Collection of Sumn Debris Û'om 5ttcets & Right~Df.WlY. COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISsrONERS LAKE COUNTY, FLORID A ~~ Debbie Stivender, Cba~nnan This ~y .(~.~ßYJ4. . Jam s Catkins, Clerk of the Board 0 County Commissioners of Lake County, Florida ~ga jty: Sanford A. Minkoff County Attorney CITY (!,Lf.~/ INI' By. ~ ---. This .2.0 day O~2004. ~~ Approved as to ronn and legality: . 2