2004-18 . . . Flb-2T-2004 11 :04am T-580 P.002/002 F-18T From-t.«:CREE INC + TO: CITY OF CLERMONT Projc:\:t: Project No. COSt Code:: CLERMONT CITY HAlL 02020. I 158/15800 AFFIDA VIr AND FINAL RELEASE OF LIENS ON TIDS 0.4. Y personally appeared before me, tht: undersigned authority d~ly authorized [0 admmister oaths and take acla1owledgmenrs, the: Supplier and/or Contracror; who. after being duly sworn, depo~s IUld says that: THE UNDERSIGNED, SHERER MFa COMPANY for and &n consi4erntion oCme: sum ofTen Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable coßS&derntions to me undersigned in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby waive, release, remise, and relinquish all nghts which the undersigned now has. or might have, to claim, demand or impose: a lic:n or liens for work done or materials furnished or any other kind or class of lien whatsoever on the following described real pfO~ in LAKE Count}', Florida, to wit4 CLERMONT CITY HALL BUILDING. 685 W. MONTROSE, CLERMONT, FLORIDA The' forcgoing consnnnes a complete and final release of all claims. demands and liens by the undersigned. All Jieno~ furnishing materials Of sc:rvices and all J&borers contracting directly with him or directly employed by him have been paid in full for: HV AC MA TERJAL and oth~ items tùmisht:d on thiS projecT. rc:quircd in the construction of' A NEW CITY HALL BUILDING. Thl.: undc:rsigned IS not aware: of éU1y Notices TO Owner which have been sem to the: owner pursuant to the Notice ofCommcmcement which remmn unpaid e~cepr the: following. NONE SHERER MANUFACTURING COMPANY By' STATE OF FLORIDA} COUNTY OF ORANGE} Sworn to and subscribed betorc nIt: this J1 day of F",L,Yd~1 ' 2004 . NOTARY PUBLIC ~ 7J? .td/ ~ 1\. Stephani M BohI \ ~ ¡ My Commission DDOB0384 ~" expires December 25, 2005 Personally known to me <Þ9 or prodlaced idcmtification