2004-12 GRAYROBINSON CLERMONT H&C BUILDERS IaJ 002 PAGE 82 Ot/24/2004 15:18 FAX 352 394 2105 . e5/2~/2Be4 09:56 3523942834 " i .. .0 . . .' . 0 " ' . .. .' AGREEMENT BETWEEN OAKLEY PLAZA DEVELOPERS & SOUTH LAKE FOREST HOMEOWNERS ASSOClA TION This Agreement ("Agreement.') is made as of May 13, ~OO4t by and between the Oakley Plaza Developers.: Messy Dog, LLC, Pavilion TK. Clennont, LLC and Toppino, LLC (c1)evelopersl') ~d South Lake PoreSt Homeowner's Association. ('cAssociatìo~"). . . The Developers win construct six foot smcco wall the noØ1 side of the service . drive behind Tire,Kingdom an~!1It?t. ,Wi TIre wall will begin at the property line between'Messy Dog, LLC and Pavilion Land Company and it will stretch west actoss both the Tire KiIigdom site and the Elite Car Wash site and it will end at the southeast co~er of the Ratliffpropert.y. 'The Developers will landscape the nortb s~de of the Wå11 with trees and ivy oJ: shrubs along the wall. Exhibit A details the appro::rdm~tp. location of the wall. . The Developers will construct four foot~~ begins at the property line between Messy Dog. LLC añ a ." . .' . mpany and the wall will stretch east, northeast ~ the,parking lot and the water retention area up to the northern end of the parking lot where it will turn east runni.ng parallel to Hunt Trace Boulevard aDd it wiU stretch to tpe eastern ~ of the parking lot, but not far enough east to block the visibility of the traffic: on Oakley Seaver Drive when yoú are in a vehicle at the Hunt Trace Boulevard stop sign. The Developer will landscape both sides ofilia wall. Exhibit B details the approximate location of the wall. , . . 0 Me$Sy Dog, LLC and the Association have agreed to a property exohange. The Association will give the land at the COIner of Oakley Seaver Drive and Hunt Trace Boulevard to Messy Dog, LLC. Messy Dog, LLC wil1 give the Association a like size piece of land iD. the northwest comer of their property beginning above the water retention area along Hunt"Trace Boulevard. Exhibit C details t1;1e approximate location of the propertY that is going to be exchanged. The Developers will pay to move the Association's entry sign from the current .t" location to the new land that the Association garnered in the land ~change wiM¡;" Messy Dog, LLC. The Developer Will provide la.ndscapiDg, an inigation system and lighting that ate equal to that which surrounds the entry. sign currently. If the sign cannot be moved, the Developer will construct a new sign of like size and quality. The Association will be responsible for maintaining their sign., grass, , . O~/24/2004 15:18 FAX 352 394 2105 , B5/2~/2BØ4 09: S6 3523942034 GRAYROBINSON CLERMONT H&C BUILDERS III 003 PAGE 83 . . ;'" .: .' . landsCaping, lighting and for paying åll power, water and ~tenance bills associated with their en1ry sign.. . ' '. Tire. Kingdom has committed to limit th . 7 :OOpm. Tire Kingdom has also agreed n . Thanksgiving and Christmas. The above agreement is contingent upon the City ot Clermont granting the Developers apptoval to develop the Oakley Plaza site as designed and move the Association sign. OAKLEY PLAZA DEVELOPERs Mark J. Gr , M . og, LLC ~7~ . ~Ù}.1oppjno, Toppino, LLC . . -1 ~ v.~ .ì~j..- -i SOUTH LAKE FOREST . ~ ~~;ß,~{: Don Bitanga q)~~ Kristin ~hristopher ~~- - Todd Cm, Pavi~()D TJ{ Clermont. LLC \. J es Sullivan . G5/24/2004 15:18 FAX 352 394 2105 . . B5/24/2~~4 89:56 ~523942B34 GRAYROBINSON CLERMONT H&C BUILDERS ~: . . .' ;, " . '. raJ 004 PAGE, 84 " ~-- '... -. . )))1 ., L . I'. ,", . ". , .A.. . ~~"\-r ~ .' , . ' . . . .-.- --~I ---:~ n hI =~ t::: .. . . - Ð:tSnMG 'WRÞ. . .. , I , .~\.t-. . II 1 'I I 11 I t I .1 .\ ~ . -~ .8 . . '. ~tf.Q SONtrt'S . BAR-D...o ~. . MB . ... IF .PLAN nIftINC HDU:" ftt;'PaT . . . . . '. arWl!i ~ .IlaBBm. 0~/24/2004 15:19 FAX 352 394 2105 . . a5/24/20~4 09:56 352~942B34 GRAYROBINSON CLERMONT Hie BuIL.DERS I4J 005 PAGE 05 . T . . . ,'. . " . , ~':: . ,. , , .. . . . 0 , .' 0 . , , ," " . I I . ':' . .' ..-0:0- - - 80- " . - - ':-- ~ . . . r, :..... ':: .-' jJ. i J " ,.:..::...: ' ,. '" . . ~""\T .~ , . . ". . . - J . , , . . . , . tXSSfINC 'WRA \ . . " , . . . ."., . ' '. I I I I I I I i tmmN' c . Hoa.Œ MPOT . .' . '. , . .' '. . '. 0 . . . . . '. :' Q)STINf: SONNV'S " eAlt-!II-O '£XI~ . .am I.. . I . þlSTÏNq ORACI(~B BARUl . " .0 ...- J.TE ~I.A/II , . '. 0'5/24/2004 15:19.FAX 352 394 2105 . B5/24/2804 89:56 352~942B34. ..', ..'. .. ,'. , .' ". - I \ . ~-_r . ,8 . / ~ ~O\~ ~ ~¡$y.~ L~ a~,siJL$.\i\~ tC), ~\I\Ï~ . ~tJ.s\1\P. (QrJI - . . . . '.. . J) I 1"- ! Þ\\"'T C. JJ,.. . GRAYROBINSON CLERMONT . H&C BUILDERS . . ". . , . . . . . . . . .. ~ -;1 EXmING "WRA ..~ ." ~ , . nBftNO SÐtl~ . BAR-.1I...q . ~. . .. I!E~ IaJ 008 PAG:: 06 . : . L~t\ GO1~({ f~~ ~~ ~c-! oI .\.s ~p ~ ~1$S1' ~ / u.e (M~~\i'P. (~~) jmmNø 1t£M: nnar . ' . . . . t. I I 11CIS'nNC; eRAcKbI bU. . I t " t . ~ ~õ/~~/2004 15:19 FAX 352 394 2105 05/24/2804 09:56 3523942034 GRAYROBINSON CLERMONT H&C BUIlDERS , I raJ 007 PAGE 87 . . . . . , ADDENDUM TO AGHEEMENT BETWEEN OAKLEY pLAZA DEVELOPEBS & SO1JTØ LAKE FOIŒST HOMEOWNERS ASSOCL\TION DATED 5-13-2004 . . '. The exchange. of real pmperiy belonging to South ~ Forest Hómeo- Association is inclusive; only of the area, which ëurœntly houses 8tJd surrounds their existiDs sign. AD settlement costs, tI.'anSfer ~ and o1her aœùlaIy C()St$ resulting from tl1e exç~~ will be paid . by Messy Dos, ILC. The.secuting or 1œDSfer of al1 necessary peøni1s and their costs. including but not JimJted to sign erection, inspection, display. eI~ca1 8Dd water fo~ either a DðW sign at the moving of the existing sip will be at the ~ense ofMe5sy Dog. LLC and iø guaranteed. to be functiODAt ønd without defect including landscaping for a period of tWelve months. No entrlnce or cut tbIu at Hunt Trace Boulevard wm be consttœted. The four.foot block .and stucco wall plaDned for Hunt Trace Boulevard wiD, in desigd. and color, coordíDate or måtch with ei1her the existiøg sign or the new 8Ïga. In the event that the erection of It neW sign is required or the . existing tign a1~ the Architeotural Committee of the South Lake Forest Homeowners Associa%i.on must be advised Bnc1 their approval of the d.uigu muSt first be ob1ain~ This same Commi1tee must also approve all landscaping prior to installation at a!1d around the sign. Since . the S Ottth Lake Forest HomeownerS Association does not wish to remain without their .. for an extended time peri~ Messy Do& ~C agrees to tho placem.,ent and construction oftbe new .or existing sign including 1andscapfng within thirty days after the existiøg sign baS been 1aIœD down. Messy Dog. u.c agxees that breaeh per any tems provided by this Agreemeut twill cause the real pro~ exchanged. by the South Lake Forest Homeowners Association to be reverted back to the Association and the &change voided. Messy Dog, ILC, hereby ind~ntfics and holds harmless the South La1œ Forest Homeowners ASsociation, owners and agents from any and aU claims :œsulting fi'om the perfOI'ma.1)Ce of. this ,agreement. This.Agœemcnt is biDding on all owners, hetts and $uccessors, -. ' :MESSY DOG, LLC: ER søum LAKE PODST HOMEOWNERS ~~~- . [Of B1TANGA" l'lmS. 11~ WOODY VES,- CU. "-J:IfÆ ~~ KRISTEN CBRISTOl'BER, SEC. .