2004-07 . . . . . ; ADDENDUM #3 TO THE JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE LAKE COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY AND THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR THE CENTER LAKE STORMWATER RETROFIT PROJECT THIS JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT entered into by and between the LAKE COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY, a Special District of the State of Florida authorized and governed by Chapter 29222, Laws of Florida, as amended, its successors and assigns, whose address is 107 North Lake Avenue, Tavares, Florida 32778, hereinafter referred to as the "AUTHORITY," and THE CITY OF CLERMONT, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, whose address is Post Office Box 120219, Clermont, Florida, 34712-0219, hereinafter referred to as "CLERMONT" is adopted as follows. Paragraph 4, EXHIBIT "B" Project Scope and EXHIBIT "C" Project Budget, are amended to read as follows; all other terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT remain in full force and effect 4. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE AND TERMINATION This agreement shall remain in effect until September 30, 2004, unless terminated or extended in writing by mutual written agreement of the parties. The LCWA or the CITY, upon fifteen (15) days written notice to terminate may terminate this Agreement without cause. Such notice shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, or personal delivery to the address stated in Section I, Notices. In the event of such termination by either party, the LCWA and the CITY agree to pay the consultant for all work previously authorized and completed prior to notice of termination. (Continued) -- ffEtE~VED . MJ-iK 8 - 2004 \ ¡ \ I WAlr;tl AlffHORnV . . , EXHIBiT '"811 CLERMONT'S PROPOSED PROJECT PLAN A TI ACHMENT B 0ven111 project' . Canter L5ke is a 9. ï acre 1anå,Iodœd lake located between. West. Avenue and, EIghth StÆet aIcrig the'.ncrth $de of H~.~'2Y SQ, within the Clenncnt'dr¡ Omits. c....~er Lake ¡aœives .storm water IUI'1Oif ftcm an 82.3, ac:re drainage basin which' indudes a portion of Highway 50 fer 'the Florida ~ent cf. T rans¡:IOrtation. The stann W2ier coUeCöon system fer Higtlway 50 ccileds runoff' from an area of approximatsty 23 aa'eS. RI.I1Off1rorn' the 23 aaas is collected in storm water inlets and is discharged 1hrough a rip-rap lined channel, directly intD Cenœr Lake- The remeining 60 aces in the drainage bël.sin is' ccmprised, largely of residentiêi and some businesses. The s1Drm water runcff'from this arsä is, collected through' a series of storm water ccØedion strud1Jres , and eventually discharges tc the fake. The waær'quality'in Cenœr'taœ has been a ma11er'~"increasing'concem fcr'1he' City'fer" several years. It is' estimated "d1at 1he stcrm water" ccledibn system fer Highway 50 ccntibutes approximately 33 percent of aii 1I1e n.moff entering Center Lake. The runoff from Highway 50 is heavily laden wätr debris and pollutants and enters Canter Lake wiihCut benefit of 1Æatment. The resufting water quaJity in f1e lake ~ poor. . 'The level of Center -Lake has' also been a matter at c:n;em fer 1he City during seven:! or multiple storm events:EXœsSve rains cause ltTe lake tc overflow ante. west. A venue and 8ghth SIÆet In additiCX1, high waters threaten to flood a 'sewage lift s1ation on the snore at Center Lake. ' Proposed Stonnw&ter Tœatment SoIuöon PoliutEnt loadings to the lake can be reduced by C2pturing the runoff from Highway 50 and diverting it 10 a retentimpa1dpropcsed on a parœl at land O'M"Jed by the Cïy. The retention pond WIll be sized 10 capture the first flush at runoff frcm+tighway 50, thereby reducing the majority of JX)tlutants errtråring the lake, The CRy has already, begm treatment at the quality , of 'Mater in Center Lake by instaIJing native aquatic vegetation around 1he perimefsr- The level in the lake cæ1 orUy be.' controlled by pumping' the water out at the drat ~, basin. This will be accomplished by usi1g a combined eflbrt at Cèntinuous !eve ccnlrcl and' stann water diversion. CoÍ1tinu~ Ieve! centrol 'NiB be'achiE!\led by using Center- Lake 10 irrigate City owned ÆaeaÖooai fadIities. The City will maintai'1 stDrage capabilities in the lake" itseff, , by lowering the' Ieveis fg a predetermined elevation beNIeen stcrm' events.. Slam' water diversion wiD be ~, by constructing a retention pond on the property for the Clermont Pollution Control F~ Ioc:aIsd on T weftIh Street fer emergency cbJ IäI yê. . Prapœed Design . . 9 c:hannef that c:Ii.scJ'\a ges runoff <:]11eded fi'cm Highway 50 and areas wi ' A CXJnCr1É coIJedion sfrudure adfIqJ xaœIy . re the- first ind1 of runcff from the Hig aea. will in 1he channel. The runctf wiD be divet1ec.I to a 'lift' station and, retentia1 pond ccnsinJc:fed on ,Gity owned property fer water. qua)" The pmjecf- ~ .. . _.. ~ .:tbe:lalœ!:;fœ¡-.' . >' ~edi~ The project IM1 serve a . . 1 a ..' . '-:.>o.~ põlfN-l~ to 1iië1åke,"' àOd (2) level c:ontrcH of Carner Lake. SEE fl.Æ..~i.D ~'S:c.c. rJ ~(PL.~J~,JS !\ ~ fol..L-o..V~: , to -' ~'~. ! ., 2 . . - . . . t==IIF='NJ;;,f=a ENGINEEASÁ SURVEYORS~ PLANNERS BaRLEY' - AN'O ASSOCIATES, INC. [f ~~~'{~"'(:';' :(? : ::'~~~:~::!"~---.; '. ..". , r..-, / !..':: (., '. 8 ?}o,:¡ !j::.6~c.:C~j" ~/.....y! VIA FAX #343-4259 December 3. 2003 Mr. LaDcc M. .Lumbard. Lake CountY Wa= Authority }O7 N. Lab Avenue Tawres. FL 32778.3119 u: a ~ R 0 Dear Mr. L'UIDbmi: The foUowing is a summary ofthe"conslrUction plan modifications aDd ueaunent volumes associated with c:ach p1an. . The origiDal plan c!esign concept approved by the LaJœ Coun¡y Waœr Authority was to provide for a lift SlatÎOIlauc!. stormwaterpond at the City's 12" SueetrPark to treat 0.93 Ba'Cafect ofstormw&tcT from a 12.62 acre drainage basin c1.I1'TC:ntly direcùy disçbarg,ing to Center Lake. The new plan design provides for swales around 1he entire perimeter of the la]œ interCePÐns how the StOmlwater pipes directly discharge intO Center Lake and the swales provide for 0.32 acre.feet of 1reatØ1eJ1t and a wet detention area is proposed at me point of discharge from the F.D,O.T. draiDagc basin. The: wet detention area provides for treatment volume of 0.46 açre~feet thus the total treatment volume und.crmenew desi¡n is 0.7& acre-feet. Adc1itiouaJly. tbenew design provides for iDœrception of soli~ sediments. oils. and greases for the entire c1raina.ge basin of 65.12 acres. . " LasdY. per our geoteclmical and enVÚ'Onmental evaluations. the estimarcdscasonal high water cable is at c)evatÎ.œ 92.S to which the swales would remain city during a Donna1 rainfall year. PeT our phone COIIvcrsation . Tamara llichaTdson is to supply you wi1h the freq~C)' of which the swales would be inll1daœd or under MICr. 1 trust that WI information is sufficient for your needs. Should you have any qucstiœ.s. please fee1 tree to contaCt me. ~Y& . ~ ASSOCIAtEs. INC, Dwme K. Boo~ P .E. Director ðf~ Tavares offi= dboolh(t,l~meJbarlev .com DIC.8:am Encl0SLRS cc:; = Tawa Richardson. P '~'þ City Engineer. City of Clermont c.~ ..... ~ DcICUIn8hIG\WðldFWfec:l.l.O\CI'N OF Cl.E!RMQNT\CIHTER LAI(E\I.8nOCI LuIntl8l'ClIOlW."",,-,wpd 350 North Sll'\Clair Avenue. Tavares. Fie! 3 Ph^nA' (~fi2,"343-8481 . Enøineering Fa):::" 78 . EaMail: fba1 @farnerbllrley.com i3M8495 . Survey Fa)C: (352) 343.5641 - . F=iElRNElR ENGINeERS. SURVEYORS. PLANNERS ElBRL..EiV AND ASSOCIATES, INC. _. ~~~~3-lf~ 51 VIA ~.IUJJ. v .... Y December 3. 2003 . Mr. Lance M. Lumbard LaÞ Ownty Water Authority 107N. Lake Avenue Tavaml. FL 32778~3119 BE: CENTER LAKE STORMW A nit IMPROVEMENTS (FDA #1031004.004) Dear Mr. Lwnbarcl: . Subsequent to our mco1Ü1g with you and Tamæa Richardson from the City of Clermont on Thursday, November.20. 2003. we have modified theconstri1ction plans for the Center Lake project 10 eliminate the stOmlwater pumpjng swion force main and perco1ation pond at Ù\e City Park.. The revised plans that you received yesterday still include stonnWater quality improvements to the proposed 1m by eliminatin¡ direçt discbalge to Center l.a]œ and constructing swales atoWld the perimeter ofthc lake which will settle heavy solids ad metals and skim oils IDd greases. The swales will aJso reduce sedimc:ntation and siltation build up, which bas been a problem iD the past. The sump area originally PJOPOsed to receive stormwater nmoff Û'Om S.R. SO is still p1anned md win receive stOrmwater runoff. settle heavy metals, and solids in a wet detendoD. capacity and skim oils and ¡:reases prior to discharge: to Ctntcr Lake. The water quaHty achieved in m.: swalC$ as .çomparod to me WalCf Mana:ement District criteria ranges between 3% and 33% of the wlume requiIed. However. the swales wil1 provide for 90-100% removal of solids. sands. and silts and oils and ¡pases. The sediment sump for the discharge &om Highway SO provides for 96% of the volume required. by me Waœr Management District as well as provides for seu1ement ofhcavy matcrialsþ silwþ and sediment and skimming of oils and ¡reases. Should you have any questions with ¡egards to this information. please feci free to contact Mc. . Sinceœly. BARLEY & ASSOCIATES. INC. Duane K. Booth. P .E. DirecUlr ofEn~ Tavares office dboothfâ>.fameroarlev.eo", DlCB:am EnclosureS çe; Tamara Richardson. P .B.þ City EnginCCt' t City of Clermont c~ ... ~ Docu'n8nII\W ~ .8.O\CfTV OF CLSRMOH1'\ŒNTER J.A (E\I,,8nCIe I.umDIIrd "".wpd . 350 North Sindair Avenue. Tavares. Fr~ .....- "'~778 ~. E-Mail: fba1@farnerbarley.com pnone: (352) 343-8481 . EnQineering Fa) 4 ~3-8495 . Survey Fax: (352) 343-5641 PE~ £.~R.. S ~ ~t..E:. v I c I.NI T y :M A p . NOT TO SCALE - C L f.f...JII} 0 Arr ("fIJ"T"- 5 ~E. >\ÐRN'\¡JPrDtA... .p(J.~:s~.~~ .' . . , I ATTACHMENT C PUBUC BENERr The, waœr quafity of Center- Lake is poor åue to the untreated scrmwater 1hat regularly enters- the-lake. Center Lake is located on Cfty owned park. which ¡ndudes- a- fitness ÌlëliI, and a picnic area. The area' is used heavily by Iccai residents fer pefSjoai rec-cëroCiì as wetl as' public events, such as hoiiday c:;Jebrations. Although the lake is not considered recreational wate."S", its appearance and, occasionally its' odor are a detriment 10 the recreational uses of the surrounding property. in addition, there is some conœm. for public health and safety created by the poor water quc¡tity at a lake freque.'1ted by 1tïe public. The treatment and level management provided by. the proposed improvements wiil benefit the park through aesthetics and improved public heafth'and safety. In gene:a,I, the City is a strong proponent of providing tÆatment at stormwater'prior to entering' any natural b cdy at water'ancUunds projects: annuaßy to I t;tb uti t existing stDrmwater systems whidl discharge directly irrlD natural, water ,bodies. " 6 . . . " . A IT ACHMENT 0 PQU.UTANTREMOV AL CenœrLake is a 9.7 aae land Iock.ed' fake 1h2t reœiv..es SemI" water runofffrcm an 82..3 ace. drajnag& basin which indodes. a: porticn of Highway, ,50 fer'the Ronda Department of" ïransportation (FDOTJ.. Approximately 30 percent,of 1he, rul'1Ctf, entering Carrier L:ïke, cernes: from 1he sicrmwater coiledicn system fer Migt1way SO. A bresk.dCM1 d !he Carter Lake". dr-cinage basin is as. followr. Area, % Impe.-viG1i5 I "'---- ...- ~ Highway 50 Colection System 92 18.5 j I ComrœrQaJl8LJSiTiess 80 42.5 I Residential. 40 21.3 TOTAL 72 82.3 The prcposed. project indudes amy 1hat: area" aJIIeded by 1he Highway 5£} ccIedicn S'ýstem. , Because", the remainder. of the- basin is.located in an older'section or town with low 1r3fic flows and extensive green" areas; it is assumed l1at the majority of 1he pollutants are gerierated: from the. Highway 50 dæinage. The. pollutants the Ciy antiQpates removing with the stormwafer'diversion project indude grease and. oil, street litter; trash and debris, vegetation and ccarse" sediments ad 'the atfached pollutants" - numerns and heavy J1'1etajs. By capturing the first one i1c:h' of ItIncff, it is e::afill rated that 95 percent' of' poßuta1ts' will be ÆmOVed. 7 EXHIBIT "C" PROJECT BUDGET . CENTER LAKe STORMWA TER IMPROVEMENTS SITE WORK - SCHEDULE OF UNIT PRICES DescriDtion Quantitv Unit Unit Price Amount 1 MOBtUZATION 1.00 LS $ a 500.00 $ 8,500.00 2 .eARTHWORK... CUT'. FILL. GRADE & SHAPE 1 LS $ 32.000..00 S 32.000.00 3 TYPE-III SILT FeNCE '2250 LF $ 1.15 $ 2 587.50 4 FLOATING TURSICITV BARRIER 780 LF $ 15.00 .$ 11-;700.00 5 soaotNG 8.900 Sy $ 1.6Ò $ 14.240.00 6 SEED AND MUI.CH 1.050 Sy $ 0.30 $ 315.QO 7 CLEARING-AND "GRUBBING. PIPE REMOVAL. 1 LS $ 12.000.00 $. 12.000.00 8 6' X 4" CONCREITE SIDEWALK 1.720 Sy $ 30.00 $ 51.600.00 $ - . . . TOTAl SITE WORK = $ 132,942.50 I-- . . 8 . cENTER lAKE IMPROVEMENTS DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS - SCHEDULE OF UNIT PRICES . Description Qœntitv. Unit Unit Pric:e Amount 18" ASP 44 L.F 18.75 825.00 18'" MES 1 LF 750.00 . 750.00 .... 24" ASP 123 LF 26.00 3.198.00' 24" MES 3 LF 850.00 2 550.0Q. 36'" ASP 174 IF 47.00 8.178.00 . 36'" ues 4 LF 2.900.00' 11.600.00 TYPE .C" BUBBLE UP STRUCTURE 6 EA 2.450.00' 14.700.00 TYPE -rr. BUBBLE UP STRUCTURE 1 EA 3 aoo.oo .3 SOO.OO TVPE "[)'" INLST 5 EA 2.400:00 12000.00 MOC1~feo..J".BOTTOM STORM MANHOLe 1 EA 3.600.00 . 3,600.00 MoDIFY SXlST INlET TO "0" INLET 1 SA 1 825,00 1,825.00 IAODIFIED STORM MANHOLE WITH weIR 1 . EA 3.200.00 3.200.00 : CÓNCRETE FLuMe. COMPLETE 1 eA 2.500.00 2 500.00 . ASERGLASS SKIMMER WITH POSTS 5 EA 1.000.00 5 000.00 . DENSIlY"TESTING 1 LS 2.500.00 2.500.00 TOTAL DRAINAGE WORK = S 76,,226.00 . 9 , , . . . . ceNTER LAKE STORMWA TER IMPROveMENTS , TOTALS DeseriDtion Amount 1. SITE WORK $ 132,942.50 2 DRAINAGE WORK I $ 76 226.00 ... TOTAL $ 209.1,68_50 PLUS 10 '% CONTINGENCY $ 20.918.85 PROJECT 'GRAND TOTAL $ 230.085.35 . LCWA PORTION = $114,225.00 OR 49.64% CLERMONT PORTION = $115,860.35 OR 50.36% . 10 ceNTER LAKE TOTALS.xIs Page 1 " . . . . . .. . . . This addendum, upon execution by all parties, is herewith made an integral part of the aforementioned Agreement and this addendum shall supersede the Agreement in the event of any conflicts. Date: 3-'1-04- Attest: ~o(o-~o- Date: :;¿" )L/ ,- öY CITY OF CLERMONT ~~~.h/ ~erson signing ~~ 11