2004-02 FEB-03-2004(TUE) 11:35 02/82/2ßB4 22:41 3523433685 LAKE CO ELECTIONS P.001/001 PAGE 01/01 . Memorandum of Agreement for Polling Places Prec.inct 15 The Owner (Occupant) 8I:TCCS to proYldc :a pCJlIIl:Jg place tor the fð.1lowlng .Electiðns to be hcld 00: Pres. Preference Primary: TQesda~ ~arch :~OO4 F'Jnt Primary: Tuesday. ð!!2Vst 31. 2004 ~.....;;.. '(FI..PyI'fU99d1!'. ~""I -: 11, '1 Guer41 Election: Tul!sdSlv. November 1. 2004 at the foQowln¡ IDation: JenkiN Auditorium, 691 W. Montrose St., Clermont tOLLING PLACE TELEPHONE NUMBER: ~ To the ment ~vcrcigD Immunity has been waived, the County of Lake agrees to indemøify and hold hanDIes.. the cnvncr Cor aD)' cJaiOl9 tor bodJly injury Or property damagl: oc:currlng on the oecQpied premises arislDG from ncgIJgant acts of the County Of aa)' of its agc,.t. or employees. Lake County agJ'ce$ to pay the .mount of S for Cl1ch dectioD held at tbe aOO"c loc:atioo. CHECK SßOVLDBE MADE PAYABLE TO: MAIUNG ADDRESS: - Do you bave Tables and eJaai:'1lll'Vllllablc r~r the. dIction bcard D1cmbÇ1'S to esc Oll,eIectioa day! Yes '" ,No- YOtJR SPECIAL INSTRVcnONS regarding USe of buildmg. deJlvery of equipment, eleçtloD d8y, pidcup of equipmcnt and or other Snstl"1lcdol1s you may bnYc. . PerIOD(S) to contact for acuss to buildiag prcccdlnc eJection for delrvery or voting equipment, 6:00 A.M. eÌection day for pDU"'or~ and alter the election for .pickup ohoting equipment. . rtL IF POSSIBLE PROVIDE TWO COM ACT PEOPLE" - Name-1:bwa :CÇ~ NlUJ1c :J1:; MQt¡ Addres... LÞli \ W. IJ1&n-b-O2l... ÇL Addre5W StÞ~ rj.er t1t\O ~ ~ L ~ !:t11..L PhoneN",mber 3'52. j 4. q PbolleNumbcr ~.*.Ok"..* AKEYCANBEOBTAINEDFRO~ Name i . ..p PboDeNlIIDberesz... =lic.J. c.¡.DKI . :I~ ¡..~ Address 7.ØI.EO~ I~,q .1 "'~ ;>M2a-. nEASE FlU. IN ðJL. 1NFORM4 no ~ ~ ~ ~ '"1'/ ~ . <=> '2-1. ' NEEDF.;J) AND RETURN om COpy IN THE ENCLOSf;P ENVELOPE ature of Ownù (Oc ant) , "':?O. ~ 1'Z.o'2.J~ J (j e~~..:.:rL 3lf1:1ø.. O)JC Address . ~-z.. ~l../~ PhoDe N Itmber 11IANI< YOU FOR YOtTR COOPERATION EJection OCficr Pbone NuD1bcr EmoKcne W. Stegall Lake County SÞpervisor ofE1c:ctioJlS P. O. Dr.\lwer 457, TavU'cs, FJonda 32718 RECEIVED JAN 3 1 ~DO3 (352) 343-9734 . SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS LAKE COUNTY. FlORIDA ~DD Y. - Dd..-