2000-47 8' 8 ---,----- ..- ----'- Nè',!-.lO-OO lO:26A SPRINGSTEAD ENGINEERING, 352-787-7221 P.O4 Document 00300 - Bid Form Made by: Address: TO: CITY OF CLERMONT 1 WESTGATE PLAZA CLERMONT. FLORIDA 34711 (352) 394-4081 The undersigned Bidder has personally (or through its designated agent, attesting to this bid) carefully examined the plans and specifications, tbe "General Conditions" of the Contract. and all other relzted Contract Docwnents; has made a thorough physical inspection of the site of the proposed work, has given the Engineer written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepancies that the Bidder has disco,'ered in the contract documents or by site investigation, and by submission of this written bid is attesting to compliance and is s~tisfied with the conditions under which the Contract is peñonned. - .. ,,-. Therefore, Bidder agrees to furnish all the labor, materials, and services required by tbe" ê~ñtract Documents for the construction of the facility for the sum of: N \ C) e.. ~ So@\r ~ C'- ~N. J. ~ A- Q.-~\.:d-_-~ ~ol1ars Eo. ~-=bh~ €\ÔhTOo\\Q~ ($<=\"1 ~CKCi'. ~n ). . '3hre..-~ -t\"'1)lßA-n ~ÇiV~ ~V"\ tOr pC Dollars (Base Bid) (Alternate) ($ 6t5ro. aD ). If the written notice of the acceptance of this bid is mailed. delivered or faxed, to the undersigned within si:try (60) days after the date of opening of the bid, the undersigned agrees 10 (within ten (10) da)'s of receipt of such notice) execute and deliver a contract in tþe Conn of an Agreement in accordance with the specifications and bid a~ accepted. :Addendum No.1, November-g, 2000 (b:\bfmspecs) (51130.013) 10 Document 00300 - Bid Fonn LS 9 Improvements 8 8 The undersigned further agrees to commence work, with an adequate force and equipment, within ten (10) consecutive calendar days after being notified in writing by the Owner to do so; and to complete the work within ninety (90) calendar days. If undersigned fails to complete the work within the allowed time, liquidated damages in the sum of two hundred and fifty and 00/100 Dollars ($250.00) per calendar day for the time used for the completion of the work in excess of that allowed time, will be .deducted from the Contract Price. If such amount exceeds the balance owed the undersigned, the undersigned agrees to pay such excess amount until the . work is completed and/or accepted. This bid may be withdrawn at any time prior to the scheduled time of opening of the bids, or any authorized postponement thereof. ADDENDUM RECEIPT The receipt of the following addenda to the specifications is acknowledged: Addendum No. I .Date NO\le",,6~ 9. ~ Addendum No. ~ Date NOvQrY\ber 13. ;{OO 0 Addendum No. - Date The undersigned (is) (are) the only interested (party) (parties) in this proposed contract, except that if others are interested, their signatures are also attached hereto as principals, an~ they also agree to all conditions of these -oentract documents. It is declared that this proposal is made in good faith without connection with any other proposals for this work. '- Respectfully submitted: ll-f, '"'~ -=-r ec..~'\f,', c:..~ IYnC'-.. CõNiiAcrOR ~ (P son who amin~d ~ts'f.S<.o.¡,. PuMÌf & Inspected tJ,.e Project Site) V.P. BY: ~ .J . g~ Pre:,. or;7 ~~~\li5 DATE: \ 0 (Seal if Bid is :by a Corporation) (b:\bfmspecs) (51130.013) II Document 00300 - Bid Form LS 9 Improvements 8 8 Vocumcnl 00410 - lIi¡J 1IIIn¡J ~NOW ALL \.!EN U V TIU:S~ rRESENTS, rhlll WC, Ihe lllidecsigllcd, UTILITY TECHNICI ANS . INC.:I$ PrincIP:1I, :1nd RLI INSURANCE COMPANY u SurelY, ole he(4~by held and firmly bound unlO CITY OF CLERMONT :1~ OWNER in Ihc penll! sum of FIVE PERŒNI' OF BID (5%) for Ihe p:Jymenl of which, well :lOd truly 10 bc m:ldc, we hereby jomlly and severally bind ourselves, suCCCSSOIS :lnd :lssisns. SiGned, Ihis 8TH day of NOVEMBER, 2000. The Colldilion of Ihe above obhg:uion 15 SIIC'h 111:11 ""Iw,r.øl:. Ihe Princip:11 has 5uhmirted 10 CITY OF CLERMONT :J cc:n:lin BIO, :¡nOlched herelO :lnd hcreby made II part hereof 10 corer inlo 0 COlllrOlCI in writll1g, for Ihe LIFT STATION 9 IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT: 51130.013 NOW THEREFORE, (D) If said Bid shall be rejected, or (b) If SDid DID 6h:lll be accepted and Ihe Principal shall execule and deliver 1\ ConrraCI in the Form of Conrracl Dllached herelo (properly compleled in accordance with said BID) I1nd shall furnish II ßOND for faithful performance of said COntrACl, and for Ihe payment of all persons performing labor, furnishing materials in conneCtiOn therewilh, and shall in al/ other respe:cls perform rhe: agreement creau:d by the acceptance of said BID, thon this obligation shall be void. otherwise Ihe same sh.all remain in force and effect; il being expressly understood and agreed Ihal rhe liability of Ihe Surety for any and all claims h~reundcr shall. in no even!, exceed the penal amount of this obligarion 89 h~rein slated. The Surely. for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees thai the obligarions of said Surely and ilS BOND shall be ill 110 way implI.irceJ or Idrceled by an extension of th~ time: within which the OWNER may accept such BID; and said Sure:ty does hereby waive notice of any such extension. . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety have hereunto 5et their hands and sc:als, line! such uf them 89 are corporation have caused their corporllc lea Is 10 be herelo affixed and these presents to be si¡;ned by their proper officers, the d:1Y and ..)'e3r first set forth Dbove. . UTILITY TECHNICIANS, INC. ~~ J. ~ (L.S.) . Principal. ~e~. Kf'I<t"n s. PUf?\li.) RLI INSURANCE COMPANY Surety By: - -- -FACT IMPORTANT: Surety CompJnies executing BONDS must appcar on the TreaslJry Department's most current li51 (Circular 570 as amended) and be authorized 10 transact busine5!; il\ the: slare where the project is located. (b;\bbmspecs) (51130.013) 12 Documenr 00410 - Bid Bond LS IJ Improvements -, 8 fJtJJJI}/D t D V S 0 Nt 8 POWER OF ATTORNEY 9025 N. Lindbergh Dr. . Peoria, IL 61615 Know All Men by These Presents: BOND NO. SSB- 279801 That this Power of Attorney is not valid or in effect unless attached to the bond which it authorizes executed. but may be detached by the approving officer if desired, That RLI INSURANCE COMPANY, an Illinois corporation, does hereby make, constitute and appoint Don Bramlage, Jimmy W. Henderson, James R. Hall, Jointly or Severally in the City of Daytona Beach , State of Florida its true and lawful Agent and Attorney-in-Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred, to sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver for and on its behalf as Surety, the following described bond. Any Performance or Payment or Labor and Material or Maintenance or Supply or Bid Bond providing the bond penalty does not exceed Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000), The acknowledgement and execution of such bond by the said Attorney-in-Fact shall be as binding upon this Company as if such bond had been executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of this Company. The RLI INSURANCE COMPANY further certifies that the following is a true and exact copy of the Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of RLI Insurance Company, and now in force to-wit: "All bonds, policies, undenakings, Powers of Attorney, or other obligations of the corporation shall be executed in the corporate name of the company by the President, Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, or by such other officers as the Board of Directors may authorize. The President, any Vice President, Secretary and Assistant Secretary, or the Treasurer, may appoint Attorneys-in-Fact or Agents who shall have authority to issue bonds, policies, or undenakings in the name of the Company, The corporate seal is not necessary for the validity of any bonds, policies, undenakings, Powers of Attorney, or other obligations of the corporation. The signature of any such officer and the corporate seal may be printed by facsimile. " (Blue shaded area above indicates authenticity) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the RLI Insurance company has caused these presents to be ex~cuted by its President with its corporate seal affixed this 1st day of January, 1999. SS . ",," 111111//1 ,,"'~p..NC£ é'lll, "'C;)\J ..".. O~'" RLIINSURANCE COMPANY j'~ ..,ö"PO._¡". 00\ ~ 0,.0 ~..,,~ E. ::: -.../.. .. -z.. -CC . -<.- :; : :By:;" . = : SEAL. - ~. - . - ::: PresIdent ~ .'.. ... :: -::""" ...........,,' ,j:' "" It.. L I N O\S "" 'I, ", ////'" II II II \ ,,\ State of Illinois County of Peoria On this 1st day of January, 1999, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Jonathan E. Michael, who being by me duly sworn, acknowledged that he signed the above Power of Attorney as the aforesaid officer of the RLIINSURANCE COMPANY and acknowl- edged said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. .~ CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned officer ofRLI Insurance Company, a stock corpora- tion of the State of Illinois, do hereby certify that the attached Power of Attorney is in full force and effect and is irrevocable; and further- more, that the Resolution of the Company as set forth in the Power of Attorney, is now in force. In testimony whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the RLI Insurance Company this8~ day of NOVEMBE,R 2000 "OFFICIAl SEA I CYNTHIA S. DOHM NOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF IlliNOIS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 0212~/02 RL"NSURANCE COMP":";~ f'~ President SPAOl5 (1/99) 8 Nov~13-00 03:00P SPRINGSTEAD ENGINEERING, 352-7_-7221 P.O3 Document 00350 - Schedule of Values City of Clennont Lift. Station 9 Improvements GENER.4.L 1. Mobilization L.S. 2. Site Clearing 1.8. 3. Excavating loS. 4. BacktiUing loS. 5. Rough Grading LS. 6. Erosion Control L.S. 7. Sod 150 SY @ $~ ~SY 8. Gravel Surface and Fabric 47 SY @ $dt~.~SY $_lpOo.OO Co50.0D . $ <qOai.OO $ 5S00'9b s <600.00 $ %DO.ro $ 300. 00 $ l 0 ~ I. DO GENERAL BASE BID SUBTOTAL S \ « I \ 5 ~ .. 00 $ u. PAVEMENT (OPEN CUT AND REPAIR) 1. Stabilized Subgrade 67 SY @ $5.~ /Sy 2. 12" LBR 100 Limerock 67 SY @ $ IO.~sY 00. 3. Asphalt Concret( 67 SY @ $~SY 4. Concrete: Curb and Gutter I-~' 76 LF @ $...2:......LF 5. Striping (6" Wide) ]52 LF @ $ \.~ ¡LF 6. Traffic Regulation loS. 7. Pavement Demolition and Disposal LS. $ 335. OD $ 610. OD $--9 3e;:s . 00 $ I. \ L{ o. 00 s~S~, 00 $ 1 5100 .00 s 1 ObO . DO PA VEMENT BASE BID SUBTOTAL $ ~ 0 2, -.5 ~ 00 UI. PREC AST 1. Wet Well & Cover with Hatches loS. (Hatches FBO) 2. Valve Vault & C.over with Hatches LS. (Hatches FBO) IV. WATERMAIN $ 11 \ YS5. CD $~CO PRECAST BASE BID SUBTOTAL $ III \;;1.10 g. CO 1. 6" OJ.P. with joints and restraints I 90 ~ LF @ S~iLF $ ?)7~O. 00 lAddendum No.1, November 9, 2000 (51130.013) 13 Document 00350 - Bid Schedule LS 9 Impro,'ements 8 Nav~13-00 03:01P SPRINGSTEAD ENGINEERING, $~O Change Existing Wet Well to Manhole l.S. $ ~ \C>O . 00 ORA YITY SEWER BASE BID SUBTOTAL $~O 352-78'-7221 2. 6" MJ 90° Ell with remaints and ØÐ lñrust Bloclc I EA @ $1I:Ji!EA 13. 6" MJ ~ 90° Ell with Restraints O' I ~ EA @ $ J5bJËA 4. 6" MJ 45° Ell with Rcstraints ø.a. and Thrust Block I EA @ $2Ql/EA 6" MJ Plugs 2 EA @ $~-7EA IS. 6. Watermain Demolition and Disposal LS. 7. Watennain Disinfection LS. L.S. 8. Connect to Existing Watennajn 9. 210. Lift Station Water Service with RPBFP LS. 6" Gate Valve Assemblies 2 EA @ $~/EA W A TERMAIN BASE BID SUBTOTAL $ V. GRA VITY SEWER 1. Connect Existing Wet Well to New Wet Well LS. 22. VI. LIFr ST A TIOl'i 1. Jnstall Wet Well and Cover L.S. ., Install Yclve Vault and Cover LS. ... 3. Wet Well Piping and Fillings LS. 4. Valve Vault Piping, Fittings, Valves, and Accessories LS. 5. Install Pumps, Bases, and Pump Accessories (FRO) loS. 6. Relocate and Reconnect Aerator LS. 7. Install Control Panel (FBO) LS. 8. Relocate and Reconnect A TS and Meter LS. 19. Relocate and Reconnect Existing Autodialer L.S. 10. Provide Surge Suppressor LS. {51130.013) ~Addendum No.2, November 13, 2000 lAddendum No. I, November 9, 2000 .------- -..- P.O4 s "'?, 00 . Of) $ ;;)..50. DO bQ:) . m <6"0 .00 $ \ 000 . Oó $ ';::) (X) . 00 $ $ $ $ \ 000 .CD (ðl{~. Cù 1050. °0 8~06. Oõ $ $ S"ooo. (X) $ \ ~a(o . ðO $~ $ Colo 75". 00 $ CoCo. OD s-.J9 ~l). DC) s-Ýf)() . (){) s~ $ o'2So. W $ 302<0. CD 14 Document 00350 - Bid Schedule LS 9 Improvements 8 No~-13-00 03:01P SPRINGSTEAD ENGINEERING, 352-"-7221 - . ------- P.O5 II. Provide Tc:nninal Cabinet LS. 12. Provide Main Disconnect LS. 13. Provide Wire. Cable and Conduit for all Electrical Equipment LS. 14. Abandon Existing Pump Station L.S. 15. Provide Suppons for All Electrical Equipment L.S. $~ 1059. CD s~OO $ 3oon. CO s ~ Y {nO . aD $ 1000.0'0 LIFT STATION BASE BID SUBTOTAL $ 33.S~ß. Cú VII. FORCEMAJN 1. 6" DIP with Ioints and 20 LF @ $~/LF Restraints 2. 6" MI 45° Ell with Restraints 1 EA @ $~rEA DC> 3. 6~ MJ Wye with Restraints I EA @ $~irA 24. 6~ x 8" MI reducer witb oiJ Restraints 1 EA @ $~7fA 25. 8" MJ 45° Ell with 3 EA @' s31010lJEA Restraints 6. Conneci 10 Exisling Forcemain LS 7. Forcemain Demolition and Disposal LS 8. Connect 10 Lift Station Piping LS 19. Provide Line Stop LS 210. 8" DIP with Ioints and 00 Restraints 65 LF @ $~F $~ L O. 00 $ ;(55""".00 $ 5~S .00 d~O.CD $-9 2,0 . 00 $~D 500 . DO s - 600 .00 $~ ;). SIo.CfJ $ 6S7S.DD FORCEMAlN BASE BID SUBTOTAL $ \?> ~ 03 :S, C() s $ 'VIII. ALTERNATE 1. Demolish and Remove Existing Lift Stalion Top Slab LS $ as oo~ co 2. Provide 8' diameter Concrete Top Slab for Existing Wet Well with Cast-In Manhole Frame and Cover LS s \ COO . 00 2Addendum No.2, Ncvember 13, 2000 (51130.013) 15 Document 00350 - Bid Schedule LS 9 Improvements 8 No¥-13-00 03:02P SPRINGSTEAD ENGINEERING~ City of Clermont Lift Stations 9 Improvements Sanitary and Water Extensions BID RECAP I. GÐŒRAL II. PA VEMENT III. PRECAST IV. W A TERMAIN v. GRA VITY SEWER VI. UFT STATION VII. FORCEMAIN IVIII. ALTERNATE lAddendum No.1, November 9, 2000 (51130.013) 16 ;~2-7'-7221 PoD6 $ I <a , \ 69 . CO $_ln I 0'35. DO s~W $~[X) $ 3.9s~. 00 $ '2>3, 53>~.CD s \ 3 . 033.00 TOTAL BASE BID 5 q r-¡ I ~~ß", 00 . $ ~1S00..0D .. -. Document 00350 - Hid Schedule LS 9 Improvcme.nts 14. ~ 8 8 Document 00430 - Major Subcontractors and Suppliers* I. Earthwork S au. p c.o('\ =r lîc... Precast Structures _N\o. c....t L Dnc r e.. --\-C Lifting Equipment S> O-.J.. P Lß)t"'\ -::r:- nc..... Ductile Iron Pipe and Joints ll, S. .~, \ -\e.,("" Ç',o\-\ec- +=', \ -\e r ç; \ ~ é ~\~ Lift Station and Wet Well Plumbing U.S. ~ì \ ~ Electrical tAm s.c-tt- Ë \ e..clf..\ c. 0.\ . 0 2. 3. 4. 5. l 1 .c;.. U.S U.~. U.~. Valves 6. Fittings 7. Forcemain 8. Watermain 9. 10. 11. Concrete Work 12. Curb & Gutter 13. Paving Limerock ~N_)~;~ ~ -: ~ ~".. c ì I¥'" , T<lC-o DATE: II-ILl" .:JODO *Must be submitted with BID (b:\00430)o (51130.013) ... 00 -. 17 Document 00430 - Major Subcontractors LS 9 Improvements . 8- -, 8 Document 00481 - Public Entity Crimcs TI-IIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICER AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS. I. This sworn statement is submitted with Bid, Proposal or Contract 2. ~-\.c.-N~n '1 -:r.N\pt~\J ~ fY) 'Cr\~~ \ ~ ~ \ ec. h C"\: c...l' ~~ I :I:"c- [Nan.. or <"'i'y sllbmilli"g sworn 5I3IemClIII Ve. No. -5-U3a n, 3 L\~ This sworn statement is submitted by lJ...;.-; whose business address is and (if applicable) its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), 5£1- :,~~ a<6~S . (If the entity has no FEIN, include the 3. Social Security Number of the individual signing this sworn statement: My name is \.((1}.( e ('\ s. ¥ \...\'¡¿ " i ~ relationship to the entity named abov~PI:e prin~R~~vt~ .) and my 4. I understand that a "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287 .133( I )(g), Florida Statutes means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or with the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid or contract for goods or services to be provided to any public entity or any agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States and involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. - 5. I understand that "convicted" or "conviction" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(I)(b), Florida Statutes. means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication of guilt, in any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or infonnation after July I, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, nonjury trail, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere. - .. 0..-' 6. I understand that an "affiliate" as dermed in Paragraph 287.133(I)(a), Florida Statutes. means: 1. A predecessor o~ successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime: or An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted of a public entity crime. The tenn "affiliate" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting a controlling interest in another person, or a .pooling of equipment or income among persons when not for fair market value under an ann's length agreement, shall be a prima facie case that one person controls another person. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months shall be c;:onsidered an affiliate. 2. 7. 1 understand that a "person" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(l)(e), Florida Statutes, means any natural person or entity organized under the laws of any state or. of the Untied States with the legal power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or applies "to bid on contracts for the provision of goods or services let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business (b:\Public) (51130.013) Document 00481 - Public Entity Crimes LS 9 Improvements 18 8 8 with a public entity. The term "person" includes those oflïcers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in management of an entity. 8. Based on information and belief, the statement which I have marked below is true in n:lation to the entity submitting this sworn statement. [Please indicate which statement applies]. X Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement, nor any officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, nor any affiliate of the entity have been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July I, 1989. The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of the officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July I, 1989, AND [Please indicate which additional statement applies.] There has been a proceeding concerning the conviction before a hearing officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings. The final order entered by the hearing officer did not place the person or affiliate on the convicted vendor list. [Please attach a copy of the final order.] The person or affiliate was placed on the convicted vendor list. There has been a subsequent proceeding before a he'aring officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings,. The final order entered by the hearing officer determined that it was in the public interest to remove the person or affiliate from the convicted vendor list. [Please attach a copy of the final order.] @$. The person or affiliate has not been placed on the convicted vendor list. [Please describe any action taken by or pending with the Department of General Services.] STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LAKE ...-. PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, ~ J1. ?u~.Ý I '.s who, aft.s:r first being sworn by me, affixed his/her signature in the space provided above on this day of ~¡I". , 20p.Z> --'- j'.L/' /- ..A~ ~ L /\~~- "'..., .."".¡..v /To' ....,. . #¡ ~ N~ PUBLIC ~ð/1,.A¡t!, .#- ku:~~ My commission expires: tJA't Þ(J OFfICIAL NOTARY SEAL 0" jp" .lEN/FER H LOUER ~ .. C' CO-..oN IlUIIIIII ; J CC734190 71- ~ MY COMMISSION EXPIŒ8 OF F\.O MAY 8,2002 (b:\Public) (51130.013) 19 Document 00481 - Public Entity Crimes LS 9 Improvements 8 8 --.--------- Document 00485 - Trcllch Safety Statement ßidder acknowledges that included in the various items of the proposal and in the Total ßid Price are costs for complying with the Trench Safety Act, F.S. 553 - Part VI. The bidder further identifies the cost of compliance with the applicable trench safety standards as follows: Trench Safety Measure (DescriPtion) Units of Unit Unit Extended Cost Measure Quantity Cost (LF. SF) LF" ,SD 3.CP 450.00 A.S'D.pø{). ~I'&e~ B. C. D. - TOTAL $ '-150. 00 NOTE: The total cost shown herein is already included in the various items in the Total Bid Price in the Contractor's Proposal and is not additional to the pricing shown on the Bid Fonn. Bidder by signature below, assures that the contractor perfonrung trench excavating wiII comply with the applicable Trench Safety Standards. Failure to complete the above and submit with the Bid Fonn along with other required bidding documents, may result in the bid being declared non-responsive. NOTE: BEFORE EXECUTION, CONTRACTOR IS REQUESTED TO REVIEW PAGE 2 OF THIS STATEMENT. I' Submitted, signed and sealed this fi day of Nov E't"Y\bl"'l"'. 2000. ~~ \: ~ \e.r 'n", ~ co t ~ ~ . :me.. ~;n~1I11..> .1(. RL.:..... 11 p.s Name Title lo~r') ~c9h:1r A\I{I UYv\Iî~\\Q,ç::\.. 3';).115'1 Business A ess .. ...-. H. Seal (b:\trench) (51130.013) 20 Document 00485 - Trench Safety Statement LS 9 Improvements I I I 8 It ----~-~~b57~---------------------------------------~--~~~-~~~~ '" ' ", , 4 .':., . ,,- ,. , .,:"" ~ ..",,",.' .. d. .'.,," "- , I" 'AC/:"". "f, ",~, "Sj:fW:.'¡" ,1'It""" ciI!.'~"".~.;'" ,~",.~.,..".. '.'S,.A'TE 0, e'FL.O" , R.'I.D'. A 'n .'.0,,/ ",' """'~' . .:.,' , ;';' '",.,.,: """.,. ,,',(" , :!;~~4I"\~':i"'"':':'..,..,¡¡,lf.~.';~:.". -Jm:,,".',@:¡¡,.. ",~;.i/i:t"I".,Ii. .111".1,." ."', ,"m:.'" "{n:,,~~,, ',., t ,::,.,.,"~ I..' "":..~I"'.'.'~': .~"'" ':'D':;¡¡";;"ri'l."~R.TH""¿~ui;!"~¡.1I:'f;;B" ":~S"r.,~~".!t:'ìO. 'P:"'ROF".'e""s'C:O;r"O'NA'.l'REt'"UL":TION : "., , .: '~:."'"' ,.,.:.:~,', q,,~,~ ..,.,;,....t'!í'Ji;'U~. ",". .!I-.c: .oJI'..~'t'.""., ".iJI 0 '~ , ¡' .'" '<';;"':"~'<?-'r":-' "r~~~¡¡~i!t' ":",,o;.1,(ONS,J\I'::'I.NOUSTR'r."lICENSIM;"..BOARD, /' ,..,..iIJt)¡.,-:...,.. ""11......" H~\I1,""~ "".'."',"",--o;¡¡...' "c'_',"' . ',",,' I". . ','. "..., ..~ ".".,' "',."'.,' ,,~~,,'I-!t......, .",<!..-"", .~ "".... '...', I' .-"", , ".. I,' 07/11/l00,O:~!J:9;9o:.~~~~~' ,;.9.~~r:9~~~2~J~~~,~/'" "', "" ! . .,<-.,. - ," , ,,' . , , ' -. ,..". > The UNOERGROUND'~~UJILITY'" ~~E)(CAVATION CONTRACTOR" Named below,: I S'~ CER fI:F.I E 0;,,/'\ ;..:.;: ,,:--_!"(:¡. Under the provisiíllis of Chaøtef$ 489 """:i<--"" FS. 'i;~h' '~í Expiration date: AtJG 31.-; 2002 i ",'" "~1 ~\ .,",,> PUR VIS, HENRY' SCOTT UTILITY TECHNICIANS 630 GOODBAR AVE UMA TIlLA' .., 'I " ,=t '32784' J JEB BUSH GOV:=RNOR DISPLAY AS REQUIRED BY LAW CYNTHIA 'A. HENDERSON SECRE TARY ,- -... - ---~ ..."'......;--- -......... -'- ":-""'_..:'--"-'~';"~ - --":' -... ~..;,... ...,..."......,-':"';-", ..""'...; ~ .............-...,,"':,-,........~_._._,.... -'.-'- ....-.. i.-Aè# 5575039 ." ,..-'¡.r . STATE OF FLoRIDA ", "'" ,:,' . ",' "'., I.. DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND' PROFESSI'oNAL:- REGULATION ';>;, CON~T INDUSTRY LICENSINQ BOARD' , ~ LICENSE NBR "", Ö,,6/22/19~~ 9"E!!,9Ö~?~~~. ~,qBii~:OO~P!,'~9.".-' ~ The . BU9:tNESg:,bRGÄN'ÍZAT'ÌON~'-' . -"-~-,; 74;'-" . Named below" IS QUALIFIED.':".' ,-'~ ~'h;,1 Under the provisions of Chapter" 489 - FS. '" ,-.' Expiration date: AUG 31, 2001 , (THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO PERFORM COMPANY TO DO BUSINESS ONLY IF IT ~,~~~ ::>.;" ~;~ :';:':~.);~ ~~~~i ~...j. -ii-,::::- \~ i~<~ !~4~" t-~-.. .,;~-"-~"~.. \.\-~ .;~-: ,'f,. .-~-' . - WORK. THIS ALLOWS THE HAS A QUALIFIER,) .. " UTILITY TECHNICIANS INC 630 GOODBAR AVE 'JMATILLA FL 32ï84 JEB BUSH GOVERNOR DISPLAY AS REQUIRED BY LAW CYNTHIA A. HENDERSON SECRETARY . Ser.t by: BROWN&BROWN J INC. 8 3527879922; 11/13!OC ~1P~;J~#89j Page 1/1 ACORD ~!:!'( IIFICAT-E OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE IJotMIDCIVY ~ . 1l/13/l000 PlIOOuçiR (152)717-2431 FAX I !'IllS ....", ,u.- BROWN ~ND aROWN, IN( ONLY ~D CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIPICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 10~3 w. Pixie Ave. ~LTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. P.O. BolC 491616 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE ~ee$Þwrø. Fl Ji1+9-163. INSURED Uti1 it)' Techn;c;ans. Inc. INSURER A: Westfield Coldlun;u IBO Goodbar 4ve. INSl.RER~. Umillt;11a, Fl 3271+ ~SlJ'(èR c: lN$URiR 0: I INSUREI¡ E: COV£AAGES E CI OF INSUt4NCE LISTED BELOW tiA\ie BeEN ISSUED TO THE INSURI!O NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICy PERiOD iNDICATED. ANDING AN'( REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT "IIITH RéSPECl TO WHICH THIS ceRTIFICATE MAY ee ISSUED OR MAY peRTAIN. THE INSURANCf AFIIORDI!D BY TtE POLICIES DESCRIBeo l'1ëREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCl-USIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGReGATE LIMITS SHOWN M~Y HAVE BeeN RE¡)UCED BY FAlO CLAIMS. LTR ""I'~ Of' INSURAHCE GEHEIUL w.II1LITY X COMMERCIAL G£NêAAL LIABILITY C1.AIMS I.I.+.DE m OCCUR WP3941151 POLICY "~It DAn IMMID:>rfY 05/01/2001 CATt: !M..,DNY' 05/01/2000 UMIT' EACH OCCURRENCE S FIRE DAMAGe !Allyone fil'o) S ",'eo EX!' (My one øerson\ $ PEI<SONAL & ADV INJURY I œN£~ .f.GGREGATf $ P::IDCUGTS . COMPIOP AGG $ A C:>1A8INEO $INGl.E U..IT (Ea~l $ a.JDIL.., INJURY (1'.. peracn) $ IIOÞIL Y IH.lURY I~.. lICCICIanl} s PRDPERTY OAIoIACE IFet accldtnl) , GAr:.\GE LIAIIIUTY AHY AUTO AUTO OM. Y . ell ACCIDENT I OTHER TI4AN EA.ccC $ AUTO ON. 'f'; AGO S I!ACH OCCURRENCE $ ACCREGATE S I $ S ÐCCE$S LIA.IUn OCCUR D CLAINS I.tADE DEDUCTIBLE ReTÐlTION , WOIUŒR& COMPENSA 11OH ANO EMPLO'fERS" UAell.nv A OTHER WP394IHl cased/rented equip. S .000 5chedu1e 05/08/2001 S E.L. OIs&J.SE. "EMPLO'Æ S L. DISUSE. POI.!CY LIHIT I Spec;.1 'or~ inc1~ding S2S0 dedu:t;ble 05/0&/2000 DESCRIPTION DF OPERATIDN&I\.OCAT1OH$N!MICLE$ll!lCÇlUIìICNS AÞOIiP D'I' iN~iiiEaille"TISPECIAL PROI/ISIONS .x '351-669-6017 ADDITIONAL INSURED: INSURER UTTEA I I IlHØULD Ath OF TIE AeaVE CE9CRIRED POUCIES a¡ CANeELLED BEFORE THE ',IPIRATION DATi THEREOF. THE ISSUING CCI4"..~". WlLLENDf.AVQR TO MAIL ~,~- 0..15 W ¡ITIE~ None:: m "'* CE~T"':C"'re ..01 ~F" "..\6~" ." ""~ I ~.,.. C;ty of C1er80nt 1 We.tO81. Plc&A Chrmont:. Fl unl ðUT FAlLUIIE TO "'AU. SUCH NOTICE SHALL llIl'OSf NO OBLIGATION OR LlJ.91UTY larr Mo e'OOIlIS 1.000,000 100,000 5.000 ¡,OOO,OOO 2,000,000 2.000,000 the ft 11/13/213138 14: 13 8 3523838764 MERRILL INS GROU?t PAGE Bl/e1 ~.. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I DATI (MM,OOM 11/08/2000 MODUCIA THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION MEaaUL IICSUIWICE _UP. lie. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 1209 I. DOIIIIELLY STRUT HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR P. O. BOX '7 ALTER THE COVERAO& AFFORDED BY THe POLICIES BELOW. MOUlT DOIIA FL 3~7H-OO.7 INSURERS AffORDING COVERAGE 35%-383-4147 INSURED UTILITY TECHNICIANS INSURER A: ze ItISUIWICE CCINPANY 130 GOCœAR AVDlUE IJllSURER B: .IICAN DlPLOYEY INSURANCE COMPAIIY ...11 Lt.A FL 327 84 ,INGURERC: 3&2-58'-"19 INSURER 0: I INI;URfRf: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE USTEO BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICAreD. NOTWITHSTANDING APN REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HfREIN 16 SUBJeCT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIes. AOGÆ~TE UMIT6 SHOWN MAY HAve BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CtAIMS. 1m' MI QIIIN8UIWICI! POUCV NUIlID ~ POucy IEXPIIUo UIlITi .!!.1If1W.UAW1't EACH OCCURREloIœ . COMMeAaAL OENEPAL UABlU1Y FIFtE DAMA3E lMy one lire) . I CLAIMS MADE 0 OCCUR ' MeD exp !AnY one perIIOn) . - ~NAL a /DtIINJUAV . - GENeRAL AGBFleCIA Te . ~'l AOQAEQATE UMIT n PØt I PRODUCTS . COMP,oP AOO . POUCY n ~ ¡ lOO .,!!!TOIIOIILI LlAlllUTY I COMBINeD SINGLE UWT . 500.000 ..!. ANY I\U'TO lEa acc:1d8rIt) - ALL OWNeD Þ.UTOSI 1IO0lLY IN.J.JAY (Per pnøI) . - 8CHEDUlIP IUJTCI B ..!. HlÆD NJTC5 AZAXO738S 5 12/17/111119 12/1712000 IIODILY fUJR'( . ..!. NON~I!D AUTCIS (Per lGOidelll , - I'ACI'eATY 0AMAQf . (Per acc:1cIenI) ~AAGI LlA8UN AUTOO~Y.eAACCIDI!NT . ANY ALJ10 OTHeR THAN E4AOC. AUTO ONLY: ABO . DCI!88 UA8IUTY EACH OCCURReNCe .. . :J'CCCUA 0 CLAIMS ~ AQQREOA TE S yo' i =1œ~ I Ae1ENTION . . WOAICiAI COIiPEliIA 11QI DD X I TORY LMITIi I 10m. 1W8LØVER8' I.MIIILI'IV I!.L !AQi ACODfNT . 100,000 A 1117000012974100 01/01/2000 01/01/2001 E.L Dt8eA8E . EA eMPLOYa . 100.000 I E.L DlSPA9E . POUOY UMIT . 500,000 0tH1A ¡ OUCN,noll O' OPIAA T1QNI.U)CA T1ONIIIYÐIlœl8llXCLUSIONI ADDIO 8V ENDOAaEMfNTlIN'fCIAL f'IIQYI8IONI WATIR I SEWER SPECIALTY COtITRACTOR 30 DAY¡ IlaTICE Of CANCELLATIOII OM WORICERS éoMPEHSAnOH CERTIFICATE HOLDER I ! ADOITIONAL INIURED¡ INIUII!A I£mR: CANCELLATION em OF CLERMONT lHOULD AMY 01 THe ~IIOW DISCRI8B1I1OUCIElH CA_I.LED 8UOQ TNE &¡gI\IIATION 1 WaNT! PWA DATI THIAIOF, Till 18811110 INSUREII WILL INOEAYOA TO MAIL - QA 'WI WRI TT&II CLERMOIT fL 34111 NOTICI TO tHl C&ATlFlCA 1£ HOLDER HAMID TO THE Loin, BUT FAiWAII TO DO 80 SHALL IUPOU NO 08UGATIOH Oil UAIIUTT (w MY KIND UPON THIIN&UAIA. IT' "GIIITI OR A8PAUiNTATIYfL I AUTMOAZEO RD'lIfKNTATIVIQ ~ ..L;- ~-~ #~ ./ ACORD 25-5 (7187) ¡Y eACORD CORPORATION 1888 '" , : 8 8 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this 9 day of Auqust ,2000 by and between City of Clermont hereinafter called "OWNER" and MERIDITH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. doing business as (an individual), or (a partnership), or (a corporation) hereinafter called "CONTRACTOR". WiTNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned: Article 1: The CONTRACTOR will commence and complete the project of Cemetery Irriqation Pump and Station. Article 2: The CONTRACTOR will furnish all material, supplies, tools, equipment, labor and other services necessary for the construction and completion of the project described herein. Article 3: The CONTRACTOR will commence the work required by the Contract Documents within TEN (10) calendar days after the date of the NOTICE TO PROCEED and will complete the same within forty-five (45) calendar days unless the period for completion is extended otherwise by the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The CONTRACTOR further agrees to pay as liquidated damages the some of a Dollars ($ ) per calendar day beyond the date of completion. Article 4: The CONTRACTOR agrees to perform all of the work described in the Contract Documents and comply with the terms therein for the sum of ELEVEN THOUSAND, THREE HUNDERD, NINETY-FIVE DOLLARS AND NINETY-FIVE CENTS ($11,395.95) . 15 .. .. . 8 8 Article 5: The term "CONTRACT DOCUMENTS" means and includes the Following: Advertisement for Bids Information for Bidders BID For & Schedule Specifications Public Entity Crimes NOTICE OF AWARD AGREEMENT NOTICE TO PROCEED Final Release of Lien General Requirements Area Map Bid Bond Performance Bond Major Contractors & Supplier Form Payment Bond Site Work As prepared by City of Clermont specifications. Article 6. This agreement ~hall be binding upon all parties hereto and their respecti ve heir, executors, administrator, successors, and assigns. 16 -,. 8 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed, or caused to be executed by their duly authorized officials, this Agreement in 4 (No. of copies), each of which shall be deemed an original on the date first written above. OWNER: City of Clermont P.O. Box 120219 Clermont, FL 34712 BY: TITLE: Wayne Saunders Please type City Manaqer NAME: (SEAL) ~~ NAME: Joe n Zlle TITLE: Finance Director BY: NAME: TITLE: President (SEAL) ATTEST: l ~ ---i-- ~ e-~ ~ NAME: Hershel Scott Please type TITLE: Vice President 17 8 8 SPECIFICATIONS FOR OAK HILL CEMETERY IRRIGATION SUBMERSIBLE PUMP AND PUMP STATION 1 . Scope This specification covers a deep well submersible turbine pump with above ground discharge and furnished with suitable driver and accessories as specified herein. The pumping unit shall be designed and furnished in accordance with the latest hydraulic institute and AWWA specifications for submersible turbine pumps. 2 . Service Condi tions The pump shall be designed and constructed to operate satisfactorily with a reasonable service life, when installed in typical continuous turbine pump application. The pump shall be the product of, and manufactured by Goulds Pumps, Inc. Other manufacturers will be considered providing the unit offered is an approved equal in all respects to the brand and model preferred by the customer. Factory pump curves for alternate pumps shall be submitted with the bid. 3. Operating Conditions Design conditions: """"""""""""""""" ......_.....150 Gallons per minute Design head: ..........................,....... ................... ....... .250 Feet total dynamic Minimum pump efficiency of: ...................75.3 Precent Maximum allowable speed: .....-................ 3450 RPM Liquid to be pumped: """""."."."."".. ....... . Wa ter Pump bowl setting: ........................................ . .126 Feet Well diameter I. D. .................................. ."" 6 Inches head (TDH) 4. Pump Construction A. Bowl assembly: -the intermediate bowls, and discharge adapter shall be flanged type constructed from close grained cast iron, and shall conform to ASTM designation A48, class 30. They shall be free from sand holes, blow holes, or other faults and must be accurately machined and fitted to close tolerances. The intermediate bOt.'h: Gh.:1l1 haTJo T:itra glaEs lined '..'.:lteruays for maximum efficiency an '.lear protection. All intermediate bowls shall be of identical design for interchangeability. A thrust ring shall be above the top impeller to prevent excessive vertical upthrust. Threaded intermediate bowls will be allowed on bowl sizes 8" and smaller B. Impellers: the impellers shall be constructed from ASTM B584 Silicon Bronze and shall be the enclosed type. They shall be free from defects and must be accurately cast, machined, balanced, and filled for optimum performance and minimum vibration. Impellers are to be standard product of the pump manufacturer and not contain special workmanship to temporarily increase efficiency. They shall be securely fastened to the bowl shaft with taper locks of CI045 steel. :>t;.l.. ~"L<ë PEa. ~&JP~. , ï /12/00 ,..--> 20 5. 6. 7. 8 8 C The discharge adapter shall be provided with a non-soluble grease packed bronze bearing, extending through the top bowl into the through the discharge adapter and topped with a threaded cast iron cap or plug to protect the bearing from abrasives. The adapter should be such that the bearing can be easily removed through the top of the adapter housing. D The inlet motor adapter shall be a minimum of class 40 cast iron and shall contain an extra long bronze bearing. The inlet area shall have a net open area of at least four times the eye of the impeller and shall be protected with a 304 stainless steel screen. E. Wear rings: pumps 6" and larger shall be fitted with replaceable wear rings of bronze material in the motor adapter and intermediate bowls. Wear rings shall have the minimum practical clearance to the mating cylindrical surface of the impeller to provide adequate sealing independent of vertical positioning of the impellers. F. The bowl shaft ASTM A582 Type 416 shall be constructed from stainless steel G. The motor coupling shall be of stainless steel and shall confirm to NEMA specifications and be capable of transmitting the total torque and total thrust of the bowl assembly in either direction of rotation. Column Pipe The column pipe shall be 3 inch schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe in 21 feet lengths, to a depth of 126 feet below ground level. Inside diameter of the pipe shall be such that the head losses shall not be over 5 feet per 100 feet of pipe. Pipe shall be connected with galvanized threaded sleeve type steel couplings. Submersible Cable Pump cable shall be sized to limit the voltage drop to no more than 5%. The cable shall have three separate conductors and a ground and shall be included in a single continuous jacketed assembly. The insulation shall be water and oil resistant, and suitable for continuous immersion. The cable should be the length of the column pipe plus 20 feet to extend from the well plate to the pump electrical controller. The cable should be adequately secured to the column pipe by plastic ties, or other non metallic means, at 10 foot intervals. S1]œersible Surface Plate and Well Seal Cut excess 6" steel casing to a suitable length above ground. The surface plate shall be of fabricated steel. The plate shall incorporated a long radius elbow welded securely to a 150 lb. Steel ANSI "flange and shall rigidly support the total weight of the motor, bowl assembly, column pipe, cable, and column of water. The cable outlet shall have a cable seal of adequate size to accommodate the cable size. Threaded vent and drawdown holes shall be provided. 21 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 8 8 Submersible Electric MOtor The motor shall be a heavy duty canned type wound of NEMA design for 4",6" and 8" motors, 3,600 RPM. The motor shall be capable of continuous operation under water at the specified conditions outlined above. A suitable thrust bearing shall be incorporated in the lower end of the motor adequate to receive the entire hydraulic thrust load of the pump unit plus the weight of the rotating parts regardless of the direction of rotation. The motor shall have a 1.15 service factor, and suitable for use on a 230 volt, three phase, 60 cycle electric service. The motor leads shall be protected against the pump end with a 304 stainless steel cable guard held in place with stainless steel banding. As the motor lead exit the top of the cable guard it shall be properly protected to prevent damaging or cutting the lead by the cable guard material. Well Bead Pad Install a minimum 3' X 3" x 4", well and at ground level. 2500 PSI Concrete pad centered on the Raw Water Tap Install a non-threaded, brass, raw water tap on the well discharge pipe before any valves ~ \\~ Ci-lA.I'L'EO 8'-1 AOQer-lDul'11:Þ- ( ,t 12/00 Check Valve .::1 Install a @ inch Flow-matic check valve or approved equal. Pressure Relief Valve Install a 2 inch MacDonald pressure relief valve or approved equal. Gate Valve Install a 3 inch gate valve. Pressure tank Install a Pumping System, Inc. , 150 PSI, 80 gallon, bladder tank or approved equal. Pressure tank shall be anchored to a 4' x 4' 4", 2500PSI concrete pad. Electric Service Mount meter service and disconnect with control panel on a rack made of two galvanized 2 inch post with cross mounting brackets. The City will contract with Florida Power for underground 240 volt, phase service to the meter. 3 Pump A. Control panel and box Control box shall be steel, 3 NEMA rating mounted on rack with power service meter and disconnect. Mount inside control box on panel 0 main breaker 0 phase moni tor 0 size 2 ESP furnace pump starter with heater switches 0 H.O.A. switch 0 Lightning protection B. Pressure demand Switch Install a system pressure demand switch and pressure gauge to operate the submersible pump. 22 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 8 8 Irriqation Contro1 With Rain Sensor Mount the existing irrigation controller with rain sensor on the rack, connect to 120 volt power and reconnect irrigation zone wires. Site Contractor may store equipment on site upon approval of the Public Service Director. Orange safety barrier shall be installed around the storage and well work site area. Testinq The Public Service Director and Contractor will pump test the systems equipment and controls by simulating pumping conditions of 250 feet (TDH) at 150 gallons per minute. Site C1eaninq Contractor shall keep site clean of debris at all times. clean at final completion of project. Site shall Permittinq Contractor shall obtain zoning clearance from the City and take zoning clearance to the Lake County Building Department to obtain necessary permits. The cost of permits shall be paid by Contractor The Lake County building Department shall sign off on the permit for final inspections, before the City will make payment. Submitta1s Bidders shall submit with bids submittals for equipment used as or Equa1s. 23 ~01 ".. ~]) 7Cg ßI 70 z . :-f \/) . ~ - 1 V! ¡ 'Ø'" ~ ~~ r- f1.r .. ,ç. " : '" .. - .6> ~ r- oC "J z ~. t1I ~ ~gt~ ~ I Pili!:"'. 3 ø ~. '" !!¡ 5~" II' ~ c- 10 r&'<' tl1 ~ ~ Ii J2 <: x Þ cq ~ ;¡. f\) ~ ~ {1 ~ .. '" , ¡3 , i\I II r p ~ rJ 8 S~M. ~o PYc 3" ~ t VJ ... ~ ~I g '" < 3 :P ) ¡ z 0 t '" '" VI C ~ .. t .., £ ß 8 .- ~ -1 '"'< \J I---t r1 » r- r- » '-<' 0 c: -{ -- --- - ----- - - ---.. - -..------------ - -_.e._-------- ---------------- ------8-------------- --- ---- --.. - .'~.. . -.. Goulds P~mps MéHk Rp.l1ó Curva: 3047 Design Point: Flow: 150 US gpm Head: 250 ft TURBINE - 3600 Speed: 3450 rpm LImits: Temperature: --- of Pressure: 480 pSlg Specific Speed: Ns: .-- Pump: Dimonsions: Suction: --- in PUMP DATA SHEET Goulds Turbine 60 Hz Goulds Turbine ~ump Selection var: 6.00~' . 02/21/00 I Selection nIe:~ (untitled) Catalog: TU B60.MPC v 1.5.0a Fluid: Water Temperatu e: 60 OF SG: 1 Viscosity: 1'122 cP Vapor pres ure: 0.2568 psia Atm pre6s re: 14.7 psio System: ---I Suction: u- in Discharge: --- in Size: 5CHC: (5 stages) Dia: 3.72 in Sphere size: 0.22 in Power: -- bhp NS9: .- NPSHa: ~.- " Piping: Discharge: --- in Vertical Turbinø: Bowl Dia: 5.13 in Max Lateral: 0.25 in Thrust K Factor' 1 2 Motor: Consult vendor .--_u-..-----' ---- Oat:! Point ---- Flow: 150 US gpm HMd' 205 ft En ;'53% Power 13.3 bhp NPSHr. 13.4 ft -. Design Curve - Shutoff H9ad: 305 ft Pressure: 132 PSlg Min Flow - US gpm BEP: 75.3% eff @ 148 US gpm NOL Pwr: 15.2 bhp @ 218 US gpm .- Max Curve -- Max Pwr. 15.2 bhp @ 218 US gpm Suction Size-4" Discharge Sizea-3",4 ft 400 --- 320 9:-1-2..--1- i %eff I ~+-- 90 I I 160 16 b h 8 P -~.. -- eo 240 . 70 -'---- ---- .~ 60 80 50. : -1.-- ! ---:--=.~---- 40 ------- --- ----'- ._-"._--'~-"_. '" . i : : -~- -j~-- , . ------ - 225 t US gpm 25 50 75 100 12 '150 -- PERFORMANCE EVALUATION -. Flow Speed Head Pump Power NPSHr Motor Motor Hrsf)1r Cost US gpm rpm ft %eff bhp ft %eff hp IkW 180 3450 235 73.1 14.6 15.4 150 3450 265 75.3 13.3 13.4 120 3450 285 74.1 11.6 11.8 90 3450 295 68 9.82 10.5 60 3450 299 53.5 8.48 10 8 8 '. ." . . GENERAL REQUIREMENTS IGR-l LICENSES The Contractor and all Subcontractors shall be properly licensed in the State of Florida and shall submit to the City of Clermont copies of such license with bid. IGR-2 INSURANCE Contractor and sub contractors shall maintain such liability, Workman's Comp and other insurance as is appropriate for the work being performed. Bidder shall submit copies of liability, Workman's Comp and other insurance with bid. Workman's Comp shall reflect the total number of employees covered. The number of employees assigned to this project shall not exceed the Insurance coverage. Insurance amount shall be Comprehensive Business Liability of $2,000,000 and Workers Compensation and Employees Liability of $500,000. Sub contractors may be covered under the contractors liability and Workman's Compensation Insurance if policy states so. ~ IGR-3 LOCATIONS The City of Clermont shall provide site map. lGR-4 Bm :ITEMS Bids shall include all labor, material, impact fees, permits, and licenses which may apply or be applied and are necessary to construct the items as described in the specifications. IGR-5 SAFETY It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to insu~e work safety, provide sufficient, required insurance, comply with all safety codes, laws and requirements and to include any cost of such safety requirements in the project bid. No additional compensation shall be allowed for the cost of such compliance. It shall be the Contractor's option and responsibility to select the compliance methods(s) and to ensure the proper employment of said method(s) during the entire project. These standards shall apply to all areas of construction whether or not specifically mentioned in other divisions of these specifications. 26 8 8 .. IGR-6 INSPECTION The City shall provide inspection for the job. No work will be permitted on Saturday, Sunday, or Holidays unless requested and approved by the City a minimum of 48 hours in advance. No work may begin before 7 a.m. and shall end at 6:00 p.m. IGR-7 PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY (As May Be Applicable) No street or roadway shall be closed, except when and where directed by the City. The work shall be conducted so that there shall, at all times, be a safe passageway for traffic, whenever the street or roadway is not closed. The Contractor shall provide and maintain a passable driveway, as directed by the Engineer, whenever it is necessary to di vert traffic from any part of the street or roadway actually under construction. Driveways must be accessible at all times, in case of an emergency, and must be left in a usable condition at the end of each day. The Contractor shall provide, erect, and maintain all necessary barricades, suitable and sufficient red lights, danger signals and signs, provide a sufficient number of watchmen, and take all necessary precautions for the protection of the work and safety of the public. Streets or highways, which are closed to traffic, shall be protected by effective barricades on which acceptable warning signs shall be placed. The Contractor shall provide and maintain detour signs at all closures and intersections along the detour route(s) to direct the traffic around the closed portion(s) of the work. Where City and/or county standards do not apply, safety precautions shall be taken in accordance with Index No. 600 through 700, FOOT Roadway and Traffic Design Standards, 1988. All temporary detour route (s) shall be clearly indicated throughout their entire length. All barricades and obstructions shall be illuminated at night. All lights shall be kept burning form sunset to sunrise. All barricades shall be well built and designed so as not to be blown over by the wind. IGR-8 CARE OF TREES, SHRUBS AND GRASS The Contractor shall be fully responsible for maintaining, in good condition, all cultivated grass plots, trees, and shrubs. The Contractor shall, after completion of the work, replace or restore to original condition, all destroyed or damaged shrubbery or grass areas, which were maintained or destroyed incidental to the construction operations. Tree limbs, which interfere with equipment operation and are approved for pruning, shall be neatly trimmed and the tree cut coated with tree paint. All shrubbery, lawn grass, fences, ornamental shrubs, trees, and fruit trees lying within the right-of-way shall be carefully removed and replanted, on or behind the right-of-way, as directed by the Engineer. Fences, retaining walls, etc., which are removed and relocated, shall be carefully restored as closely as possible to there original condition. 27 8 8 o. . Lawn grass, shrubbery, ornamental shrubs, trees, and fruit trees, etc., which are removed and relocated, shall be carefully restored as closely as possible to their original condition and shall be watered and maintained, as necessary, until they are firmly re-established in their new location. All grass, shrubbery, ornamental shrubs, trees and fruit trees, etc., which die or, in the opinion of the Engineer, are damaged due to their relocation, shall be replaced with shrubbery which is identical to the original type, quality, and size. The Contractor shall adhere to the Engineer's decisions regarding the condition of restored property. lGR-9 DAMAGE TO EXISTING STRUCTURES AND UTILITIES The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall make good all damage to pavement, buildings, telephone or other cables, water pipes, sanitary pipes, or structures beyond the limits of this contract, which may be encountered, whether or not shown on the drawings. Information shown on the drawings, as to the location of existing utilities, has been prepared from the most reliable data available to the Engineer. However, this information is not guaranteed, and it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to determine the exact location, character, and depth of any existing utili ties. The Contractor shall assist the utility companies, by every means possible, in determining said locations. The Contractor shall exercise extreme caution to eliminate the possibility of damage to any utilities. lGR-1O SUSPENSION OF WORK The Contractor shall not be entitled to make or assert claim for damage by reason of delay, should the Owner be prevented or enj oined from proceeding with work, by reason of any litigation or other reason beyond the control of the Owner, either before or after the start of construction. However time for completion of the work shall be extended, to such reasonable time as the Owner may determine necessary, to compensate for time lost by such delay. Such determination shall be set forth in writing. lGR-ll TRAFFIC All safety precautions shall be taken and all traffic controls shall be furnished, satisfactory to City, County, Department of Transportation, and/or any other governmental agency having jurisdiction, where partial or complete obstruction of streets is required for the performance of the work. 28 8 8 . . f IGR-12 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC The Contractor shall be responsible, during the course of construction, for proper maintenance, control and detour of traffic in the area of construction. All traffic control and maintenance procedures shall be in accordance wi th the requirements of the Florida Department of Transportation and Lake County, Florida, within their respective areas of jurisdiction. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility, as Bidder, prior to submitting his Bid, to determine the requirements of these agencies so that his Proposal reflects all costs to be incurred. No claims for additional payment shall be considered for costs incurred due to the proper maintenance control, detour, and protection of traffic. IGR-13 BARRICADES AND PROTECTION OF WORK The Contractor shall protect his work, throughout its entire length, by the erection of suitable barricades and handrails where required. He shall further indicate this work at night by the maintenance of suitable lights or flares, especially along or across thoroughfares. He shall also comply with all laws or ordinances covering the protection of such work and the safety measures to be employed therein. The Contractor shall carry out his work so as not to deny access to private property. IGR-14 EXAMINATION OF PREMISES The Contractor shall be held to have examined the premises of the project, as to the existing conditions under which he will be obliged to operate, before submitting a Bid Proposal. IGR-15 BURNING Burning shall not be permitted on this project without prior approval from the Engineer and the Owner. If burning is allowed, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain all required burning permits, and to have adequate supervision and safety measures at all times during burning. No unattended burning will be allowed. IGR-16 LICENSING The Contractor and all subcontractors shall be properly licensed in the State of Florida. IGR-17 PAYMENT The City shall inspect said work and recommend payment. Lump sum payment shall be made within 30 days after receiving final Release of Lien. 29 iilffl1UI¡ I rr.t...t.,. . , , , ~ t . ~: t Uti "'X¡¡£ ,,~gfttt ; I :, )~ If. _. 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