Contract 2020-109A.1DeSais FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF Ron Governor Environmental Protection Jeanette Nunez Lt. Governor CENTRAL DISTRICT OFFICE Noah Valenstein 3319 MAGUIRE BLVD., SUITE 232 Secretary ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32803 June 18, 2020 Mr. Darren Gray, City Manager City of Clermont 685 W. Montrose St. Clermont, FL 34712 DGray(ab clermontfl. org Re: City of Clermont ERP Site ID No. 175175 OGC Case No. 19-1317 Lake County Dear Mr. Gray: The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the Department's enforcement case against City of Clermont has been closed. A records review conducted on June 12, 2020, found that the requirements of Consent Order OGC File No. 19-1317 have been satisfied. The Department appreciates your efforts and cooperation in bringing this facility into compliance with state and federal rules. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact Hailey Ambrose at 407-897-4336 or via e-mail at Hailer.AmbroseAFloridaDEP.jzov. Sincerely, Aaron Watkins, Director, Central District AW/nh/j s cc: Donna Ethridge, OGC Daun Festa, Central District Zoey Carr, Central District Hailey Ambrose, Central District Scott Davidoff, sdavidoft(c clermontfl.gov floridadep.gov