1999-64 ~ ,~,..~ '-~ ,. "0. VISION-CARE AM!ENDMENT XI PLAN. If' ~, 'I I . \ ", '\ To the Contrac~ ~Qt~een Vision Cðre, Inc. d/b/a VisianCa~e Plan ~ (~ licen~od PLHSO undœ~ ehaptæ~ 636, F,S,)' and ': '. ~ C i tv of C leT'fitcmt <Hereinafter c~llQd Group) The ContT'~ct shall be {Jollow9: amended ef~ective ~~nu~~~ 1, 2000 a~ A., The term of this amended Cont~a~t shall be t~&ntv-.o~. . (24) roon1ilu; ~n~ 'contin"UîOng thGiroåfiiev' fåT" consecutive t~elvø - month periDd~ until terminated b~ either p~r~y upon $iK~~ (60) da~s w~1ttøn notice ~T'ioT' to th~ annive1'ßarv data. '. B. The cur.ænt rBtes Œmplo~~e plu$ fam11v tQtjønty'-1cuV' m~Jlth$, .-- -', ( .,:, . '-;:<: . ~';Ù,,- ""' "--- of $6.50 ~eT' œmp!oVGG and $17.03 ~eV' are both gu~r~nteed faT' a period of C. SubsequGnt to the above tœV'Ms V'atÐ~ are subject to ?~vlgicn en a yearlv basi§ in conJunction ~it~ the ~~n1ve~u~r~ dQtœ of this cont~act upon slxt~ (60) ,dQV5 p~i@r ~I'i"itten noticQ. h(!1'eby te» ti'uœ Amlmdmant stated 'nüø unde'ii"'$:!.gnecl .-.. above. '. ~~- . -,,~~' . tit", åf C!œ"i"Bllu:mt , " ."a~'...,:"'~~~~~~"" " , ".-~ ;'" , (Ac~tJ\o"ized Signat"'T'ø) , ,-þ~. i it 1 ~ ..~~ f.t\\.~ ~ I.Q ( . , . . . .L . , . . . I.. ' agree ðS ! ; Y i 5 i O'n:/2e;?,/) ~ . ' ,:--~o'. "I//~ ' B~ ~;¡j.i i . ~ i:~~ ~ ï TiUQ, , . . . 0" . 0 ,:t:o .000. .. D~tG.,.,..t?',.~I!.:.!,1... t.2. - \ l.j- c¡ '1 - Dð t e. , . . . . , , . . , . , . . . .~. . . . . Vh~icnC<?-~e Plan FoT'm FL207064 OFFICES NATIONWIDE - ~ . --- -, J Q ;¡ \I ", , . ~, - ~~- ,; . VJSlonCARE~ Our focus is your care. . ., . . P LAN October 29, 1999 Mr. Joseph Van Zile Financial Director City of Clermont P. O. Box 120219 Clermont, FL 34712 Re: Vision Care Contract Dear Mr. Van Zile: Vision Care, Inc. (dba) VisionCare Plan agrees to renew your vision care contract for an additional twenty-four (24) months at the current rates, effective January 1, 2000, with the acceptance of the enclosed contract amendment. Please sign the enclosed contract amendment and return it to VisionCare Plan for countersignature. ard to providing for your continued vision care needs. - LMP/cp end cc: Michael Kirchner Ron Barnette 1511 NORTH WESTSHORE BOULEVARD. SUITE 1000 . TAMPA. FLORIDA 33607. P.O. BOX 30349. TAMPA. FLORIDA 33630-3349 PHONE 813.289.2020.800,749.5855. FAX 813.281.0916 .8 .,~~ .' -,*/' --.;00- A . VISIONCARE AMENDMENT II PL. To the Contract Between Vision Care, Inc. d/b/a VisionCare Plan (A licensed PLHSO under Chapter 636, F.S.) and City of Clermont (Hereinafter called Group) The Contract shall be follows: amended effective January 1, 2000 as A. The term of th is amended Contract shall be twenty-four (24) months and continuing thereafter for consecutive twelve month periods until terminated by either party upon sixty (60) days written notice prior to the anniversary date. B. Th e current rates employee plus family twenty-four months. of $6.50 per employee and $17.03 per are both guaranteed for a period of C. Subsequent to the above terms rates are subject to revision on a yearly basis in conJunction with the anniversary date of this contract upon sixty (60) days prior wr i tten not ice. The undersigned above. hereby agree to the Amendment as stated Cittj of Clermont B~'(A~t~')' . Vis ion Care, Inc. By. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Authorized Signature) Title. .. """"" . . ...... Title, . . "" """"'" . .. Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . VisionCare Plan Form FL207064 OFFICES NATIONWIDE