Annual Budget (1988 - 1989 (2))CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA BUDGET OCTOBER 1, 1988 - SEPTEMBER 30, 1989 SEPTEMBER 1, 1988 CITY COUNCIL Robert A. Pool, Mayor Harold Turville, Mayor Pro Tem Lester Cole Ann Dupee Richard Huff CITY ADMINISTRATION Wayne Saunders, City Manager Leonard H. Baird, Jr., City Attorney Joseph E. Van Zile, Finance Director/City Clerk James J. McAllister, Planning Director Preston Davis, Utility Director Robert E. Smythe, Public Works Director/Fire Chief Prentice Tyndal, Chief of Police John Springstead, City Engineer CITY OF CLERMONT BUDGET 1988-89 TABLE OF CONTENTS Budget Message 1 Budget Tables: Table I Combined Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves 6 Table II Statement of Capital Outlay Expenditures 7 Table III Job Classification and Pay Grade 10 General Fund Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves 11 Statement of Budgeted Revenues 12 Statement of Budgeted Expenditures by Department: Administration 13 Police 15 Fire 16 Public Works 17 Special Activities 19 Local Government Infrastructure Fund Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves 20 Statement of Budgeted Revenues 21 Statement of Budgeted Expenditures 22 Utility Revenue Fund Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves 23 Statement of Budgeted Revenues 24 Statement of Budgeted Expenses by Department -Water 25 Statement of Budgeted Expenses by Department -Sever 26 CITY OF CLERMONT BUDGET 1988-89 TABLE OF CONTENTS Sanitation Fund Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Reserves 27 Statement of Budgeted Revenues 28 Statement of Budgeted Expenses Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund 29 Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves 30 Statement of Budgeted Revenues 31 CITY OF CLERMONT P.O. BOX 219 • CLERMONT, FLORIDA 32711 • PHONE 904/394-4081 September 1, 1988 Dear Mayor and Council Members: I am pleased to present the proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 1989. The budget document is an important policy statement adopted annually by the City Council which controls the level of services the City will provide for its citizens during the upcoming year. The proposed budget for 1989 is being submitted with no proposed increases in ad valorem taxes or service rates. The total expendi- tures for all funds is $3,617,788. The following is an analysis of each major fund: I. GENERAL FUND The City of Clermont General Fund provides the following services to the residents of the City: Police Protection Streets and Sidewalks Street Lighting Fire Protection Animal Control Planning and Development Special Activities Parks and Beautification Recreation Facilities Recreation Programs Cemetery Vehicle Maintenance Code Enforcement Administration GENERAL FUND REVENUES are projected to be $1,799,641 for Fiscal Year 1989. This is an increase of 10.7% from the 1988 fiscal year revenues. The projected increase in the Ad Valorem Tax Revenue for 1989 is $15,000, based on retaining the same millage rate of 2.429. Other increases are in the State and Local Option Gas Tax and the State One -Half Cent Sales Tax. The General Fund depends on approximately thirty sources of revenue, most of which the City has no control over. The Local Option Infrastructure Tax, which was adopted by the County last year, will take some of the burden off of the General Fund for the upcoming year. GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES are proposed at $1,820,608, combined with the proposed transfer to the Capital Replacement Fund of $20,000 results in a total use of funds for next year in the amount of $1,840,608. This represents a decrease of approximately 4% from the 1987-1988 Fiscal Year Amended Budget, and only a 7.7% increase over the original adopted budget of Fiscal Year 1988. The proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1988-1989 includes funding for changes in personnel which include one (1) additional police officer, a part-time 1 dispatcher in the Police Department, one (1) additional Service Worker for the Parks and Recreation Department and an increase in hours for the part-time Finance Department position. The General Fund has adequate reserves at this time, but as indicated In the proposed budget, a total of $30,967 must be appropriated as a transfer from reserves to fund the proposed 1988-1989 Fiscal Year Budget. While this transfer alone will not have a major adverse effect on the overall General Fund, continuance of this practice on an annual basis could rapidly deplete our reserves. We depend on our reserve funds not only for special projects, but also for generating investment Income which for the current year is projected to be in excess of $100,000. It is important for the City to frequently analyze our major sources of revenue over which we have control and make appropriate adjustments to meet additional funding requirements for the future. The City now enjoys one of the lowest Ad Valorem rates in the County and our Utility Service Taxes and Franchise Fee Rates could be adjusted In the future in order to generate additional revenue. These are the only major sources of revenue over which the City has direct control. Therefore, we must carefully monitor the County and State's positions on other sources of revenue which are passed on to the municipalities. II. LOCAL GOVERNMENT INFRASTRUCTURE TAX FUND Last year Lake County adopted the Local Government Infrastructure Tax which we project will generate $285,000 in REVENUES for Fiscal Year 1989. These funds are restricted to infrastructure capital outlay, and we have proposed EXPENDITURES of $81,142 as indicated in Table II, Statement of Capital Outlay Expenditures. This additional revenue reduces the burden on the General Fund to provide for infrastructure needs within the General Fund. The Local Government Infrastructure Tax is a fifteen year tax and is estimated to generate in excess of four million dollars for the City of Clermont. We are now developing a five year Capital Outlay Requirement Plan as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Once our capital needs are Identified and the costs projected, the City should consider bonding funds to complete the various projects, with repayment coming from the Infrastructure Tax monies. At the same time, sufficient money should be left in the fund to pay for annual infrastructure needs. III. UTILITY FUND The Utility Fund is comprised of two major areas, water service and sewer service. The City is currently providing potable water and sewer service to over 2,800 customers. THE PROJECTED REVENUES FOR THE UTILITY FUND for 1989 are $1,146,800. T ese revenues are based on retaining the current rates in effect for both water and sewer. Other sources of funds utilized include $345,000 from the refinanc- ing of our three Farmers Home Bond Issues which was accomplished in 1988, $20,619 appropriated from the Improvement, Repair and Replace- ment Fund, and $63,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund. These additional sources of revenue are to be used for Capital Outlay items 2 as outlined in the Water and Sewer Section, Table II, Statement of Capital Outlay Expenditures. EXPENDITURES FOR THE UTILITY FUND are budgeted at $1,451,229. This Included $466,969 in Capital Outlay Expenditures, the largest of which are water main replacements scheduled for Montrose Street and Minnehaha Avenue and an air diffusion system for our lift stations to eliminate the odor problem we have been experiencing. The 1988 refinancing of our Farmers Home Bond Issues under their discount program generated the funds mentioned above which enabled us to undertake these needed capital items without having an adverse effect on our Utility Fund Reserves. The Utility Fund is in good financial condition at this time with ade- quate reserves. The current budget projects an excess in revenues over expenditures of $124,190, which will be added to the reserves for future use. A major concern in our Utility Fund is to be able to provide services as the City expands to newly annexed areas. A master plan for the service area east of U.S. 27 should be undertaken in the near future so we will be prepared for expansion when it takes place in that area. We must carefully monitor projections for growth around the City and be prepared to serve these developments as needed. IV. SANITATION FUND The Sanitation Fund provides garbage and trash service for the City. SANITATION FUND REVENUES are projected to be $284,000 for 1989 based on retaining the same service rate charged this ,year. Total SANITATION FUND EXPENDITURES are budgeted at $264,809. The landfill charges assessed y the Tounty continue to increase on an annual basis, and are proposed to increase in 1989 by approximately 10%, with dramatic increases during the succeeding years. Although the Sanitation Fund for 1989 indicates an excess of revenues over expenditures of $19,191, you must remember that no allowance for depreciation is shown in the budgeted expenditures, and sanitation fund equipment replacement is expensive. Our current fee schedule has been In effect since October 1985, and we are one of the few remaining cities that offers rear yard pickup. When questioned in 1985, our residents voted to pay a higher fee to keep this service. This will probably be the last year the City will be able to enjoy the 1985 rate. In all likelihood a rate increase will be necessary next year in order for the fund to continue to operate without a loss. The Sanitation Fund is an Enterprise Fund and should operate independently from any other City funds. V. CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND All receipts from the sale of cemetery lots are deposited into this restricted fund, whose earnings may be used only for the upkeep and maintenance of the cemetery. Projected revenues in this fund for 1989 total $16,500, with a proposed transfer to the General Fund of $10,000 for cemetery maintenance. This will result in an approximate $6,500 increase in the Cemetery Fund Reserves. C VI. BUDGET ISSUES The following budget issues have been discussed in Workshop Meetings with the City Council and have been included in this proposed budget: A. City Pay Plan which includes a 4.5% cost of living Increase for all City employees, to be effective October 1, 1988 and a revised Job Classification and Pay Grade Schedule which are included in Table III, which includes a two pay grade adjustment for new and existing police officers and a three pay grade adjustment for new and existing police dis- patcher positions B. Capital Expenditures for all funds as outlined in Table II C. An Ad Valorem Millage Rate of 2.429 D. Contribution to Cooper Memorial Library of $46,000 The following budget issues have been discussed with the City Council but funding has not been included in the proposed budget. These items should be addressed during Fiscal Year 1988-1989: A. Master Water and Sewer Plan for the service area east of U.S. 27 B. The development of the Twelfth Street Recreation Site, and possible purchase of the adjoining five acre parcel C. The construction of the proposed force main and flow equalization tank for transferring sewage from the east side of town to the treatment plant. Engineering plans will be completed within a few months, and con- struction of this project should be based upon projected development in that area D. Bonding of a portion of the projected receipts from the Local Government Infrastructure Tax Fund to proceed with projects under the City's Five Year Capital Outlay Plan E. A Solid Waste Recycling Program, either in conjunction with the County Program or as a separate City Program CONCLUSION The overall financial condition of the City of Clermont is good. It is important for us to realize that we are approaching a time of unprecedented growth in the history of Clermont. The proposed Western Extension of the East-West Expressway connecting to the 4 Florida Turnpike, which will have a new interchange approximately SIX (6) miles from the Clermont City Limits will make the Clermont area very attractive as a residential community to serve the greater Orlando area. We must continuously monitor the level and affordability of the services the City provides, and at the same time try to anticipate the future needs of our residents and prepare for the future. Consistently the City has followed a conservative approach with our budgeting and planning. We must continue along this line and be consistent with our long range planning to ensure that the City's future economic condition remains healthy so we can provide the level of services our citizens desire at a cost that is affordable. Respectfully submitted, CITY OF CLERMONT WAY14 SAUNDERS City Manager WS/jmb 5 BUDGET TABLES CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET COMBINED STMT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES & CHANGES IN RESERVES TABLE I REVENUES - TAXES LICENSES & PERMITS INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES & FORFEITURES MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL REVENUES TRANSFERS -IN TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS TOTAL REVENUES & TRANSFERS -IN EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION POLICE FIRE PUBLIC WORKS SPECIAL ACTIVITIES WATER SEWER SANITATION TOTAL EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS -OUT TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT EXCESS OF REVENUES & TRANSFERS -IN OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT BEGINNING RESERVE ENDING RESERVE GENERAL FUND 11001,600 22,500 522,519 90,810 30,800 131.412 1,799,641 10,000 LOCAL GONV CEMETERY INFRA ENTERPRISE PERP CARE FUND FUNDS FUND TOTAL 285,000 1,335,800 500 95,000 285,500 1,430,800 428,619 1,809,641 285,500 1,859,419 401,148 655,698 55,504 639,353 81,142 68,905 698,469 752,760 264,809 1,820,608 81,142 1,716,038 20,000 1,840,608 81,142 1,716,038 1,286,600 22,500 522,519 1,426,610 30,800 16,500 243,412 16,500 3,532,441 438,619 16,500 3,971,060 401,148 655,698 55,504 720,495 68,905 698,469 752,760 264.809 3,617,788 10,000 30,000 10,000 3,647,788 (30,967) 204,358 143,381 6,500 323,272 1,234,297 5,075 1,338,505 137,420 2,715,297 1,203,330 209,433 1,481,886 143,920 3,038,569 L CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET STATEMENT OF CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES TABLE II DEPARTMENT AMOUNT FUNDING SOURCE CITY MANAGEMENT Equipment-(01-510-512-6480) Computer Hardware/Software 3,200 General Fund FINANCE Equipment-(01-510-513-6480) Calculator 150 General Fund PLANNING Equipment-(01-510-515-6480) Computer Hardware/Software 4,200 General Fund Desk 450 General Fund POLICE Vehicles-(01-520-521-6420) Police Cars-3 38,581 General Fund Equipment-(01-520-521-6480) Computer Software 4,250 General Fund Mobile Radios-2 2,886 General Fund Light Bar-1 450 General Fund Siren and Yupper-1 350 General Fund PA Sound System 205 General Fund Vehicle Lights and Sirens-2 900 General Fund VHS Video Camcorder 1,600 General Fund Semi -Automatic Revolvers 7,365 General Fund Six KEL-Mag Lights-4 210 General Fund Chair-1 215 General Fund Shotgun W/Tear Gas Launcher-1 150 General Fund Crime Scene Kit-1 538 General Fund Voice Activated Headsets-3 210 General Fund Paper Shreader-1 200 General Fund Lockers-3 220 General Fund 19,749 FIRE Equipment-(01-520-522-6480) Base Remote Control Console(25%) 500 General Fund 7 CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET STATEMENT OF CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES TABLE II CONT. DEPARTMENT AMOUNT FUNDING SOURCE PUBLIC WORKS -OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT Equipment-(01-530-539-6480) Base Remote Control Console(25%) 500 General Fund Ice Machine 2,000 General Fund Computer Hardware/Software 3,700 General Fund Printer 650 General Fund 6,850 PUBLIC WORKS -TRANSPORTATION Streets & Sidewalk-(01-540-541-6330) Street Reclamite Project 35,000 General Fund Streets & Sidewalk-(32-540-541-6330) Street Overlay (Disston/Almond to Minnehaha) 9,018 Local Govt Infra Fund Sidewalk (Pitt Street from East Avenue to Disston) 25,000 Local Govt Infra Fund Reconstruct Almond to DOT 47,124 Local Govt Infra Fund 81,142 PUBLIC WORKS & RECREATION Buildings-(01-570-572-6210) Jenkins Auditorium New Floor 3,000 General Fund Highlander Hut New Floor 1,500 General Fund 4,500 Recreation-(01-570-572-6310) Bishop Field Fence 4,500 General Fund Landscaping-(01-570-572-6320) Landscaping 5,000 General Fund Cemetery-(01-570-572-6410) Storage Room 4,800 General Fund Equipment-(01-570-572-6480) Tree Watering Trailer 2,000 General Fund 0 CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET STATEMENT OF CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES TABLE II CONT. DEPARTMENT WATER Water System-(41-530-533-6341) Water Main Replacement Universal Pipe Replacement Chlorinator Conversions Refill Standpipe Vehicles-(41-530-533-6420) Truck Equipment-(41-530-533-6480) ?ipe Fittings Base Remote Control SEWER Sewer System-(41-530-535-6340) Air Diffusion of gift Stations Air Diffusion of Lift Stations Air Diffusion of Lift Stations Chlorinator Conversion Equipment-(41-530-535-6480) Base Remote Control Flow Equalization Basin Crane GRAND TOTAL FUND ANALYSIS: General Fund Local Government Infrastructure Fund Water and Sewer Fund 1988 Loan Proceeds Fund Capital Improvement Fund Improvement, Repair, Replacement Fund AMOUNT FUNDING SOURCE 34,350 1988 Loan Proceeds Fund 270,600 1988 Loan Proceeds Fund 6,500 1988 Loan Proceeds Fund 850 Water and Sewer Fund 312,300 8,000 Water and Sewer Fund 15,000 Water and Sewer Fund 250 Water and Sewer Fund 15,250 63,000 Capital Improvement Fund 20,619 IRR Fund 30,950 1988 Loan Proceeds Fund 2,600 1988 Loan Proceeds Fund 117,169 250 Water and Sewer Fund 14,000 Water and Sewer Fund 14,250 677,591 129,480 81,142 38,350 345,000 63,000 20,619 677,591 0 CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET JOB CLASSIFICATION/PAY GRADE TABLE III HOURLY ANNUAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE RANGE RANGE Service Worker I 5 4.71-7.17 9,797-14,914 Clerk/Typist I 5 4.71-7.17 9,797-14,914 Service Worker II 6 4.95-7.54 10,296-15,683 Clerk Typist II 6 4.95-7.54 10,296-15,683 Service Worker III 7 5.18-7.93 10,774-16,494 Clerk Typist III 7 5.18-7.93 10,774-16,494 Animal Control/Street Sign Tech. 8 5.44-8.32 11,315-17,306 Communications Dispatcher 8 5.44-8.32 11,315-17,306 Mechanic I 8 5.44-8.32 11,315-17,306 Wastewater Plant Operator 8 5.44-8.32 11,315-17,306 Crew Chief 9 5.73-8.76 11,918-18,221 Planning & Zoning Technician 10 6.02-9.16 12,522-19,053 Accounting Clerk 10 6.02-9.16 12,522-19,053 Wastewater Plant Operator II 10 6.02-9.16 12,522-19,053 Foreman 11 6.31-9.63 13,125-20,030 Admin. Assistant/Secreatary 12 6.66-10.15 13,853-21,112 Utility Billing/Service Clerk 13 7.01-10.66 14,581-22,173 Chief Mechanic 13 7.01-10.66 14,581-22,173 Senior Accounting Clerk 13 7.01-10.66 14,581-22,173 Chief Wastewater Plant Operator 13 7.01-10.66 14,581-22,173 Maintenance Mechanic 13 7.01-10.66 14,581-22,173 Supervisor 15 7.70-11.74 16,016-24,419 Police Officer 15 7.70-11.74 16,016-24,419 Police Corporal 16 7.89-12.30 16,411-25,584 Police Investigator 17 8.40-12.89 17,472-26,811 Police Sargent 17 8.40-12.89 17,472-26,811 MERIT SYSTEM: Each employee upon evaluation by his Department Head is eleigible for a merit increase on his or her anniversary date. In addition, employees who have been with the City five (5) years are eligible for an additional 1% per year merit in- crease annually on their anniversary date. Employees with ten (10) years of service, 2% per year. Employees with fifteen (15) or more years an additional 3% per year increase. Additional merit increases are not awarded when an employee has reached the upper limit of his pay grade. 10 GENERAL FUND CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 REVENUES TAXES 914,801 915,650 959,595 1,001,600 LICENSES & PERMITS 21,153 21,500 29,000 22,500 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 451,542 473,456 488,961 522,519 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 81,631 84,461 85,961 90,810 FINES & FORFEITURES 29,899 32,000 28,897 30,800 MISCELLANEOUS 103,145 97,912 123,563 131,412 TOTAL REVENUES 1,602,171 1,624,979 1,715,977 1,799,641 TRANSFERS -IN TRANSFER FROM CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND 8,431 8,000 9,850 10,000 TOTAL REVENUE & TRANSFERS -IN 1,610,602 1,632,979 1,725,827 1,809,641 EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION 299,441 354,625 342,246 401,148 POLICE 441,650 550,784 521,510 655,698 FIRE 44,777 50,833 51,458 55,504 PUBLIC WORKS 802,536 869,515 875,948 639,353 SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 57,864 62,523 62,657 68,905 CONTINGENCIES -0- 15,000 -0- -0- TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,646,268 1,903,280 1,853,819 1,820,608 TRANSFERS -OUT TRANSFER TO CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT EXCESS OF REVENUES & TRANSFERS -IN OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES&TRANSFERS-OUT BEGINNING RESERVE ENDING RESERVE 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 1,666,268 (55,666) 1,437,955 1,382,289 1,923,280 (290,301) 1,212,306 922,005 1,873,819 (147,992) 1,382,289 1,234,297 1,840,608 (30,967) 1,234,297 1,203,330 11 CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES TAXES (01-310)• 311-1110 Ad Valorem 312-1230 County One Cent Gas 312-1231 State Local Option Gas 313-1300 Franchise Fees 314-1400 Utility Service TOTAL TAXES LICENSES & PERMITS (01-320): 321-2110 Occupational Licenses 329-2910 Other Licenses & Permits TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS INTERGOVERNMENTAL (01-330): 334-3490 State Grant -Comp Plan 335-3510 State Cigarette Tax 335-3520 State Revenue Sharing 335-3530 State Mobile Home Lic. 335-3540 State Alcoholic Bev. Lic. 335-3550 State Half -Cent Sales Tax 335-3560 State Motor Fuel Tax 338-3810 County Occupational Lic. 338-3820 County School Crossing 339-3910 Lake Apopka Gas Contrib. TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES (01-340) 347-4710 Activity Fees 347-4720 Boat Ramp Fees 347-4730 S.L Arts Council Tickets 349-4920 Administrative Services TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES AND FORFEITURES (01-350) 359-5910 Fines & Forfeitures 359-5930 Law Enforcement Education TOTAL FINES AND FORFEITURES MISCELLANEOUS(01-360) 361-6100 Interest 362-6200 Rentals 364-6410 Cemetery Memorial Sales 364-6420 Surplus Equipment Sales 366-6600 Contrib.& Reimbursement 369-6910 Other ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 258,853 270,000 41,778 40,000 132,469 116,000 245,480 254,575 236.221 235.075 914,801 915,650 16,303 17,000 4,850 4,500 21,153 21,500 274,500 285,000 41,000 46,700 145,000 165,300 260,329 263,400 238,766 241.200 959,595 1,001,600 17,000 12,000 29,000 17,000 5,500 22,500 -0- -0- 5,271 13,179 33,929 31,800 33,176 33,100 181,247 171,306 170,921 179,025 8,559 8,300 8,943 9,000 6,389 7,850 4,867 5,000 168,142 192,800 198,071 215,115 2,526 1,000 2,440 2,400 14,106 21,200 14,000 14,500 388 3,200 1,272 1,200 36,256 36,000 50,000 50,000 451,542 473,456 488,961 522,519 1,346 1,000 1,300 1,300 3,183 2,500 3,700 3,500 -0- -0- -0- 1,000 77,102 80,961 80,961 85,010 81,631 84,461 85,961 90,810 29,899 32,000 28,090 30,000 -0- -0- 807 800 29,899 32,000 28,897 30,800 72,180 70,000 11,245 12,112 186 500 5,200 2,000 3,474 8,000 10.860 5,300 96,800 101,200 12,312 12,112 1,000 500 1,112 4,000 8,417 8,000 3,922 5,600 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL REVENUE 103,145 97,912 1,602,171 1,624,979 123,563 131,412 1,715,977 1,799,641 12 CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 CITY COUNCIL(01-510-511 1210 Salaries & Benefits 4,800 9,300 9,300 10,800 3140 Prof.Services-Legal -0- 1,500 1,500 1,500 4000 Travel & Per Diem 1,002 1,000 1,000 1,000 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 280 280 280 300 4900 Other Current Charges 1,401 1,500 1,500 1,500 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 7,483 13,580 13,580 15,100 CITY MANAGER(01-510-512) 1210 Salaries & Benefits 64,636 69,731 70,130 75,512 2400 Workers Compensation -0- -0- -0- 1,820 4000 Travel & Per Diem 458 1,250 1,250 1,300 4500 Commercial Insurance 1,697 2,180 2,320 2,552 4620 Repair & Maint.- Vehicles 177 500 500 500 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 1,244 1,200 1,412 1,200 4900 Other Current Charges 168 375 375 375 5210 Gas & Oil 512 800 800 800 5220 Tires & Batteries -0- 200 200 200 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 860 750 1,103 1,000 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment -0- -0- -0- 3,200 TOTAL CITY MANAGER 69,752 76,986 78,090 88,459 FINANCE(01-510-513) 1210 Salaries & Benefits 100,063 111,740 108,323 124,739 2400 Workers Compensation 422 444 649 803 3130 Prof.Services-Microfilm 1,848 2,000 2,000 2,000 3200 Audit Fee 7,200 8,280 8,280 8,280 4000 Travel & Per Diem 937 1,250 1,250 1,250 4100 Telephone 3,457 3,000 3,946 3,500 4300 Electric & Gas Service 2,184 2,500 2,084 2,500 4310 Water & Sewer Service 676 300 300 300 4500 Commercial Insurance 4,379 4,670 4,646 5,110 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 5,112 7,100 5,500 5,500 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 8,513 6,451 7,000 8,696 4710 Printing -0- -0- -0- 500 4900 Other Current Charges 200 550 550 550 5100 Office Supplies 5,521 5,600 5,600 5,600 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 566 1,000 1,000 1,000 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 13,151 900 900 150 7091 Debt Service -Computer -0- 11,199 11,199 11,199 TOTAL FINANCE 154,229 166,984 163,227 181,677 13 CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 CITY ATTORNEY(01-510-514 3140 Prof.Services-Legal 9,861 10,800 10,800 10,800 40U0 Travel & Per Diem -0- 200 200 200 4900 Other Current Charges -0- 50 50 50 5400 Subscription & Dues 48 450 450 450 TOTAL CITY ATTORNEY 91909 11,500 11,500 11,500 PLANNING AND ZONING(01-510-515) 1210 Salaries & Benefits 31,917 55,096 44,107 53,690 2400 Workers Compensation 1,142 11199 1,139 1,820 3110 Prof.Services-Engineering 10,033 12,000 12,000 12,000 3160 Prof.Services-Comp. Plan -0- -0- -0- 14,000 4000 Travel & Per Diem 77 1,000 11000 1,000 4500 Commercial Insurance 1,697 2,180 2,320 2,552 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 163 300 300 300 5100 Office Supplies 596 500 700 500 5210 Gas & Oil 173 800 800 800 5220 Tires & Batteries 35 200 150 200 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 292 300 300 400 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment -0- -0- -0- 4,650 TOTAL PLANNING AND ZONING 46,125 73,575 62,816 91,912 OTHER GENERAL GOVERNN.ENT(01-510-519) 3110 Prof.Services-Engineering 1,918 5,000 5,000 5,000 4800 Advertising 4,427 2,500 2,500 2,500 4900 Other Current Charges 5,598 4,500 5,533 5,000 TOTAL OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT 11,943 12,000 13,033 12,500 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 299,441 354,625 342,246 401,148 14 CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET GENERAL FUND POLICE DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 POLICE(01-520-521) 1210 Salaries & Benefits 350,898 442,280 411,509 511,070 2400 Workers Compensation 6,429 6,751 6,414 12,714 4000 Travel & Per Diem 115 500 500 500 4100 Telephone 1,307 1,300 1,400 1,500 4300 Electric & Gas Service 4,990 5,800 5,200 5,500 4310 Water & Sewer Service 511 525 850 850 4400 Rentals -Equipment -0- -0- -0- 720 4500 Commercial Insurance 25,225 14,981 15,917 17,509 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 3,573 7,668 7,668 4,000 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 7,401 7,000 7,000 5,000 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 2,437 2,500 2,500 2,500 4900 Other Current Charges 2,116 1,600 2,100 2,500 4920 Investigative Expenses 300 2,000 2,000 2,000 4970 Emergency & Medical Services 1,892 2,000 2,000 1,500 5100 Office Supplies 3,774 4,017 4,000 3,000 5200 Operating Supplies -0- -0- -0- 1,500 5210 Gas & Oil 13,793 17,000 17,000 16,000 5220 Tires & Batteries 1,499 2,000 2,000 2,000 5230 Uniforms 2,422 7,000 7,000 5,000 5240 Minor Equipment 499 810 1,400 500 5400 Subscriptions & Dues -0- 105 105 105 5410 Law Enforcement Education -0- -0- -0- 1,400 6420 Capital Outlay -Vehicles -0- 24,762 24,762 38,581 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 12,469 185 185 19,749 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT 441,650 550,784 521,510 655,698 15 CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET GENERAL FUND FIRE DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 FIRE(01-520-522 1210 Salaries & Benefits 6,647 6,965 6,988 6,988 2400 Workers Compensation -0- -0- -0- 2,080 4000 Travel & Per Diem 416 500 500 500 4100 Telephone 393 450 450 450 4500 Commercial Insurance 9,563 12,300 13,062 14,368 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 13 200 200 200 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 102 800 400 800 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 561 900 900 900 4900 Other Current Charges 10 470 470 470 5200 Operating Supplies 28 300 300 300 5210 Gas & Oil 154 283 200 283 5220 Tires & Batteries 217 200 200 200 5230 Uniforms 188 500 823 500 5240 Minor Equipment 46 500 500 500 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 155 180 180 180 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment -0- -0- -0- 500 7070 Debt Service -Fire Truck 26,284 26,285 26,285 26,285 TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT 44,777 50,833 51,458 55,504 16 CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT(01-530-539) 1210 Salaries & Benefits 49,386 53,519 46,098 56,987 2460 Workers Compensation 2,199 2,309 2,387 2,315 3110 Prof.Services -Engineering 4,130 4,000 4,000 4,000 4000 Travel & Per Diem 305 420 600 420 4100 Telephone 1,369 1,450 1,450 1,450 4300 Electric & Gas Service 1,144 1,600 1,600 1,600 4310 Water & Sewer Service 1,022 552 650 650 4500 Commercial Insurance 4,239 5,999 6,384 7,022 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 1,562 2,600 2,600 2,600 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 724 220 350 220 5100 Office Supplies 292 520 520 520 5200 Operating Supplies 499 1,200 1,200 1,200 5210 Gas & Oil 359 350 350 400 5230 Uniforms 154 350 350 350 5240 Minor Equipment 554 550 550 550 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 75 150 150 150 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment -0- -0- -0- 6,850 TOTAL OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT 68,013 75,789 69,239 87,284 TRANSPORTATION(01-540-541 1210 Salaries & Benefits 122,520 135,396 132,960 138,759 2400 Workers Compensation 7,232 7,595 7,216 4,727 4300 Electric & Gas Service 64,251 75,000 75,000 75,000 4400 Rentals -Equipment 316 500 500 500 4500 Commercial Insurance 8,888 11,361 12,094 13,303 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 1,146 3,150 3,150 3,150 4630 Repair & Maint.-Street Signs 2,008 5,800 5,800 5,800 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 2,378 2,000 2,000 2,000 5210 Gas & Oil 5,942 6,500 6,500 6,500 5220 Tires & Batteries 546 1,045 1,045 1,045 5230 Uniforms 405 770 770 770 5240 Minor Equipment 414 770 1,200 770 5250 Sidewalk Repair 1,122 2,800 2,800 2,800 5300 Road Materials 4,307 8,842 8,842 8,842 6330 Capital Outlay-Sts.&Sidewalks 161,817 212,699 222,442 35,000 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 383,292 474,228 482,319 298,966 17 CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 ANIMAL CONTROL(01-560-562) 1210 Salaries & Benefits 9,019 10,285 10,137 8,069 2400 Workers Compensation 422 444 422 236 4500 Commercial Insurance 1,249 1,392 1,482 1,630 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 8 200 200 200 4900 Other Current Charges 17 75 450 300 5210 Gas & Oil 426 650 650 650 5230 Uniforms 49 115 115 115 5240 Minor Equipment 51 125 350 125 5260 Dog Food 82 110 110 110 TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL 11,323 13,396 13,916 11,435 PARKS & RECREATION(01-570-572 1210 Salaries & Benefits 93,447 125,169 115,239 155,278 2400 Workers Compensation 3,256 3,420 3,536 4,585 4100 Telephone -0- -0- 375 375 4300 Electric & Gas Service 14,645 17,000 17,000 17,000 4310 Water & Sewer Service 5,631 4,025 6,700 6,500 4500 Commercial Insurance 6,343 8,803 9,426 10,370 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 9,035 12,250 12,250 12,250 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 193 1,300 1,300 1,300 4640 Repair & N.aint.-Parks&Trees 5,040 6,000 6,000 6,000 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 1,439 2,000 2,000 2,000 4900 Other Current Charges 214 110 250 110 5210 Gas & Oil 2,501 3,000 3,000 3,000 5220 Tires & Batteries 567 400 400 400 5230 Uniforms 305 700 700 700 5240 Minor Equipment 769 750 750 1,000 6110 Capital Outlay -Land 172,510 75,595 82,195 -0- 6210 Capital Outlay -Buildings 13,688 24,350 29,980 4,500 6310 Capital Outlay -Recreation 1,624 5,230 5,076 4,500 6320 Capital Outlay -Landscaping 5,768 5,000 5,454 5,000 6410 Capital Outlay -Cemetery 1,796 -0- 435 4,800 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 1,137 11,000 8,408 2,000 TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION 339,908 306,102 310,474 241,668 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 802,536 869,515 875,948 639,353 AM CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET GENERAL FUND SPECIAL ACTIVITIES STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 ECONOMIC DEVELOPEMENT(01-550-559) 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 2,275 2,500 2,500 2,500 8220 Contributions -Committees -0- 1,000 1,000 1,000 TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 2,275 3,500 3,500 3,500 COOPER MEMORIAL LIBRARY(01-570-571) 4500 Commercial Insurance 810 1,903 2,026 2,230 7080 Debt Service -Library 9,062 8,820 8,831 8,600 8200 Contributions -General 38,500 41,500 41,500 47,000 8210 Contributions -Matching 3,000 -0- -0- -0- TOTAL COOPER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 51,372 52,223 52,357 57,830 CULTURE PROGRA.M.S(01-570-573) 8200 Contributions -General -0- 1,800 1,800 2,575 TOTAL CULTURE PROGRAM -0- 1,800 11800 2,575 RECREATION PROGRAMS(01-570-579) 8200 Contributions -General 4,217 5,000 5,000 5,000 TOTAL RECREATION PROGRAM 4,217 5,000 5,000 5,000 TOTAL SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 57,864 62,523 62,657 68,905 19 LOCAL GOVERNMENT INFRASTRUCTURE FUND CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET LOCAL GOVERNMENT INFRASTRUCTURE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES REVENUES TAXES MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES PUBLIC WORKS EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES BEGINNING RESERVES ENDING RESERVES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 -0- 190,000 190,000 285,000 -0- 700 700 500 -0- 190,700 190,700 285,500 -0- 185,625 185,625 81,142 -0- 5,075 5,075 204,358 -0- -0- -0- 5,075 -0- 5,075 5,075 209,433 20 CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET LOCAL GOVERNMENT INFRASTRUCTURE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 TAXES (32-310) 312-1201 Local Option Sales Tax -0- 190,000 190,000 285,000 TOTAL TAXES -0- 190,000 190,000 285,000 MISCELLANEOUS(32-360) 361-6100 Interest -0- 700 700 500 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS -0- 700 700 500 TOTAL REVENUE -0- 190,700 190,700 285,500 21 CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET LOCAL GOVERNMENT INFRASTRUCTURE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES ACTUAL 1986-87 TRANSPORTATION (32-540-541 6310 Capital Outlay-Sts.&Sidewalks -0- TOTAL TRANSPORTATION -0- PARKS AND RECREATION (32-570-572) 6110 Capital Outlay -Land -0- TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION -0- TOTAL EXPENDITURES -0- BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 111,220 111,220 81,142 111,220 111,220 81,142 74,405 74,405 -0- 74,405 74,405 -0- 185,625 185,625 81,142 22 UTILITY REVENUE FUND CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET UTILITY REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RESERVES REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS - TOTAL REVENUES TRANSFERS -IN TRANSFER FROM 1988 LOAN PROCEEDS FUND TRANSFER FROM IMPROVEMENT, REPAIR & REPLACEMENT FUND TRANSFER FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND TOTAL TRANSFERS -IN TOTAL REVENUE & TRANSFERS -IN EXPENSES WATER SEWER TOTAL EXPENSES EXCESS OF REVENUES & TRANSFERS -IN OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES BEGINNING RESERVES ENDING RESERVES ACTUAL BUDGET 1986-87 1987-88 975,288 972,800 113,192 71,400 1,088,480 1,044,200 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 1,088,480 1,044,200 351,496 379,208 380,779 626,645 732,275 1,005,853 356,205 38,347 617,408 1,114,566 973,613 1,152,913 ESTIMATED BUDGET 1987-88 1988-89 1,044,429 1,060,800 99,211 86,000 1,143,640 1,146,800 -0- 345,000 -0- 20,619 -0- 63,000 -0- 428,619 1,143,640 1,575,419 358,348 698,469 565,524 752,760 923,872 1,451,229 219,768 124,190 973,613 1,193,381 1,193,381 1,317,571 23 CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET UTILITY REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET '•'r 1986-81 1981-88 1987-88 1988-89 CHARGES FOR SERVICES (41-340) 343-4331 Water Sales 383,077 370,000 416,300 426,000 343-4332 Water Tapping Fees 15,533 13,000 13,000 13,000 345-4533 Sewer Service Sales 576,678 588,000 614,629 620,000 345-4534 Sewer Connection Fees -0- 1,800 500 1,800 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 915,288 972,800 1,044,429 1,060,800 MISCELLANEOUS(41-340) 343-4336 Water -Other 5,982 4,000 6,000 4,000 343-4350 Water -Interest 34,662 30,900 42,713 37,000 345-4536 Sewer -Other 957 1,000 1,731 1,000 345-4550 Sewer -Interest 71,591 35,500 48,767 44,000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 113,192 71,400 99,211 86,000 TOTAL REVENUE 1,088,480 1,044,200 1,143,640 1,146,900 24 CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET UTILITY REVENUE FUND WATER DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENSES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1986-87 ' 1987-88' 1987-88 1988-89 WATER (41-530-533 1210 Salaries & Benefits 104,807 80,241 86,522 92,797 24-00 Workers Compensation 3,976 4,175 3,966 1,607 3110 Prof. Services -Engineering 612 3,865 6,000 36,500 3120 Prof. Services -Laboratory 3,654 2,700 4,700 2,700 3200 Audit Fees 2,640 2,880 2,880 2,880 4000 Travel & Per Diem -0- 1,500 1,500 1,500 4100 Telephone 2,743 2,800 3,046 3,200 4200 Postage & Freight 2,252 2,400 2,203 2,400 4300 Electric & Gas Service 52,258 54,000 53,412 55,000 4310 Water & Sewer Service 112 100 1,200 800 4400 Rentals -Equipment -0- 200 -0- 200 4500 Commercial Insurance 9,595 16,134 17,273 19,000 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 556 900 800 900 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 479 11000 480 1,000 4650 Repair & Maint.-Meters 5,230 5,000 8,220 6,000 4660 Repair & Maint.-Tanks -0- 1,000 -0- 1,000 4670 Repair & Maint.-Systems 1,160 3,500 1,025 3,500 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 7,825 8,800 5,307 8,800 4800 Advertising 3 50 45 50 4940 Administrative Services 23,917 25,114 25,114 26,370 4950 Uncollectable Accounts 2,017 750 750 750 5200 Operating Supplies 1,783 2,300 1,723 2,300 5210 Gas & Oil 2,071 3,500 1,666 3,500 5220 Tires & Batteries 386 500 450 500 5230 Uniforms 403 300 500 500 5240 Minor Equipment 882 2,000 1,788 2,000 5270 Chlorine 9,011 9,500 8,098 9,500 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 102 200 160 200 6341 Capital Outlay -Water System -0- -0- 1,500 312,300 6420 Capital Outlay -Vehicle -0- -0- -0- 8,000 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 23,439 30,999 30,975 15,250 7030 Debt Service-1976 Bond 6,441 8,300 6,829 -0- 7040 Debt Service-1980 Bond 83,142 100,500 80,216 -0- 7061 Debt Service-1988 Loan -0- -0- -0- 77,465 Contingencies -0- 4,000 -0- -0- TOTAL EXPENSES 351,496 379,208 358,348 698,469 25 CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET UTILITY REVENUE FUND SEWER DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF SEWER (41-530-535) 1210 Salaries & Benefits 2400 Workers Compensation 3110 Prof.Services-Engineering 3120 Prof.Services-Laboratory 3150 Prof.Services-Immunizations 3200 Audit Fee 4000 Travel & Per Diem 4100 Telephone 4200 Postage & Freight 4300 Electric & Gas Service 4310 Water & Sewer Service 4400 Rentals -Equipment 4500 Commercial Insurance 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 4670 Repair & Maint.-Systems 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 4800 Advertising 4940 Administrative Services 4950 Uncollectable Accounts 5200 Operating Supplies 5210 Gas & Oil 5220 Tires & Batteries 5230 Uniforms 5240 Minor Equipment 5270 Chlorine 5280 Sewage Pretreat Chemicals 5290 Laboratory Supplies 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 6210 Capital Outlay -Buildings 6340 Capital Outlay -Sewer System 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 7020 Debt Service-1972 Bond 7030 Debt Service-1976 Bond 7060 Debt Service-1984 Bond 7061 Debt Service-1988 Loan Contingencies TOTAL EXPENSES BUDGETED EXPENSES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 88,007 123,876 111,327 136,728 3,722 3,908 4,390 3,734 5,912 9,222 9,222 6,000 4,232 7,500 11,500 8,000 289 600 600 600 3,740 4,140 4,140 4,140 -0- 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,449 1,300 1,730 1,750 2,250 2,600 2,191 2,800 64,959 95,000 77,275 95,000 513 500 2,500 3,000 -0- 150 130 200 9,321 15,765 16,881 18,570 485 1,500 2,100 1,500 362 1,000 800 1,000 3,949 21,200 8,211 21,200 15,835 15,000 16,000 15,000 74 50 700 700 35,875 37,670 37,670 39,554 2,207 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,550 2,000 4,000 5,500 1,846 4,000 1,689 3,000 796 600 500 600 403 300 450 500 204 2,000 4,000 2,000 2,668 1,800 4,200 4,500 21,417 22,000 20,819 22,000 748 2,300 2,000 2,300 7 200 100 200 -0- 12,050 11,760 -0- -0- 5,628 5,628 117,169 15,968 17,836 16,730 14,250 84,550 139,750 139,750 141,300 6,441 8,300 6,829 -0- -0- 60,900 37,702 -0- -0- -0- -0- 77,465 -0- 4,000 -0- -0- 380,779 626,645 565,524 752,760 26 SANITATION FUND CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET SANITATION FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES 262,723 274,640 268,556 275,000 MISCELLANEOUS - 5,234 4,400 8,250 9,000 TOTAL REVENUES 267,957 279,040 276,806 284,000 EXPENSES 235,591 276,666 248,457 264,809 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES 32,366 2,374 28,349 19,191 BEGINNING RESERVES 84,409 116,060 116,775 145,124 ENDING RESERVES 116,775 118,434 145,124 164,315 27 CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET SANITATION FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 CHARGES FOR SERVICES (49-340) 344-4435 Sanitation Service Fees 262,723 274,640 268,556 275,000 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 262,723 274,640 268,556 275,000 MISCELLANEOUS(49-340) 344-4450 Interest 5,234 4,400 8,250 9,000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 5,234 4,400 8,250 9,000 TOTAL REVENUE 267,957 279,040 276,806 284,000 Nm CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET SANITATION FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENSES ACTUAL 1986-87 SANITATION (49-530-534 1210 Salaries & Benefits 137,746 2400 Workers Compensation 13,493 3200 Audit Fee 2,420 4200 Postage & Freight 2,239 4500 Commercial Insurance 6,875 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 8,893 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 197 4800 Advertising -0- 4900 Other Current Charges 68 4930 Landfill Charges 28,457 4940 Administrative Services 17,310 4950 Uncollectable Accounts 1,664 5210 Gas & Oil 8,053 5220 Tires & Batteries 2,504 5230 Uniforms 1,026 5240 Minor Equipment 262 6420 Capital Outlay -Vehicles -0- 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 4,384 TOTAL EXPENSES 235,591 BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 148,876 145,518 153,532 14,168 14,649 10,824 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,500 2,500 2,500 7,268 7,736 8,510 6,900 6,900 7,500 300 300 300 50 50 50 100 100 100 40,800 35,000 44,880 18,177 18,177 19,086 600 600 600 10,000 10,000 10,000 2,750 2,750 2,750 1,177 1,177 1,177 300 300 300 20,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 276,666 248,457 264,809 AM CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN RESERVES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 REVENUES MISCELLANEOUS 14,732 14,500 16,500 16,500 EXPENDITURES -0- -0- -0- -0- TRANSFERS-OUT TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 8,432 8,000 10,000 10,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT 8,432 8,000 10,000 10,000 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT 6,300 6,500 6,500 6,500 BEGINNING RESERVE 124,620 131,027 130,920 137,420 ENDING RESERVE 130,920 137,527 137,420 143,920 we, CITY OF CLERMONT 1988-89 BUDGET CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 MISCELLANEOUS(61-360) 361-6105 Interest 8,432 8,000 10,000 10,000 364-6411 Cemetery Lot Sales 6,300 6,500 6,500 6,500 TOTAL REVENUE 14,732 14,500 16,500 16,500 31