1999-54 , . AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CLERMONT AND PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, INC. FOR FINANCIAL ADVISORY SERVICES &- This agreement, effective this ~ day of September 1999, by and between the City of Clermont, Florida (hereinafter called the "City") and Public Financial Management, Inc, (hereinafter called the "Financial Advisor" or "PFM"), sets forth the tenns and conditions under which the Financial Advisor shall provide services to the City. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the City issued a Request for Proposal for Financial Advisory Services and PFM was selected by the City; and PFM has been providing Financial Advisory Services to the City since January, 1995; and WHEREAS, the City is desirous of obtaining the services of a financial advisor to the City to develop and assist in implementing strategies to meet its current and long-term operations and capital financing needs and render assistance in the preparation and marketing of debt transactions by the City; and WHEREAS, the Financial Advisor represents that it is capable of providing the necessary financial consulting services, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above mentioned premises and for the purposes of this Agreement and the various covenants, conditions, terms and provisions which follow: I. SCOPE OF SERVICES PFM sha1l provide, upon request of the City Manager or City Finance Director services related to financial planning and policy development and services related to debt issuance. The services provided shall include but not necessarily be limited to the following: 1. Services related to the Financial Plan nine and Policy Development upon request of the City: . Assist the City in the fonnulation of Financial and Debt Policies and Administrative Procedures. . Review current debt structure, identifying strengths and weaknesses of structure so that future debt issues can be structured to maximize ability to finance future capital needs. This will include, but not be limited to, reviewing existing debt for the possibility of refunding that debt to provide the City with savings. Page 1 , . . Analyze future debt capacity to determine the City's ability to raise future debt capital. . Assist the City in the development of the City's Capital Improvement program by identifying sources of capital funding for infrastructure needs, . Assist the City with the development of the City's Financial Plan by assessing capital needs, identifying potential revenue sources, analyze financing alternatives such as pay-as-you-go, lease/purchasing, short-term vs, long-term financings, assessments, user fees, impact fees, developer contributions, public/private projects, and grants and provide analysis of each alternative as required as to the budgetary and financial impact. . Review the reports of accountants, independent engineers and other project feasibility consultants to ensure that such studies adequately address technical, economic, and financial risk factors affecting the marketability of any proposed revenue debt issues; provide bond market assumptions necessary for financial projections included in these studies; attend all relevant working sessions regarding the preparations, review and completion of such independent studies; and provide written comments and recommendations regarding assumptions, analytic methods, and conclusions contained therein. . Develop, manage and maintain computer models for long-term capital planning which provide for inputs regarding levels of ad valorem and non-ad valorem taxation, growth rates by operating revenue and expenditure item, timing, magnitude and cost of debt issuance, and project operating and capital balances, selected operating and debt ratios and other financial performance measures as may be determined by the City. . Provide debt services schedules reflecting varying interest rates, issue sizes, and maturity structures as these are needed for feasibility consultants or for related City fiscal planning; and . Attend meetings with staff, consultants and the City. . Review underwriter's proposals and submit a written analysis of same to the City, . Undertake any and all other financial planning and policy development assignments made by the City regarding bond and other financings, and financial policy including budget, tax, cash management issues and related fiscal policy and programs. Page 2 , . . Assist the City in preparing financial presentations for public hearings and/or referendums. . Provide special financial services as requested by the City. 2. Services Rela~bt Transact.ons (Includes short term gnancines. notes. loans. letters of credit. line of credit and bonds). Upon the reQuest of the City: . Analyze financial and economic factors to determine if the issuance of bonds is appropriate. . Develop a financing plan in concert with City's staff which would include recommendations as to the timing and number of series of bonds to be issued. . Assist the City by recommending the best method of sale, either as a negotiated sale, private placement or a public sale. In a public sale, make recommendation as to the determination of the best bid, In the event of a negotiated sale, assist in the solicitation, review and evaluation of any investment banking proposals, and provide advice and information necessary to aid in such selection. . Advise as to the various financing alternatives available to the City, . Develop alternatives related to Debt Transaction including evaluation of revenues available, maturity schedule and cash flow requirements. . Evaluate benefits of Bond Insurance and/or security insurance for Debt Reserve Fund. If appropriate, develop credit rating presentation and coordinate the overall presentation to rating agencies, . Assist the City in the procurement of other services relating to debt issuance such as Printing, Paying Agent, Registrar, etc. . Identify key bond covenant features and advise on provisions to be included in bond resolutions regarding security, creation of reserve funds, flow of funds, redemption provisions, additional parity debt test, etc.; review and comment on successive drafts of bond resolutions. . Review the terms, conditions and structure of any proposed debt offering undertaken by the City and provide suggestions, modifications and enhancements where appropriate and necessary to reflect the constraints or current financial policy and fiscal capability. Page 3 , . . Assist in the preparation of the preliminary and final official statement and coordinate with the City the appropriate data, disclosure infonnation and pertinent factors regarding the City and the proposed financing program, . Provide regular updates of tax-exempt bond market conditions and advise the City as to the most advantageous timing for issuing its debt. . Advise the City on the condition of the bond market at the time of sale, including volume, timing considerations, competing offerings, and general economic considerations. . Assist and advise the City in negotiations with investment banking groups regarding fees, pricing of the bonds and final terms of any security offering, and make in writing definitive recommendations regarding a proposed offering. Provide assurance that the pricing of the bonds is the lowest price based on existing market conditions. . Arrange for the closing of the transaction including, but not limited, to bond printing, signing and final delivery of the bonds. If the transaction is competitive, the services of the financial advisor will be modified to reflect that process. 3. Special Services. Upon reQuest of the City: PFM may provide other services which shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. 2, 3, 4. 5, 6. 7, 8. 9. 10, 11. 12, II. Impact fee financial analysis Grantsmanship Rate analysis Management analysis Referendum assistance Legislative initiatives Project assessment analysis Implementation of revenue enhancement programs Arbitrage and rebate services Financial analysis of projects being developed by engineer/architect Negotiate on behalf of the City for proposed projects Services for acquisition of Private Utility WORK SCHEDULE The services of the Financial Advisor are to commence as soon as practicable after the execution of this Agreement and a request by the City for such service, and shall be undertaken for each financial transaction or project and completed as to assure completion in a manner and Page 4 , . time which are in accordance with the purpose of this Agreement. Services which are not related to a particular transaction shall be completed as agreed between the City and the Financial Advisor, III. FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMPENSATION For the services described, PFM's professional fees and expenses shall be paid as follows: 1. For services related to financial planning, policy development and financial analysis, PFM shall receive hourly rates as listed below. Fees for support staff are included in the hourly rates for professionals. Services will be billed monthly. Experience Level Hourlv Rate Managing Director Senior Managing Consultant Consultant $175 160 130 2, For services related to the issuance of the City's proposed Water and Wastewater Revenue Bonds, Series 1999, PFM proposes to charge a flat fee of $16,250, with future issues or refundings to be negotiated at a later date. For structuring and bidding any escrow associated with the proposed Series 1999 Bonds, PFM proposes to charge a fee not-to-exceed $3,500, PFM does reserve the right to negotiate additional fees for the proposed Series 1999 Bonds if there are unforeseen circumstances associated with the Series 1999 Bond, such as the project is delayed, the scope of services is expanded, the bonds are competitively bid, etc. Fees to be billed at closing of transaction. 3. For services related to Special Services, PFM shall negotiate in advance a not-to- exceed amount and a specific completion date, Reimbursable Expense In addition to the above, PFM will be compensated for necessary, reasonable, and documented out-of-pocket expenses incurred for travel, meals, lodging, reproductions, telephone, mail, and other ordinary cost and any actual extraordinary cost for graphics, printing, data processing and computer time which are incurred by PFM. Appropriate documentation will be provided, The City and the Financial Advisor reserve the right, during the term of this Agreement, to review the method of compensation. Page 5 , . IV. TERMS AND TERMINATION This agreement shall remain in effect unless canceled in writing by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. V. ASSIGNABILITY The Financial Advisor shall not assign any interest in this Agreement or subcontract any of the work performed under the Agreement and shall not transfer any interest in the same without the prior written consent of the City. VI. INFORMATION TO BE ]FURNISHED TO THE FINANCIAL ADVISOR All information, data, reports, and records in the possession of the City necessary for carrying out the work to be performed under this Agreement shall be furnished to the Financial Advisor without charge by the City, and the City shall cooperate with the Financial Advisor in every way possible, VII. NOTICES When either party desires to give notice unto the other, it must be given by written notice, sent by registered United States mail, with return receipt requested, addressed to the party for whom it is intended, at the place last specified, and the place for giving notice in compliance with the provisions of this paragraph. For the present, the parties designate the following as the respective places for giving notice, to-wit: FOR CITY: Mr. Wayne Saunders, City Manager Mr. Joseph Van Zile, Director of Finance 1 Westgate Plaza P.O. Box 120219 Clermont, Florida 34712-0219 FOR THE FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Ms. Lavon P. Wisher, Managing Director Public Financial Management, Inc. 10100 Deer Run Farms Road Suite 201 Fort Myers, FL 33912 VIII. TITLE TRANSFER The products of this Agreement shall be the sole and exclusive property of the City upon completion or other termination of this Agreement. The Financial Advisor shall deliver to the City copies of any and all material pertaining to this Agreement. Page 6 , . IX. FINANCIAL ADVISOR'S REPRESENTATIVES A. Assignment of Named Individuals The following named individuals from PFM shall provided the services set forth in this Agreement: PFM shall, from time to time, amend team members. Lavon Wisher, Managing Director, Engagement Manager Patti Garrett, Senior Managing Consultant Randal Webb, Consultant Other Team Members: David Moore, Senior Managing Consultant Virginia Rutledge, Senior Managing Consultant David Miller, Senior Managing Consultant Hugh Marble, Consultant John Grady, Consultant B. Changes in Staff Requested by the City The City has the right to request, for any reason, PFM to replace any member of the advisory staff. Should the City make such a request, PFM shall promptly suggest a substitute for approval by the City. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the City and Financial Advisory have executed this Agreement as of the day and year herein above written CLERMONT, FLORIDA BY:~ O[D~URVILLE, JR., Mayor DATE: -óZ:?-5;; PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, INC, JJ afHn1 &. Lu ~ Managing Director Page 7