Contract 2021-046A#2021-046-A 2021-2024 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR THE MID-FLORIDA SWAT TEAM TASK FORCE CLERMONT POLICE DEPARTMENT EUSTIS POLICE DEPARTMENT GROVELAND POLICE DEPARTMENT LEESBURG POLICE DEPARTMENT MOUNT DORA POLICE DEPARTMENT 'Ve NEREAS. the City of Clermont, the City of Eustis. the City of Groc eland. the City of Leesburg. and the City of Mount Dora, have entered into a duly signed Municipal Inter -Local Voluntary Cooperation Mutual Aid Agreement (hereafter. "Mutual Aid Agreement") which is in effect until December 31. 2024, W1 IFREAS. "Section iI. Provisions for VoluntartCooperation" in said Nlutual Aid Agreement allo7 Ns agencies ~Nithin the iltutual Aid Agreement to enter into Inter -Agency task farces including Special N, 'eapons and 'l-acties Tc:a.ms (hereafter "MVAT Team"). k-'III RFAS+ the Clermont Police Department, the Eustis Police Department, the Groveland Police Department, the Leesburg Police Department, and the Nlotint Dora Police neparttneiit believe that the continued use of one larger Inter -At en<<r S1VA`I' team NN ill allu\N fOr the most economical and efficient use oftheir respectix e SWAT team resources. NOW, 'i'BEREFORE.THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: A. The MID-FLORIDA SWAT team is a multi -agency unit. arganized and formulated to work togcthcr to respond to calls heeding the specialized sere ices of a tilt' kT teann. 13- The parties incorporate the Municipal Inter -Local Voluntary Cooperation Mutual Aid Agreement in effect from 2021-2024 in its entirety. and this Agreement shall be deemed the formalization of a SV4`AT Task Farce contemplated in Section Ii of that agreement. C. The Chicf cif Police. or hislier designee. from each participating ag ney will act a• a member of the Board of Directors Jor MID-FLORIDA S\ AT (Board (it' Directors). The: Board of Directors will develop conlinand structures. de, elop protocols, and ensure members are trained in cortiplutticQ�xithin professional standards. D. Each participating agent, shall designate a representative that has the atuthorit% to req�iest ��r render St1 A )'team assistance oil behalf of� their a wncN . i . Wlien sera ices are requested, each desienated representative will evaluate the request flor servL icc;, and his.°her available resources. and respond in a manner lte!she deems appropriate. F. The Chief. or their designee. of the jurisdiction where the SWAT activ itv is located will act as the Iligh Risk Incident Commander t1IRIC°) for dents occurring \ ithin their jurisdiction. 2021-2024 MID-FLORIDA SWAT TASK FORCE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Page t of (. WheneNer a team member is rendering assistance under this Mill the team nieinber :hall abide and he sul-)iect to the ru les and regulations. personnel policies. general orders. and :standard operating procedures of his:'her own employing avjenc}, if at tIn% time. ar74 rule. regulation, personnel police, general artier or standizrd operating prc ctdrrrc i; contradicted. conlnwened czr Otllellkke in conflict Willi a direct order of a superior officer ol' milt)_ I-10RiDA SiN'AT then such rule, regulation, policy general order car procedure of the enlplovinl� agency shall control and shall supersede the direct order ofthe superior officer of Ni l h-t'l..Ctlz I DA S'4t'A I . IL If a complaint ha, been lodged against ernv member of the M 1 I) - l- I. U h 1 I) A S \N' a t team, that complaint will be iirrwarded to the Chief of Police (or his='her de,igiie-:e) cif the inember's employing: agency to be handled pursuant to the poliea and procedures of the enploN ing nrgcncy. 1. While present outside the .M 1 I) - F L. D R 1 D A fi W A T tneniber'w jurisdiction b)request of another atgericx. ;Nl 1 D- F L O R I D A S W A T menibers nim detain, searchand irre,t individuals during their MID-FLORIDA SWAT assigitntent as If they were inside their own jurisdiction. If any crime occur, in the M 1 D- F L O R I D A S kk` A 'I' member's presence while executing their duties pursuant to this MOU. said M I D- F 1. 0 R I D A SWAT member is empo�\eyed to render law eniorcement assistance. J. Each participating agency engaging in any assistance pursuant to this MOU understands that the provisions of the current Municipal Inter -Local Voluntary Cooperation Mutual Aid Agreement apply. including but not limited to: Section IV: Powers, Privileges, Immunities, and Costs, Section V. Indemnification, and Section VI. Insurance Provisions. Specifically. each agency will be responsible for the acts, omissions or conduct of its own employees; damage or loss of their own equipment; and will defend their own agency employees in any suit or claim arising in reference to their agency employee(s). Each agency will hold harmless, defend. and indemnity the other participating agencies and employees to the extent permitted by law. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed a waiver of any party`s sovereign immunity. K. M I D - F L () R 1 I) A S A' A I" mkmlx i-s of each participating agency when engaging in assistance otitside of their jurisdictional limit,. ender the terms of this 11'K)U, shall, pursuant to provisions, of state statute lime the same pa�wer . duties. rights. privileges and immunities as if the M 1 I) - F L 0 R I D A S fib' A I' member m as pertr>rning duties inside the member's political subdiy ision in Nthich nonnalty employed, I... This 1it'11.= e.-ill be ill 0feel frOln January 1, 202I — December ? 1. 2021.4. I'his agreement ma)° be canceled b} am party upon delixer4 of written notice to the other partios. SIGNATURE PAGES TO FOLLOW 2021-2024 MID-FLORIDA SWAT TASK FORCE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Page 2 of CITY OF CLERMONT POLICE DEPARTMENT f, •rfl1�% Chief Charles Broadway Clermont Police Department Bated: Dar W&jtzaris City Attorney Bated: , f ► Susan Dauderis Interim City N4mulger Dated: 2421-2024 MID-FLORIDA SWAT TASK FORCE MEMO RANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING CITY OF GROVELAND POLICE DEPARTMENT C Shav<fn amsev Groveland Police Department Dated: Anita Geraei-Carver City Attorney Dated: (,aj f" 2. ,Z1 Michael Hein City Manager Dated: 2021-2024 MID-FLORIDA SWAT TASK FORCE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSI-ANDINO Page 5 of7 CITY OF EUSTIS POLICE DEPARTMENT Chi C aPrif7 Eu • lice Department led: Derek A. Schroth — — City Attorney Dated.: n 1I r Ron Neibert z� City Manager Dated: 2021-2024 MID-FLORIDA SWAT TASK FORCE MEMO RANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING CITY OF LEESBURG POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief Rob Hicks Leesburg Police Dated: , /r;S [,at t Fred Morrison City Attorney Dated: City [Vlttia er Dated: 21 2021-2024 MID-FLORIDA SWAT TASK FORCE MEMO RANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING [Type here] [Tvge here] [Type here] CITY OF MOUNT DORA PONCE DEPARTMENT ief Brett Meade Mount Dora Police Department Dated; Sherry'G. tphen City Arriey _• Dated; Ch�—i— —94- arles Revell Interim City Manager Date: 2=-, 2021-2024 MID-FLORIDA SWAT TASK FORCE MEMO) RANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING