Contract 2020-067A.03DocuSign Envelope ID: 5705EEOA-37F6-4EF6-876D-ED53D4D4DA43 CHANGE ORDER FORM Contract / P.O. Number: 2019-55 Bid Number: RFB 19-051 Change Order Number: 3 Change Order Date: Apr 21, 2021 Project Name: Streetscape Phase 2 Department: Public Services Job Location: Minneola Ave. and Osceola Street VENDOR INFORMATION: Company Name: Traverse Group, Inc. Address: P.O. Box 121754 City, St., Zip: Clermont, FL 34712 Contact Name: Alicia Roehn Telephone:352-409-6630 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Alteration, deviation, addition, or deletion caused by conditions encountered during construction not covered by the specifications and drawings of the project (attach additional pages if necessary). Additive change order - Minneola Ave. and 7th st., SW comer lot sewer lateral; revision to change intersection crosswalks to concrete ribon curb vs. pavers; upstream GCFI devices in lieu of GFCI breakers. ITEM AMOUNT A. ORIGINAL CONTRACT VALUE: $ 4,310,565.37 B. AMOUNT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: $ 10,617.32 Must be within the overall scope of services in accordance with contract specifications. C. PERCENT OF CONTRACT VALUE THIS CHANGE ORDER (B/A): % 0.2% D. AMOUNT OF PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: $ 46,177.30 E. TOTAL AMOUNT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS (B+D): $ 56,794.62 F. PERCENT OF CONTRACT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS (E/A): 10% Maximum % 1.3% G. NEW CONTRACT VALUE (A+E) $ 4,367,359.99 This Change Order is not valid without the following signatures: DocuSigned by: DocuSigned by: &A -a r6G 1 4/23/2021 _ ___ 4/23/2021 CONTRACTOR Date PROJECT ARCHITECT / ENGINEER Date DocuSigned by: DocuSigned by: }� Sfb WA,S6t& 4/26/2021 "� d S LS 4/26/2021 DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR Date PROCUREMENT DIRECTOR / Date CITY MANAGER Council approval is required if change order(s): 1) exceeds $49,999; 2) exceeds the greater of $100,000 OR 10% of the original contract amount for construction projects; 3) the funds are not available in the approved budget for the department. CITY OF CLERMONT ATTEST: NOT REQUIRED MAYOR Date CITY CLERK Date Rev. 1-1-2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5705EEOA-37F64EF6-876D-ED53D4D4DA43 ORDERTRAVERSE GROUP, INC. -CITY OF CLERMONT STREETSCAPE PHASE 2 CHANGE Ribbon Curb vs Pavers; Upstream GFCI Devices in Lieu of GFCI Breakers AL-L L.N. General Description Qty. U n ijUnit PNCa �x11 MINNEOLA AVE AND 7th STSW CORNER LOT SEWER LATERAL $ 2,610.85 6.2 CREDIT Install New 6" Lateral 1 EA -$ 750.00 -$ 750.00 6.3 CREDIT Install 6" Cleanouts 1 EA -$ 150.00 $ 150.00 6.4 CREDIT Install 6" Plugs 1 EA -$ 100.00 4100.00 6.5 Install 8" PVC Sewer (6'-8' Cut) 50 FT $ 40.00 $ 2,000.D0 6.6 Install 8" Plug 1 EA $ 85.00 $ 85.00 6.18 Testing 1 LS $ 250.00 $ 250.D0 6.231 Core Existing Manhole 1 1EA 1 $ 1,250.00 1$1,250.00 1.2 Payment and Performance Bond - Increase due to bonding charge(s) by Bonding Company (1%) 1 1 LS 1 $25.85 $ 25.85 TOTAL S 2.610.85 REVISIONS: CHANGE INTERSECTION CROSSWALKS TO 12" RIBBON CURB IN LEIU OF PAVERS $ 2,664.28 11.5 CREDIT F&I 6x6 White Roadway Pavers 216 SF -$ 27.00 .$ 5,832.00 10.8 12" Ribbon Curb (Intersection of 8th St / W Minneola & West Ave / W Minneola) 282 LF $ 30.00 $ 8.46D.00 1.2 Payment and Performance Band - Increase due to bonding charge(s) by Bonding Company (19/6) 1 LS $26.28 $ 26.28 ,orw 2 tiaa_�x REVISIONS: UPSTREAM GFCI DEVICES IN LIEU OF GFCI BREAKERS PER REVISED PLANS $ 5,352.19 7.16 Provide & Install Power Pedestals w/ Blank Face GFCI devices & 4 EA Lockable Waterproof Covers (to be installed as shown on plans); Final Conduit Terminations at Pedestals and Inground J Boxes; $1.324.80 $ 5.299.20 Provide & Install four 1.2 Payment and Performance Bond - Increase due to bonding 1 LS $ 52.99 $ 52.99 charge(s) by Bonding Company (1%) TOTAL S 5352.19 RELOCATE LIGHT POLE @ INTERSECTION OF 8TH STREET & W OSCEOLA AVE - DENIED BY $ 0.00 7.17 Remove one existing light pole and reinstall at new location (includes appx 20' of 1" PVC conduit and new 0 EA $ 2,938.80 $ 0,00 1.2 Payment and Performance Bond - Increase due to bonding charge(s) by Bonding Company (I%) 0 LS $ 29.39 $ 0.00 CHANGE ORDER TOTAL 10,617.32