1998-66 . -- -""-" -= ---- ~ I!!!!!J~ ~ CJ ~ v CJï:=:J DD~DD r-vt ò.~ ~e. . September 23,1998 Chief Randy Story Clermont Police Department 865 W. Montrose Clermont, FL 34711 Dear Chief Randy Story: Thank you for your interest in our product line. All of our CrimeFile 2000@ For Windows products are Year 2000 compliant as they have been developed with the ability to process (4) digit years (i.e. 1997, 2001, etc.). The following is a list of our products: CrimeFile 200(1Ð Criminal Records Management CrimeFile 200(1Ð Administrative Records Management CadFile 200(1Ð Computer Aided Dispatch JailFile 200(1Ð Jail Management System PhotoFile 200(1Ð Photo Imaging System EvidenceFile 200(1Ð BarCode Property/Evidence Tracking IA File 200(1Ð Internal Affairs Tracking We look forward to your continued interest in our products. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: 9900 STIRLING ROAD. COOPER CITY. FLORIDA 33024 TELEPHONE: 954.436.3911 FAX:954431 2641 WEB SITE.www usa-software com E-MAIL:sales@usa-software com . ..... - ~ ....... ---- Iii!i!J /iii!J ~ /iI!!!iiI!!!!I c=J ,--¡.----..... '" c:::ïï::::J DD~CJD 1U16.~ ~e. . DEFINITIONS The follow 109 defimtlons shall apply a) .EqUlpment" means any computer hardware and non-USA Softw= computer software supphed hereunder USA Software TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE b) "Products" me.ns any tlem, mcludmg equopment, supphed hereuoder but excludmg USA Software computer software c) .Manuf.cturer. means the company or compames whoch manufacture(s) the EqUIpment and Products sold .mdlor dehvered hereunder excludmg USA Software computer software d) "USA Software Computer Software" means the USA Software software programs provoded by USA Software 10 machme readahle, object. prInted or mterpreted form mcludUlg USA Software documeotatron PRICES AND TAXES PrIces stated 10 USA Software prIce quotes shall be good for a tlurty (30) day perIod Thereafter prIces shall be subject to change wnhout ootlce Customer shall also pay all sales, use and hke taxes DELIVERY Dehvery will he FOB. Broward County. FIonda Dehvery and shopment shall he at Customer's expeose USA Software shall oot he hahle for delay 10 dehvery or for failure to gIVe notrce of delay The dehvery d.re shall he extended for a perIod equal to the trme lost due to such delay In the ahseoce of specific InstruCtrOns, USA Softw..e will ",aoge fur shopment The carner ,hall not be the .geot of USA Software oor shall USA Software he hahle wnh regard to shlpmeot, mcludmg rIsk of loss or damage to the Equtpment andlor Prodnct(s) As against aodior 10 respect to USA Software. Customer herehy assumes all nsk of loss and damage to the Equtpment andlor Products All transponotloo charges shall he paid by Customer TERMS Term., are paymeot 10 advance unless otherw"e stared 10 wntmg NON-USA Software EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCTS SHALL HAVE NO USA Software W ARRAI'¡TY USA Software MAKES ABSOLlITEL Y NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, FOR MERCANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NOR ANY OTHER WARRANTY OF ANY TYPE OR KIND WHATSOEVER REGARDING THE EQUIP'AENT ANDIOR PRODUCTS Customer agrees thai n shall look solelv towards the Manufacturer of the EOUlpmeot .nd Product(') for any warrantv, of anv. or cl..m of any kmd wh.tsoever .od herehv waives any aod all claims of every oalUre andlor kmd a,alnst USA Software as to, due to or 10 conoewon with the EOutpmeot andlor Producl(s) In 00 eveot shall USA Software be hahIe for anv damages resulting from f.dure to perform anv mcodental, mdlrect, special or coo.,eoueot"I damages whatsoever, mcludm, hut not hmlted to lost protit, .md dama,es resultmg from loss of use or lost data, even If USA Software has heen adv"ed, koew or should have known ahout the pos"hdlty thereof Cu"omer herebv agrees to he bouod hy all of Ihe Manuf.cturer(s) terll13 aod coodmons contamed 10 all of the wartantl.., andlor hcense agreements of anv kmd on Ihe Eoutpment ""d'or Product(s) ALL USA Software SOFfW ARE IS PROVIDED SUBJECT TO THE USA Softwale LICENSE AGREEMENT THE TERMS OF WHICH ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN AND MADE A PART HEREOF CUSTOMER AGREES TO AND SHALL BE BOUND BY ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH LICENSE AGREEMENTS INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATIOr;- THE DISCLAIMERS OF WARRANTY CUSTO'AER'S ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTI !Ì Customer understands and agrees that (0) USA Software IS not"" agent of Manufacturer and Manufacturer IS not an agem of USA Software, (n) 10 enterIng mto thIS .greement with USA Software, Customer IS not relymg upon any 0..1 represent3Uons made by USA Software or Manufacturer. (UI) Manufacturer shall 10 00 eveot be hahle for any damages resulting from USA Software's failure to perform USA Software's ohhg.trons. (IV) USA Software shall 10 no event he habte for any damage resultmg from any failure of perform""ce hy MANUFACTURER, and (v) USA Software and Manufacturer shall 10 no event he hahIe for anv nther d.ma,es whatsoever, mcludm, but not hmlted to. mcodental, mdlrect. speml or consequentIal dam""es. lost profits and dam..es resulting from 100;' of use or lost data. even If USA Softw..e .odlor manufacturer has heeo adv"ed, knew or should have known of the pos"hllltV thereof h) Th.. Custnmer sh.lIlook solely to Manufacturer for .oy and .11 remed..s, maIlers or thmgs regardmg the Equipment and'or Product(s) ,old hereunder and herehy ..grm to mdemmfy and hold USA Software h..mle>s therefrom c) Customer .grees that USA Software's enure h.hlhty, If any, fur any cause whatsoever shall not exceed the amount actually paid to USA Softw..e tu purehase the Equopment andlor Product(s) complamed of d) Customer .grees tu abIde by aU of the terms and condmons of M,u1Ufacmrer', end users hcense .greements Customer agrees that USA Softwale may perform such tests as USA Software shall deem re",onahIy oa.essary to momtor compItance with applicable software hcenses at any Orne, with or without notice. durIng oormal husmess hours e) Customer agrees to mdemmfy and hold USA Software harmless from and against any Improper. neghgeot .odlor u",uthomed use or mISuse of Equtpment, Products and USA Software software USA Snftware COMPUTER SOFfW ARE PROGRAMS USA Software sh.<11 retam all ngho. tnte. and ownership of any USA Softw..e computer software provoded to the Customer, .nd such software remams the proprIetary property of USA Softw..e Use of USA Software computer software IS goveroed hy the provoStons of USA Software's Loceo.,e Agreemeot ~11 USA Software computer software IS sold and provided subject to the USA Software License Agreement the terms of whoch are mcorporated herem .nd made. pan hereof Customer ..grees to comply wnh all of Ihe terms .md condmons contamed therem with respect to the use of USA Software computer softw..e Customer represents that It agrees with all of the terms and conditions of all apphcable USA Softw..e License Agreements CANCELLATION In the event Customer cancels all or .my part of .oy order or does anythmg whoch may cause a cancellatron of any order or p'" thereof. Customer agrees to p,y USA Software a cancellatron charge equal to ISO;¡ of the tor.I amount of the order or port",n thereof which IS cancelled or $750 00, whochever IS greater Such cancellat"'o charge shall be payable wltlun 7 days from the date of cancellallon 9 MISCELLANEOUS a) If any of the terms uf thIS .greement are contrary to or confloc1 with the terll13 of (I) any document mcorporated herem andlor made a pan hereof, of (n) of any Customer purehase order, now or hereafter ISSUed or gIVen to USA Software, or (m) of any BId terms and conditions. thIS agreement shall he governmg and supersede such contrary or conflletmg terms b) Custumer underst.ods .nd agrees that the representatIVes, employees andlor agents of Manufacturer are not employees or agents of USA Software and any repre,entattons m.we hy M.mufacturer or ,ts employees, represenr.ttves or agents are 10 no way made hy USA Suftw..e nor attnhutable to USA Software USA Softw..e shall 10 no event he ItahIe for any represent.ttons or acttons made or done by Manufacturer. Its .gents, representallves or employees There..e .bsolutely no representattons by USA Soft....e or anyone at al regardmg thIS Agreement. the Equipment, Product(s). USA Software computer ,oftware. any documents mcorporaled herem or any other matter or thong unless Slated herem or 10 a wrIttng SIgned by an officer nf USA Software Customer hereby represents that It h... nm ra.eoved or rehed on any such representatto", unless they are attached hereto 10 wntIOg and SIgned by an officer of USA Software c) ThIS agreement shall he deemed to he made. entered mto and accepted 10 Brow..d County. Florida Th" Agreement shall be governed by the I.ws of the State of florIda Any legal SUit or actton mciudIOg but not hmtted to rescISSIon, whoch mvoIves or names USA Software shall and may only he commenced and mamtamed m the Courts m Broward County, FlorIda, whoch such courts shall h.<ve excluStve Junsdoctlon, .od Customer expressly submits to the Juns,hctton and venue of the Courts m Broward county. FlorIda and waoves all rIghts to tnaI by Jury for any suit against USA Software or any potelOlal counterclaim .gamst USA Software d) In the event any court of competent Junsdocttnn decl..es any portIOn nf thIS agreement 10 be IOvahd such mvahd portIOn shall be severable and the remamder ,h.1I remam m effect If any of the terms of th" agreement are contrary to or conflict with the terms of any document mcorporated herem andlor made a part hereof. thIS Agreement sh.1I be govermng and ,upersede such contrary or confllcttng term', All terms and conditIOns cnntamed m any of Customer's purchase orders to USA Software, now or hereafter gtven are superseded by and mferlor to th" Agreement e) ThIS quotatton and the Terll13 and Cond"'o", are not as..gnable by CuSlomer without the prIor "'Tmen consent of USA Software I) Th" document and the documents IOcorpor.red herem cont.m the enure agreement of the Cu..omer and USA Software and may not he modofied unl.." 10 wmIOg and SIgned by an officer of USA Software g) Customer agrees to pay all of USA Software's cnsts of collectton. mcludmg attorneys fees .t all levels. whether sutt he InstItUted or nOt for..y amounts due USA Software from Customer All alnounts over 30 days due shall hear mterest at the hoghest ..te allowahle by law h) The fadure or delay of USA Software to exere"e or enforce any of Its rIghts or remedies under thIS or any other Agreement, shall not operate as. waiver of such rIghts and remedies 0) Any cIvil aWon or proceed 109 brought or commenced by Customer against US ~ Softw.re ansmg out nf th" Agreement or otherwISe must be commenced wlthm eIghteen (18) months from "the d..e of purch.,e of the Eqmpment. Product(s) or USA Software softw..e compl.med of, OtherwISe any such action sh.1I he harred and Customer waoves .my and .11 leg.1 rights 10 connectton therewith J) Customer acknowledges, undmtands ..d ..grees th.t USA Softwale m.y. 10 Its ahsolute d"cretton, c.use , system to he turned off or rendered moperable or locked up or otherw"e d"abIed m the event Customer" 10 default of thIS agreement or any .pphcable hcense .greement of for non-payment of "y momes due USA Software by Customer In the event USA Software causes a system to be turned off or rendered IOoperable or locked up or otherw"e d"abled as set fo"h ahove, USA Software shall 10 no manner be h"ble to Customer for .my loss or damage resulting therefrom and Customer agrees to tndemmfy and hold USA Software harmless from any such loss and damage and from and agaonst any third pony claoms 10 PROPRIETARY RIGHTS USA Software andlor Manuf.u:turer retain for themselves .11 proprIetary rIghts 10 and to all ofthm respectIVe desogns, engmeenng detads. schematics, drawmgs. and other Stmd.. dar. pertalOIOg to the USA Software computer software. Equipment and Product(s) and whoch are provIded to Customer under th" Agreement Propnet.u-y Information whoch USA Software andlor Manufacturer may furmsh to Customer sh.1I he 10 Customer's possessIOn pursuant only to a restrIctIve, nontransferrabIe. non-exclustve license under which Customer may use such ProprIetary InformatIOn solely for the purpose of operatmg, servlcmg, ..d repairing the USA Software computer software. Equipment andlor Produet(s) Customer shall nOt, without the express WrItten consent of USA Software andlor Manuf.u:turer, provide, dISclose, transfer, or otherw"e m.ke avaIlable any ProprIet..y Informat",n, or cop"s thereof, to any third pony Cltstnmer shall take appropriate action by onstrucunn. agreement. or otherwISe wtth those of ItS employees and third pmy .gents havmg access to any Proprietary Informat",n m restrIct and control the use, COpYing, modlficatton, dlScinsure. transfer, protection. and s",-umy of such Proprietary InformatIOn m accordance with the prov"IOo., of these Terms and conditIOns Customer agrees to protect "y ProprIetary InformatIOn with a high degree..d htgh standard of care and at . mtntmum to Uti It,," hke procedures which It uses tu protect Its nwn proprietary IOformatlOn II NON-USA Software SOFfW ARE LlCEr;-SES Software provtded to customer as pm of the EquIpment andlnr Product(s) hemg acqmred by Customer sh.1I be governed by the end user hcense agreement(s) of Manufacturer 12 SUBSTITlTIlONS AND MODiFICATIONS Manuf.u:turer andlor USA Software shall have the right to make substttuuons and modlficattons 10 lhe speclficattnns of the Eqmpment and or Produet(s). provided thaI such substttuttons or modlficattons will not materIally adversely .ffect overall product performance 13 EXPORT Regardless of any d"closure by Custnmer to USA Softw..e of the ultimate demnatlnn of the Eqmpment ~ct(s). Customer will not export, directly or mdlrectly, an of the Equipment, Product(',) or USA Software computer software without first ohtalOmg an export hLense from the Dep.rtment of Commerce nr other agency of the Umled States Government. as required 14 BANKRUPTCY If Lu"omer (I) becontes h..krupt or m'oIvent, (II) compounds with hIS credit,,", or (lIIj suffers a recmer to he appomled, USA Software woll have the unrestrIcted rIght, with or wothout nuttce. tu c..ceI Its agreement with Customer without Judlctal mformatton or declaration of default by Customer. and without prejudice to any rIght or remedy whtch may have accrued or may accrue there.fter to USA Softw..e IS FORCE MAJEURE If the performance of th" Agreement, or any obhgatton hereunder. IS prevented. restricted. or mterfered Wtth by reason of fire, flood. earthquake. explosIOn, or other casualty or acc<dent. strokes or labor d"putes, mablhty to proc'Ure or ohtam dehvery or pms. supplies, or power, war or other vIOlence. any law. order, procl.matton, regulatton. ordmance. demand or reqmrement of any governmenr.I agency. or atlY other ac1 nr cond"'on whatsoever heyond the reasonable contrnl nf the affected party, the pat1y so affected. upon govmg reasonably prompt notice to the other pony. shall he excused from such performance to the eXtent of such preventton. restrlcunn, on IOterference, provIded. however, that the pony so affected shall take all reasonable steps to avOId or remove such cause of nonperformance and shall resume performance hereunder with d"patch whenever such causes are removed 16 CnmeFde 2000 For WUldows~ products employ (4) doglt ye.. dates and are thus Year 2000 c"mpltant CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: 9900 STIRLING ROAD. COOPER CITY, FLORIDA 33024 TELEPHONE: 954 436.3911 FAX: 954.431.2641 WEB SITE: WWW, usa-software,com E-MAIL: sales @ usa-software,com Oct 01 98 10:57a Vlr~inia . Mikels (954) . 431-2641 p.2 CrimeFi/e 2000 @ Information Management System CLERMONT POLICE DEPARTMENT CrimeFJ/e 2000 "For WIndows Information Managemont System Includes' InCIdent-Based Reporting Employee File Uniform Traffic Citation Accident Tracking Alarm Billing C^DFJle 200()l1\ Coml'llllAr Aided Dlspalch EvldenceFlte 200011!) Evidence Tracking Syslem foor Windows Crystal Repo~ WIndows b:¡sed Report Writer (5) users USA Software Annual Software Support Agreemenl USA Soflware SY51em Configuration USA So/tware Traimng (3 DAYS On-SIte) USA Software Dalll Conversion Travel Expenses Uniform CriMe Reporting Employee Invenlory Master Name Index F I Card CnmeFlle Tolal $34,02500 CrlmeFJle 2000@ Infonnatlon Management System for Windows CrlmeFJle 2000~ ODBC Driver for Mapping Ability to ecçess CnmeFl1e 200OQP data files via ODBC for Single user ODBC Tolal $ 50000 PhotoFile 20000 for Windows Includes PhotoFile 20000> PhololMugshot Trackang -Photo Capture - Photo SIZIng - Name/Pholo Tracking Database - Photo Lineup Generation .Pholo lineup Tracking Dalabase - Photo lineup Capture and Pnntll1g Video Capture Hardware/Software System Configuration Training (1 Day) USA Software Annual Support Agreement «fILJ- ) PhOloFllc 2000@Tolal $ 4,59500 ==,,=="""==== GRAND TOT^L $39,12000 OPTIONS Crystal Reports @ Windows based Report Writer Training at USA Software Office pel perMn ISYSC!\ Full Texl RAlrieval (3) users USA Software Data Conversion Addltlon31 cost per day If needed $ 39500 $ 1.20000 $ 70000 Notes: USA Software. Ine supports Microsoft Word as Ihe word processing program for the narratrve section of the I-Base reporting system It will be the responSIbility of the customer to aCQuire this program and have it installed prior to ,nstallallon of USA SoRware, Inc Producl!l Hðrdwerc requlremenls to m08t efficiently operate LIS^ Software. Inc progrems are a Pentium 133 unit with 16 MB RAM for laptop end desk lop/networked systems One of Ihe desk lup/networked compulf'l'S 15 required to have installed and operational prior 10 Installation. 0 33K Baud or greeler modem and the software package PC Anywhe~ 32 (for Windows 95 or Windows N n A CD-Rom drIVe needs to be on the network. The Windows 95 operatln!) system Is the praferred operating system due to Its memol)' and resources management Data Conversion cost lisled In Iho proposal has been ESTIMATED, based on an estImate of FIVE (5) days. If the technical support personnel find this esllmated amount of time ia nol aufficient. \hAY WIll notify you and provide an estimated additional time penod for the completion of this task. The cost for the additional time Is listed in the oøtlons section of this proposal on a cost per day basis (1) For besl resolution you should use Ð Super VHS video .::an,era such 8S those from JVC< Panasonic, etc (2) You can use a laser printer (such as an HP laser Jet 4) for black and white printouts of photos (3) Color printers must be Windows-supported and should have a rlðsolution of 720x7~O for the besl results. We urge you 10 lesl/he pnnter prior to final acquisition of the printer (4) System requires a minimum 166MHz: Pentium-based IBM compatible Pc: Herd disk capacity depends on photo volume. minimum of 2GB suggested as photos are first backed up (using PkZlp) which compresses Ihem 10 half of Ihelr original size (o"9lnel size equals GOOKB) and then stored In one of 2 flleslzes of your choice 1) 80KB (256 colors) or 2} 220KB (16Mllllon colors) System video board must be able to supper! the following settings found in My Computer->Control Panel->Display->Sellings, Colof Palette - High Co!pr (16 bit) Desktep Area - 1024x768 pixels Font Size - Small Fonls These sellings are required In order for PhotoFlle 2000iXl to properly display mugshot lineups A 17" monitor IS suggested (5) Pricing IS for a single vIdeo capture workstation This WQrkstatlon may be attached to e network Additional "viewing" slellons are $10000 per workstation TeAM. ^~K ,- DOWN WITH gAD!;R, HilT QW !l'iI.IVIRV, --~ - ---- ---- c=I ~.. CJC:J 0 D~OD ~ L! "7 ~e.. . . USA Software, Inc. LICENSE AGREEMENT This legal document is an agreement between you, the end user and USA SOFTWARE, INe. (hereafter referred to as COMPANY). YOU ARE AGREEING TO BECOME BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THS AGREEMENT, WHICH INCLUDES THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AND SOFTWARE DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY (collectively the "Agreement") THIS AGREEMENT CONSTITUTES THE ENTIRE AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND COMPANY AND MAY NOT BE MODIFIED UNLESS IN WRITING SIGNED BY COMPANY. IT SHALL BE DEEMED THAT YOU HAVE AGREED TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE BY YOUR USE OF THE PRODUCT I GRANT OF LICENSE In consideration of payment of the LICENSE fee, which IS part of the price you paid for this product, COMPANY, as Licensor, grants to you, the LICENSEE, a limited nonexclusive right to use and display one copy of all COMPANY provided software programs (hereinafter the "SOFTWARE") on a single COMPUTER If the SOFTWARE is designated as "Multi-User", COMPANY grants you a limited nonexclusive right to I) install and operate the SOFTWARE on one multi-user computer (one central processing unit and directly connected terminals) OR install and operate the SOFTWARE on one local area network (LAN) server and operate the SOFTWARE solely on work station computers physIcally attached to the LAN server on which the SOFTWARE is installed (but not Including any computer having access to the LAN by way ofa bridge or gateway) COMPANY reserves all TIghts not expressly granted to LICENSEE 2 OWNERSHIP OF SOFTWARE As the LICENSEE, you own the magnetic or other physical media on which the SOFTWARE is originally or subsequently recorded or fixed, but COMPANY retains title and ownership of the SOFTWARE recorded on the original tape/disk copy(ies) and all subsequent copies of the SOFTWARE, regardless of the form or medIa in or on whIch the original or other copies may exist 3 COpy RESTRICTIONS This SOFTWARE and the accompanYing written materials constitute confidential material and/or are coPYrighted Unauthorized copYing of the SOFTWARE, Includmg SOFTWARE that has been modified, merged, or included with other software, or of the written materials is expressly forbidden You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your faIlure to abide by the terms ofthls License Subject to these restrIctions you may make one (I) copy of the SOFTWARE solely for backup purposes. You must reproduce and Include the coPYright notice on the backup copy 4 USE RESTRICTIONS The SOFTWARE may only be installed and utilized on only one single computer at anyone time except as to such SOFTWARE that IS designated as "Multi-User" by COMPANY You may not electromcally transfer the SOFTWARE from one computer to another over a network except such SOFTWARE that is designated as "Multi-User" by COMPANY You may not distribute copies of the SOFTWARE, accompanying written materials to others You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on the SOFTWARE You may not modIfy, adapt, translate, or create derivative works based on the written materials without the prior written consent of COMPANY You agree that COMPANY may perform such tests as COMPANY deems reasonably necessa¡y to momtor complIance WIth this software license at any time, With or without notice, during normal business hours 5 TRANSFER RESTRICTIONS. The COMPANY provIded SOFTWARE and the written material are licensed only to you, the LICENSEE, and may not be transferred to anyone without prior written consent of COMPANY Any authorized transfer shall be bound by the terms and conditIOns ofthls Agreement In no event may you transfer, assign, rent, lease, sell or otherwise dispose of the SOFTWARE, or wTltten materials on a tempora¡y or permanent basis without the prior written consent of COMPANY 6 TERMINATION This License is effective until terminated This License will terminate automatically without notice from COMPANY if you fail to comply WIth any provisions of this License Upon termination you shall return or destroy the written materials and all copies of the SOFTWARE, including backup and modified copIes, If any All of COMPANY'S remedies, whether provided herein or at law, are cumulative and shall survive any termination of this Agreement 7 UPDATE POLICY From time to time as they may become available, COMPANY may notify you of any enhancements or updates released by COMPANY for SOFTWARE licensed hereunder Any such updates offered would be subject to standard COMPANY terms and charges COMPANY MAY MAKE SUCH UPDATES A V AILABLE ONLY TO THOSE LICENSEE'S WHO HAVE COMPLETED AND RETURNED THE REGISTRATION CARD TO COMPANY 8 MISCELLANEOUS This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Florida. You agree that venue for any suit or actIOn arising of or in connection with this agreement, the software or any other matter involving COMPANY, mcludlng but not hmited to rescission, can and shall only be maintained in Broward County, Florida and you hereby submit to the jurisdiction of the courts in Broward County, Florida for any such SUIt and hereby all TIghts to trial by jury You agree that COMPANY'S entire lIability, If any, for any cause whatsoever arising out of the SOFTWARE of this License Agreement shall not exceed the amount you actually paid to COMPANY to purchase the SOFTWARE Any cIvIl action or proceeding brought or commenced against COMPANY arising out of the SOFTWARE or this LIcense Agreement must be commenced wIthin eIghteen (18) months from the date of purchase of the SOFTWARE, otherwise any such actIOn shall be barred 9 LIMITED WARRANTY, DISCLAIMER and LIMITATION of LIABILITY COMPANY warrants the media on which the Licensed Software IS provided to be free fiom defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (I) year after delivery Defective media may be returned during the warranty period unless the media has been damaged by accident or misuse Due to the complex nature of computer software, COMPANY does not warrant that COMPANY Computer Software is completely error free, wIll operate without interruption or is compatible wIth all equipment or software configuratIOns EXCEPT AS PROVIDED ABOVE, THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES COMPANY, ITS DISTRIBUTORS, DEALERS AND/OR AGENTS MAKE NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES TO LICENSEES, INCLUDING END USERS, WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE AND OTHER MATERIALS OR SERVICES PROVIDED THEREWITH, INCLUDING MERCANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OF PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS TRADEMARKS, OR OTHER PROPRIETARY RIGHTS OF OTHERS NEITHER OF THEM SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY TO LICENSEES, INCLUDING END USERS, FOR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING SPECIAL INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE, ARISING OUT OF OR RESULTING FROM ANY PROGRAM, SERVICES OR MATERIALS MADE AVAILABLE HEREUNDER ANY FUTURE UPDATE OR THE USE OR MODIFICATION THEREOF IN NO EVENT SHALL COMPANY BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OF PROFIT OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES OF ANY KIND SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMIT A TIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM ST ATE TO STATE. IOU S GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS This computer software and documentatIOn are provIded WIth RESTRICTED RIGHTS Use, duplicalion, or disclosure by the government IS subject to restrictIOns as set forth In the governing Rights In Technical data and Computer Software clause-subdIvIsIOn (b) (3) (b) of DAR-7-I04 9 (a) (May 1981) or subdivisIOn (b) (3) (Ii) ofDOD FAR Supp 252 227- 7013 (Oct 1988) Contractor/Manufacturer is USA Software, Inc , 9900 Stirling Road, Cooper CIty, FIonda 33024 (954) 436-3911 CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: 9900 STIRLING ROAD" COOPER CITY, FLORIDA 33024 TELEPHONE: 954 4363911 FAX: 954 4312641 WEB SITE: WWWJJSB-softwarecom E-MAIL: sales@usa-software com . ==..::::::::::.. = ==== c::J c::Jc::::::::::::J c::::J CJ .--.----.... '" c:Jï::::J DD~CJD r-vJ ~~ ~~e. . .. USA Software SOFTWARE SUPPORT AGREEMENT The follOWIng are the tenns and condItIOns under whIch USA Software agrees to furnIsh and Customer agrees to accept software support servIces for the LIcensed Program(s) hsted on the attached Support Schedule A ELiGmILITY REQUIREMENTS ServIces under thIS Agreement are apphcable only to InfonnatlOn Management Systems Software purchased from USA Software II TERMS & CONDITIONS At the tIme Customer hcenses LIcensed Programs(s) from USA Software, It may also purchase support servIces for the LIcensed Program(s) All such servIces shall be upon the folloWIng tenns and conditIOns Support. USA Software wIll provIde the folloWIng support' a Telephone support servIce to Customer for the purpose of assIstIng Customer WIth the apphcatlOn of the LIcensed Program(s) Telephone Support ServIce IS defined as "answenng questIons requiring a nomInal amount of tIme, usually dunng the same telephone call" and WIll be avaIlable from 8 30 A M untIl 5 ()() PM, Eastern Standard TIme, Mondays through Fndays (hohdays excluded) In the event any telephone support reqUIres an In- ordInate amount ofume (over five mInutes on anyone problem or call) Customer WIll be responsIble for the long dIstance telephone charges for such call(s) b Modem communicatIOn support where avaIlable Customer muSI provIde Its own compatIble modem and WIll be responsIble for all long dIstance telephone COlUlect tIme and charges c On sIte VISIts either to the USA Software site by Customer, or to Customer's sIte by USA Software and services In addItIon to telephone servIce wIll be charged at the then current labor rates plus expenses Customer WIll be Infonned In advance of IncurrIng any charges ThIs service IS provIded to Customers w,thIn the contInental United States and Canada 2 Fees Customer shall pay to USA Software an annual support fee In advance In the amount set forth In the USA Software InvOIce/statement accompanYIng thIs Agreement Fees are payable to USA Software In Broward County, Flonda and are subject to change WithOut nonce except for current agn:ements for a maxImum of 12 months or untIl explfatlOn date whIchever penod IS shorter 3 Term This Support Agreement shall be for a term of twelve (12) months from the date of the InvOIce/statement accompanYIng thIS Agreement III WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY, 1 EXCEPT AS STATED IN TIlE APPLICABLE LICENSE AGREEMENT, TIlERE ARE NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES RESPECTING TIlE LICENSED PROGRAMS, THIS AGREE:\fENT AND TIlE SERVICES A.'I,'D MATERIALS PROVIDED HERElJ:\TDER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO TIlE IMPLIED WARRANTIES 01<' MERCHANTABILITY AND F1Th'ESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. TIlE W ARRM'TIES A1""D REMEDIES SET FORTH IN TIlE APPLICABLE LICENSE AGREE USA Software SOFfW ARE SUPPORT AGREEMENT ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHERS, ORAL OR WRIITEN, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED USA Software, ITS DISTRIBUTORS, DEALERS AND/OR AGENTS MAKE NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES TO CUSTOMER WITH REGARD TO THIS AGREEMENT, THE LICENSED PROGRAMS AND THE SERVICES AND MATERIALS PROVIDED THEREWITH, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE OR PROPRIETARY RIGHTS OF OTHERS NEITHER OF THEM SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY TO CUSTOMER FOR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING SPECIAL INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE. ARISING OUT OF OR RESULTING FROM THIS AGREEMENT, THE LICENSED PROGRAMS, OR THE SERVICES OR MATERIALS MADE A V AILABLE HEREUNDER IN NO EVENT SHALL USA Software BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR PROFIT OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES OF ANY KIND SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE 2 USA Software wIll not be hable for any faIlure or delay In performance due In whole or In part to any cause beyond USA Software's reasonable control In no event shall USA Software be hable to Customer for any claIm, whether In contract or those that arose more than eIghteen months pnor to Insutuuon of SUIt thereon IV GENERAL I Customer may not assIgn any of Its obhgauons, nghts or remedIes under thIS Agreement and any such attempted asslgrunent shall be null and VOId 2 The waiver or fatlure of eIther party to exercise In any respect any nght provided for hereIn shall not be deemed a waIver of any further nght hereunder 3 Customer agrees that USA Software may perfonn such tests as USA Software shall deem reasonably necessary to monttor comphance With apphcable softWare hcenses at any tIme, With or withOUt nottce, dunng normal busIness hours 4 That the Software License Agreement for the products covered hereIn and the USA Software Tenns and CondItIOns of Sale are Incorporated hereIn by reference and made a part hereof That If any tenn of thiS agreement and the applicable LIcense Agreement are Inconslsrent or contrary the apphcable LIcense Agreement shall govern 5 This Agreement shall be deemed made and entered Into In Broward County, Flonda and shall be governed by the laws of the State of Flonda Customer agrees that venue for any SUIt or actIon ansIng out of or In connectIon With thiS Agreement, the LIcensed Programs or any support or matenals provIded herewith, or any other matter InvolvIng USA Software, IncludIng but not hmlted to reSCISSIon, can and shall only be maIntaIned In Broward County, Flonda and Customer hereby submIts to the JunsdlctlOn of the courts In Broward County, Flonda for any such suit and Customer hereby waives all nghts to tnal by Jury, Corporate Headquarters 9900 Stirling Road, Cooper City, Florida 33024.Tel. (954) 436-3911 USA .ware, Inc. SOFTWARE SUPPOR"GREEMENT . 6 Customer agrees that USA Software's enure lIabIlIty, If any, for any cause whatsoever ansIng out of thIS Agreement shall nO[ exceed the amount Customer actually paId to USA Software to purchase the support 7. ThIs Agreement constItutes the entIre and sole agreement of the parties hereto and supersedes all pnor agreements, understandIngs, oral or WHIten, expressed or ImplIed, WIth respect to the subject matter hereof There are no contemporaneous oral agreements or understandIngs between the partIes other than those contaIned or Incorporated hereIn ThIs Agreement may not be amended or modIfied except In wntIng 8 In the event any lItIgatIon IS InstItuted by eIther party under or as a result of thIS Agreement, the prevaIlIng party shall be entItled to 1IS reasonable attorneys fees from the non-prevaIlIng party Accepted and agreed to: Customer name} CLERM~NT POLIf?E DEPARTMENT Signature, ¡jd~ ~ ULf ' r Print Name: Ken Norquist, Mayor Pro-Tern Street Address: 1 tJp!':tl~::1rp Pl ;:¡7,;:¡ City/State/Zip: C'.lprmnnr, ,..1 14711 Terephone: (352) 394-4081 10-29-98 Fax: (352) 394-1452 Date: Not effective until accepted bv an authorized representative of USA Software. 19$ Copynght (e) 1995 USA Software, Inc. All nghts reserved ~. ~ , US.Oftware SOFTWARE SUPPORT AIEEMENT 0- . 1. Maintenance: USA Software shall distribute to Customer updated Licensed Program(s) and/or documentation as soon as they are available. USA Software will respond to Customer's request for service within a reasonable time considering all circumstances at the time of the request, including the nature of the service required. USA Software shall distribute to Customer those .enhancements to the Licensed Program(s) released without restriction by USA Software to other licensees. Enhancements include: a. Licensed ProQram(s) Enhancements: Versions of Licensed Program(s) which encompass improvements, extensions, and other changes which USA Software, in its sole discretion, deems to be logical improvements or extensions of the original Licensed Program(s) supplied to Customer. b. Documentation: Updates and extensions or amendments of user documentation of the Licensed Program(s). c. System UfJdates: Customer acknowledges that certain Licensed Program(s) enhancements may require either additional software, hardware or hardware updates, with respect to the Customer's original computer system, in order for Customer to gain the full benefits of said enhancements. All costs and responsibilities for such new or additional software, hardware shall be borne solely by Customer. MA/NTENANCE; Fifteen percent (15%) of the then current List Price of the software per year.